Is it possible to reconstruct local pre-sence of pine on bogs during the Ho-locene based on pollen data? : a study based on surface and stratigraphical samples from three bogs in southern Sweden
(2014) In Dissertations in Geology at Lund University) GEOR02 20141Department of Geology
- Abstract
- Horizons rich in subfossil stumps and roots of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) are frequently found in stratigraphies of northern European peatlands, providing clear evidence of Holocene periods with favourable conditions for bog-pine growth. The pines could only grow when bog-surface wetness was sufficiently low, and the presence of their remains is therefore a good indicator of past climatic conditions, mainly precipitation. Ad-amsson (2013) carried out a macrofossil study on Stass Mosse, a bog in central Scania, southern Sweden, and investigated peat-stratigraphical evidence of hydrological changes on the bog in the period 6000-3300 cal BP. The aim of the present thesis was to investigate if the presence of bog-pines at Stass Mosse, as... (More)
- Horizons rich in subfossil stumps and roots of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) are frequently found in stratigraphies of northern European peatlands, providing clear evidence of Holocene periods with favourable conditions for bog-pine growth. The pines could only grow when bog-surface wetness was sufficiently low, and the presence of their remains is therefore a good indicator of past climatic conditions, mainly precipitation. Ad-amsson (2013) carried out a macrofossil study on Stass Mosse, a bog in central Scania, southern Sweden, and investigated peat-stratigraphical evidence of hydrological changes on the bog in the period 6000-3300 cal BP. The aim of the present thesis was to investigate if the presence of bog-pines at Stass Mosse, as reflected by sub-fossil stumps and macrofossils, can also be detected by pollen analysis of the same peat samples as analysed by Adamsson (2013). To facilitate interpretation of the stratigraphical pollen data, a complementary pollen study was made of surface samples from Fäjemyr in north central Scania. Samples were taken along a transect from the dense Pinus forest at the edge of the bog to the centre of the bog where pine trees were scarce and low in stature. The data from the site were analysed to identify any relationships between vegetation cover and pollen percent-ages and influx values. In addition, a surface sample from Store Mosse, a large bog in Småland further north within southern Sweden and without local presence of bog-pines, was included to further help interpretation of the pollen record from Stass Mosse. The results from Stass Mosse show that the pollen percentages and influx values generally increase at the same levels as the increases in macrofossils. Stass Mosse had generally low pine pollen percentages and influx values compared to Fäjemyr, and that might be caused by less favourable growing conditions on the bog, influencing pollen productivity. Fäjemyr did not have any consistent pattern between the number of local pines and pine pollen percentage or influx values in surface samples from the sites located at different distances from the dense pine forest at the edge of the bog. The reason is probably differences in moss growth at the different sites, and also there are dominantly regional pollen deposition at the sites. The results from the three peat lands show that it is not possible to identify the local presence of bog-pines only based on pollen data. (Less)
- Abstract (Swedish)
- Horisonter med subfossila stubbar och rötter av tall (Pinus sylvestris) är vanliga i stratigra-fier från torvmarker i norra Europa. Dessa är tydliga indikationer på att det under holocen funnits perioder med tillräckligt gynnsamma förhållanden för tallar att växa på mossar. Tall kan endast växa på mossar när ytan är tillräckligt torr, och därför är rester av tallar på mossar goda indikationer på ett torrare klimat. Adamsson (2013) utförde en studie av makrofossil på Stass Mosse, centrala Skåne, och undersökte torvstratigrafin för att doku-mentera förändringar i hydrologin på mossen under tidsperioden 6000-3300 cal BP. Syftet med det här examens-arbetet är att undersöka om förekomsten av tallar på Stass Mosse, vilken påvisas av subfossila... (More)
- Horisonter med subfossila stubbar och rötter av tall (Pinus sylvestris) är vanliga i stratigra-fier från torvmarker i norra Europa. Dessa är tydliga indikationer på att det under holocen funnits perioder med tillräckligt gynnsamma förhållanden för tallar att växa på mossar. Tall kan endast växa på mossar när ytan är tillräckligt torr, och därför är rester av tallar på mossar goda indikationer på ett torrare klimat. Adamsson (2013) utförde en studie av makrofossil på Stass Mosse, centrala Skåne, och undersökte torvstratigrafin för att doku-mentera förändringar i hydrologin på mossen under tidsperioden 6000-3300 cal BP. Syftet med det här examens-arbetet är att undersöka om förekomsten av tallar på Stass Mosse, vilken påvisas av subfossila stubbar och makrofossil, även