Mitt hem är min borg
(2019) HARH16 20182Department of Business Law
- Abstract
- In several of the EU member states, an increase in household employees is seen as a result of societal and demographic changes . Sweden has also seen an increased number of individuals in this trade. Both nationally and internationally this line of work has historically been characterized of being excluded from certain labor law provisions and falling under separate regulations. There are currently three possible contractual possibilities for the person working in private households; domestic employee, self-employed and employed by a company providing household services in private homes. The Work Environment Act and Anti-Discrimination Act are essential when it comes to this profession given that the work largely consists of solitary work... (More)
- In several of the EU member states, an increase in household employees is seen as a result of societal and demographic changes . Sweden has also seen an increased number of individuals in this trade. Both nationally and internationally this line of work has historically been characterized of being excluded from certain labor law provisions and falling under separate regulations. There are currently three possible contractual possibilities for the person working in private households; domestic employee, self-employed and employed by a company providing household services in private homes. The Work Environment Act and Anti-Discrimination Act are essential when it comes to this profession given that the work largely consists of solitary work with increased psychosocial and physical risks. Aspects such as sexual harassment and violence are also associated with household labour. Although national regulations in theory establish that employees in private homes should enjoy the same work environment protection as other employees, restrictions can be found when looking at the Swedish Work Environment Authority's supervisory possibilities.
Tax subsidy through RUT deductions contributes to the fact that the Swedish labour market has seen an increasing tendency to hire self-employed people to perform household services. This results in the Anti-Discrimination laws and some work environment regulations not being applicable as the contract is between two equal parties. Small business owners who sell their own "capacity" thus ”fall into” to the market for goods and services. Whether the working conditions in a contract between a private person and an entrepreneur have meant an employment instead of an assignment is not investigated until a possible dispute. The aim of the study is to determine how protection against discrimination and sexual harassment is affected by the three contractual conditions and how employees, domestic employees and self-employed persons who work in a private households are covered by the Work Environment Act. (Less) - Popular Abstract (Swedish)
- I flera av EUs medlemsländer ses en ökning av hushållsanställda till följd av samhälleliga förändringar. Även i Sverige är antalet individer inom sektorn på uppgång. Nationellt och internationellt har arbete i privat hushåll historiskt karaktäriserats av att uteslutas från vissa arbetsrättsliga bestämmelser samt fallit under separata regleringar. Det finns idag tre möjliga avtalsförhållanden för den som arbetar i privat hushåll; husligt anställd, egenföretagare och anställd genom företag som tillhandahåller hushållstjänster i privata hem. Arbetsmiljörätt och diskrimineringsskydd är essentiella för yrket med tanke på att arbetet till stor del utgörs av ensamarbete varpå det finns förhöjda psykosociala och fysiska risker. Aspekter som... (More)
- I flera av EUs medlemsländer ses en ökning av hushållsanställda till följd av samhälleliga förändringar. Även i Sverige är antalet individer inom sektorn på uppgång. Nationellt och internationellt har arbete i privat hushåll historiskt karaktäriserats av att uteslutas från vissa arbetsrättsliga bestämmelser samt fallit under separata regleringar. Det finns idag tre möjliga avtalsförhållanden för den som arbetar i privat hushåll; husligt anställd, egenföretagare och anställd genom företag som tillhandahåller hushållstjänster i privata hem. Arbetsmiljörätt och diskrimineringsskydd är essentiella för yrket med tanke på att arbetet till stor del utgörs av ensamarbete varpå det finns förhöjda psykosociala och fysiska risker. Aspekter som sexuella trakasserier och våld är också förknippade med arbetet. Även om nationell reglering i teorin fastställer att anställda i privata hushåll ska åtnjuta samma arbetsmiljöskydd som övriga arbetstagare återfinns begränsningar i exempelvis Arbetsmiljöverkets tillsynsmöjligheter.
Skattesubventionering genom RUT-avdrag bidrar till att det på den svenska arbetsmarknaden finns en tendens till att anlita egenföretagare för att utföra hushållstjänster. Diskrimineringsförbud och viss arbetsmiljöregleringen blir inte tillämplig då ett avtal rör två jämbördiga parter. De småföretagare som säljer sin egen ”kapacitet” är därmed förflyttade till marknaden för varor och tjänster. Huruvida arbetsförhållandena inneburit en anställning istället för uppdrag utreds inte förrän vid en eventuell tvist. Studiens syfte är att utröna hur skydd mot diskriminering och sexuella trakasserier påverkas av de tre avtalsförhållandena samt hur arbetstagare, husligt anställda och egenföretagare som utför arbete i ett privat hem omfattas av arbetsmiljörätten. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
- author
- Marmander, Evelina LU
- supervisor
- organization
- course
- HARH16 20182
- year
- 2019
- type
- M2 - Bachelor Degree
- subject
- keywords
- Husligt anställd, avtalsförhållande, arbetsmiljö, diskriminering, sexuella trakasserier, egenföretagare, arbetsmiljöansvar, hushållsarbete
- language
- Swedish
- id
- 8973775
- date added to LUP
- 2019-04-02 14:45:13
- date last changed
- 2019-04-02 14:45:13
@misc{8973775, abstract = {{In several of the EU member states, an increase in household employees is seen as a result of societal and demographic changes . Sweden has also seen an increased number of individuals in this trade. Both nationally and internationally this line of work has historically been characterized of being excluded from certain labor law provisions and falling under separate regulations. There are currently three possible contractual possibilities for the person working in private households; domestic employee, self-employed and employed by a company providing household services in private homes. The Work Environment Act and Anti-Discrimination Act are essential when it comes to this profession given that the work largely consists of solitary work with increased psychosocial and physical risks. Aspects such as sexual harassment and violence are also associated with household labour. Although national regulations in theory establish that employees in private homes should enjoy the same work environment protection as other employees, restrictions can be found when looking at the Swedish Work Environment Authority's supervisory possibilities. Tax subsidy through RUT deductions contributes to the fact that the Swedish labour market has seen an increasing tendency to hire self-employed people to perform household services. This results in the Anti-Discrimination laws and some work environment regulations not being applicable as the contract is between two equal parties. Small business owners who sell their own "capacity" thus ”fall into” to the market for goods and services. Whether the working conditions in a contract between a private person and an entrepreneur have meant an employment instead of an assignment is not investigated until a possible dispute. The aim of the study is to determine how protection against discrimination and sexual harassment is affected by the three contractual conditions and how employees, domestic employees and self-employed persons who work in a private households are covered by the Work Environment Act.}}, author = {{Marmander, Evelina}}, language = {{swe}}, note = {{Student Paper}}, title = {{Mitt hem är min borg}}, year = {{2019}}, }