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Idrottens spelaravtal - Särskilt om avtalstolkning

Neuding, Markus LU (2014) JURM02 20141
Department of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Denna uppsats fokuserar på idrottens spelaravtal och inriktar sig särskilt på dess avtalstolkning. För en djupare förståelse kring spelaravtalets bakgrund och kontext behandlar uppsatsen idrottsjuridiken som ett internationellt fenomen. Med detta i beaktande sker en betydande jämförelse mellan svensk och angloamerikansk rätt, men även en fördjupning kring angloamerikansk påverkan inom ramen för sportbranschen i stort, och för svenska aktörer i synnerhet.

För idrottens aktörer har i alla tider självbestämmanderätten varit långtgående. Effekten härav är att idrottens område, kanske än mer än sedvanligt, styrs av en mycket omfattande avtalsfrihet. I försök att bibehålla sin självständighet har idrottsorganisationer skapat egna... (More)
Denna uppsats fokuserar på idrottens spelaravtal och inriktar sig särskilt på dess avtalstolkning. För en djupare förståelse kring spelaravtalets bakgrund och kontext behandlar uppsatsen idrottsjuridiken som ett internationellt fenomen. Med detta i beaktande sker en betydande jämförelse mellan svensk och angloamerikansk rätt, men även en fördjupning kring angloamerikansk påverkan inom ramen för sportbranschen i stort, och för svenska aktörer i synnerhet.

För idrottens aktörer har i alla tider självbestämmanderätten varit långtgående. Effekten härav är att idrottens område, kanske än mer än sedvanligt, styrs av en mycket omfattande avtalsfrihet. I försök att bibehålla sin självständighet har idrottsorganisationer skapat egna domstolsinstanser. Aktörerna har även en möjlighet att, i de flesta fall, överklaga sportorganisationers beslut till idrottens skiljedomstol för sport, CAS.

Med beaktande av den stora export som sker av svenska spelare och aktörer inom sportens område är ytterligare ett grundläggande mål med denna uppsats att ge en djupare förståelse för de komplicerade förhållande som svenska aktörer inom sportbranschen bör vara medvetna om vid alla avtalsförhållande med utländska parter. Särskilt gäller detta för svenska aktörer som ämnar agera på den angloamerikanska marknaden.

Slutligen kommer uppsatsen redogöra och fördjupa kring några av de mera centrala klausuler som bör behandlas inom ramen för ett spelaravtal.

Att idrottsorganisationers egna domstolar, skiljedomstolen CAS, samt i vissa fall allmän domstol, innehar jurisdiktion att behandla idrottsjuridiska frågor innebär att jurisdiktions- och lagvalsklausuler är av central betydelse i ett spelaravtal. Med denna internationalisering i beaktande fördjupas därför kring sådana klausuler. Klausulernas relevans tydliggörs särskilt med beaktande av att försäljning av spelare ofta sker mellan föreningar i olika länder.

Att köp och försäljning av spelare snarare behandlas som handel med spelarens registrering skapar en säregen situation gällande kontraktsbrott, varför en annan klausul som behandlas är vitesklausulen.

Eftersom ett spelaravtal dessutom behandlas som ett anställningsavtal är det viktigt att i avtalet reglera frågor om bl.a. hävningsgrunder, och då särskilt grunder utanför LAS. Vidare måste frågor om arbetsgivarens rehabiliteringsansvar och omplaceringsskyldighet utredas inom ramen för kontraktet. Med anledning härav fördjupas också kring denna typ av regleringar.

I övrigt har frågor om skadeståndsberäkning, formkrav och culpa in contrahendo ansetts behöva fördjupas ytterligare kring. Avslutningsvis fördjupas kring betydelsen av de standardavtal som återfinns för spelare i de angloamerikanska ligorna. (Less)
This thesis focuses on player’s contracts, and in particular the interpretation of such contracts. In order to deepen the understanding of the background and context of the player’s contracts, this thesis will treat sports law as an international phenomenon. With the internationalisation in consideration, there will be a comparison between Swedish and Anglo-American law, and also further discussions on Anglo-American influence within the line of sports in general, and regarding Swedish actors in particular.

For the participants in the sporting field, the right to autonomy has always been substantial. The result being that the sporting field, perhaps even more than usual, has a far reaching freedom of contract. In an attempt to preserve... (More)
This thesis focuses on player’s contracts, and in particular the interpretation of such contracts. In order to deepen the understanding of the background and context of the player’s contracts, this thesis will treat sports law as an international phenomenon. With the internationalisation in consideration, there will be a comparison between Swedish and Anglo-American law, and also further discussions on Anglo-American influence within the line of sports in general, and regarding Swedish actors in particular.

