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Slå ett slag för familjen ‐ en utredning om hur barnets bästa beaktas vid vårdnads‐ och umgängesfrågor när uppgifter om våld/skyddade personuppgifter föreligger

Andersson, Madeleine LU (2015) LAGM01 20151
Department of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att utreda och analysera på vilket sätt barnets bästa beaktas när frågor om vårdnad och umgänge ska prövas av domstolen och det föreligger uppgifter om våld och/eller skyddade personuppgifter. Våld i nära relationer är en utbredd problematik. Under 2012 var det ca 7 % av den svenska befolkningen som utsattes för våld i en nära relation. Vidare uppskattas att ca 150 000 barn lever i en familj där våld på något sätt förekommit. Vad gäller skyddade personuppgifter framkommer att användningen av sådana nästintill tredubblats under en tjugoårsperiod.

När uppgifter om våld föreligger i vårdnadsmål finns vissa riktlinjer utarbetade. Exempelvis ska domstolen göra en riskbedömning för huruvida våldet kan komma att... (More)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att utreda och analysera på vilket sätt barnets bästa beaktas när frågor om vårdnad och umgänge ska prövas av domstolen och det föreligger uppgifter om våld och/eller skyddade personuppgifter. Våld i nära relationer är en utbredd problematik. Under 2012 var det ca 7 % av den svenska befolkningen som utsattes för våld i en nära relation. Vidare uppskattas att ca 150 000 barn lever i en familj där våld på något sätt förekommit. Vad gäller skyddade personuppgifter framkommer att användningen av sådana nästintill tredubblats under en tjugoårsperiod.

När uppgifter om våld föreligger i vårdnadsmål finns vissa riktlinjer utarbetade. Exempelvis ska domstolen göra en riskbedömning för huruvida våldet kan komma att upprepas. Dock finns ingen särskild hanteringen av vårdnadsmål där skyddade personuppgifter föreligger. Utgången i där våld och/eller skyddade personuppgifter föreligger blir, efter granskande av rättsfall att det normalt anses föreligga sådana samarbetssvårigheter att en gemensam vårdnad inte är förenlig med barnets bästa. Vid våldsamheter löses umgängesfrågan med den våldsamme föräldern med hjälp av umgängesstöd och vid skyddade personuppgifter förordnas många gånger inte om något umgänge alls.

Vidare kan det konstateras att barnets bästa alltid utgör ett kriterium vid domstolarnas bedömning av vårdnadsfrågor när våld eller skyddade personuppgifter föreligger. Men mot bakgrund av att det saknas gällande rätt vid skyddade personuppgifter beaktas barnets bästa inte i dessa situationer. Dock behandlas den frågan på ett adekvat sätt av rättstillämparen, vilket framgår av intervjuer med domare samt rättsfall. I de fall där våldsamheter förekommer tycks barnets bästa beaktas på ett tillfredsställande sätt, det finns vissa riktlinjer från lagstiftaren och regeringen, vilka rättstillämparen använder sig av. Dock anas en risk att schablonmässiga bedömningar av barnets bästa sker i och med regeringens uttalande om att en våldsam förälder i princip inte ska ha del i vårdnaden. (Less)
The purpose of this essay is to investigate and analyze in which manner the child’s best interests are taken into account by the Court considering custody and visitation when information concerning abuse and/or protected personal data exists. Domestic violence is a widespread problem. In 2012, approximately 7% of Sweden’s population suffered abuse from a close relative. Additionally, it is estimated that about 150,000 children are currently living in household afflicted with some form of domestic abuse. Regarding protected personal data, it has been found that the use of such data has almost tripled in the past twenty years.

When evidence of abuse has been found in a custody case, the Court must make a risk assessment on the likelihood... (More)
The purpose of this essay is to investigate and analyze in which manner the child’s best interests are taken into account by the Court considering custody and visitation when information concerning abuse and/or protected personal data exists. Domestic violence is a widespread problem. In 2012, approximately 7% of Sweden’s population suffered abuse from a close relative. Additionally, it is estimated that about 150,000 children are currently living in household afflicted with some form of domestic abuse. Regarding protected personal data, it has been found that the use of such data has almost tripled in the past twenty years.

When evidence of abuse has been found in a custody case, the Court must make a risk assessment on the likelihood of further abuse. In principle, there are no regulations on how questions of custody and visitation should be treated when protected personal data is present. However, there is normally considered to be such a lack of cooperation between the parties that joint custody is not in the child’s best interests where abuse has occurred or protected personal information exists. Questions of visitation are generally solved with the aid of social services.

It can be concluded that the best interests of the child are always one of the criteria used by the Court in determining cases of custody where abuse or protected personal information exists. But in the absence of detailed regulation concerning the handling of protected personal information, it is my assessment that the child’s best interests in such situations are not being taken into account by Parliament as they have not yet even addressed the issue. However, the issue appears to be handled in an adequate way by the judiciary, as evidenced by interviews with judges and court opinions. In cases of abuse, it appears that the best interests of the child are accounted for in a satisfactory manner as there are guidelines from Parliament and the Government, which are applied by the judiciary. However, based upon the Government’s statement that abusive parents should not share in the custody of the child, there does seem to be some risk of the courts applying the statement as an absolute in their decisions rather than on a case by case basis. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Andersson, Madeleine LU
alternative title
Strike a blow for the family
LAGM01 20151
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
Familjerätt, vårdnad, umgänge, våld, skyddade personuppgifter, barnets bästa
date added to LUP
2015-06-17 12:59:54
date last changed
2015-06-18 14:04:25
  abstract     = {{The purpose of this essay is to investigate and analyze in which manner the child’s best interests are taken into account by the Court considering custody and visitation when information concerning abuse and/or protected personal data exists. Domestic violence is a widespread problem. In 2012, approximately 7% of Sweden’s population suffered abuse from a close relative. Additionally, it is estimated that about 150,000 children are currently living in household afflicted with some form of domestic abuse. Regarding protected personal data, it has been found that the use of such data has almost tripled in the past twenty years.

When evidence of abuse has been found in a custody case, the Court must make a risk assessment on the likelihood of further abuse. In principle, there are no regulations on how questions of custody and visitation should be treated when protected personal data is present. However, there is normally considered to be such a lack of cooperation between the parties that joint custody is not in the child’s best interests where abuse has occurred or protected personal information exists. Questions of visitation are generally solved with the aid of social services.

It can be concluded that the best interests of the child are always one of the criteria used by the Court in determining cases of custody where abuse or protected personal information exists. But in the absence of detailed regulation concerning the handling of protected personal information, it is my assessment that the child’s best interests in such situations are not being taken into account by Parliament as they have not yet even addressed the issue. However, the issue appears to be handled in an adequate way by the judiciary, as evidenced by interviews with judges and court opinions. In cases of abuse, it appears that the best interests of the child are accounted for in a satisfactory manner as there are guidelines from Parliament and the Government, which are applied by the judiciary. However, based upon the Government’s statement that abusive parents should not share in the custody of the child, there does seem to be some risk of the courts applying the statement as an absolute in their decisions rather than on a case by case basis.}},
  author       = {{Andersson, Madeleine}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Slå ett slag för familjen ‐ en utredning om hur barnets bästa beaktas vid vårdnads‐ och umgängesfrågor när uppgifter om våld/skyddade personuppgifter föreligger}},
  year         = {{2015}},