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Oreglerad exklusiv bolagsstämmokompetens - En studie av en omtvistad aktiebolagsrättslig fråga

Johansson, Gustav LU (2018) JURM02 20181
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
A problem when it comes to competence regulation between the general meeting and the board of directors is whether the Swedish Companies Act exhaustively specifies what measures are to be considered as exclusive to the general meeting, or if the general meeting has exclusive power in questions besides those listed in the Act. Such issues, which in principle are so intervening they change the conditions for the company formation, or on analogous basis infringe the exclusive powers of the general meeting, would in such cases be subject to an unregulated exclusive competency of the general meeting. This would imply that the board’s management of the company’s affairs is correspondingly limited. The possible occurrence of such an unregulated... (More)
A problem when it comes to competence regulation between the general meeting and the board of directors is whether the Swedish Companies Act exhaustively specifies what measures are to be considered as exclusive to the general meeting, or if the general meeting has exclusive power in questions besides those listed in the Act. Such issues, which in principle are so intervening they change the conditions for the company formation, or on analogous basis infringe the exclusive powers of the general meeting, would in such cases be subject to an unregulated exclusive competency of the general meeting. This would imply that the board’s management of the company’s affairs is correspondingly limited. The possible occurrence of such an unregulated exclusive area of competence for the general meeting is contested, and has been answered differently in the doctrine. Clarifying statements from the legislator as well as case law, are missing. This has led to a number of legal justifications in the doctrine why it would exist, or not exist, an unregulated exclusive area of competence for the general meeting.

The essay mainly examines the possible existence of an unregulated exclusive area of competence for the general meeting within the Swedish Company Law by analysing and evaluating legal justifications in the doctrine. In addition, the concepts of authority, internal duties and competence are used in the Company Law as well as how the distribution of competence is made. As teleological interpretation arguments are of interest, an investigation is also made of the overall purpose of the Company Law, as well as the purposes behind the rules regarding authority and internal duties, to understand the context of the problem.

The paper finds that it is difficult to draw a definite conclusion if the board has an obligation to submit an issue to the general meeting without the Act stating so, merely by regarding the many statements in the doctrine although a majority tend to acknowledge the existence of an unregulated exclusive area of competence for the general meeting. How far such an obligation for the board would extend, and what issues would be covered, is far from clear.

However, the research shows that the unregulated exclusive area of competence for the general meeting could hardly be considered as exclusive in terms of authority for the general meeting. Most suggests that departure from an obligation to submit an issue would be considered as an exceeding of the internal duties, which hardly lead to an abolishment of the issue. In such cases, an executed measure could impose damages for the board members, but the company would still be bound by the measure. The board would lose a lose a part of its role as an independent company organ in the case of accepting the presumed will of the general meeting. The board’s ability to take action would also be limited in a manner that would not be beneficial for the company. In additions, there are strong teleological reasons for rejecting an unregulated exclusive area of competence for the general meeting.

Therefore, it is quite likely that there hardly could exist an obligation for the board to submit an issue of exceptional nature, or on the basis of analogies, to the general meeting. However, in the absence of clarifications by the legislator or the courts, the legal situation cannot be regarded as anything but unclear. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
Ett problem när det kommer till kompetensregleringen mellan bolagsstämma och styrelse är om aktiebolagslagen uttömmande anger vilka åtgärder som är att betrakta som exklusivt tillhöriga bolagsstämman, eller om det existerar även andra frågor som styrelsen måste underställa bolagsstämman. Sådana frågor som i princip är så pass ingripande att de förändrar förutsättningarna för bolagsbildningen, eller på analog grund inkräktar på bolagsstämmans exklusiva kompetens, skulle i sådana fall omfattas av en oreglerad exklusiv bolagsstämmokompetens. Detta skulle innebära att styrelsens förvaltningsrätt inskränks i motsvarande mån. Den eventuella förekomsten av ett sådant oreglerat exklusivt kompetensområde för bolagsstämman är omtvistad, och har... (More)
Ett problem när det kommer till kompetensregleringen mellan bolagsstämma och styrelse är om aktiebolagslagen uttömmande anger vilka åtgärder som är att betrakta som exklusivt tillhöriga bolagsstämman, eller om det existerar även andra frågor som styrelsen måste underställa bolagsstämman. Sådana frågor som i princip är så pass ingripande att de förändrar förutsättningarna för bolagsbildningen, eller på analog grund inkräktar på bolagsstämmans exklusiva kompetens, skulle i sådana fall omfattas av en oreglerad exklusiv bolagsstämmokompetens. Detta skulle innebära att styrelsens förvaltningsrätt inskränks i motsvarande mån. Den eventuella förekomsten av ett sådant oreglerat exklusivt kompetensområde för bolagsstämman är omtvistad, och har besvarats olika i doktrinen. Klargivande praxis eller uttalanden från lagstiftaren om rättsläget saknas, vilket öppnat upp för en rad rättsliga motiveringar till varför det skulle existera, eller inte existera, ett oreglerat exklusivt kompetensområde för bolagsstämman.

