Spiralteorin - En teori om mönstret mellan sammanhållning, motivation och autonomi
(2016) PSPT02 20161Department of Psychology
- Abstract
- The aim of this study was to generate a theory that has the opportunity to build bridges between established theories within the research on motivational and group psychology by exploring ”What is the pattern between cohesion, motivation and autonomy in caring professions?" and “How is the pattern effected between cohesion, motivation and autonomy by how much time spent in the team?” Grounded theory was used for data collection and analysis. 20 participants were represented from social services, elderly care and volunteers (women= 18, men = 2, mean age = 37.6 year). A secondary analysis of 17 interviews was first conducted, after that the analysis was deepened and grounded with three additional interviews. The analysis resulted in the... (More)
- The aim of this study was to generate a theory that has the opportunity to build bridges between established theories within the research on motivational and group psychology by exploring ”What is the pattern between cohesion, motivation and autonomy in caring professions?" and “How is the pattern effected between cohesion, motivation and autonomy by how much time spent in the team?” Grounded theory was used for data collection and analysis. 20 participants were represented from social services, elderly care and volunteers (women= 18, men = 2, mean age = 37.6 year). A secondary analysis of 17 interviews was first conducted, after that the analysis was deepened and grounded with three additional interviews. The analysis resulted in the following categories; to be a coherent team, to control one’s work and professional development, requirements and expectations and the importance of support and feedback. The results show that cohesion, motivation and autonomy were linked together as a spiral where the different aspects influenced each other. Particularly interesting are the results that show the importance of motivation in strengthening cohesion. The empirical findings help to connect the established theories and show the complexity of the field regarding how cohesion, motivation and autonomy are linked. (Less)
- Abstract (Swedish)
- Syftet med studien var att generera en teori som har möjlighet att bygga broar mellan etablerade teorier inom motivations- och gruppsykologiforskning genom att undersöka ”Hur ser mönstret ut mellan sammanhållning, motivation och autonomi i människovårdande yrken? ” samt ”Hur påverkas detta mönster mellan sammanhållning, motivation och autonomi av hur lång tid som spenderats i arbetsgruppen?” Grundad teori användes vid datainsamling och databearbetning. 20 deltagare var representerade från socialförvaltning, äldreomsorg och kvinnojour (kvinnor = 18 män = 2, medelålder = 37,6 år). Först genomfördes en sekundäranalys av 17 intervjuer, sedan fördjupades och grundades analysen i ytterligare tre intervjuer. Analysen mynnade ut i följande... (More)
- Syftet med studien var att generera en teori som har möjlighet att bygga broar mellan etablerade teorier inom motivations- och gruppsykologiforskning genom att undersöka ”Hur ser mönstret ut mellan sammanhållning, motivation och autonomi i människovårdande yrken? ” samt ”Hur påverkas detta mönster mellan sammanhållning, motivation och autonomi av hur lång tid som spenderats i arbetsgruppen?” Grundad teori användes vid datainsamling och databearbetning. 20 deltagare var representerade från socialförvaltning, äldreomsorg och kvinnojour (kvinnor = 18 män = 2, medelålder = 37,6 år). Först genomfördes en sekundäranalys av 17 intervjuer, sedan fördjupades och grundades analysen i ytterligare tre intervjuer. Analysen mynnade ut i följande kategorier; att vara en sammanhållen arbetsgrupp, att styra över sitt arbete och utvecklas i sin yrkesroll, krav och förväntningar samt betydelsen av stöd och återkoppling. Resultaten visade att sammanhållning, motivation och autonomi hänger ihop likt en spiral där de olika aspekterna påverkade varandra. Särskilt intressant var resultaten som visade på motivationens betydelse för att stärka sammanhållningen. De empirinära fynden bidrar till att länka ihop rådande teorier och visa på fältets komplexitet beträffande hur sammanhållning, motivation och autonomi hänger samman. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
- author
- Lundstén, Louisa LU
- supervisor
- organization
- course
- PSPT02 20161
- year
- 2016
- type
- H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
- subject
- keywords
- autonomi, Nyckelord: sammanhållning, motivation, autonomy, cohesion, grundad teori, grounded theory
- language
- Swedish
- id
- 8875859
- date added to LUP
- 2016-06-14 10:01:59
- date last changed
- 2016-06-14 10:01:59
@misc{8875859, abstract = {{The aim of this study was to generate a theory that has the opportunity to build bridges between established theories within the research on motivational and group psychology by exploring ”What is the pattern between cohesion, motivation and autonomy in caring professions?" and “How is the pattern effected between cohesion, motivation and autonomy by how much time spent in the team?” Grounded theory was used for data collection and analysis. 20 participants were represented from social services, elderly care and volunteers (women= 18, men = 2, mean age = 37.6 year). A secondary analysis of 17 interviews was first conducted, after that the analysis was deepened and grounded with three additional interviews. The analysis resulted in the following categories; to be a coherent team, to control one’s work and professional development, requirements and expectations and the importance of support and feedback. The results show that cohesion, motivation and autonomy were linked together as a spiral where the different aspects influenced each other. Particularly interesting are the results that show the importance of motivation in strengthening cohesion. The empirical findings help to connect the established theories and show the complexity of the field regarding how cohesion, motivation and autonomy are linked.}}, author = {{Lundstén, Louisa}}, language = {{swe}}, note = {{Student Paper}}, title = {{Spiralteorin - En teori om mönstret mellan sammanhållning, motivation och autonomi}}, year = {{2016}}, }