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Barnets bästa i vårdnadsmål en komparativ studie av svensk och polsk rätt mot bakgrund av barnkonventionen

Adamowicz, Katarina LU (2014) JURM02 20141
Department of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Föreliggande uppsats är ett examensarbete på juristprogrammet. Uppsatsen är skriven inom området familjerätt och behandlar barnets bästa i vårdnadsmål. Det är en komparativ studie av svensk och polsk rätt, mot bakgrund av barnkonventionen.

I uppsatsens deskriptiva del, framställs definitionen av barnets bästa i enlig-het med barnkonventionen. Efter det sker en genomgång av respektive lands definition av barnets bästa i vårdnadsmål. I analysen framhävs kärnan i barnrättskommitténs definition av begreppet barnets bästa. Avslutningsvis analyseras skillnaderna och likheterna i svensk och polsk rätt, samt huruvida respektive rätt kan anses uppfylla barnkonventionens definition av barnets bästa.

Barnkonventionen är en konvention som nästan... (More)
Föreliggande uppsats är ett examensarbete på juristprogrammet. Uppsatsen är skriven inom området familjerätt och behandlar barnets bästa i vårdnadsmål. Det är en komparativ studie av svensk och polsk rätt, mot bakgrund av barnkonventionen.

I uppsatsens deskriptiva del, framställs definitionen av barnets bästa i enlig-het med barnkonventionen. Efter det sker en genomgång av respektive lands definition av barnets bästa i vårdnadsmål. I analysen framhävs kärnan i barnrättskommitténs definition av begreppet barnets bästa. Avslutningsvis analyseras skillnaderna och likheterna i svensk och polsk rätt, samt huruvida respektive rätt kan anses uppfylla barnkonventionens definition av barnets bästa.

Barnkonventionen är en konvention som nästan alla världens länder har ratificerat. Ingen annan konvention har fått sådant gensvar som denna. Kon-ventionen har som syfte att skapa en moraluppfattning om barnets bästa. Enligt barnkonventionen ska alla världens barn ha samma rättigheter oavsett religion, kultur, etnicitet etc. Barnets bästa är en av konventionens viktigaste principer och är ett begrepp som ska genomsyra alla länders rättsystem. Ett problem som uppstår när ett regelverk är världsomfattande är att tolkningen av barnets bästa kan påverkas av att tradition och religion har mer eller mindre inverkan på samhället.

Barnrättskommittén uttrycker att barnets bästa är ett dynamiskt begrepp som kräver att bedömning sker efter anpassning till sammanhanget. Det är ett begrepp som ska tolkas och tillämpas tillsammans med andra artiklar i barnkonventionen. Principen om barnets bästa är enligt barnrättskommittén ett tredimensionellt begrepp, vilket innebär att den utgör en materiell rättighet, en grundläggande rättstolkningsprincip samt en processrättsregel. Barnrättskommittén har även sammanställt en icke uttömmande lista över omständigheter som bör beaktas vi bedömningen av barnets bästa.

Både svensk och polsk rätt bedömer barnets bästa efter anpassning till sammanhanget och tar hänsyn till olika omständigheter vid bedömningen. Kon-tinuitet, barnets behov av en nära kontakt och relation till båda föräldrar samt barnets åsikt är omständigheter som mer eller mindre beaktas i båda länder, vid bedömningen av barnets bästa. Trots denna likhet finns det ett antal betydande skillnader i ländernas rättssystem. Den största skillnaden är att domstolens beslut om äktenskapsskillnad är beroende av bedömningen huruvida det strider mot barnets bästa (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
This thesis is written in the field of family law and describes the best inter-est of the child in custody cases, by comparing Swedish and Polish law in the light of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

The thesis begins with a descriptive part where the definition of the best interest of the child according to the Convention is presented. Thereafter, each country’s definition of the best interest of the child in custody cases is described. The analysis highlights the essence of the definition of the best interest of the child. Finally, the differences and similarities in Swedish and Polish law are discussed, in respect to the extent to which they fulfil the definition of the best interest of the child.

