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Synnerligen grov misshandel - En nyklassisk triumf? - En studie kring brottet synnerligen grov misshandel och den nyklassiska skolans inflytande på brottstypens uppkomst

Magnusson, Adrian LU (2016) LAGF03 20162
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Synnerligen grov misshandel är en brottstyp som introducerades i svensk straffrätt år 2010, detta efter att regeringen uttryckt att straffskärpningar behövdes då man inte ansåg att de utdömda straffen var proportionerliga i förhållande till brottets allvar. Flertalet fall har sedermera hamnat i HD och hovrätterna och en praxis har skapats kring vad brottet innebär. Stort fokus läggs på hänsynslösheten och bestående men som orsakats av själva misshandeln. Att peka ut enskilda företeelser som utgör synnerligen grov misshandel är svårt utan det är hänsynslösheten och huruvida gärningen har resulterat i bestående men för det utsatta offret som står i fokus för avgörandet om misshandeln är synnerligen grov eller inte.
Svensk straffrätt har de... (More)
Synnerligen grov misshandel är en brottstyp som introducerades i svensk straffrätt år 2010, detta efter att regeringen uttryckt att straffskärpningar behövdes då man inte ansåg att de utdömda straffen var proportionerliga i förhållande till brottets allvar. Flertalet fall har sedermera hamnat i HD och hovrätterna och en praxis har skapats kring vad brottet innebär. Stort fokus läggs på hänsynslösheten och bestående men som orsakats av själva misshandeln. Att peka ut enskilda företeelser som utgör synnerligen grov misshandel är svårt utan det är hänsynslösheten och huruvida gärningen har resulterat i bestående men för det utsatta offret som står i fokus för avgörandet om misshandeln är synnerligen grov eller inte.
Svensk straffrätt har de senaste 30 - 40 åren präglats av den nyklassiska skolans inflytande. Skolan förespråkar proportionalitet mellan brott och straff och ekvivalens mellan straffen för liknande gärningar. Skolan är kritisk till straffrättens möjligheter att bidra till minskad brottslighet och vill inte att straffrätten ska ha det uppdraget. Detta står i skarp kontrast till anhängare av den sociala ingenjörskonsten som anser att samhället kan och ska förändras genom lag och lagstiftning.
Den nyklassiska skolans inflytande på brottets skapande är troligtvis relativt påtaglig. Förutom det faktum att dagens jurister fostrats i den rådande hegemonin så nämns principerna om proportionalitet och ekvivalens i förarbetena till brottstypens införande. På ett mer övergripande plan har dock bristen på en tydlig legitimitetsgrund lett till att straffnivåerna oundvikligen pressats uppåt. Straffskärpningar sker som en följd av att straffrätten saknar en tydlig legitimationsgrund vilket gör att den istället legitimeras av vedergällning. I ett annat system, präglat av den sociala ingenjörskonsten, skulle själva brottet synnerligen grov misshandel troligtvis ha utformats annorlunda, åtminstone gällande straffet. Syftet med straffrätten hade varit att minska brottsligheten så detta hade stått i fokus istället för diskussioner om proportionalitet och ekvivalens. (Less)
Exceptional aggravated assault is a crime which was introduced to Swedish criminal law in 2010. The reason behind this was the fact that the Swedish government believed that harsher punishments were needed due to the fact that they were not proportional in comparison to the seriousness of the crime. Regarding what is to be considered as exceptional aggravated assault, the courts tend to focus on the ruthlessness of the act and if the committed act has led to any lasting injuries on the victim of the assault. Pointing out certain circumstances or acts that will always be considered exceptional aggravated assault is not possible. The ruthlessness of the act and the lasting injuries are in focus when determining whether an act of assault was... (More)
Exceptional aggravated assault is a crime which was introduced to Swedish criminal law in 2010. The reason behind this was the fact that the Swedish government believed that harsher punishments were needed due to the fact that they were not proportional in comparison to the seriousness of the crime. Regarding what is to be considered as exceptional aggravated assault, the courts tend to focus on the ruthlessness of the act and if the committed act has led to any lasting injuries on the victim of the assault. Pointing out certain circumstances or acts that will always be considered exceptional aggravated assault is not possible. The ruthlessness of the act and the lasting injuries are in focus when determining whether an act of assault was exceptional aggravated assault or not.
Swedish criminal law has during the last 30 – 40 years been heavily influenced by the ideas of the neoclassical school. The neoclassical school are proponents of proportion between the crime and the punishment and equivalence between the punishments for similar criminal offences. The school is critical to the possibilities of criminal law to reduce crime and does not want criminal law to have that purpose. This is in sharp contrast to the idea of social engineering which promotes the fact that society can and will be changed through law and law-making.
The influence of the neoclassical school on the introduction of exceptional aggravated result is probably remarkable. Swedish jurists have all been taught in the ideas and the aforementioned principles are mentioned in the works preceding the legislation of the crime. At another level it is highly likely that the lack of an obvious justification for Swedish criminal law has led to the fact that punishments have become harsher. With the lack of justification, retribution has become the justification for the existence of Swedish criminal law. If social engineering and crime reduction instead was the legitimate cause for Swedish criminal law, exceptional aggravated result would probably have been regulated differently since principles such as proportion and equivalence would be of less importance. (Less)
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Magnusson, Adrian LU
LAGF03 20162
M2 - Bachelor Degree
date added to LUP
2017-02-13 08:24:14
date last changed
2017-02-13 08:24:14
  abstract     = {{Exceptional aggravated assault is a crime which was introduced to Swedish criminal law in 2010. The reason behind this was the fact that the Swedish government believed that harsher punishments were needed due to the fact that they were not proportional in comparison to the seriousness of the crime. Regarding what is to be considered as exceptional aggravated assault, the courts tend to focus on the ruthlessness of the act and if the committed act has led to any lasting injuries on the victim of the assault. Pointing out certain circumstances or acts that will always be considered exceptional aggravated assault is not possible. The ruthlessness of the act and the lasting injuries are in focus when determining whether an act of assault was exceptional aggravated assault or not.
 Swedish criminal law has during the last 30 – 40 years been heavily influenced by the ideas of the neoclassical school. The neoclassical school are proponents of proportion between the crime and the punishment and equivalence between the punishments for similar criminal offences. The school is critical to the possibilities of criminal law to reduce crime and does not want criminal law to have that purpose. This is in sharp contrast to the idea of social engineering which promotes the fact that society can and will be changed through law and law-making.
 The influence of the neoclassical school on the introduction of exceptional aggravated result is probably remarkable. Swedish jurists have all been taught in the ideas and the aforementioned principles are mentioned in the works preceding the legislation of the crime. At another level it is highly likely that the lack of an obvious justification for Swedish criminal law has led to the fact that punishments have become harsher. With the lack of justification, retribution has become the justification for the existence of Swedish criminal law. If social engineering and crime reduction instead was the legitimate cause for Swedish criminal law, exceptional aggravated result would probably have been regulated differently since principles such as proportion and equivalence would be of less importance.}},
  author       = {{Magnusson, Adrian}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Synnerligen grov misshandel - En nyklassisk triumf? - En studie kring brottet synnerligen grov misshandel och den nyklassiska skolans inflytande på brottstypens uppkomst}},
  year         = {{2016}},