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LUP Student Papers


Mutor ur ett civilrättsligt perspektiv

Sindahl, Karin LU (2018) HARH01 20181
Department of Business Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Korruption handlar om att på ett otillbörligt sätt påverka beslutsprocesser i samhället för egen eller annans vinning. Denna uppsats behandlar mutor ur ett civilrättsligt perspektiv. Bakom varje fullbordad muttransaktion mellan en givare och en tagare föreligger ett mutavtal. Denna muta kan i sig ha påverkat uppkomsten av ett annat avtal, huvudavtalet, som i sig inte är en muta men som inte hade kommit till stånd om inte mutan hade utväxlats.

I dagsläget finns det ingen uttrycklig civilrättslig lag som förbjuder eller automatiskt ogiltigförklarar mutavtal eller avtal ingångna under påverkan av mutor. När Sverige 2004 anslöt sig till Europarådets civilrättsliga konvention om korruption ansågs den svenska civilrättsliga lagstiftningen... (More)
Korruption handlar om att på ett otillbörligt sätt påverka beslutsprocesser i samhället för egen eller annans vinning. Denna uppsats behandlar mutor ur ett civilrättsligt perspektiv. Bakom varje fullbordad muttransaktion mellan en givare och en tagare föreligger ett mutavtal. Denna muta kan i sig ha påverkat uppkomsten av ett annat avtal, huvudavtalet, som i sig inte är en muta men som inte hade kommit till stånd om inte mutan hade utväxlats.

I dagsläget finns det ingen uttrycklig civilrättslig lag som förbjuder eller automatiskt ogiltigförklarar mutavtal eller avtal ingångna under påverkan av mutor. När Sverige 2004 anslöt sig till Europarådets civilrättsliga konvention om korruption ansågs den svenska civilrättsliga lagstiftningen uppfylla kraven utan att någon lagändring behövde genomföras.

Väcker en part talan om fullgörelse av ett mutavtal ska det ex officio betraktas som ogiltigt av domstolen, enligt principen om pactum turpe. Parterna som ingått ett sådant avtal ska kunna få det ogiltigförklarat av domstol. Ett huvudavtal som har uppkommit under påverkan av mutor är inte alltid ogiltigt, men parterna har rätt att få talan om ogiltighet prövad av domstol.

Ingen utomstående tredje part kan väcka talan om ogiltighet, vilket innebär att ett avtal kan förbli civilrättsligt giltigt trots av någon av parterna blivit straffrättsligt dömd. Har en fysisk person straffrättsligt blivit dömd för muta kan ändå en juridisk person tjäna på avtalen som kommit till stånd till följd av att mutan utväxlats. Detta är en insikt som är mycket intressant, inte minst ur ett korruptionsbekämpande perspektiv. (Less)
Corruption is about unduly influencing the decision making processes in society for one´s own or somebody else´s gain. This paper deals with bribery from a private law perspective. Behind each completed bribe transaction between a transmitter and a receiver there is an agreement. This bribe itself may have influenced the emergence of another contract, the main contract, which had not been established unless the bribe had been exchanged.

At present there is no private regulative law which prohibits or automatically make void or null a bribe agreement or agreements entered into under the influence of bribes. When Sweden in 2004 adopted the Council of Europe´s Civil law convention on corruption, the Swedish private law legislation was... (More)
Corruption is about unduly influencing the decision making processes in society for one´s own or somebody else´s gain. This paper deals with bribery from a private law perspective. Behind each completed bribe transaction between a transmitter and a receiver there is an agreement. This bribe itself may have influenced the emergence of another contract, the main contract, which had not been established unless the bribe had been exchanged.

At present there is no private regulative law which prohibits or automatically make void or null a bribe agreement or agreements entered into under the influence of bribes. When Sweden in 2004 adopted the Council of Europe´s Civil law convention on corruption, the Swedish private law legislation was deemed to meet the requirements without any legislative amendment being implemented.

If a party raises a claim for a bribe agreement, it shall be deemed to be invalid by the court, in accordance to the principle of pactum turpe. The parties who have entered into such an agreement should be able to get it annulled by the court. A main contract that has been entered into under the influence of bribes is not always invalid, but the parties are entitled to bring an action for invalidity trial.

No outside third party can bring an action for invalidity, which means that a contract can remain valid in private law, despite the fact that either party has been convicted of criminal proceedings. However, if a person has been convicted of a criminal offense, a legal person can still benefit from the agreements that have arisen as a result of the bribe being exchanged. This is an insight that is very interesting, not least from an anti-corruption perspective. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Sindahl, Karin LU
HARH01 20181
M2 - Bachelor Degree
Mutor, korruption, anti-korruption, avtal, skadestånd, mutbrott, civilrätt, mutavtal
date added to LUP
2018-06-06 15:49:49
date last changed
2018-06-06 15:49:49
  abstract     = {{Corruption is about unduly influencing the decision making processes in society for one´s own or somebody else´s gain. This paper deals with bribery from a private law perspective. Behind each completed bribe transaction between a transmitter and a receiver there is an agreement. This bribe itself may have influenced the emergence of another contract, the main contract, which had not been established unless the bribe had been exchanged.

At present there is no private regulative law which prohibits or automatically make void or null a bribe agreement or agreements entered into under the influence of bribes. When Sweden in 2004 adopted the Council of Europe´s Civil law convention on corruption, the Swedish private law legislation was deemed to meet the requirements without any legislative amendment being implemented.

If a party raises a claim for a bribe agreement, it shall be deemed to be invalid by the court, in accordance to the principle of pactum turpe. The parties who have entered into such an agreement should be able to get it annulled by the court. A main contract that has been entered into under the influence of bribes is not always invalid, but the parties are entitled to bring an action for invalidity trial.

No outside third party can bring an action for invalidity, which means that a contract can remain valid in private law, despite the fact that either party has been convicted of criminal proceedings. However, if a person has been convicted of a criminal offense, a legal person can still benefit from the agreements that have arisen as a result of the bribe being exchanged. This is an insight that is very interesting, not least from an anti-corruption perspective.}},
  author       = {{Sindahl, Karin}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Mutor ur ett civilrättsligt perspektiv}},
  year         = {{2018}},