The Convention is... (More)
This thesis is written in the field of family law and describes the best inter-est of the child in custody cases, by comparing Swedish and Polish law in the light of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

The thesis begins with a descriptive part where the definition of the best interest of the child according to the Convention is presented. Thereafter, each country’s definition of the best interest of the child in custody cases is described. The analysis highlights the essence of the definition of the best interest of the child. Finally, the differences and similarities in Swedish and Polish law are discussed, in respect to the extent to which they fulfil the definition of the best interest of the child.

The Convention is ratified by almost all countries in the world. No other convention has ever received such a great response. It aims to create a moral view about the best interests. According to the Convention, the definition of the best interest of the child should be the same in every society, regardless of religion, culture and ethnicity. The best interest of the child is one of the Convention’s general principles and its concept should permeate all legal systems. An arising problem of a worldwide legal framework is the impact of different religions and traditions on the interpretation of the best interest of the child.

The Committee applies that the best interest of the child is a dynamic con-cept that requires an assessment appropriate to the specific context. Furthermore, it is a concept that must be interpreted and applied in conjunction with other articles in the Convention. The best interest principle is a threefold concept; a substantive right, a fundamental interpretative legal principle and a rule of procedure. The Committee has also compiled a non-exhaustive list of circumstances that should be taken into consideration when assessing the best interest of the child

In both Swedish and Polish law the best interest of the child assessment is made, appropriate to the specific context and after taking various circum-stances into account. When assessing the best interest of the child, the environmental continuity, the child’s needs to maintain personal relation and direct contact with both parents and the child’s view, are circumstances that are more or less considered in both legal systems. Despite this similarity, there are a number of significant differences between the countries' legal systems. The main difference is, that the Polish court’s decision on dissolution of marriage is dependent whether such decision is in the best interest of the child. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Adamowicz, Katarina LU
alternative title
Best interest of the child in custody cases a comperative study of Swedish and Polish law
JURM02 20141
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
Familjerätt, barnkonventionen, polsk familjerätt, barnets bästa, vårdnad
date added to LUP
2014-06-12 08:31:15
date last changed
2014-06-12 08:31:15
  abstract     = {{This thesis is written in the field of family law and describes the best inter-est of the child in custody cases, by comparing Swedish and Polish law in the light of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. 

The thesis begins with a descriptive part where the definition of the best interest of the child according to the Convention is presented. Thereafter, each country’s definition of the best interest of the child in custody cases is described. The analysis highlights the essence of the definition of the best interest of the child. Finally, the differences and similarities in Swedish and Polish law are discussed, in respect to the extent to which they fulfil the definition of the best interest of the child. 

The Convention is ratified by almost all countries in the world. No other convention has ever received such a great response. It aims to create a moral view about the best interests. According to the Convention, the definition of the best interest of the child should be the same in every society, regardless of religion, culture and ethnicity. The best interest of the child is one of the Convention’s general principles and its concept should permeate all legal systems. An arising problem of a worldwide legal framework is the impact of different religions and traditions on the interpretation of the best interest of the child.

The Committee applies that the best interest of the child is a dynamic con-cept that requires an assessment appropriate to the specific context. Furthermore, it is a concept that must be interpreted and applied in conjunction with other articles in the Convention. The best interest principle is a threefold concept; a substantive right, a fundamental interpretative legal principle and a rule of procedure. The Committee has also compiled a non-exhaustive list of circumstances that should be taken into consideration when assessing the best interest of the child

In both Swedish and Polish law the best interest of the child assessment is made, appropriate to the specific context and after taking various circum-stances into account. When assessing the best interest of the child, the environmental continuity, the child’s needs to maintain personal relation and direct contact with both parents and the child’s view, are circumstances that are more or less considered in both legal systems. Despite this similarity, there are a number of significant differences between the countries' legal systems. The main difference is, that the Polish court’s decision on dissolution of marriage is dependent whether such decision is in the best interest of the child.}},
  author       = {{Adamowicz, Katarina}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Barnets bästa i vårdnadsmål en komparativ studie av svensk och polsk rätt mot bakgrund av barnkonventionen}},
  year         = {{2014}},