For the participants in the sporting field, the right to autonomy has always been substantial. The result being that the sporting field, perhaps even more than usual, has a far reaching freedom of contract. In an attempt to preserve its autonomy, the sporting bodies have created their own courts. Furthermore, the participants in the sporting field have the possibility to, in most cases, appeal a decision made by such sporting body to the court of arbitration for sports, CAS.

With special regard to the considerable export of Swedish players and participants in the sporting field, an additional aim with this thesis is to deepen the understanding of the complicated conditions that Swedish actors within the field should be aware of in any contractual relations with foreign parties. This applies in particular to Swedish parties who intend to act in the Anglo-American market.

Finally in this thesis, some of the more central clauses that should be dealt with within a player’s contract will be further narrated and explained.

The fact that the sporting bodies own courts, the arbitration court CAS, and in some cases general courts, have jurisdiction to deal with questions related to sports law gives the effect that clauses dealing with jurisdiction and the choice of law is of central importance in a player’s contract. As such it will be discussed further in the thesis. The importance of these clauses is highlighted by the fact that most sales of players occur between associations in different countries.

The fact that the trade of a player is rather dealt with as a trade of the player’s registration, creates a peculiar situation with regards to a contract breach. Therefore another clause that will be discussed in greater depth is the imposition of a contractual fine.

Since a player’s contract is regarded as an employment contract, it is of great importance to regulate questions concerning, amongst other subjects, the terms for termination of a player’s contract, and in particular causes besides LAS that gives this effect. Furthermore questions regarding the employers’ responsibility for rehabilitation and reassignments is of central importance. Therefore this type of clauses will be further narrated.

Besides the regulation of these clauses, questions regarding the calculation of damages, form prescribed by law and culpa in contrahendo has been discussed in greater depth. Finally the importance of the standard player’s contract that exists in the Anglo-American sport leagues will be further narrated. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Neuding, Markus LU
alternative title
Player's contract in sports - Interpretation of contracts
JURM02 20141
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
spelaravtal, avtalsrätt, idrott, avtalstolkning, Jurisprudence, Idrottsavtal, Idrottsbranschen, Sportbranschen, Sportavtal, Sports law, Angloamerikansk, Boilerplate, Fotboll, Fotbollsavtal, Idrottsjuridik, Sportjuridik, Idrottslag, Sportlag
date added to LUP
2014-06-12 08:56:37
date last changed
2014-06-12 08:56:37
  abstract     = {{This thesis focuses on player’s contracts, and in particular the interpretation of such contracts. In order to deepen the understanding of the background and context of the player’s contracts, this thesis will treat sports law as an international phenomenon. With the internationalisation in consideration, there will be a comparison between Swedish and Anglo-American law, and also further discussions on Anglo-American influence within the line of sports in general, and regarding Swedish actors in particular. 

For the participants in the sporting field, the right to autonomy has always been substantial. The result being that the sporting field, perhaps even more than usual, has a far reaching freedom of contract. In an attempt to preserve its autonomy, the sporting bodies have created their own courts. Furthermore, the participants in the sporting field have the possibility to, in most cases, appeal a decision made by such sporting body to the court of arbitration for sports, CAS.

With special regard to the considerable export of Swedish players and participants in the sporting field, an additional aim with this thesis is to deepen the understanding of the complicated conditions that Swedish actors within the field should be aware of in any contractual relations with foreign parties. This applies in particular to Swedish parties who intend to act in the Anglo-American market.

Finally in this thesis, some of the more central clauses that should be dealt with within a player’s contract will be further narrated and explained. 

The fact that the sporting bodies own courts, the arbitration court CAS, and in some cases general courts, have jurisdiction to deal with questions related to sports law gives the effect that clauses dealing with jurisdiction and the choice of law is of central importance in a player’s contract. As such it will be discussed further in the thesis. The importance of these clauses is highlighted by the fact that most sales of players occur between associations in different countries.

The fact that the trade of a player is rather dealt with as a trade of the player’s registration, creates a peculiar situation with regards to a contract breach. Therefore another clause that will be discussed in greater depth is the imposition of a contractual fine. 

Since a player’s contract is regarded as an employment contract, it is of great importance to regulate questions concerning, amongst other subjects, the terms for termination of a player’s contract, and in particular causes besides LAS that gives this effect. Furthermore questions regarding the employers’ responsibility for rehabilitation and reassignments is of central importance. Therefore this type of clauses will be further narrated. 

Besides the regulation of these clauses, questions regarding the calculation of damages, form prescribed by law and culpa in contrahendo has been discussed in greater depth. Finally the importance of the standard player’s contract that exists in the Anglo-American sport leagues will be further narrated.}},
  author       = {{Neuding, Markus}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Idrottens spelaravtal - Särskilt om avtalstolkning}},
  year         = {{2014}},