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Rättens ansvar vid precisionen av anklagelsen - En komparativ studie av svensk och amerikansk rätt i ljuset av EKMR

Carlsson, Ronja LU (2010) JURM01 20101
Department of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Rätten för en tilltalade att få information om de anklagelser som riktas mot honom eller henne är grundläggande för en rättvis rättegång. Trots detta kan dess efterlevnad i svensk rätt starkt ifrågasättas. Denna uppsats avser att behandla rättens ansvar vid precisionen av just anklagelsen. Genom att utvecklingen går mot ett större partsinflytande på rättens bekostnad har rollfördelningen i brottmål komplicerats. RB genomsyras förvisso av dispositionsprincipen, men det finns likväl områden där domstolens ledamöter ännu självständigt kan och ska agera.

Efter inkorporerandet av EKMR har kraven på straffprocessen skärpts. Domaren har fått ta ett större ansvar för att garantera en rättvis rättegång. Det innebär att denne måste arbeta för... (More)
Rätten för en tilltalade att få information om de anklagelser som riktas mot honom eller henne är grundläggande för en rättvis rättegång. Trots detta kan dess efterlevnad i svensk rätt starkt ifrågasättas. Denna uppsats avser att behandla rättens ansvar vid precisionen av just anklagelsen. Genom att utvecklingen går mot ett större partsinflytande på rättens bekostnad har rollfördelningen i brottmål komplicerats. RB genomsyras förvisso av dispositionsprincipen, men det finns likväl områden där domstolens ledamöter ännu självständigt kan och ska agera.

Efter inkorporerandet av EKMR har kraven på straffprocessen skärpts. Domaren har fått ta ett större ansvar för att garantera en rättvis rättegång. Det innebär att denne måste arbeta för att den tilltalade ska ha ett fullgott försvar. Därmed krävs bland annat att anklagelsen måste vara tydligt formulerad. Både åklagaren och domstolens ledamöter ska därför arbeta för att vaga gärningsbeskrivningar inte används. Dessutom måste domaren under rättegången genom den materiella processledningen verka för att allt relevant processmaterial har kontradicerats.

När huvudförhandlingen avslutas fortsätter alltjämt skyldigheten för rätten att agera. Ledamöterna får inte grunda avgörandet på omständigheter som inte berörts under huvudförhandlingen. Dessutom ska ställningstaganden tydligt motiveras för att upplysa parterna om hur rätten har resonerat samt för att bistå båda sidorna inför en eventuell process i högre rätt.

I Sverige har domstolarnas iakttagande av dessa skyldigheter ingalunda varit oproblematiskt. Ännu förekommer vaga gärningsbeskrivningar samt om-rubriceringar av rätten efter avslutad huvudförhandlingen utan att kontra-diktionen respekterats fullt ut. Detta grundar sig i mycket på att RB inte är anpassad till rättsutvecklingen, att svenska lagstiftare fortfarande är skeptiska till EKMR och att rättens ansvar i viss mån är oklart.

I amerikansk rätt har domaren en tydligare roll och kontradiktionen har fått en större genomslagskraft. Dessutom har både lagstiftarna och allmänheten alltid varit måna om ett starkt rättighetsskydd för den enskilde medborgaren och därför har bland annat kravet på information till den anklagade fått ett konstitutionellt skydd.

Genom inkorporeringen av EKMR fick Sverige en möjlighet att skapa samma starka skydd som USA. Svenska lagstiftare har dock alltjämt varit skeptiska till att ett sådant behov föreligger och till att anpassa svensk rätt därefter. Olika länder har därmed valt skilda förhållningssätt till rättighets-stadgor i allmänhet och rätten till underrättelse i synnerhet. (Less)
The right to be informed of the accusations in a criminal process is a fundamental part of the right to a fair trial. Despite its prevalence, the observance of this right in Sweden is highly questionable. This paper will discuss the role of the judge in a criminal procedure when it comes to defining the accusations. As the influence of the two parties in a criminal case grows, and as the judge is forced to step down, the procedure gets more complicated. Although the Swedish Code of Judicial Procedure is based on the adversary principle, there are still areas where judges need to act and intervene independently.

