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LUP Student Papers


Postkoloniala staters suveränitetsanspråk i ny form – En studie av suverän maktutövning över allmänintressen och internationellt investeringsskydd

Hult, Simon LU (2015) LAGM01 20152
Department of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Under de senaste åren har en debatt pågått om det skydd utländska investerare erhåller inom ramen för bilaterala investeringsskyddsavtal (BIT) och tvistlösningsmekanismen ISDS. I debatten har kritik framförts mot att investeringsskyddet i för stor utsträckning gynnar investerarens ekonomiska intressen, samtidigt som allmänintressen i värdstater till investeringar missgynnas genom att statens lagstiftningsutrymme begränsas.

Uppsatsen tar denna debatt som utgångspunkt och ämnar undersöka hur investeringsskyddet påverkar en stats suveräna maktutövning i förhållande till allmänintressen. Framställningen fokuserar på mindre utvecklade staters suveränitetsanspråk i den internationella investeringsrätten över tid och hur dessa anspråk... (More)
Under de senaste åren har en debatt pågått om det skydd utländska investerare erhåller inom ramen för bilaterala investeringsskyddsavtal (BIT) och tvistlösningsmekanismen ISDS. I debatten har kritik framförts mot att investeringsskyddet i för stor utsträckning gynnar investerarens ekonomiska intressen, samtidigt som allmänintressen i värdstater till investeringar missgynnas genom att statens lagstiftningsutrymme begränsas.

Uppsatsen tar denna debatt som utgångspunkt och ämnar undersöka hur investeringsskyddet påverkar en stats suveräna maktutövning i förhållande till allmänintressen. Framställningen fokuserar på mindre utvecklade staters suveränitetsanspråk i den internationella investeringsrätten över tid och hur dessa anspråk förhåller sig till varandra. Slutligen har uppsatsen som syfte att undersöka hur investeringsskyddet kan reformeras så att det i mindre utsträckning begränsar staters suveräna maktutövning över allmänintressen.

Framställningen påvisar en konflikt över tid mellan mindre utvecklade kapitalimporterande stater och utvecklade kapitalexporterande stater i den internationella investeringsrättens utveckling. I denna konflikt har mindre utvecklade stater framfört anspråk på suveränitet i förhållande till egna naturresurser och sin ekonomiska politik för att nå utveckling, vilket är särskilt tydligt i en postkolonial kontext.

I uppsatsen konstateras att skyddet för utländska investeringar innehåller regleringar som i stor utsträckning begränsar mindre utvecklade staters suveräna maktutövning över allmänintressen, ett antagande som även bekräftas av praxis från internationella skiljedomstolar. I detta avseende har investeringsskyddet en negativ preventiv verkan och kan hindra stater från att lagstifta med hänsyn till ett allmänintresse. Vidare kommer uppsatsen till slutsatsen att mindre utvecklade stater har fortsatt att framföra suveränitetsanspråk inom ramen för investeringsskyddet, anspråk som har en koppling till postkolonial tid.

Uppsatsen avslutas med att ett antal reformeringsförslag av investeringsskyddet analyseras. Analysen utgår ifrån att den form av suveränitet som mindre utvecklade stater framförde i postkolonial tid ska eftersökas, med ändamålet att motverka att koloniala maktstrukturer reproduceras. Här finner författaren att en lämplig skyddsnivå för utländska investerare ska identifieras med en komparativ ansats på den offentliga rätten och att en permanent och självständig investeringsdomstol ska inrättas. (Less)
Over the last years, there has been an on-going debate regarding the level of protection that foreign investors should receive within the international investment regime. This regime consists of bilateral investment treaties (BIT) and investor-state dispute settlement. The investment regime has been criticized for protecting the investors’ interests over those of the public by imposing regulatory restraints on national states.

