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Barnpornografibrottet - Ett brott mot allmän ordning?

Carlström, Amanda LU (2017) LAGF03 20171
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Denna studie behandlar barnpornografibrottets placering i Brottsbalken (BrB). Uppsatsens syfte är att utreda barnpornografibrottets placering i BrB och dess bakomliggande skäl. Placeringen av barnpornografibrottet granskas ur ett allmänkritiskt perspektiv, men även med ett barnperspektiv. Framställningen beskriver gällande rätt och brottets placering i ljuset av brottets skyddsintressen. Studien beskriver också hur offren kan må efter barnpornografibrottet samt deras ställning som målsägande i en eventuell process. I uppsatsen redogörs också för argument som kan användas för att brottet ska ha kvar sin nuvarande placering i BrB och de argument som kan användas för att motivera en flytt till 6 kap. BrB.

Barnpornografibrottet har kommit... (More)
Denna studie behandlar barnpornografibrottets placering i Brottsbalken (BrB). Uppsatsens syfte är att utreda barnpornografibrottets placering i BrB och dess bakomliggande skäl. Placeringen av barnpornografibrottet granskas ur ett allmänkritiskt perspektiv, men även med ett barnperspektiv. Framställningen beskriver gällande rätt och brottets placering i ljuset av brottets skyddsintressen. Studien beskriver också hur offren kan må efter barnpornografibrottet samt deras ställning som målsägande i en eventuell process. I uppsatsen redogörs också för argument som kan användas för att brottet ska ha kvar sin nuvarande placering i BrB och de argument som kan användas för att motivera en flytt till 6 kap. BrB.

Barnpornografibrottet har kommit att utvecklas till att omfatta i princip all avsiktlig befattning med barnpornografi. Barnpornografibrottet regleras i 16 kap. 10 a § BrB och kategoriseras genom sin placering i 16 kap. BrB som ett brott mot allmän ordning. Brottets skyddsintressen är dels barn i allmänhet men även det enskilda barn som skildras i barnpornografin. Barn som har utsatts för barnpornografibrott kan visa på en psykisk ohälsa som överstiger den psykiska ohälsa som gäller för svenska barn i allmänhet. Barnen ses normalt som målsägande i en process men ställningen som målsägande är inte självklar när det handlar om vissa av brottets gärningsformer.

Det främsta argument som finns för barnpornografibrottets placering i 16 kap. BrB är att brottet har dubbla skyddsintressen. Det är både barn i allmänhet och det enskilda barnet som ska skyddas genom bestämmelsen. De som är för att brottet borde flyttas till 6 kap. BrB har som främsta argument att brottet borde ses som ett sexualbrott riktat mot barnet i fråga.

Studien kommer fram till att när barnpornografibrottet infördes var det intresset för barn i allmänhet som gjorde att brottet placerades i 16 kap BrB. Vidare verkar det enskilda barnet som skyddsintresse ha fått större utrymme idag än vad det tidigare har fått. Detta är något som skulle kunna peka på att brottet inte längre borde ses som ett brott mot allmän ordning. Framställningen kommer också fram till att brottet skulle kunna ses som ett sexualbrott. Till sist konstateras att barnpornografibrottets placering behöver utredas ytterligare för att utröna vilket kapitel i BrB som är det mest fördelaktiga för brottet. (Less)
This thesis discusses the crime of child pornography and its placement in Swedish criminal law, “Brottsbalken” (BrB). The purpose of the thesis is to examine the placement of the crime in BrB and the reasons behind the placement. The placement of the crime is viewed with a general critical perspective, but also with a child perspective. The thesis describes how the law is designed and the placement of the crime considering the crimes protective interests. The study also describes the victims’ health after the crime and their position as an injured party in a following legal process. The essay also discusses arguments that can be used to motivate an unmodified placement in BrB as well as arguments that can be used to motivate a placement in... (More)
This thesis discusses the crime of child pornography and its placement in Swedish criminal law, “Brottsbalken” (BrB). The purpose of the thesis is to examine the placement of the crime in BrB and the reasons behind the placement. The placement of the crime is viewed with a general critical perspective, but also with a child perspective. The thesis describes how the law is designed and the placement of the crime considering the crimes protective interests. The study also describes the victims’ health after the crime and their position as an injured party in a following legal process. The essay also discusses arguments that can be used to motivate an unmodified placement in BrB as well as arguments that can be used to motivate a placement in the 6th chapter of BrB instead.