After the incorporation of the ECHR in the Swedish legal system, the demands of its observance have grown. The judiciary has a... (More)
The right to be informed of the accusations in a criminal process is a fundamental part of the right to a fair trial. Despite its prevalence, the observance of this right in Sweden is highly questionable. This paper will discuss the role of the judge in a criminal procedure when it comes to defining the accusations. As the influence of the two parties in a criminal case grows, and as the judge is forced to step down, the procedure gets more complicated. Although the Swedish Code of Judicial Procedure is based on the adversary principle, there are still areas where judges need to act and intervene independently.

After the incorporation of the ECHR in the Swedish legal system, the demands of its observance have grown. The judiciary has a responsibility to guarantee a fair trial. Thus, the individual judge must secure the defendant’s right to an adequate defense. For example, the accusation has to be drafted in a precise manner. Therefore, both the prosecutor and the judge cannot use vague language, and further the judge must make sure to communicate all the important facts with the parties involved throughout the whole process. After the trial has ended, the workload for the judge still continues. The court cannot for example base their decision on circumstances that have not been addressed to the parties. In addition, the judge and the jury need to state the reasons for their verdict to inform the parties and to help them in case of an appeal.

In Sweden, the observance of these procedures is by no means un-problematic. For example vague indictments are still used and judges still change the accusation without any communication with the parties. This is partly due to the fact that the Swedish Code of Judicial Procedure has not been adjusted to fit a lot of the development of the criminal procedures in court, but also because of the skepticism among Swedish legislators towards the ECHR.

In the American legal system, the role of the judge is more clearly defined and the adversary principle has got a more prominent position. Furthermore both the legislators and the public feel very strongly about protecting the rights and freedoms of the people, and as an effect the right of the accused to be informed has been incorporated into the constitution.

Through the incorporation of the ECHR, Sweden had an opportunity to create the equivalent constitutional protection, but the Swedish legislators were, and have remained, skeptic towards the need of such legislation. Thus, this paper shows that various legal systems in the Western world have different attitudes towards the importance of rights and freedoms in general, and the right to be informed in particular. (Less)
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Carlsson, Ronja LU
JURM01 20101
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
date added to LUP
2010-11-04 16:10:29
date last changed
2011-09-26 09:01:43
  abstract     = {{The right to be informed of the accusations in a criminal process is a fundamental part of the right to a fair trial. Despite its prevalence, the observance of this right in Sweden is highly questionable. This paper will discuss the role of the judge in a criminal procedure when it comes to defining the accusations. As the influence of the two parties in a criminal case grows, and as the judge is forced to step down, the procedure gets more complicated. Although the Swedish Code of Judicial Procedure is based on the adversary principle, there are still areas where judges need to act and intervene independently.

After the incorporation of the ECHR in the Swedish legal system, the demands of its observance have grown. The judiciary has a responsibility to guarantee a fair trial. Thus, the individual judge must secure the defendant’s right to an adequate defense. For example, the accusation has to be drafted in a precise manner. Therefore, both the prosecutor and the judge cannot use vague language, and further the judge must make sure to communicate all the important facts with the parties involved throughout the whole process. After the trial has ended, the workload for the judge still continues. The court cannot for example base their decision on circumstances that have not been addressed to the parties. In addition, the judge and the jury need to state the reasons for their verdict to inform the parties and to help them in case of an appeal.

In Sweden, the observance of these procedures is by no means un-problematic. For example vague indictments are still used and judges still change the accusation without any communication with the parties. This is partly due to the fact that the Swedish Code of Judicial Procedure has not been adjusted to fit a lot of the development of the criminal procedures in court, but also because of the skepticism among Swedish legislators towards the ECHR. 

In the American legal system, the role of the judge is more clearly defined and the adversary principle has got a more prominent position. Furthermore both the legislators and the public feel very strongly about protecting the rights and freedoms of the people, and as an effect the right of the accused to be informed has been incorporated into the constitution. 

Through the incorporation of the ECHR, Sweden had an opportunity to create the equivalent constitutional protection, but the Swedish legislators were, and have remained, skeptic towards the need of such legislation. Thus, this paper shows that various legal systems in the Western world have different attitudes towards the importance of rights and freedoms in general, and the right to be informed in particular.}},
  author       = {{Carlsson, Ronja}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Rättens ansvar vid precisionen av anklagelsen - En komparativ studie av svensk och amerikansk rätt i ljuset av EKMR}},
  year         = {{2010}},