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Kategorisering av objekt i åldern 20-24 mån – form eller detalj? ERP- och beteendeanalys av visuell igenkänningsförmåga

Brink, Ola LU and Gustafsson, Andreas LU (2010) PSPT01 20101
Department of Psychology
Abstract (Swedish)
Den aktuella studien undersökte hur barn omkring perioden för ordförrådsspurten uppmärksammar generell form samt signifikanta detaljer vid visuell objektigenkänning, både avseende nya bild-ordpar samt för redan etablerade bild-ordpar. Event-Related Potentials (ERPs) registrerades i syfte att analysera hur barn på en neural nivå reagerar på kongruenta och inkongruenta presentationer av bild-ordpar, där objekten visades som hela bilder, silhuetter och detaljer. Av särskilt intresse var N400-komponenten, ett elektrofysiologiskt korrelat avseende semantisk bearbetning, som studerades som en indikation på inlärningseffekter. Förutom genom ERP-experiment, samlades data även in från ett beteendeexperiment. Deltagarna bestod av 17 normalutvecklade... (More)
Den aktuella studien undersökte hur barn omkring perioden för ordförrådsspurten uppmärksammar generell form samt signifikanta detaljer vid visuell objektigenkänning, både avseende nya bild-ordpar samt för redan etablerade bild-ordpar. Event-Related Potentials (ERPs) registrerades i syfte att analysera hur barn på en neural nivå reagerar på kongruenta och inkongruenta presentationer av bild-ordpar, där objekten visades som hela bilder, silhuetter och detaljer. Av särskilt intresse var N400-komponenten, ett elektrofysiologiskt korrelat avseende semantisk bearbetning, som studerades som en indikation på inlärningseffekter. Förutom genom ERP-experiment, samlades data även in från ett beteendeexperiment. Deltagarna bestod av 17 normalutvecklade barn i åldern 20-24 månader. ERP-resultaten visade att barn med en produktiv vokabulär överstigande 50 ord i lika hög grad kände igen objekt via form som via detaljer. Resultaten från beteendeexperimentet visade däremot att barnen var betydligt bättre på att känna igen objekten i silhuettversionerna jämfört med detaljversionerna. Denna tendens observerades även hos barn med en produktiv vokabulär under 75 ord. Detta indikerar att den mer avancerade varianten av formtendensen existerar redan omkring 75 producerade ord. (Less)
The present study investigated how children around the time of the vocabulary spurt attend to overall shape and significant detail in visual object recognition, regarding both novel picture-word pairs as well as already established picture-word pairs. Event-Related Potentials (ERPs) were recorded in order to analyze how children on a neural level respond to congruent and incongruent presentations of picture-word pairs, with objects being displayed in whole, detail and silhouette versions. Of specific interest was the N400-component, an electrophysiological correlate of semantic processing that was studied as an indication of learning effects. In addi-tion to the ERP-experiment, data was also collected from a behavioral experiment. The... (More)
The present study investigated how children around the time of the vocabulary spurt attend to overall shape and significant detail in visual object recognition, regarding both novel picture-word pairs as well as already established picture-word pairs. Event-Related Potentials (ERPs) were recorded in order to analyze how children on a neural level respond to congruent and incongruent presentations of picture-word pairs, with objects being displayed in whole, detail and silhouette versions. Of specific interest was the N400-component, an electrophysiological correlate of semantic processing that was studied as an indication of learning effects. In addi-tion to the ERP-experiment, data was also collected from a behavioral experiment. The partic-ipants were 17 typically developing 20- to 24-month-olds. The ERP-results suggested that children with a productive vocabulary of more than 50 words to the same extent identified objects according to shape or detail. Results from the behavioral experiment revealed however that the children were significantly better at recognizing objects in the silhouette versions compared to the detail versions. The tendency was observed even for children with a produc-tive vocabulary of less than 75 words. This indicates that the more advanced version of the shape bias is present already around 75 produced words. (Less)
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Brink, Ola LU and Gustafsson, Andreas LU
PSPT01 20101
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
silhoutte, object recognition, ordförrådsspurt, formtendens, silhuett, objektigenkänning, detalj, shape bias, N400, detail, vocabulary spurt, ERP
date added to LUP
2010-09-23 13:14:11
date last changed
2010-09-23 13:14:11
  abstract     = {{The present study investigated how children around the time of the vocabulary spurt attend to overall shape and significant detail in visual object recognition, regarding both novel picture-word pairs as well as already established picture-word pairs. Event-Related Potentials (ERPs) were recorded in order to analyze how children on a neural level respond to congruent and incongruent presentations of picture-word pairs, with objects being displayed in whole, detail and silhouette versions. Of specific interest was the N400-component, an electrophysiological correlate of semantic processing that was studied as an indication of learning effects. In addi-tion to the ERP-experiment, data was also collected from a behavioral experiment. The partic-ipants were 17 typically developing 20- to 24-month-olds. The ERP-results suggested that children with a productive vocabulary of more than 50 words to the same extent identified objects according to shape or detail. Results from the behavioral experiment revealed however that the children were significantly better at recognizing objects in the silhouette versions compared to the detail versions. The tendency was observed even for children with a produc-tive vocabulary of less than 75 words. This indicates that the more advanced version of the shape bias is present already around 75 produced words.}},
  author       = {{Brink, Ola and Gustafsson, Andreas}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Kategorisering av objekt i åldern 20-24 mån – form eller detalj? ERP- och beteendeanalys av visuell igenkänningsförmåga}},
  year         = {{2010}},