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Konsten att hantera en dubbel yrkesroll - Fyra musiklärares syn på att kombinera lärarrollen med en aktiv musikerroll inom jazzgenren

Emmoth, Jimmie (2012)
Malmö Academy of Music
Abstract (Swedish)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur rollen som aktiv musiker påverkar rollen som pedagog och tvärtom. Vilka möjligheter och begränsningar finns det i att aktivt musicera parallellt med att undervisa? Kvalitativa intervjuer har genomförts med fyra pedagoger verksamma vid högskola och folkhögskola inom jazzgenren. Jazzundervisning vid högre musikutbildning har blivit en inriktning för studien. Gemensamt för alla informanter är att de musicerar utanför yrket som musiklärare.
Resultatet visar att det är viktigt för lärare inom högre musikutbildning att ha en stor erfarenhet av att aktivt musicera för att kunna bedriva en bra undervisning. Om det måste ske parallellt med undervisningen eller inte, råder det dock skilda meningar om.... (More)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur rollen som aktiv musiker påverkar rollen som pedagog och tvärtom. Vilka möjligheter och begränsningar finns det i att aktivt musicera parallellt med att undervisa? Kvalitativa intervjuer har genomförts med fyra pedagoger verksamma vid högskola och folkhögskola inom jazzgenren. Jazzundervisning vid högre musikutbildning har blivit en inriktning för studien. Gemensamt för alla informanter är att de musicerar utanför yrket som musiklärare.
Resultatet visar att det är viktigt för lärare inom högre musikutbildning att ha en stor erfarenhet av att aktivt musicera för att kunna bedriva en bra undervisning. Om det måste ske parallellt med undervisningen eller inte, råder det dock skilda meningar om. Att musicera skänker
undervisning inspiration och det är erfarenheten som aktiv musiker som mina informanter huvudsakligen använder som utgångspunkt i deras undervisning. Kontakt med publik och form på konsert, solo eller låt, nämns som erfarenheter som man inte kan skaffa sig på annat sätt än att vara ute och framträda. Att undervisa gör att mina informanter får inspiration till att utveckla deras egen musikerroll och konstnärskap och det gör att de lättare kan vara selektiva i det de väljer att spela då de inte är ekonomiskt beroende av att musicera. Rollval, tidsfaktor och logistik nämns som de enda begränsningarna. Mina informanter ser begreppet jazz som något stort och brett och som ett förhållningssätt snarare än stil eller genre. (Less)
Title: The art of managing a dual professional role. Four teachers' views on combining teaching with their roles as active jazz musicians.
The purpose of this study is to examine in what ways the role as an artist impacts the role as a teacher and vice versa. What are the possibilities and limitations of actively playing music alongside teaching music? Qualitative interviews have been conducted with four teachers working at Malmö Academy of Music and Swedish ”folkhögskola” in the jazz genre. Jazz
education at the higher music education has become the focus for this study. Common to all informants is that they play music alongside their professions as music teachers.
The result shows that it is important to have a great experience of... (More)
Title: The art of managing a dual professional role. Four teachers' views on combining teaching with their roles as active jazz musicians.
The purpose of this study is to examine in what ways the role as an artist impacts the role as a teacher and vice versa. What are the possibilities and limitations of actively playing music alongside teaching music? Qualitative interviews have been conducted with four teachers working at Malmö Academy of Music and Swedish ”folkhögskola” in the jazz genre. Jazz
education at the higher music education has become the focus for this study. Common to all informants is that they play music alongside their professions as music teachers.
The result shows that it is important to have a great experience of actively playing music in
order to pursue a good tuition, while teaching in higher music education. If it must be done
parallel to teaching or not, is a question answered in different ways. To play music inspires
teaching and it’s the experience as an active musician that my informants mainly use as the
basis of their teaching. Contact with the audience and the form of the concert, solo or song,
are mentioned as experiences that one cannot obtain in any other way than being out there
peforming. Teaching animates my informants to develop their own roles as musicians and
artists and it also makes it easier for them to be selective in what they choose to play, as they
are not financially dependent on playing music. Time and logistics are mentioned as the only
limitations. My informants see the concept of jazz as a big and wide concept and as an approach,
rather than a style. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Emmoth, Jimmie
M2 - Bachelor Degree
Music education, musician, music teacher, jazz, folkhögskola, academy of music, higher music education, professional role, musikpedagogik, musiker, musiklärare, musikhögskola, yrkesroll
date added to LUP
2013-03-12 15:51:48
date last changed
2013-03-12 15:51:48
  abstract     = {{Title: The art of managing a dual professional role. Four teachers' views on combining teaching with their roles as active jazz musicians.
The purpose of this study is to examine in what ways the role as an artist impacts the role as a teacher and vice versa. What are the possibilities and limitations of actively playing music alongside teaching music? Qualitative interviews have been conducted with four teachers working at Malmö Academy of Music and Swedish ”folkhögskola” in the jazz genre. Jazz
education at the higher music education has become the focus for this study. Common to all informants is that they play music alongside their professions as music teachers.
The result shows that it is important to have a great experience of actively playing music in
order to pursue a good tuition, while teaching in higher music education. If it must be done
parallel to teaching or not, is a question answered in different ways. To play music inspires
teaching and it’s the experience as an active musician that my informants mainly use as the
basis of their teaching. Contact with the audience and the form of the concert, solo or song,
are mentioned as experiences that one cannot obtain in any other way than being out there
peforming. Teaching animates my informants to develop their own roles as musicians and
artists and it also makes it easier for them to be selective in what they choose to play, as they
are not financially dependent on playing music. Time and logistics are mentioned as the only
limitations. My informants see the concept of jazz as a big and wide concept and as an approach,
rather than a style.}},
  author       = {{Emmoth, Jimmie}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Konsten att hantera en dubbel yrkesroll - Fyra musiklärares syn på att kombinera lärarrollen med en aktiv musikerroll inom jazzgenren}},
  year         = {{2012}},