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LUP Student Papers


Femwashing och femvertising i en politisk kontext

Lindell, Johanna LU (2024) MRSK62 20241
Human Rights Studies
Abstract (Swedish)
2014 myntades begreppen femwashing och femvertising. Femwashing beskrev när företag som egentligen inte arbetar för jämställdhet, använder sig av reklam som visar kvinnan i en upplyftande position. Femvertising beskrev i kontrast när ett företag också använde sig av reklam där kvinnan framställs på ett upplyftande sätt, men när företaget faktiskt aktivt arbetar för jämställdhet. Begreppen har främst använts inom reklambranschen men har sällan kombinerats med politiska kampanjer. Syftet med denna studie blev därför att undersöka om fyra svenska partier använde sig av femwashing eller femvertising i sina valkampanjer. Frågan ” Använder sig någon av de fyra valda partierna sig av femvertising eller femwashing i sin valkampanj från året 2022?”... (More)
2014 myntades begreppen femwashing och femvertising. Femwashing beskrev när företag som egentligen inte arbetar för jämställdhet, använder sig av reklam som visar kvinnan i en upplyftande position. Femvertising beskrev i kontrast när ett företag också använde sig av reklam där kvinnan framställs på ett upplyftande sätt, men när företaget faktiskt aktivt arbetar för jämställdhet. Begreppen har främst använts inom reklambranschen men har sällan kombinerats med politiska kampanjer. Syftet med denna studie blev därför att undersöka om fyra svenska partier använde sig av femwashing eller femvertising i sina valkampanjer. Frågan ” Använder sig någon av de fyra valda partierna sig av femvertising eller femwashing i sin valkampanj från året 2022?” ställdes till ett material bestående av cirka två minuters videomaterial från vardera parti, samt till partiernas partiprogram.

För att kunna besvara frågan användes en semiotisk bildanalys samt det teoretiska ramverket feministisk kritisk diskursanalys. Tre teman valdes ut för att förenkla arbetet, vilka var ”Kvinnan i en stereotypisk negativ/underlägsen framställning”, ”Kvinnan i en icke stereotypisk positiv/upplyftande framställning” och ” Kvinnan i en neutral position”. Resultaten som uppvisades var att Moderaterna använde sig av femwashing, Socialdemokraterna sig av femvertising och Sverigedemokraterna och Miljöpartiet använde sig inte av något. Sverigedemokraterna förde i stället en negativ diskurs om kvinnan genom hela sitt material medan Miljöpartiet i stället använde sig av en positiv diskurs. Oavsett vad partierna använde sig av, gick det utifrån diskussionen att se att partiernas kampanjer hjälper till att både cementera och reproducera stereotypen av kvinnan och könsnormer i det svenska samhället. (Less)
In 2014, the terms femwashing and femvertising were coined. Femwashing described when companies that do not really work for gender equality, use advertising that shows the woman in an uplifting position. Femvertising, in contrast, described when a company used advertising where women are portrayed in an uplifting way, and the company actively works for equality. The concepts have mainly been used in the advertising industry but have rarely been combined with political campaigns. The purpose of this study was therefore to investigate whether four Swedish parties used femwashing or femvertising in their election campaigns. The question "Does any of the four elected parties use femvertising or femwashing in their election campaign from the... (More)
In 2014, the terms femwashing and femvertising were coined. Femwashing described when companies that do not really work for gender equality, use advertising that shows the woman in an uplifting position. Femvertising, in contrast, described when a company used advertising where women are portrayed in an uplifting way, and the company actively works for equality. The concepts have mainly been used in the advertising industry but have rarely been combined with political campaigns. The purpose of this study was therefore to investigate whether four Swedish parties used femwashing or femvertising in their election campaigns. The question "Does any of the four elected parties use femvertising or femwashing in their election campaign from the year 2022?" was presented to a material consisting of approximately two minutes of video material from each party, as well as to the parties' party programs.

To be able to answer the question, a semiotic image analysis and the theoretical framework feminist critical discourse analysis were used. Three themes were selected to simplify the work, which were "The woman in a stereotypical negative/inferior portrayal", "The woman in a non-stereotypical positive/uplifting portrayal" and "The woman in a neutral position". The results presented were that the Moderates used femwashing, the Social Democrats used femvertising and the Sweden Democrats and the Green Party did not use anything. The Sweden Democrats instead carried a negative discourse about women throughout their material, while the Green Party instead used a positive discourse. Regardless of what the parties used, it was clear from the discussion that the parties' campaigns help to both cement and reproduce the stereotype of women and gender norms in Swedish society. (Less)
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Lindell, Johanna LU
MRSK62 20241
M2 - Bachelor Degree
Woman, equality, politics, femwashing, femvertising, discourse analysis, image analysis, stereotype, gender norms, Sweden, party, advertising, campaign
date added to LUP
2024-09-17 14:12:32
date last changed
2024-09-17 14:12:32
  abstract     = {{In 2014, the terms femwashing and femvertising were coined. Femwashing described when companies that do not really work for gender equality, use advertising that shows the woman in an uplifting position. Femvertising, in contrast, described when a company used advertising where women are portrayed in an uplifting way, and the company actively works for equality. The concepts have mainly been used in the advertising industry but have rarely been combined with political campaigns. The purpose of this study was therefore to investigate whether four Swedish parties used femwashing or femvertising in their election campaigns. The question "Does any of the four elected parties use femvertising or femwashing in their election campaign from the year 2022?" was presented to a material consisting of approximately two minutes of video material from each party, as well as to the parties' party programs. 

To be able to answer the question, a semiotic image analysis and the theoretical framework feminist critical discourse analysis were used. Three themes were selected to simplify the work, which were "The woman in a stereotypical negative/inferior portrayal", "The woman in a non-stereotypical positive/uplifting portrayal" and "The woman in a neutral position". The results presented were that the Moderates used femwashing, the Social Democrats used femvertising and the Sweden Democrats and the Green Party did not use anything. The Sweden Democrats instead carried a negative discourse about women throughout their material, while the Green Party instead used a positive discourse. Regardless of what the parties used, it was clear from the discussion that the parties' campaigns help to both cement and reproduce the stereotype of women and gender norms in Swedish society.}},
  author       = {{Lindell, Johanna}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Femwashing och femvertising i en politisk kontext}},
  year         = {{2024}},