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Konsumentskyddet vid småhusentreprenader - Under vilka förutsättningar föreligger fel och vilka påföljder kan bli aktuella?

Metz Abrahamsson, Jennie LU (2017) HARH01 20162
Department of Business Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Husförvärvet är en av de viktigaste affärerna en konsument gör i sitt liv. När konsumenten ingår ett avtal med en näringsidkare om småhusentreprenad förväntar sig konsumenten att arbetet ska färdigställas utan brister och fel. Konsumenten har inte samma kunskap och erfarenhet som näringsidkaren och anses därför har en svagare ställning i en avtalsrelation gentemot näringsidkaren. KTjL är tvingande till konsumentens fördel och lagen har både allmänna och speciella bestämmelser avseende småhusentreprenader. I avtal om småhusentreprenad ska arbetet vara fackmässigt utfört. Vad fackmässighet innebär kan dock förefalla oklart då begreppet inte definieras i någon lagtext. Tjänsten kan betraktas som felaktig om resultatet avviker från vad som... (More)
Husförvärvet är en av de viktigaste affärerna en konsument gör i sitt liv. När konsumenten ingår ett avtal med en näringsidkare om småhusentreprenad förväntar sig konsumenten att arbetet ska färdigställas utan brister och fel. Konsumenten har inte samma kunskap och erfarenhet som näringsidkaren och anses därför har en svagare ställning i en avtalsrelation gentemot näringsidkaren. KTjL är tvingande till konsumentens fördel och lagen har både allmänna och speciella bestämmelser avseende småhusentreprenader. I avtal om småhusentreprenad ska arbetet vara fackmässigt utfört. Vad fackmässighet innebär kan dock förefalla oklart då begreppet inte definieras i någon lagtext. Tjänsten kan betraktas som felaktig om resultatet avviker från vad som föreskrivs om bland annat fackmässighet. Är tjänsten felaktig utan att det beror på något förhållande på konsumentens sida, får konsumenten hålla inne betalningen, kräva att felet avhjälps, begära prisavdrag eller häva avtalet.

Avtalet har en stor betydelse för hur avtalsrelationen kommer se ut och som ett komplement till lagstiftningen finns det branschanpassade standardavtal. Avtal ska hållas ”pacta sunt servanda” och så även vid småhusentreprenader. Vid småhusentreprenader gäller sedan 2005 enligt KTjL 51 § ”vad konsumenten påstår har avtalats om arbetets omfattning, priset eller grunderna för hur priset bestäms, tiden för betalning, och tiden för arbetets avslutande om inget annat framgår av ett skriftligt avtal eller av omständigheterna i övrigt”. Då inget formkrav föreligger vid avtal om tjänster torde en sådan formulering som i KTjL 51 § främja en skriftlig dokumentation av avtalet. Många gånger kan ett skriftligt avtal inte i detalj precisera vad som avtalats, dock kan det konstateras att ett handslag på trappen inte är att rekommendera då det är svårt att bevisa vad som är avtalat mellan parterna. (Less)
Housing acquisition is one of the most important deals consumers make in their life. When consumers conclude an agreement on small house contracts with a business proprietor, consumers expect that the work will be completed without deficiencies and faults. Consumers do not have the same knowledge and experience as business proprietors and are therefore deemed to have a weaker position than business proprietors in a contractual relation. The Swedish Consumer Services Act is mandatory and favours consumers. The Act contains both general and special provisions for small house contracts. In agreements on small house contracts, the work should be performed professionally. However, the definition of ‘professionally’ seems to be unclear as the... (More)
Housing acquisition is one of the most important deals consumers make in their life. When consumers conclude an agreement on small house contracts with a business proprietor, consumers expect that the work will be completed without deficiencies and faults. Consumers do not have the same knowledge and experience as business proprietors and are therefore deemed to have a weaker position than business proprietors in a contractual relation. The Swedish Consumer Services Act is mandatory and favours consumers. The Act contains both general and special provisions for small house contracts. In agreements on small house contracts, the work should be performed professionally. However, the definition of ‘professionally’ seems to be unclear as the concept is not defined in any text of a law. The service may be considered as being faulty if the results deviate from that prescribed on, inter alia, professionalism. If the service is faulty and the fault is not the result of any condition on the consumer’s part, the consumer may withhold payment, demand that the fault is rectified, request a discount or annul the agreement.

The agreement is essential for the structure of the contractual relation and there are industry-specific standard agreements as a supplement to the legislation. The agreement must be kept “pacta sunt servanda” even for small house contracts. Since 2005, pursuant to § 51 of the Consumer Services Act for small house contracts “what the consumer alleges has been agreed on the work’s scope, price or grounds for determination of the price, the time of payment, and time of completion of the work applies, unless stipulated otherwise by a written agreement or necessitated by circumstances in general.” As there is no formal legal requirement for agreement on services, such a formulation as in § 51 of the Consumer Services Act ought to promote written documentation on the agreement. Many times a written agreement cannot specify in detail what has been agreed, however it can be ascertained that a handshake on the stairs is not advisable as it is difficult to prove what has been agreed between the parties. (Less)
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Metz Abrahamsson, Jennie LU
HARH01 20162
M2 - Bachelor Degree
Småhusentreprenad, fackmässigt, fackmässighet, bevisbördan, konsumentskydd
date added to LUP
2017-01-20 10:42:00
date last changed
2017-01-20 10:42:00
  abstract     = {{Housing acquisition is one of the most important deals consumers make in their life. When consumers conclude an agreement on small house contracts with a business proprietor, consumers expect that the work will be completed without deficiencies and faults. Consumers do not have the same knowledge and experience as business proprietors and are therefore deemed to have a weaker position than business proprietors in a contractual relation. The Swedish Consumer Services Act is mandatory and favours consumers. The Act contains both general and special provisions for small house contracts. In agreements on small house contracts, the work should be performed professionally. However, the definition of ‘professionally’ seems to be unclear as the concept is not defined in any text of a law. The service may be considered as being faulty if the results deviate from that prescribed on, inter alia, professionalism. If the service is faulty and the fault is not the result of any condition on the consumer’s part, the consumer may withhold payment, demand that the fault is rectified, request a discount or annul the agreement. 

The agreement is essential for the structure of the contractual relation and there are industry-specific standard agreements as a supplement to the legislation. The agreement must be kept “pacta sunt servanda” even for small house contracts. Since 2005, pursuant to § 51 of the Consumer Services Act for small house contracts “what the consumer alleges has been agreed on the work’s scope, price or grounds for determination of the price, the time of payment, and time of completion of the work applies, unless stipulated otherwise by a written agreement or necessitated by circumstances in general.” As there is no formal legal requirement for agreement on services, such a formulation as in § 51 of the Consumer Services Act ought to promote written documentation on the agreement. Many times a written agreement cannot specify in detail what has been agreed, however it can be ascertained that a handshake on the stairs is not advisable as it is difficult to prove what has been agreed between the parties.}},
  author       = {{Metz Abrahamsson, Jennie}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Konsumentskyddet vid småhusentreprenader - Under vilka förutsättningar föreligger fel och vilka påföljder kan bli aktuella?}},
  year         = {{2017}},