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Att hitta hem: ett inlägg i bostadsdebatten

Ranstad, Hanna LU (2017) AAHM01 20161
Department of Architecture and Built Environment
Abstract (Swedish)
Bostadsbristen slår hårdast mot dem som redan står längst ifrån bostadsmarknaden. Unga, nysvenskar och äldre har fått det svårare att få sina bostadsbehov tillgodosedda. Det svenska bostadsbyggandet har sedan år 2006 varit lågt i förhållande till befolkningsutvecklingen (Boverket 2015:a). Effekterna av ett lågt bostadsbyggande är bland annat en ökad trångboddhet, osäkra boendeförhållanden, svarthandel med hyreskontrakt, rekryteringssvårigheter i framför allt storstäderna, stigande bostadspriser och en ökad risk för en fastighetsbubbla.
Tanken med det här examensarbetet har inte varit att hitta en ideal lösning på den stora bostadsbrist som råder i Sverige idag. Men likt Lisa Deurell, arkitekt och medförfattare till “Mellanstaden-strategi... (More)
Bostadsbristen slår hårdast mot dem som redan står längst ifrån bostadsmarknaden. Unga, nysvenskar och äldre har fått det svårare att få sina bostadsbehov tillgodosedda. Det svenska bostadsbyggandet har sedan år 2006 varit lågt i förhållande till befolkningsutvecklingen (Boverket 2015:a). Effekterna av ett lågt bostadsbyggande är bland annat en ökad trångboddhet, osäkra boendeförhållanden, svarthandel med hyreskontrakt, rekryteringssvårigheter i framför allt storstäderna, stigande bostadspriser och en ökad risk för en fastighetsbubbla.
Tanken med det här examensarbetet har inte varit att hitta en ideal lösning på den stora bostadsbrist som råder i Sverige idag. Men likt Lisa Deurell, arkitekt och medförfattare till “Mellanstaden-strategi för hållbar stadsutveckling” efterlyser jag en kooperativ egnahemsrörelse. (Deurell 2016). Därför belyses kommunens markpolitik, upplåtelseformer, självbyggeri, seriebyggande och strategier för att reducera utgifter kopplade till boendesituationen som el-, internet- och transportkostnader.
Det finns ett flertal hypoteser om varför det inte byggs fler bostäder i Sverige och det är lätt att förlora överblicken bland slagord och synbarligen enkla lösningar som att kommunernas planmonopol borde slopas, att de tekniska egenskapskraven på bostäder behöver sänkas, att hyresregleringen borde avskaffas och att flyttkedjor kommer leda till ett mer effektivt utnyttjande av bostadsstocken om det blir dyrt att bo men billigt att flytta.
I examensarbetet diskuterar jag strategier som kan låta bostadsbehövande med begränsade ekonomiska resurser ta makten över sin bostadssituation och bygga fler, billiga bostäder i större skala genom organisationer liknande “Mietshäusersyndikat” eller så skallade solidariska banker som underlättar bildandet av kooperativa hyresrättsföreningar som äger sina byggnader.
Eftersom bostadsbristen under de närmaste åren beräknas vara mest akut i storstäderna har jag valt att förlägga examensarbetets bostadsprojekt i det relativt centrala södra sjukhusområdet i Malmö med goda kommunikationer och underutnyttjad, kommunalt ägd mark. (Less)
The effects of a housing shortage will be hardest on those groups, who are far from being a part of the housing market. It is becoming more and more difficult for young adults, immigrants and elderly to find a solution for their housing needs in Sweden. Since 2006, the rate of construction of housing in Sweden has been relatively low compared to the population growth rate (Boverket 2015:a). The effects of a too small dwelling stock are among others an increase in the number of people living in overcrowded dwellings, insecure housing situations with short term leases, a thriving black market for rental leases, difficulties to recruit personnel in larger cities, rising real estate prices and an increased likelihood of a bursting real estate... (More)
The effects of a housing shortage will be hardest on those groups, who are far from being a part of the housing market. It is becoming more and more difficult for young adults, immigrants and elderly to find a solution for their housing needs in Sweden. Since 2006, the rate of construction of housing in Sweden has been relatively low compared to the population growth rate (Boverket 2015:a). The effects of a too small dwelling stock are among others an increase in the number of people living in overcrowded dwellings, insecure housing situations with short term leases, a thriving black market for rental leases, difficulties to recruit personnel in larger cities, rising real estate prices and an increased likelihood of a bursting real estate bubble.
