Efterlevandeskyddet för sambor
(2016) LAGF03 20162Department of Law
Faculty of Law
- Abstract (Swedish)
- Omkring en tredjedel av alla sammanlevande par i Sverige idag är sambor och omfattas därigenom av sambolagen. Sambolagens huvudsyfte är att tillhandahålla ett minimiskydd till den svagare parten när samboförhållandet upplöses. I och med att samboförhållandena ökar i antal varar allt fler samboförhållanden längre, till och med livet ut. Mot bakgrund av detta är uppsatsens mål att behandla vilket efterlevandeskydd sambor har enligt sambolagen och vilket skydd de kan tillgodogöra sig på egen hand. Till skillnad från gifta makar åtnjuter inte sambor rätt att ta arv efter varandra enligt svensk rätt. Skulle någon av dem avlida kommer arvet efter denne att fördelas i enlighet med den legala arvsordningen i ärvdabalken, i vilken sambor inte... (More)
- Omkring en tredjedel av alla sammanlevande par i Sverige idag är sambor och omfattas därigenom av sambolagen. Sambolagens huvudsyfte är att tillhandahålla ett minimiskydd till den svagare parten när samboförhållandet upplöses. I och med att samboförhållandena ökar i antal varar allt fler samboförhållanden längre, till och med livet ut. Mot bakgrund av detta är uppsatsens mål att behandla vilket efterlevandeskydd sambor har enligt sambolagen och vilket skydd de kan tillgodogöra sig på egen hand. Till skillnad från gifta makar åtnjuter inte sambor rätt att ta arv efter varandra enligt svensk rätt. Skulle någon av dem avlida kommer arvet efter denne att fördelas i enlighet med den legala arvsordningen i ärvdabalken, i vilken sambor inte ingår.
Genom sambolagens rätt till bodelning, den så kallade lilla basbeloppsregeln och rätten att överta den gemensamma bostaden i vissa fall, har en efterlevande sambo tillerkänts ett, om än litet, efterlevandeskydd. Utöver detta har lagstiftaren inte ansett det nödvändigt att ge sambor ett mer omfattande efterlevandeskydd utan samborna är istället hänvisade till att upprätta testamente till förmån för varandra för att själva stärka sitt skydd. Avsaknaden av arvsrätt och behovet av att förlita sig på testamenten kan leda till bekymmersamma situationer, särskilt om samborna har barn. Gifta makar ärver de gemensamma barnens arvslotter, sambor gör det inte. Oavsett hur egendomen är testamenterad har barnen i ett samboförhållande rätt att kräva ut sina laglotter omedelbart efter ena förälderns död, vilket kan bli kostsamt och problematiskt för den efterlevande sambon.
Givet att sambolagen är en skyddslagstiftning som blir tillämplig på alla samboförhållanden och att äktenskapet utgör en gemensam viljeförklaring genom vilken parterna tillsammans väljer att viss lagstiftning ska tillämpas på deras förhållande, anser jag inte att det är motiverat att sambor ska ha rätt att ta arv av varandra på samma sätt som gifta makar. Däremot kan en utökad testationsfrihet genom vilken samborna får möjlighet att till varandra testamentera de gemensamma barnens laglotter, vara befogad. (Less) - Abstract
- About one third of all couples in Sweden today are cohabitants and therefore subject to the Cohabitees Act. The purpose of the Cohabitees Act is to provide minimum protection for the weaker party when a cohabitee relationship ends. Due to the fact that cohabitee relationships are increasing in number, more cohabitee relationships are lasting longer, some even for life. Considering this, the objective of this essay is to examine what sort of protection a surviving cohabitant is given through the Cohabitees Act and what the cohabitants themselves can do to strengthen the protection.