I uppsatsen utreds huvudsakligen den eventuella existensen av en oreglerad exklusiv bolagsstämmokompetens inom aktiebolagsrätten, genom att rättsliga motiveringar som framförts i doktrinen analyseras och utvärderas. Därutöver utreds begreppen behörighet, befogenhet och kompetens användning i aktiebolagsrätten samt hur kompetensfördelningen mellan bolagsstämma och styrelse är konstruerad. Då teleologiska tolkningsargument är av intresse görs även en utredning av aktiebolagsrättens övergripande ändamål, samt ändamålen bakom regleringen kring behörighets- och befogenhetsöverskridande för att förstå kontexten i vilken problemet verkar.

I uppsatsens konstateras att det är svårt att dra någon definitiv slutsats om styrelsen har en skyldighet att underställa bolagsstämman en åtgärd utan lagstöd endast genom att ta del av de många uttalanden som gjorts i doktrinen, även om en majoritet av de som uttalat sig tenderar att erkänna förekomsten av en oreglerad exklusiv bolagsstämmokompetens. Hur långt en sådan hänskjutandeskyldighet för styrelsen skulle sträcka sig, och vilka frågor som skulle omfattas, är dock långt ifrån klart.

Utredningen visar att den oreglerade exklusiva bolagsstämmokompetens dock knappast är att betrakta som exklusiv i termer av behörighet. Det mesta talar för att avsteg från en hänskjutandeskyldighet skulle vara att bedöma som ett befogenhetsöverskridande, som svårligen kan leda till ogiltighet. En företagen åtgärd skulle i sådana fall kunna leda till skadeståndsrättsliga konsekvenser för styrelseledamöterna, men bolaget skulle knappast kunna undvika bundenhet. Styrelsen skulle förlora en stor del av sin roll som självständigt bolagsorgan ifall bolagsstämmans presumerade vilja skulle behöva beaktas vid beslutsfattande, och styrelsens handlingskraft skulle dessutom begränsas på ett sätt som inte hade varit fördelaktigt för bolaget. Därutöver finns det ett starkt rättssäkerhets- och omsättningsskyddsintresse som talar för ett underkännande av en oreglerad exklusiv bolagsstämmokompetens.

Mycket talar därför för att det svårligen kan sägas existera en skyldighet för styrelsen att hänskjuta ärenden av exceptionell karaktär, eller på basis av analogier, till bolagsstämman. I brist på klargöranden från lagstiftaren eller rättstillämparen kan rättsläget dock alltjämt inte betraktas som något annat än oklart. (Less)
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Johansson, Gustav LU
alternative title
Unregulated exclusive competency of the general meeting
JURM02 20181
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
date added to LUP
2018-06-20 17:44:50
date last changed
2018-06-20 17:44:50
  abstract     = {{A problem when it comes to competence regulation between the general meeting and the board of directors is whether the Swedish Companies Act exhaustively specifies what measures are to be considered as exclusive to the general meeting, or if the general meeting has exclusive power in questions besides those listed in the Act. Such issues, which in principle are so intervening they change the conditions for the company formation, or on analogous basis infringe the exclusive powers of the general meeting, would in such cases be subject to an unregulated exclusive competency of the general meeting. This would imply that the board’s management of the company’s affairs is correspondingly limited. The possible occurrence of such an unregulated exclusive area of competence for the general meeting is contested, and has been answered differently in the doctrine. Clarifying statements from the legislator as well as case law, are missing. This has led to a number of legal justifications in the doctrine why it would exist, or not exist, an unregulated exclusive area of competence for the general meeting.

The essay mainly examines the possible existence of an unregulated exclusive area of competence for the general meeting within the Swedish Company Law by analysing and evaluating legal justifications in the doctrine. In addition, the concepts of authority, internal duties and competence are used in the Company Law as well as how the distribution of competence is made. As teleological interpretation arguments are of interest, an investigation is also made of the overall purpose of the Company Law, as well as the purposes behind the rules regarding authority and internal duties, to understand the context of the problem.

The paper finds that it is difficult to draw a definite conclusion if the board has an obligation to submit an issue to the general meeting without the Act stating so, merely by regarding the many statements in the doctrine although a majority tend to acknowledge the existence of an unregulated exclusive area of competence for the general meeting. How far such an obligation for the board would extend, and what issues would be covered, is far from clear.

However, the research shows that the unregulated exclusive area of competence for the general meeting could hardly be considered as exclusive in terms of authority for the general meeting. Most suggests that departure from an obligation to submit an issue would be considered as an exceeding of the internal duties, which hardly lead to an abolishment of the issue. In such cases, an executed measure could impose damages for the board members, but the company would still be bound by the measure. The board would lose a lose a part of its role as an independent company organ in the case of accepting the presumed will of the general meeting. The board’s ability to take action would also be limited in a manner that would not be beneficial for the company. In additions, there are strong teleological reasons for rejecting an unregulated exclusive area of competence for the general meeting.

Therefore, it is quite likely that there hardly could exist an obligation for the board to submit an issue of exceptional nature, or on the basis of analogies, to the general meeting. However, in the absence of clarifications by the legislator or the courts, the legal situation cannot be regarded as anything but unclear.}},
  author       = {{Johansson, Gustav}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Oreglerad exklusiv bolagsstämmokompetens - En studie av en omtvistad aktiebolagsrättslig fråga}},
  year         = {{2018}},