This thesis uses this debate as its starting point, and intends to explore how the investment regime affects the sovereignty of states in relation to public interests. The focus is on how developing countries have claimed sovereignty during the development of international investment law, and how these claims are... (More)
Over the last years, there has been an on-going debate regarding the level of protection that foreign investors should receive within the international investment regime. This regime consists of bilateral investment treaties (BIT) and investor-state dispute settlement. The investment regime has been criticized for protecting the investors’ interests over those of the public by imposing regulatory restraints on national states.

This thesis uses this debate as its starting point, and intends to explore how the investment regime affects the sovereignty of states in relation to public interests. The focus is on how developing countries have claimed sovereignty during the development of international investment law, and how these claims are connected to each other. The thesis finally explores the whether it is possible to reform the investment regime. This alternative option would ensure states’ sovereign powers over public interests to a greater extent than the current version.

The paper identifies a historical conflict between developed capital exporting countries and developing capital importing countries, all within the development of the international investment law. The developing countries have invoked claims on sovereignty to assert control over their own national resources and economic autonomy. This claim is most discernible in the postcolonial context.

The study finds that the international investment regime contains multiple sets of regulations that constrain the developing countries by limiting their abilities to exercise their sovereign powers over public interests. This assumption can also be seen in the practise of international investment arbitration. In this regard, the investment regime has a negative preventive effect. This could hinder states from exercise sovereign powers over public interests. The thesis also finds that the developing countries have continued their claims for sovereignty within the international investment regime, but in regards to public interests. The thesis also discovers a connection between these claims and their postcolonial counterparts.

The paper is concluded with a discussion on different suggestions to reform the international investment regime. The discussion uses the claims for sovereignty preserved by least developed states within the postcolonial context as a benchmark to ensure that the investment regime is prevented from reproducing colonial structures of power. In this regard the author concludes that a suitable level of protection should be identified through a comparative approach on public law combined with the initiating of a permanent and independent investment court. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Hult, Simon LU
alternative title
Reshaping postcolonial claims – A study on sovereign exercise of powers and the international investment regime
LAGM01 20152
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
folkrätt, internationell investeringsrätt, allmänintressen
date added to LUP
2016-01-27 14:58:19
date last changed
2016-02-12 09:31:30
  abstract     = {{Over the last years, there has been an on-going debate regarding the level of protection that foreign investors should receive within the international investment regime. This regime consists of bilateral investment treaties (BIT) and investor-state dispute settlement. The investment regime has been criticized for protecting the investors’ interests over those of the public by imposing regulatory restraints on national states.

This thesis uses this debate as its starting point, and intends to explore how the investment regime affects the sovereignty of states in relation to public interests. The focus is on how developing countries have claimed sovereignty during the development of international investment law, and how these claims are connected to each other. The thesis finally explores the whether it is possible to reform the investment regime. This alternative option would ensure states’ sovereign powers over public interests to a greater extent than the current version.

The paper identifies a historical conflict between developed capital exporting countries and developing capital importing countries, all within the development of the international investment law. The developing countries have invoked claims on sovereignty to assert control over their own national resources and economic autonomy. This claim is most discernible in the postcolonial context.

The study finds that the international investment regime contains multiple sets of regulations that constrain the developing countries by limiting their abilities to exercise their sovereign powers over public interests. This assumption can also be seen in the practise of international investment arbitration. In this regard, the investment regime has a negative preventive effect. This could hinder states from exercise sovereign powers over public interests. The thesis also finds that the developing countries have continued their claims for sovereignty within the international investment regime, but in regards to public interests. The thesis also discovers a connection between these claims and their postcolonial counterparts. 

The paper is concluded with a discussion on different suggestions to reform the international investment regime. The discussion uses the claims for sovereignty preserved by least developed states within the postcolonial context as a benchmark to ensure that the investment regime is prevented from reproducing colonial structures of power. In this regard the author concludes that a suitable level of protection should be identified through a comparative approach on public law combined with the initiating of a permanent and independent investment court.}},
  author       = {{Hult, Simon}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Postkoloniala staters suveränitetsanspråk i ny form – En studie av suverän maktutövning över allmänintressen och internationellt investeringsskydd}},
  year         = {{2015}},