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Kungens normgivningsmakt på Djurgården

Liljegren Victorin, Lena LU (2017) LAGF03 20171
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Enligt en överenskommelse som slöts mellan riksdagen och kungen år 1809-1810 äger den svenska kungen en dispositionsrätt till kungliga Djurgården i Stockholm. Dispositionsrätten är inte lagreglerad utan bygger än idag på överenskommelsen från tidigt 1800-tal. Djurgårdsmarken ägs av staten, men förvaltas av Kungliga Djurgårdens Förvaltningen som är en del av Kungliga hovstaterna som lyder under kungen. Djurgårdsmarken utgör cirka 15 % av Stockholm innerstads yta och varje år besöks Djurgården av ca 15 miljoner människor.

Kungen är enligt regeringsformen Sveriges statschef och utgör tillsammans med riksdag, regering och de högsta domstolarna de högsta statsorganen. Kungliga hovstaterna hävdar att dispositionsrätten till Djurgården en... (More)
Enligt en överenskommelse som slöts mellan riksdagen och kungen år 1809-1810 äger den svenska kungen en dispositionsrätt till kungliga Djurgården i Stockholm. Dispositionsrätten är inte lagreglerad utan bygger än idag på överenskommelsen från tidigt 1800-tal. Djurgårdsmarken ägs av staten, men förvaltas av Kungliga Djurgårdens Förvaltningen som är en del av Kungliga hovstaterna som lyder under kungen. Djurgårdsmarken utgör cirka 15 % av Stockholm innerstads yta och varje år besöks Djurgården av ca 15 miljoner människor.

Kungen är enligt regeringsformen Sveriges statschef och utgör tillsammans med riksdag, regering och de högsta domstolarna de högsta statsorganen. Kungliga hovstaterna hävdar att dispositionsrätten till Djurgården en viktig förutsättning för att kungen ska kunna utöva sin uppgift som statschef.

Med utgångspunkt i de tolkningar som har gjorts av den kungliga dispositionsrätten undersöker denna uppsats om statschefen genom 1809–1810 års överenskommelse äger en normgivningsmakt på Djurgården. Det vill säga om Sveriges kung innehar en rätt att meddela betungande offentligrättsliga föreskrifter gentemot enskilda på Djurgården. Kungliga Djurgårdens Förvaltning har bland annat lagstiftning som sitt registrerade verksamhetsområde hos Skatteverket och i juridisk doktrin förekommer uppfattningen att kungen genom sin dispositionsrätt till Djurgårdsmarken äger en offentligrättslig normgivningsmakt. Den fråga som ställs i uppsatsen är om en sådan normgivningsmakt är förenlig med Sveriges grundlag. Uppsatsen bygger i huvudsak på en kritisk analys av en artikel skriven av professor Gunnar Bramstång. Uppsatsen kommer till slutsatsen att kungen inte kan inneha en grundlagsenlig normgivningsmakt. Samtidigt når uppsatsen den slutsatsen att det är oklart om Sveriges statschef tillika kung är bunden av grundlagen och de begränsningar i normgivningskompetensen som regeringsformen ställer upp. (Less)
According to an agreement reached between the parliament and the King in 1809-1810, the Swedish monarch holds a right of disposition to an area called Djurgården in central Stockholm. This right of disposition is not regulated by law; hence it’s still based on the agreement made in the early 19th century. The land area of Djurgården is owned by the state, but the property and the right of disposition is managed and exercised by the ”Royal Djurgården Administration” which is part of the Royal Court. The area of Djurgården constitutes approximately 15% of the inner city of Stockholm and every year, Djurgården is visited by approximately 15 million people.

The Constitution of Sweden states that the monarch is Sweden's Head of state.... (More)
According to an agreement reached between the parliament and the King in 1809-1810, the Swedish monarch holds a right of disposition to an area called Djurgården in central Stockholm. This right of disposition is not regulated by law; hence it’s still based on the agreement made in the early 19th century. The land area of Djurgården is owned by the state, but the property and the right of disposition is managed and exercised by the ”Royal Djurgården Administration” which is part of the Royal Court. The area of Djurgården constitutes approximately 15% of the inner city of Stockholm and every year, Djurgården is visited by approximately 15 million people.

The Constitution of Sweden states that the monarch is Sweden's Head of state. Together with the parliament, government and the highest courts the Head of state constitute the supreme state bodies of Sweden. The Royal Court claims that the right of disposition to Djurgården is an important prerequisite for the king to be able to perform his duties as Head of state.

On the basis of different interpretations made of the scope of the right of disposition, this paper examines whether the monarch and Head of State through the 1809–1810 agreement, has a legislative authority over Djurgården. That is to say, if the king of Sweden has a right to notify the public public-law regulations. The Royal Djurgården Administration has, inter alia, legislation as its registered area of ​​activity with the Swedish Tax Agency and some legal doctrine argues that the agreement from 1809-1810 entails a public-law authority for the king and his administration. The question posed in the paper is whether such authority is consistent with the Swedish constitution. The essay is based mainly on a critical analysis of an article written by Professor Gunnar Bramstång. The essay concludes that the king can not hold a constitutional legislative authority. At the same time, the paper reaches the conclusion that it is unclear whether Sweden's Head of state is bound by the constitution and the limitations in legislative competence set by it. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Liljegren Victorin, Lena LU
alternative title
The King's legislative power at Djurgården
LAGF03 20171
M2 - Bachelor Degree
statlig fastighetsförvaltning, Konstitutionell rätt, Normgivningsmakt, dispositionsrätt till Djurgården, statschef
date added to LUP
2017-06-28 09:32:20
date last changed
2017-06-28 09:32:20
  abstract     = {{According to an agreement reached between the parliament and the King in 1809-1810, the Swedish monarch holds a right of disposition to an area called Djurgården in central Stockholm. This right of disposition is not regulated by law; hence it’s still based on the agreement made in the early 19th century. The land area of Djurgården is owned by the state, but the property and the right of disposition is managed and exercised by the ”Royal Djurgården Administration” which is part of the Royal Court. The area of Djurgården constitutes approximately 15% of the inner city of Stockholm and every year, Djurgården is visited by approximately 15 million people. 

The Constitution of Sweden states that the monarch is Sweden's Head of state. Together with the parliament, government and the highest courts the Head of state constitute the supreme state bodies of Sweden. The Royal Court claims that the right of disposition to Djurgården is an important prerequisite for the king to be able to perform his duties as Head of state.

On the basis of different interpretations made of the scope of the right of disposition, this paper examines whether the monarch and Head of State through the 1809–1810 agreement, has a legislative authority over Djurgården. That is to say, if the king of Sweden has a right to notify the public public-law regulations. The Royal Djurgården Administration has, inter alia, legislation as its registered area of ​​activity with the Swedish Tax Agency and some legal doctrine argues that the agreement from 1809-1810 entails a public-law authority for the king and his administration. The question posed in the paper is whether such authority is consistent with the Swedish constitution. The essay is based mainly on a critical analysis of an article written by Professor Gunnar Bramstång. The essay concludes that the king can not hold a constitutional legislative authority. At the same time, the paper reaches the conclusion that it is unclear whether Sweden's Head of state is bound by the constitution and the limitations in legislative competence set by it.}},
  author       = {{Liljegren Victorin, Lena}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Kungens normgivningsmakt på Djurgården}},
  year         = {{2017}},