Unlike married couples, cohabitants do not enjoy the right to inherit each other. If one of the cohabitants were to die, the inheritance would be distributed... (More) - About one third of all couples in Sweden today are cohabitants and therefore subject to the Cohabitees Act. The purpose of the Cohabitees Act is to provide minimum protection for the weaker party when a cohabitee relationship ends. Due to the fact that cohabitee relationships are increasing in number, more cohabitee relationships are lasting longer, some even for life. Considering this, the objective of this essay is to examine what sort of protection a surviving cohabitant is given through the Cohabitees Act and what the cohabitants themselves can do to strengthen the protection.
Unlike married couples, cohabitants do not enjoy the right to inherit each other. If one of the cohabitants were to die, the inheritance would be distributed according to the rules in the Inheritance Code, in which cohabitants are not included.
The Cohabitees Act does give a surviving cohabitee some protection through the possibilities of estate division, the “small base rule” and the right to take over the joint residence. Apart from these possibilities, the legislator has not found it necessary to grant a surviving cohabitant any further options. Cohabitants are instead referred to write a will in order to inherit each other. The lack of the right of inheritance and the need to rely on the establishing of a will can lead to difficult situations, especially if the cohabitants have got children together. A surviving spouse inherits the children’s share of inheritance, cohabitants do not. No matter how the deceased cohabitant’s estate is to be distributed according to the will, the children of cohabitants always have the right to adjust the will in order to get their statutory share of inheritance. This process can prove costly and problematic for the surviving cohabitant.
Due to the fact that the Cohabitees Act is a protective legislation, which applies to all cohabitee relationships and that marriage is a mutual declaration of intent through which the parties choose to submit to certain legislation, I believe that it is not warranted to grant cohabitants the right to inherit each other. However, an extended freedom to divide through a will, through which the cohabitees would be able to bequeath their children’s statutory share of inheritance, could be warranted. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
- author
- Aurell, Axel LU
- supervisor
- organization
- course
- LAGF03 20162
- year
- 2016
- type
- M2 - Bachelor Degree
- subject
- keywords
- familjerätt, arv, sambo
- language
- Swedish
- id
- 8897281
- date added to LUP
- 2017-02-04 16:52:35
- date last changed
- 2017-02-04 16:52:35
@misc{8897281, abstract = {{About one third of all couples in Sweden today are cohabitants and therefore subject to the Cohabitees Act. The purpose of the Cohabitees Act is to provide minimum protection for the weaker party when a cohabitee relationship ends. Due to the fact that cohabitee relationships are increasing in number, more cohabitee relationships are lasting longer, some even for life. Considering this, the objective of this essay is to examine what sort of protection a surviving cohabitant is given through the Cohabitees Act and what the cohabitants themselves can do to strengthen the protection. Unlike married couples, cohabitants do not enjoy the right to inherit each other. If one of the cohabitants were to die, the inheritance would be distributed according to the rules in the Inheritance Code, in which cohabitants are not included. The Cohabitees Act does give a surviving cohabitee some protection through the possibilities of estate division, the “small base rule” and the right to take over the joint residence. Apart from these possibilities, the legislator has not found it necessary to grant a surviving cohabitant any further options. Cohabitants are instead referred to write a will in order to inherit each other. The lack of the right of inheritance and the need to rely on the establishing of a will can lead to difficult situations, especially if the cohabitants have got children together. A surviving spouse inherits the children’s share of inheritance, cohabitants do not. No matter how the deceased cohabitant’s estate is to be distributed according to the will, the children of cohabitants always have the right to adjust the will in order to get their statutory share of inheritance. This process can prove costly and problematic for the surviving cohabitant. Due to the fact that the Cohabitees Act is a protective legislation, which applies to all cohabitee relationships and that marriage is a mutual declaration of intent through which the parties choose to submit to certain legislation, I believe that it is not warranted to grant cohabitants the right to inherit each other. However, an extended freedom to divide through a will, through which the cohabitees would be able to bequeath their children’s statutory share of inheritance, could be warranted.}}, author = {{Aurell, Axel}}, language = {{swe}}, note = {{Student Paper}}, title = {{Efterlevandeskyddet för sambor}}, year = {{2016}}, }