This master thesis will not present an ideal solution to the massive lack of housing in Sweden today. But as Lisa Deurell, architect and co-author of “Mellanstaden-strategi för hållbar stadsutveckling” I call for a co-operative tenancy and a form of building cooperative (Deurell 2016). I will therefore look at aspects of municipality land policies, forms of housing tenure, self-build, seriality in construction and strategies for reducing costs associated with living situations such as electricity, internet and transportation fees.
There are numerous hypotheses and theories trying to explain the low dwelling construction rate in Sweden and one easily loses oversight amongst the paroles and apparently simple solutions. An abolished country and town planning monopoly, a relaxation of the building code, changed rent regulations, tax-changes to make dwelling expensive but moving cheap, is supposed to increase the construction rate.
The strategies put forward are meant to emancipate persons in need of housing, but with limited economic resources, to build cheap housing on a large scale. Organizations similar to the “Mietshäusersyndikat” or so called solidarity banks could facilitate the establishment of cooperative tenancy associations, who also act as a building cooperative in constructing an apartment-house for the cooperative tenancy association.
The housing shortage is prognosed to be the most severe in the larger cities in Sweden in upcoming years. I have therefore chosen the southern hospital-area in Malmö, a relatively central area with good communications, as the site for the dwelling project of this master thesis. An area where land is currently underutilized and largely owned by the municipality of Malmö. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Ranstad, Hanna LU
AAHM01 20161
H2 - Master's Degree (Two Years)
arkitektur, bostäder, förtätning, bostadsbyggande, bostadsbrist, bostadspolitik
date added to LUP
2017-12-11 14:51:54
date last changed
2017-12-11 14:51:54
  abstract     = {{The effects of a housing shortage will be hardest on those groups, who are far from being a part of the housing market. It is becoming more and more difficult for young adults, immigrants and elderly to find a solution for their housing needs in Sweden. Since 2006, the rate of construction of housing in Sweden has been relatively low compared to the population growth rate (Boverket 2015:a). The effects of a too small dwelling stock are among others an increase in the number of people living in overcrowded dwellings, insecure housing situations with short term leases, a thriving black market for rental leases, difficulties to recruit personnel in larger cities, rising real estate prices and an increased likelihood of a bursting real estate bubble. 
This master thesis will not present an ideal solution to the massive lack of housing in Sweden today. But as Lisa Deurell, architect and co-author of “Mellanstaden-strategi för hållbar stadsutveckling” I call for a co-operative tenancy and a form of building cooperative (Deurell 2016). I will therefore look at aspects of municipality land policies, forms of housing tenure, self-build, seriality in construction and strategies for reducing costs associated with living situations such as electricity, internet and transportation fees.
There are numerous hypotheses and theories trying to explain the low dwelling construction rate in Sweden and one easily loses oversight amongst the paroles and apparently simple solutions. An abolished country and town planning monopoly, a relaxation of the building code, changed rent regulations, tax-changes to make dwelling expensive but moving cheap, is supposed to increase the construction rate.
The strategies put forward are meant to emancipate persons in need of housing, but with limited economic resources, to build cheap housing on a large scale. Organizations similar to the “Mietshäusersyndikat” or so called solidarity banks could facilitate the establishment of cooperative tenancy associations, who also act as a building cooperative in constructing an apartment-house for the cooperative tenancy association.
The housing shortage is prognosed to be the most severe in the larger cities in Sweden in upcoming years. I have therefore chosen the southern hospital-area in Malmö, a relatively central area with good communications, as the site for the dwelling project of this master thesis. An area where land is currently underutilized and largely owned by the municipality of Malmö.}},
  author       = {{Ranstad, Hanna}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Att hitta hem: ett inlägg i bostadsdebatten}},
  year         = {{2017}},