Arkivet över Törnrosen Tower - Om plats, dokument och makt
(2019) AAHM01 20191Department of Architecture and Built Environment
- Abstract (Swedish)
- Detta examensarbete har utforskat relationen mellan arkitektur och dokumentation.
Syftet har varit att undersöka vilka normer som finns i arkitekturens och stadsplaneringens tillvägagångssätt för att dokumentera platser och vilka sanningar dessa ger upphov till. Ambitionen har varit att se dokumentation i relation till plats och makt för att bättre förstå arkitektens roll som någon i position av att tolka vår byggda miljö.
För att göra detta har jag studerat den dokumentation som gjorts i samband med arkitekttävlingen Törnrosen Tower i Malmö. Tävlingen har legat till grund för ett stadsförnyelseprojekt som har ambitionen att utjämna levnadsvillkoren i Malmö. Men projektet är inte utan kritik.
Min metod har varit att göra ett arkiv. Jag... (More) - Detta examensarbete har utforskat relationen mellan arkitektur och dokumentation.
Syftet har varit att undersöka vilka normer som finns i arkitekturens och stadsplaneringens tillvägagångssätt för att dokumentera platser och vilka sanningar dessa ger upphov till. Ambitionen har varit att se dokumentation i relation till plats och makt för att bättre förstå arkitektens roll som någon i position av att tolka vår byggda miljö.
För att göra detta har jag studerat den dokumentation som gjorts i samband med arkitekttävlingen Törnrosen Tower i Malmö. Tävlingen har legat till grund för ett stadsförnyelseprojekt som har ambitionen att utjämna levnadsvillkoren i Malmö. Men projektet är inte utan kritik.
Min metod har varit att göra ett arkiv. Jag har inte producerat något nytt material utan bara samlat in dokumentation som finns sedan tidigare. Arkivet har byggts upp av kategorier som jag själv etablerat och denna om-strukturering av materialet har gjort det möjligt att läsa innehållet utifrån nya referensramar. Arbetet har varit en undersökning i hur arkivet kan förstås som begrepp och hur det kan användas i relation till dokument. För att bidra till förståelsen för ämnet så har arbetet baserats på bland annat på konstteori, filosofi samt informations-och arkivvetenskap.
En slutsats som arbetet landar i är att dokumentationen som gjorts i samband med Törnrosen Tower i stor utsträckning kan förstås som en strategi med åtgärdsfokus. Arbetet ger också svar på hur dokumentation skulle kunna ses som normativt och ur ett maktperspektiv. Denna rapport presenterar min undersökning av arkivet som begrepp, vilka kategorier som Arkivet över Törnrosen Tower utgörs av och hur jag sedan använt dem som underlag för att svara på mina frågeställningar. (Less) - Abstract
- This thesis have investigated the relationship between architecture and
The aim have been to study what norms that exist in architecture’s and city
planning’s approaches for documenting sites and what types of truths they
help create. The ambition have been to see documentation in relation to site
and power to better understand the architect’s role as someone in a position to
interpret our built environment.
To do this I’ve studied the documentation that have been made for the
architectural competition called Törnrosen Tower in Malmö. The competition
have been the groundwork for an urban renewal project that has the ambition
to equalize the standards of living across the city of Malmö. But the project is
not... (More) - This thesis have investigated the relationship between architecture and
The aim have been to study what norms that exist in architecture’s and city
planning’s approaches for documenting sites and what types of truths they
help create. The ambition have been to see documentation in relation to site
and power to better understand the architect’s role as someone in a position to
interpret our built environment.
To do this I’ve studied the documentation that have been made for the
architectural competition called Törnrosen Tower in Malmö. The competition
have been the groundwork for an urban renewal project that has the ambition
to equalize the standards of living across the city of Malmö. But the project is
not without criticism.
My method have been to create an archive. I haven’t created any new material
myself, instead I’ve collected already existing documentation. The archive have
been constructed around categories that I’ve established myself and this restructuring
of the material have made it possible to examine it from new points
of reference. This project have been an investigation of how the archive can be
understood as a concept and how it can be used in relation to documents. To
contribute to the architectural field’s understanding of the subject the work have
been based on theories of art, philosophy and information- and archive science.
One conclusion that the thesis finds is that the documentation relating to
Törnrosen Tower, to a very large extent, can be understood as an intervening
strategy. The work also answers how documentation can work normatively and
in relation to power. This report presents my investigation of the archive as a
concept, what categories the Törnrosen Tower Archive is made of and how I’ve
used them as a starting point for my investigation. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
- author
- Bring, Simon LU
- supervisor
- organization
- course
- AAHM01 20191
- year
- 2019
- type
- H2 - Master's Degree (Two Years)
- subject
- keywords
- arkitektur, dokumentation, arkiv, makt, Törnrosen Tower
- language
- Swedish
- id
- 8989326
- date added to LUP
- 2019-07-01 13:35:03
- date last changed
- 2019-07-01 13:35:03
@misc{8989326, abstract = {{This thesis have investigated the relationship between architecture and documentation. The aim have been to study what norms that exist in architecture’s and city planning’s approaches for documenting sites and what types of truths they help create. The ambition have been to see documentation in relation to site and power to better understand the architect’s role as someone in a position to interpret our built environment. To do this I’ve studied the documentation that have been made for the architectural competition called Törnrosen Tower in Malmö. The competition have been the groundwork for an urban renewal project that has the ambition to equalize the standards of living across the city of Malmö. But the project is not without criticism. My method have been to create an archive. I haven’t created any new material myself, instead I’ve collected already existing documentation. The archive have been constructed around categories that I’ve established myself and this restructuring of the material have made it possible to examine it from new points of reference. This project have been an investigation of how the archive can be understood as a concept and how it can be used in relation to documents. To contribute to the architectural field’s understanding of the subject the work have been based on theories of art, philosophy and information- and archive science. One conclusion that the thesis finds is that the documentation relating to Törnrosen Tower, to a very large extent, can be understood as an intervening strategy. The work also answers how documentation can work normatively and in relation to power. This report presents my investigation of the archive as a concept, what categories the Törnrosen Tower Archive is made of and how I’ve used them as a starting point for my investigation.}}, author = {{Bring, Simon}}, language = {{swe}}, note = {{Student Paper}}, title = {{Arkivet över Törnrosen Tower - Om plats, dokument och makt}}, year = {{2019}}, }