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LUP Student Papers


Skogens miljökvalitetsmål

Mckeogh, Simon LU (2015) MVEK02 20151
Studies in Environmental Science
This study investigates the current status of the Scanian regional environmental objectives in relation to Swedish forestry. The aim of the study was to decide on high impact measures that will contribute to the fulfilment of five out of these 16 objectives; Reduced Climate Impact, Natural Acidification Only, Zero Eutrophication, Sustainable Forests and A Rich Diversity of Plants and Animals.
Although Sweden has a well-developed forestry and extensive environmental efforts have been implemented, none of the chosen environmental objectives will be fulfilled by 2020 without additional actions. Some of the required actions were presented in an interview with the Swedish Forest Agency, others were retrieved in literature. By reviewing a... (More)
This study investigates the current status of the Scanian regional environmental objectives in relation to Swedish forestry. The aim of the study was to decide on high impact measures that will contribute to the fulfilment of five out of these 16 objectives; Reduced Climate Impact, Natural Acidification Only, Zero Eutrophication, Sustainable Forests and A Rich Diversity of Plants and Animals.
Although Sweden has a well-developed forestry and extensive environmental efforts have been implemented, none of the chosen environmental objectives will be fulfilled by 2020 without additional actions. Some of the required actions were presented in an interview with the Swedish Forest Agency, others were retrieved in literature. By reviewing a real-life case, Högestad & Christinehof förvaltnings AB, the relevance of the proposed measures were estimated and reasonable actions implementable in different sized stakeholders were presented.
Results show that two of the most effective and concrete actions to introduce are replanting of deciduous tree species and additional creation of protected forest areas. Other more general measures are to increase respect for plants and wildlife when harvesting, improve dialogue between stakeholders within the forestry industry and to further implement landscape perspective of forest owners. The study also concludes that due to constant development of the environmental issues in Sweden, these measures may soon be improved or replaced by other, more efficient methods. (Less)
Popular Abstract (Swedish)
Detta arbetet undersöker hur skogsbruk i Skåne kan bidra till uppfyllanden utav fem av de regionala miljökvalitetsmålen för länet. Detta gjordes genom att se över skogsbruket i helhet samt dess utveckling i Sverige och sedan, genom att samarbeta med ett riktigt skogsbruksföretag, undersöka möjligheter och hinder det finns för ett förbättrat miljöarbete inom denna näring. De valda miljökvalitetsmålen baserades på skogsbrukets påverkan och förbättringspotential i förhållande till dessa och blev således; Begränsad klimatpåverkan, Bara naturlig försurning, Ingen övergödning, Levande skogar samt Ett rikt växt- och djurliv.
Resultaten i denna studie visar att Sverige är ett framgångsrikt land när det kommer till hållbar utveckling av skogsbruk... (More)
Detta arbetet undersöker hur skogsbruk i Skåne kan bidra till uppfyllanden utav fem av de regionala miljökvalitetsmålen för länet. Detta gjordes genom att se över skogsbruket i helhet samt dess utveckling i Sverige och sedan, genom att samarbeta med ett riktigt skogsbruksföretag, undersöka möjligheter och hinder det finns för ett förbättrat miljöarbete inom denna näring. De valda miljökvalitetsmålen baserades på skogsbrukets påverkan och förbättringspotential i förhållande till dessa och blev således; Begränsad klimatpåverkan, Bara naturlig försurning, Ingen övergödning, Levande skogar samt Ett rikt växt- och djurliv.
Resultaten i denna studie visar att Sverige är ett framgångsrikt land när det kommer till hållbar utveckling av skogsbruk men att man fortfarande har en långt att gå för att uppnå de uppsatta målen. Detta beror till stor del på skogsbrukets otroliga omfattning i Sverige, samt det långa tidsintervallet mellan plantering och skörd som gäller för skogsbruket.
Trots att de flesta kraftfulla insatserna redan implementeras i Sverige, så visar resultaten av denna studie att de behöver utvecklas ytterligare samt implementeras i större utsträckning. Något som också framgår i denna studie är att kommunikation är en otroligt viktig aspekt som måste förbättras inom skogsbruket, både genom ökad dialog mellan skogsbrukare men också förbättrat informationsutbyte mellan olika myndigheter och aktörer inom skogsbruket. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Mckeogh, Simon LU
alternative title
Hur kan skogsbruket bidra till dess uppfyllnad?
MVEK02 20151
M2 - Bachelor Degree
Forestry, Scania, Sweden, Sustainable development, Environmental objectives, Reduced Climate impact, Natural acidification only, Zero eutrophication, Sustainable forests, Rich diversity of plants and animals, Högestad & Christinehof förvaltnings AB
date added to LUP
2015-06-22 11:15:51
date last changed
2015-06-22 11:15:51
  abstract     = {{This study investigates the current status of the Scanian regional environmental objectives in relation to Swedish forestry. The aim of the study was to decide on high impact measures that will contribute to the fulfilment of five out of these 16 objectives; Reduced Climate Impact, Natural Acidification Only, Zero Eutrophication, Sustainable Forests and A Rich Diversity of Plants and Animals. 
Although Sweden has a well-developed forestry and extensive environmental efforts have been implemented, none of the chosen environmental objectives will be fulfilled by 2020 without additional actions. Some of the required actions were presented in an interview with the Swedish Forest Agency, others were retrieved in literature. By reviewing a real-life case, Högestad & Christinehof förvaltnings AB, the relevance of the proposed measures were estimated and reasonable actions implementable in different sized stakeholders were presented. 
Results show that two of the most effective and concrete actions to introduce are replanting of deciduous tree species and additional creation of protected forest areas. Other more general measures are to increase respect for plants and wildlife when harvesting, improve dialogue between stakeholders within the forestry industry and to further implement landscape perspective of forest owners. The study also concludes that due to constant development of the environmental issues in Sweden, these measures may soon be improved or replaced by other, more efficient methods.}},
  author       = {{Mckeogh, Simon}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Skogens miljökvalitetsmål}},
  year         = {{2015}},