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LUP Student Papers


Lagförslaget om könskvotering till bolagsstyrelser och dess utgångspunkter

Rempler, Alicia LU (2016) LAGF03 20162
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Nyligen lades ett lagförslag fram som föreslår att en ny paragraf ska införas
i aktiebolagslagen som föreskriver att styrelseledamöterna i
aktiemarknadsbolag och statligt helägda bolag ska vara representerade till
minst fyrtio procent av vardera kön. Detta innebär att det genomsnittliga
antalet kvinnliga styrelseledamöter i börsbolagen måste höjas med 8
procentenheter från nuvarande 32 procent. Om bolagen inte uppfyller
lagkravet kommer en sanktionsavgift som storleksbestäms i förhållande till
bolagets börsvärde att tas ut. Kvoteringskravet ska enligt förslaget vara
uppfyllt senast 2019.

I departementspromemorian framställer utredningen två påståenden om den
nya lagens förväntade effekter. Det ökade antalet kvinnor i... (More)
Nyligen lades ett lagförslag fram som föreslår att en ny paragraf ska införas
i aktiebolagslagen som föreskriver att styrelseledamöterna i
aktiemarknadsbolag och statligt helägda bolag ska vara representerade till
minst fyrtio procent av vardera kön. Detta innebär att det genomsnittliga
antalet kvinnliga styrelseledamöter i börsbolagen måste höjas med 8
procentenheter från nuvarande 32 procent. Om bolagen inte uppfyller
lagkravet kommer en sanktionsavgift som storleksbestäms i förhållande till
bolagets börsvärde att tas ut. Kvoteringskravet ska enligt förslaget vara
uppfyllt senast 2019.

I departementspromemorian framställer utredningen två påståenden om den
nya lagens förväntade effekter. Det ökade antalet kvinnor i styrelserna sägs
dels leda till en ökad lönsamhet för bolagen, dels innebära att fler kvinnor
tillsätts även på andra ledande positioner inom företagen. Dessa påståenden
underbyggs inte i promemorian och har därför blivit föremål för
underökning och analys i denna uppsats.

Forskning på området är inte helt entydig, men det finns tydliga indikationer
i diverse rapporter och studier på att det faktiskt finns ett samband mellan
antalet kvinnor i styrelsen och företagens lönsamhet. Det svåraste är dock att
bevisa att kausalitet föreligger mellan dessa två. Desto mer påvisbart är
sambandet mellan antalet kvinnor i styrelsen och övriga ledningen. Detta
samband går inte att mäta i siffror på samma sätt som lönsamhet, utan
kräver mer långsiktiga empiriska studier av företagens
ledningssammansättningar. Trots att samtliga studier inte påvisar samma
resultat gör en övervägande majoritet det, varför uppsatsens slutsats är att
det finns stöd för de påståenden som läggs fram i det nya lagförslaget om
könskvotering till bolagsstyrelser. (Less)
A legislative proposal suggesting that a new article is introduced in the
Swedish Companies Act which states that the boards of directors of certain
public companies and all wholly-owned government companies should
consist of at least 40 percent of each gender was recently launched in
Sweden. This means that the average number of female directors of the
public companies needs to increase by 8 percentage points from the current
32 percent. If the companies do not fulfil the legal obligation a sanction fee
which is calculated based on the stock market value of the company will be
imposed. According to the proposal, the quota obligation shall be fulfilled
by 2019 at the latest.

In the proposal two statements are made about the... (More)
A legislative proposal suggesting that a new article is introduced in the
Swedish Companies Act which states that the boards of directors of certain
public companies and all wholly-owned government companies should
consist of at least 40 percent of each gender was recently launched in
Sweden. This means that the average number of female directors of the
public companies needs to increase by 8 percentage points from the current
32 percent. If the companies do not fulfil the legal obligation a sanction fee
which is calculated based on the stock market value of the company will be
imposed. According to the proposal, the quota obligation shall be fulfilled
by 2019 at the latest.

In the proposal two statements are made about the expected outcome of the
new legislation. The increased number of women on the corporate boards
will supposedly lead to an increased profitability for the companies as well
as an increase of women in other executive positions. These statements are
not supported in the proposal, and have thus become the subject of
investigation and analysis in this thesis.

Research made on this subject is not unequivocal. There are however clear
indications in various studies and reports that there is a connection between
the number of women on corporate boards and the profitability of the
companies. The difficulty lies in proving that causality exists between the
two. The connection between the number of women on corporate boards and
the number of women in other executive positions is easier to prove. Unlike
profitability, this connection cannot be measured by numbers and therefore
requires long-term empirical studies of the corporate leadership
composition. Even though not all studies show the same results the vast
majority does. Therefore, the conclusion is that the statements made in the
legislative proposal about gender quotas for corporate boards are supported
by research. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Rempler, Alicia LU
LAGF03 20162
M2 - Bachelor Degree
bolagsrätt, jamställdhet, könskvotering
date added to LUP
2017-02-13 08:21:11
date last changed
2017-02-13 08:21:11
  abstract     = {{A legislative proposal suggesting that a new article is introduced in the
Swedish Companies Act which states that the boards of directors of certain
public companies and all wholly-owned government companies should
consist of at least 40 percent of each gender was recently launched in
Sweden. This means that the average number of female directors of the
public companies needs to increase by 8 percentage points from the current
32 percent. If the companies do not fulfil the legal obligation a sanction fee
which is calculated based on the stock market value of the company will be
imposed. According to the proposal, the quota obligation shall be fulfilled
by 2019 at the latest.

In the proposal two statements are made about the expected outcome of the
new legislation. The increased number of women on the corporate boards
will supposedly lead to an increased profitability for the companies as well
as an increase of women in other executive positions. These statements are
not supported in the proposal, and have thus become the subject of
investigation and analysis in this thesis.

Research made on this subject is not unequivocal. There are however clear
indications in various studies and reports that there is a connection between
the number of women on corporate boards and the profitability of the
companies. The difficulty lies in proving that causality exists between the
two. The connection between the number of women on corporate boards and
the number of women in other executive positions is easier to prove. Unlike
profitability, this connection cannot be measured by numbers and therefore
requires long-term empirical studies of the corporate leadership
composition. Even though not all studies show the same results the vast
majority does. Therefore, the conclusion is that the statements made in the
legislative proposal about gender quotas for corporate boards are supported
by research.}},
  author       = {{Rempler, Alicia}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Lagförslaget om könskvotering till bolagsstyrelser och dess utgångspunkter}},
  year         = {{2016}},