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LUP Student Papers


Kommunala gym och konkurrensen

Letth, Christoffer LU (2014) JURM02 20141
Department of Law
This essay revolves around Swedish municipalities' operation of gyms, a phenomenon that makes the municipalities act as players on the open market. As more and more of the public and private sectors have merged the number of competitive conflicts that this has caused has also increased. The private sector has, for decades, complained that it feels it is an issue and that the public sector is not acting competitively neutral.

In order to bring clarity to the question regarding the admissibility of municipal operation of gyms several aspects were examined. This includes: the extent of municipal competence, the extent to which competition law is capable of correcting any distortions of competition, and to what degree EU law is compatible... (More)
This essay revolves around Swedish municipalities' operation of gyms, a phenomenon that makes the municipalities act as players on the open market. As more and more of the public and private sectors have merged the number of competitive conflicts that this has caused has also increased. The private sector has, for decades, complained that it feels it is an issue and that the public sector is not acting competitively neutral.

In order to bring clarity to the question regarding the admissibility of municipal operation of gyms several aspects were examined. This includes: the extent of municipal competence, the extent to which competition law is capable of correcting any distortions of competition, and to what degree EU law is compatible with public actors and their behavior on the open market.

The author in his investigation concludes that municipal operation of gyms is, seen from the viewpoint of Swedish preparatory work as well as the general EU legal emphasis on market liberalization, essentially an unwanted side effect of several regulations that evolved independently of each other.

Attempts to fix this problem have been made, particularly by the 2010 introduction of the Conflict Resolution rule in the Swedish Competition Act, which seeks to regulate public sales operations. The author notes, however, that this can only be helpful at times when it can be demonstrated that an anti-competitive process actually takes place.

It is still not possible to prohibit a municipality to operate an existing business, solely on the basis that the municipality is not competent to do so. Most likely this is a result of a local government need for legal certainty for decisions made once the review period for the legality of said decision expires.

The conclusion is that this is not a problem which is fully possible to remedy within current legislation and the author predicts, in accordance with the underlying political will to increasingly move towards a competitive and efficient market state that future regulations will in one way or another compel municipalities to take a truly neutral competitive position. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
Den här uppsatsen kretsar kring svenska kommuners drift av gym, en företeelse som gör att kommunen agerar som aktör på den öppna marknaden. I takt med att allt mer av den offentliga och den privata sektorn har smält samman så har också antalet konkurrenskonflikter som detta kan föranleda ökat. Det privata näringslivet har under årtionden påtalat att de upplever det som ett problem och att den offentliga sektorn i sitt agerande inte är konkurrensneutral.
För att bringa klarhet i uppsatsen frågeställning om tillåtligheten av kommunal gymdrift har ett flertal aspekter att undersökts. Först och främst gäller detta omfattningen av den kommunala kompetensen, i vilken mån gällande konkurrensregler är kapabla att avhjälpa eventuella... (More)
Den här uppsatsen kretsar kring svenska kommuners drift av gym, en företeelse som gör att kommunen agerar som aktör på den öppna marknaden. I takt med att allt mer av den offentliga och den privata sektorn har smält samman så har också antalet konkurrenskonflikter som detta kan föranleda ökat. Det privata näringslivet har under årtionden påtalat att de upplever det som ett problem och att den offentliga sektorn i sitt agerande inte är konkurrensneutral.
För att bringa klarhet i uppsatsen frågeställning om tillåtligheten av kommunal gymdrift har ett flertal aspekter att undersökts. Först och främst gäller detta omfattningen av den kommunala kompetensen, i vilken mån gällande konkurrensregler är kapabla att avhjälpa eventuella konkurrenssnedvridningar samt hur EU-rätten ställer sig offentliga aktörer och deras agerande på den öppna marknaden.
Författaren kommer i sin utredning fram till att kommunal gymdrift sett utifrån svenska förarbeten likväl som den allmänna EU-rättsliga betoningen på marknadsliberalisering i huvudsak är en oönskad bieffekt av flera regelverk som utvecklats oavhängigt av varandra.
Försök till att åtgärda dessa problem har gjorts, framförallt genom 2010 års införande av Konfliktlösningsregeln i den svenska konkurrenslagen vilken har till syfte att reglera offentlig säljverksamhet. Författaren konstaterar dock att denna enbart kan vara till hjälp vid de tillfällen det går att påvisa att ett konkurrenssnedvridande förfarande verkligen äger rum.
Det är fortfarande inte möjligt att förbjuda en kommun att driva en redan existerande verksamhet enbart på den grund att kommunen saknar kompetens till detta. Troligtvis är detta ett resultat av kommunernas behov av rättssäkerhet för tagna beslut när prövningstiden för rättsmedlet laglighetsprövning gått ut.
Slutsatsen är att detta inte är ett problem som tillfullo går att avhjälpa med nuvarande lagstiftning och författaren förutser, i enlighet med den bakomliggande politiska viljan att allt mer sträva mot en konkurrenseffektiv marknadsstat, att framtida regleringar kommer på ett eller annat sätt kommer innebära att kommunerna försätts i en verkligt konkurrensneutral position. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Letth, Christoffer LU
alternative title
Municipal gyms and competition
JURM02 20141
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
konkurrensrätt, EU-rätt
date added to LUP
2014-07-02 07:37:52
date last changed
2014-07-02 07:37:52
  abstract     = {{This essay revolves around Swedish municipalities' operation of gyms, a phenomenon that makes the municipalities act as players on the open market. As more and more of the public and private sectors have merged the number of competitive conflicts that this has caused has also increased. The private sector has, for decades, complained that it feels it is an issue and that the public sector is not acting competitively neutral.

In order to bring clarity to the question regarding the admissibility of municipal operation of gyms several aspects were examined. This includes: the extent of municipal competence, the extent to which competition law is capable of correcting any distortions of competition, and to what degree EU law is compatible with public actors and their behavior on the open market.

The author in his investigation concludes that municipal operation of gyms is, seen from the viewpoint of Swedish preparatory work as well as the general EU legal emphasis on market liberalization, essentially an unwanted side effect of several regulations that evolved independently of each other.

Attempts to fix this problem have been made, particularly by the 2010 introduction of the Conflict Resolution rule in the Swedish Competition Act, which seeks to regulate public sales operations. The author notes, however, that this can only be helpful at times when it can be demonstrated that an anti-competitive process actually takes place.

It is still not possible to prohibit a municipality to operate an existing business, solely on the basis that the municipality is not competent to do so. Most likely this is a result of a local government need for legal certainty for decisions made once the review period for the legality of said decision expires.

The conclusion is that this is not a problem which is fully possible to remedy within current legislation and the author predicts, in accordance with the underlying political will to increasingly move towards a competitive and efficient market state that future regulations will in one way or another compel municipalities to take a truly neutral competitive position.}},
  author       = {{Letth, Christoffer}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Kommunala gym och konkurrensen}},
  year         = {{2014}},