Utvecklingsbedömning av små barn: En jämförelse mellan testinstrumentenBayley-4 och Griffiths-III
(2025) PSPR14 20242Department of Psychology
- Abstract (Swedish)
- Studiens syfte var att undersöka förhållandet mellan de två av de mest använda standardiserade testinstrumenten för utvecklingsbedömning av små barn i Sverige idag: Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, Fourth Edition (Bayley-4) och Griffiths Mental Developmental Scales, Third Edition (Griffiths-III). Tjugo barn i åldrarna 2:0 till 2:3 år genomgick testning med båda skalorna. Hälften av deltagarna genomgick Griffiths-III vid första testtillfället och Bayley-4 vid andra testtillfället, medan den andra hälften genomförde testerna i omvänd ordning. Samma testledare administrerade samtliga testningar. Vid statistiska analyser av deltagarnas resultat fann studien signifikanta skillnader mellan de delar av testerna som mäter... (More)
- Studiens syfte var att undersöka förhållandet mellan de två av de mest använda standardiserade testinstrumenten för utvecklingsbedömning av små barn i Sverige idag: Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, Fourth Edition (Bayley-4) och Griffiths Mental Developmental Scales, Third Edition (Griffiths-III). Tjugo barn i åldrarna 2:0 till 2:3 år genomgick testning med båda skalorna. Hälften av deltagarna genomgick Griffiths-III vid första testtillfället och Bayley-4 vid andra testtillfället, medan den andra hälften genomförde testerna i omvänd ordning. Samma testledare administrerade samtliga testningar. Vid statistiska analyser av deltagarnas resultat fann studien signifikanta skillnader mellan de delar av testerna som mäter grovmotoriska färdigheter. I övrigt visade resultaten en generellt god överensstämmelse mellan de två testerna, Bayley-4 och Griffiths-III. Detta resultat tyder på att det finns en god samstämmighet mellan de två testerna och att man kan förvänta sig en liknande bedömning av ett barns språkliga och kognitiva utveckling, oavsett vilken av de två utvecklingsskalorna som används vid den mottagning där barnet genomgår utvecklingsbedömning. Vidare väcker studiens resultat frågor avseende testens förmågor att mäta och bedöma små barns motoriska utveckling och utgör grund för farhågor avseende testens risk att överskatta respektive underskatta små barn motoriska färdigheter, vilket behöver undersökas vidare i framtida forskning. (Less)
- Abstract
- The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between the two of the most commonly used standardized tests for the developmental assessment of infants and toddlers in Sweden today: the Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, Fourth Edition (Bayley-4) and the Griffiths Mental Developmental Scales, Third Edition (Griffiths-III). Twenty children between the ages of 2:0 and 2:3 years were assessed with both scales. Half of the participants were assessed with Griffiths-III during the first assessment and Bayley-4 during their second visit, while the other half completed the tests in the reverse order. The same test leader administered all tests. Statistical analysis of the participants' results showed significant differences... (More)
- The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between the two of the most commonly used standardized tests for the developmental assessment of infants and toddlers in Sweden today: the Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, Fourth Edition (Bayley-4) and the Griffiths Mental Developmental Scales, Third Edition (Griffiths-III). Twenty children between the ages of 2:0 and 2:3 years were assessed with both scales. Half of the participants were assessed with Griffiths-III during the first assessment and Bayley-4 during their second visit, while the other half completed the tests in the reverse order. The same test leader administered all tests. Statistical analysis of the participants' results showed significant differences between the parts of the tests that measure gross motor function. Apart from this, the results showed generally good agreement between Bayley-4 and Griffiths-III. This suggests that there is good consistency between the tests and that one can expect similar assessments of a child’s cognitive and language development, regardless of which developmental scale is used at the clinic where the child undergoes the developmental assessment. Further, the study's results raise questions regarding the tests' ability to measure and assess the motor development of young children and provide grounds for concerns about the tests' potential to overestimate or underestimate young children's motor skills, which needs to be further investigated in future research. (Less)
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- author
- Sjöö, Matilda LU
- supervisor
- Johanna Månsson LU
- Emma Englund LU
- Beatrice Nyström LU
- organization
- course
- PSPR14 20242
- year
- 2025
- type
- H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
- subject
- keywords
- Nyckelord Barns utveckling, utvecklingsskalor, testning, mätning, överensstämmelse Keywords Child development, scale development/testing, preschoolers, measurement, agreement
- language
- Swedish
- id
- 9182472
- date added to LUP
- 2025-01-27 08:58:08
- date last changed
- 2025-01-27 09:06:18
@misc{9182472, abstract = {{The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between the two of the most commonly used standardized tests for the developmental assessment of infants and toddlers in Sweden today: the Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, Fourth Edition (Bayley-4) and the Griffiths Mental Developmental Scales, Third Edition (Griffiths-III). Twenty children between the ages of 2:0 and 2:3 years were assessed with both scales. Half of the participants were assessed with Griffiths-III during the first assessment and Bayley-4 during their second visit, while the other half completed the tests in the reverse order. The same test leader administered all tests. Statistical analysis of the participants' results showed significant differences between the parts of the tests that measure gross motor function. Apart from this, the results showed generally good agreement between Bayley-4 and Griffiths-III. This suggests that there is good consistency between the tests and that one can expect similar assessments of a child’s cognitive and language development, regardless of which developmental scale is used at the clinic where the child undergoes the developmental assessment. Further, the study's results raise questions regarding the tests' ability to measure and assess the motor development of young children and provide grounds for concerns about the tests' potential to overestimate or underestimate young children's motor skills, which needs to be further investigated in future research.}}, author = {{Sjöö, Matilda}}, language = {{swe}}, note = {{Student Paper}}, title = {{Utvecklingsbedömning av små barn: En jämförelse mellan testinstrumentenBayley-4 och Griffiths-III}}, year = {{2025}}, }