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Chefscoachning: En intervjustudie om chefers upplevelser av coachning i hälso- och sjukvården

Norberg, Daniel LU and Runfors, Helena LU (2012) PSPT02 20121
Department of Psychology
Abstract (Swedish)
Syftet med denna explorativa studie var att utforska chefscoachning och bringa större förståelse för klienters upplevelse av coachningsprocessen. Avsikten med studien var att generera hypoteser kring hur chefscoachning ser ut i praktiken och hur det uppfattas av klienterna. Med en kvalitativ ansats intervjuades nio respondenter semistrukturerat. Transkripten från intervjuerna bearbetades med tematisk analys. Hypotetiska samband mellan framtagna teman diskuterades och sattes i relation till tidigare forskning om chefscoachning. Klienternas syfte med chefscoachning varierade och coachningsmetodiken bör utvecklas för att bättre kunna formas efter dessa skilda syften. Olika former av rådgivning användes frekvent i praktiken trots att klientens... (More)
Syftet med denna explorativa studie var att utforska chefscoachning och bringa större förståelse för klienters upplevelse av coachningsprocessen. Avsikten med studien var att generera hypoteser kring hur chefscoachning ser ut i praktiken och hur det uppfattas av klienterna. Med en kvalitativ ansats intervjuades nio respondenter semistrukturerat. Transkripten från intervjuerna bearbetades med tematisk analys. Hypotetiska samband mellan framtagna teman diskuterades och sattes i relation till tidigare forskning om chefscoachning. Klienternas syfte med chefscoachning varierade och coachningsmetodiken bör utvecklas för att bättre kunna formas efter dessa skilda syften. Olika former av rådgivning användes frekvent i praktiken trots att klientens agens och lösningar på sina egna problem förespråkas i teorin. En diskussion fördes i studien kring vilka implikationer detta kan få för effekter av coachningen. Klientens motiv lade grunden till coachningens innehåll och coachningens effekter kan bero på dessa motiv. Det är möjligt att en god relation mellan coach och klient var en förutsättning för coachningsmetodiken. Det diskuterades huruvida det är relationen i sig som leder till effekter av coachningen. Effekterna av coachning kunde vara både kort- och långsiktiga och av olika karaktär. Framtida forskning bör undersöka ovanstående fenomen för att fastställa några av de hypotetiska samband som belyses i denna studie. (Less)
The purpose of this exploratory study was to examinate executive coaching and contribute to a greater understanding of clients' experiences of the coaching process. The purpose was to generate hypotheses about what executive coaching looks like in practice and how it is perceived by the clients. With a qualitative approach nine respondents were interviewed semi-structured. The transcripts of the interviews were processed using thematic analysis. Hypothetical relationships between the developed themes were discussed and put in relation to previous research on executive coaching. Clients' purposes of executive coaching varied and coaching methodology should be developed to better conform to these different objectives. Various forms of... (More)
The purpose of this exploratory study was to examinate executive coaching and contribute to a greater understanding of clients' experiences of the coaching process. The purpose was to generate hypotheses about what executive coaching looks like in practice and how it is perceived by the clients. With a qualitative approach nine respondents were interviewed semi-structured. The transcripts of the interviews were processed using thematic analysis. Hypothetical relationships between the developed themes were discussed and put in relation to previous research on executive coaching. Clients' purposes of executive coaching varied and coaching methodology should be developed to better conform to these different objectives. Various forms of advising were used frequently in practice, despite what is advocated in theory about the client's agency and own solutions to their problems. A discussion took place in the study about what implications this may have on the effects of coaching. The client's motives laid the foundation for the content of coaching and the effects of coaching may depend on these motives. It is possible that a good relationship between coach and client was a prerequisite for coaching methodology. It was discussed whether it is the relationship itself that leads to the effects of coaching. The effects of coaching could be both short and long term and of different characters. Future research should examine the above phenomena to determine some of the hypothetical relationships that are illustrated in this study. (Less)
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Norberg, Daniel LU and Runfors, Helena LU
PSPT02 20121
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
Executive coaching, coaching, coaching techniques, coaching methodology, coaching process, effects of coaching
date added to LUP
2012-05-30 14:39:26
date last changed
2012-05-30 14:39:26
  abstract     = {{The purpose of this exploratory study was to examinate executive coaching and contribute to a greater understanding of clients' experiences of the coaching process. The purpose was to generate hypotheses about what executive coaching looks like in practice and how it is perceived by the clients. With a qualitative approach nine respondents were interviewed semi-structured. The transcripts of the interviews were processed using thematic analysis. Hypothetical relationships between the developed themes were discussed and put in relation to previous research on executive coaching. Clients' purposes of executive coaching varied and coaching methodology should be developed to better conform to these different objectives. Various forms of advising were used frequently in practice, despite what is advocated in theory about the client's agency and own solutions to their problems. A discussion took place in the study about what implications this may have on the effects of coaching. The client's motives laid the foundation for the content of coaching and the effects of coaching may depend on these motives. It is possible that a good relationship between coach and client was a prerequisite for coaching methodology. It was discussed whether it is the relationship itself that leads to the effects of coaching. The effects of coaching could be both short and long term and of different characters. Future research should examine the above phenomena to determine some of the hypothetical relationships that are illustrated in this study.}},
  author       = {{Norberg, Daniel and Runfors, Helena}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Chefscoachning: En intervjustudie om chefers upplevelser av coachning i hälso- och sjukvården}},
  year         = {{2012}},