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I valet och kvalet - Biståndshandläggare om kundval inom äldreomsorgen

Frantzich Olsson, Jonas LU and Martinsson, Elisabeth LU (2009) SOPA63 20091
School of Social Work
Abstract (Swedish)
Den här uppsatsen handlar om biståndshandläggare och hur mötet med brukaren går till i samband med kundval inom äldreomsorgen. Kundval innebär att brukaren, efter att ha blivit beviljad hemtjänstinsatser, själv får välja sin utförare. Med införandet av lagen om valfrihetssystem (2008:962) och ett stimulansbidrag från den svenska regeringen blir det allt vanligare med kundvalssystem i Sverige. Biståndshandläggarna är ansvariga för att information om kundval ges till brukarna och förväntas samtidigt vara neutrala i förhållandet till utförarna. Vi intervjuade åtta biståndshandläggare i tre svenska kommuner vilket gav oss personliga beskrivningar av hur de tolkat sin roll som informatör. Deras beskrivningar kodades och tematiserades utifrån... (More)
Den här uppsatsen handlar om biståndshandläggare och hur mötet med brukaren går till i samband med kundval inom äldreomsorgen. Kundval innebär att brukaren, efter att ha blivit beviljad hemtjänstinsatser, själv får välja sin utförare. Med införandet av lagen om valfrihetssystem (2008:962) och ett stimulansbidrag från den svenska regeringen blir det allt vanligare med kundvalssystem i Sverige. Biståndshandläggarna är ansvariga för att information om kundval ges till brukarna och förväntas samtidigt vara neutrala i förhållandet till utförarna. Vi intervjuade åtta biståndshandläggare i tre svenska kommuner vilket gav oss personliga beskrivningar av hur de tolkat sin roll som informatör. Deras beskrivningar kodades och tematiserades utifrån relevanta områden. En analys genomfördes med hjälp av institutionell organisationsteori. Resultaten visade att biståndshandläggarna upplevde sin roll vid kundval som komplex men att de ändå såg det som ett positivt arbetsinstrument i mötet med brukaren. Vi kunde även se att det inte fanns någon enhetlig tolkning av neutralitet hos biståndshandläggarna. Vi såg att tydliga riktlinjer hade underlättat för biståndshandläggarna då deras handlingsutrymme klargjorts, samtidigt som det skulle lämnas mindre plats för tolkning av begreppet neutralitet. (Less)
This essay is about social workers and how the meeting with the client goes in connection to customer-choice within the elderly care. Customer-choice means that after the client has been granted home care, the client is allowed to choose which provider to use. With the introduction of the act on free choice systems (2008: 962) and a stimulus contribution from the Swedish government, customer-choice systems are becoming more common in Sweden. The social workers are responsible to provide the clients with information and they are also expected to stay neutral in relation to the providers. Through qualitative interviews with eight social workers in three Swedish municipalities we received personal descriptions of how the interviewees... (More)
This essay is about social workers and how the meeting with the client goes in connection to customer-choice within the elderly care. Customer-choice means that after the client has been granted home care, the client is allowed to choose which provider to use. With the introduction of the act on free choice systems (2008: 962) and a stimulus contribution from the Swedish government, customer-choice systems are becoming more common in Sweden. The social workers are responsible to provide the clients with information and they are also expected to stay neutral in relation to the providers. Through qualitative interviews with eight social workers in three Swedish municipalities we received personal descriptions of how the interviewees interpreted their role as an informer. Their descriptions were encoded and divided into themes on the basis of relevant areas. An analysis was done with help of institutional organization theory. The results showed that the social workers experienced their role in customer-choice as complex but they still saw it as a positive work instrument when meeting with the client. We could also see that there was no uniform interpretation of neutrality from the social workers. We saw that clear guidelines would make it easier for the social workers since their ability to act was clarified at the same time as it would leave less room for interpretation of the concept neutrality. (Less)
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Frantzich Olsson, Jonas LU and Martinsson, Elisabeth LU
alternative title
On the horns of a dilemma - Social workers on customer-choice within the elderly care
SOPA63 20091
M2 - Bachelor Degree
Biståndshandläggare, kundval, äldreomsorg, organisationsteori, neutralitet, Social worker, customer-choice, elderly care, organization theory, neutrality
date added to LUP
2009-06-16 12:25:36
date last changed
2009-06-16 12:25:36
  abstract     = {{This essay is about social workers and how the meeting with the client goes in connection to customer-choice within the elderly care. Customer-choice means that after the client has been granted home care, the client is allowed to choose which provider to use. With the introduction of the act on free choice systems (2008: 962) and a stimulus contribution from the Swedish government, customer-choice systems are becoming more common in Sweden. The social workers are responsible to provide the clients with information and they are also expected to stay neutral in relation to the providers. Through qualitative interviews with eight social workers in three Swedish municipalities we received personal descriptions of how the interviewees interpreted their role as an informer. Their descriptions were encoded and divided into themes on the basis of relevant areas. An analysis was done with help of institutional organization theory. The results showed that the social workers experienced their role in customer-choice as complex but they still saw it as a positive work instrument when meeting with the client. We could also see that there was no uniform interpretation of neutrality from the social workers. We saw that clear guidelines would make it easier for the social workers since their ability to act was clarified at the same time as it would leave less room for interpretation of the concept neutrality.}},
  author       = {{Frantzich Olsson, Jonas and Martinsson, Elisabeth}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{I valet och kvalet - Biståndshandläggare om kundval inom äldreomsorgen}},
  year         = {{2009}},