syns i pollendata från samma prover som analyserades av Adamsson (2013). För att underlätta tolkningen av stratigrafiska pollendata utfördes kompletterande pollenanalyser från ytprover från Fäjemyr, nord-centrala Skåne. Proverna togs utmed en transekt från den täta tallskogen vid kanten av mossen till de centrala delarna av mossen där tallarna var få och lågväxta. Pollendatan från lokalerna analyserades för att identifiera samband mellan vegetationsträckning, pollenprocentvärdet och influxvärden. Utöver detta gjordes en pollenana-lys av ett ytprov från Store Mosse, en stor mosse i Småland, utan någon lokal förekomst av tallar. Pollenana-lysen från Store Mosse inkluderades i undersökningen för att ytterligare underlätta tolkningen av pollendatan från Stass Mosse. Resultaten från Stass Mosse visar på att pollenprocentvärdena och influxvärdena generellt ökar på samma nivåer som det sker ökningar av makrofossil. Stass Mosse har generellt sett lägre pollenprocent-värden och tallinfluxvärden än Fäjemyr, vilket kan vara orsakat av mindre gynnsamma växtförhållanden på mos-sen, som i sin tur påverkar pollenproduktiviteten. Fäjemyr hade inget konsekvent mönster mellan antalet lokala tallar och pollenprocentvärdet och influxvärdet på olika avstånd från tallskogen. Anledningen är förmodligen skillnader i mosstillväxt mellan de olika lokalerna, samt att pollendeponeringen främst är regional. Resultaten från de tre torvmarkerna visar att det inte är möjligt att identifiera den lokala närvaron av tall på mossar enbart baserat på pollendata. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
- author
- Timms Eliasson, Isabelle LU
- supervisor
- organization
- alternative title
- Är det möjligt att rekonstruera lokal förekomst av tall på mossar under holocen baserat på pollendata? : en studie baserad på yt- och stratigrafiska prover från tre mossar i södra Sverige
- course
- GEOR02 20141
- year
- 2014
- type
- H2 - Master's Degree (Two Years)
- subject
- keywords
- southern Sweden, vegetation cover, bog, Pinus, pollen
- publication/series
- Dissertations in Geology at Lund University)
- report number
- 413
- language
- English
- id
- 4499769
- date added to LUP
- 2014-06-26 16:52:11
- date last changed
- 2014-06-27 13:44:25
@misc{4499769, abstract = {{Horizons rich in subfossil stumps and roots of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) are frequently found in stratigraphies of northern European peatlands, providing clear evidence of Holocene periods with favourable conditions for bog-pine growth. The pines could only grow when bog-surface wetness was sufficiently low, and the presence of their remains is therefore a good indicator of past climatic conditions, mainly precipitation. Ad-amsson (2013) carried out a macrofossil study on Stass Mosse, a bog in central Scania, southern Sweden, and investigated peat-stratigraphical evidence of hydrological changes on the bog in the period 6000-3300 cal BP. The aim of the present thesis was to investigate if the presence of bog-pines at Stass Mosse, as reflected by sub-fossil stumps and macrofossils, can also be detected by pollen analysis of the same peat samples as analysed by Adamsson (2013). To facilitate interpretation of the stratigraphical pollen data, a complementary pollen study was made of surface samples from Fäjemyr in north central Scania. Samples were taken along a transect from the dense Pinus forest at the edge of the bog to the centre of the bog where pine trees were scarce and low in stature. The data from the site were analysed to identify any relationships between vegetation cover and pollen percent-ages and influx values. In addition, a surface sample from Store Mosse, a large bog in Småland further north within southern Sweden and without local presence of bog-pines, was included to further help interpretation of the pollen record from Stass Mosse. The results from Stass Mosse show that the pollen percentages and influx values generally increase at the same levels as the increases in macrofossils. Stass Mosse had generally low pine pollen percentages and influx values compared to Fäjemyr, and that might be caused by less favourable growing conditions on the bog, influencing pollen productivity. Fäjemyr did not have any consistent pattern between the number of local pines and pine pollen percentage or influx values in surface samples from the sites located at different distances from the dense pine forest at the edge of the bog. The reason is probably differences in moss growth at the different sites, and also there are dominantly regional pollen deposition at the sites. The results from the three peat lands show that it is not possible to identify the local presence of bog-pines only based on pollen data.}}, author = {{Timms Eliasson, Isabelle}}, language = {{eng}}, note = {{Student Paper}}, series = {{Dissertations in Geology at Lund University)}}, title = {{Is it possible to reconstruct local pre-sence of pine on bogs during the Ho-locene based on pollen data? : a study based on surface and stratigraphical samples from three bogs in southern Sweden}}, year = {{2014}}, }