The child pornography crime has now developed to cover almost all intentional contact with child pornography. The regulation of the crime is established in the 16th chapter of BrB and is categorised through its placement as a crime against general order. The underlying interests of the crime are children in general, as well as the individual child depicted in the child pornography. Children that are victims of child pornography crime can show a mental ill health that exceeds mental ill health shown by Swedish children in general. Children exposed to child pornography are normally considered an injured party in a legal process though the situation is uncertain when it comes to some forms of the criminal act.

The main argument for a continued placement in the 16th chapter of BrB is that the crime has two underlying interests. The regulation intends to protect both children in general and the individual child. The main argument of those who argue for a placement in the 6th chapter of BrB is that the crime should be seen as a sexual offense directed at the child in question.

The study shows that when the child pornography crime was first introduced, children in general as a protective interest was the reason the crime was placed in the 16th chapter of BrB. Furthermore, the individual child as a protective interest seems to have gained more importance today than previously. This could support the conclusion that the crime should no longer be seen as a crime against general order. The essay also shows that the crime could be viewed as a sexual offence. Lastly, it is noted that the placement of child pornography crime needs to be further investigated to determine which chapter in BrB is the most beneficial for the crime. (Less)
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Carlström, Amanda LU
LAGF03 20171
M2 - Bachelor Degree
Straffrätt, Barnpornografibrott
date added to LUP
2017-06-29 11:11:17
date last changed
2017-06-29 11:11:17
  abstract     = {{This thesis discusses the crime of child pornography and its placement in Swedish criminal law, “Brottsbalken” (BrB). The purpose of the thesis is to examine the placement of the crime in BrB and the reasons behind the placement. The placement of the crime is viewed with a general critical perspective, but also with a child perspective. The thesis describes how the law is designed and the placement of the crime considering the crimes protective interests. The study also describes the victims’ health after the crime and their position as an injured party in a following legal process. The essay also discusses arguments that can be used to motivate an unmodified placement in BrB as well as arguments that can be used to motivate a placement in the 6th chapter of BrB instead. 

The child pornography crime has now developed to cover almost all intentional contact with child pornography. The regulation of the crime is established in the 16th chapter of BrB and is categorised through its placement as a crime against general order. The underlying interests of the crime are children in general, as well as the individual child depicted in the child pornography. Children that are victims of child pornography crime can show a mental ill health that exceeds mental ill health shown by Swedish children in general. Children exposed to child pornography are normally considered an injured party in a legal process though the situation is uncertain when it comes to some forms of the criminal act.

The main argument for a continued placement in the 16th chapter of BrB is that the crime has two underlying interests. The regulation intends to protect both children in general and the individual child. The main argument of those who argue for a placement in the 6th chapter of BrB is that the crime should be seen as a sexual offense directed at the child in question.

The study shows that when the child pornography crime was first introduced, children in general as a protective interest was the reason the crime was placed in the 16th chapter of BrB. Furthermore, the individual child as a protective interest seems to have gained more importance today than previously. This could support the conclusion that the crime should no longer be seen as a crime against general order. The essay also shows that the crime could be viewed as a sexual offence. Lastly, it is noted that the placement of child pornography crime needs to be further investigated to determine which chapter in BrB is the most beneficial for the crime.}},
  author       = {{Carlström, Amanda}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Barnpornografibrottet - Ett brott mot allmän ordning?}},
  year         = {{2017}},