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LUP Student Papers


Konsumentskydd inom abonnemangstjänster

Wimby, Hugo LU (2019) LAGF03 20192
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Subscriptions are becoming a more popular form of agreement. It can be anything from a mobile plan to leasing a car. The purpose of the thesis is to investigate which consumer protection is obtained in the Swedish subscription market. The study uses two methods, legal dogmatic method and a legal sociological method. The legal dogmatic method is used to identify which protections are obtained and the sociological to investigate how the market looks today.

The study's examination of current subscriptions in the Swedish market shows that all companies offer different services with a binding period. According to the standard terms of the agreement, the service runs until the end of the period. SATS terms and condition is the only agreement... (More)
Subscriptions are becoming a more popular form of agreement. It can be anything from a mobile plan to leasing a car. The purpose of the thesis is to investigate which consumer protection is obtained in the Swedish subscription market. The study uses two methods, legal dogmatic method and a legal sociological method. The legal dogmatic method is used to identify which protections are obtained and the sociological to investigate how the market looks today.

The study's examination of current subscriptions in the Swedish market shows that all companies offer different services with a binding period. According to the standard terms of the agreement, the service runs until the end of the period. SATS terms and condition is the only agreement where a consumer can withdraw from the contract due to personal circumstances, even though the binding period remains.

Furthermore, basic contract law principles such as the principle of contract freedom and contractuality are presented. These principles are an important part of Swedish contract law and thus have a major impact on a subscription contract. Then, the study highlights the disclaimer clauses in both the contract law and the contract terms law to see if they can be used to settle or cancel an existing subscription agreement. It has proved difficult to end an agreement which is already signed with the general clause, despite the fact that Högsta Domstolen (HD) has commented on the subject.

Unreasonable lock in contracts has been affected in legal cases from both HD and Patent-och Marknadsdomstolen (MPD). Consensus of legal cases is that the consumer protection has increased in recent years, for example a company can maximum bind a consumer of twelve months to a location-dependent subscription service.

The applicability of Konsumenttjänslagen (KTjL) on subscriptions agreements is uncertain. What is equated with a subscription service has, according to the preparatory works of the law, a continued unclear meaning.

It is clear that the consumer protection has improved, all gyms offer no lock-in contracts longer than twelve months. In addition, all mobile operators offer subscription-free mobile plans. Furthermore, it has been regulated by law that consumers cannot be bound by their inaction after the end of the agreement. Reports by Konsumentverket shows that there are more cases of unfair contracts being reported. Given the uncertainty about which subscription services will be offered in the future, it is desirable to institute more legislation within this area to increase the predictability of future consumers. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
Abonnemang blir en allt vanligare avtalsform. Det kan handla om allt från tjänster som mobiltelefoni till att leasa en bil. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka vilka konsumentskydd som erhålls på den svenska abonnemangsmarknaden. Studien använder sig av två metoder, rättsdogmatisk metod och en rättssociologiska metod. Den rättsdogmatiska metoden används för att redogöra vilka skydd som erhålls och den rättssociologiska för att undersöka hur abonnemangsmarknaden ser ut idag.

I studien undersöks rådande abonnemang på den svenska marknaden samt visar att samtliga aktörer erbjuder olika tjänster med bindningstid. Enligt villkor i många standardavtal binds konsumenten upp under en viss period och konsumenten är bunden tills periodens... (More)
Abonnemang blir en allt vanligare avtalsform. Det kan handla om allt från tjänster som mobiltelefoni till att leasa en bil. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka vilka konsumentskydd som erhålls på den svenska abonnemangsmarknaden. Studien använder sig av två metoder, rättsdogmatisk metod och en rättssociologiska metod. Den rättsdogmatiska metoden används för att redogöra vilka skydd som erhålls och den rättssociologiska för att undersöka hur abonnemangsmarknaden ser ut idag.

I studien undersöks rådande abonnemang på den svenska marknaden samt visar att samtliga aktörer erbjuder olika tjänster med bindningstid. Enligt villkor i många standardavtal binds konsumenten upp under en viss period och konsumenten är bunden tills periodens utgång. I SATS avtalsvillkor kan dock en konsument frånträda avtalet på grund av personliga omständigheter trots att bindningstid återstår.

Vidare presenteras grundläggande avtalsrättsliga principer såsom principen om avtalsfrihet och avtalsbundenhet. Avtalsrättsliga principer utgör en viktig del i svensk avtalsrätt och har således en stor inverkan på ett abonnemangsavtal. Därefter belyser studien oskälighetsklausulerna i både avtalslagen och avtalsvillkorslagen för att se om de kan användas för att jämka eller häva ett existerande abonnemangsavtal. Det har visat sig svårt utträda ett redan ingått avtal med hjälp av generalklausulen, detta trots att HD har yttra sig om ämnet.

Oskälig bindningstid har berörs i rättsfall från både HD och PMD. Konsensus av rättsfallen är konsumentskydd har ökat de senaste åren, exempelvis att en näringsidkare maximalt kan binda en konsument tolv månader till en platsberoende abonnemangstjänst.

Oklarhet råder av tillämpligheten av den fria uppsägningsrätten inom abonnemangstjänster. Förarbetena till KTjL specificerar att den fria uppsägningsrätten ska gälla abonnemangstjänster. Vad som likställs med en abonnemangstjänst enligt lagmotiven får en fortsatt oklar innebörd.

Det går tydligt att se ett starkare konsumentskydd på marknaden. En träningstjänst erbjuds med en maximal bindningstid på tolv månader och utöver det erbjuder samtliga mobiloperatören bindningsfria abonnemang. Vidare har det lagregleras att konsumenter inte kan bindas genom sin passivitet efter avtalets utgång. En klar förbättring i konsumentskydd har skett trots detta är det fler anmälningar till konkurrensverket om att konsumenter har hamnat i önskade abonnemang. I takt med att abonnemangstjänster blir en allt vanligare avtalsform så ökar också behovet av att instifta speciallagstiftning. (Less)
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Wimby, Hugo LU
LAGF03 20192
M2 - Bachelor Degree
date added to LUP
2020-04-09 13:25:52
date last changed
2020-04-09 13:25:52
  abstract     = {{Subscriptions are becoming a more popular form of agreement. It can be anything from a mobile plan to leasing a car. The purpose of the thesis is to investigate which consumer protection is obtained in the Swedish subscription market. The study uses two methods, legal dogmatic method and a legal sociological method. The legal dogmatic method is used to identify which protections are obtained and the sociological to investigate how the market looks today. 

The study's examination of current subscriptions in the Swedish market shows that all companies offer different services with a binding period. According to the standard terms of the agreement, the service runs until the end of the period. SATS terms and condition is the only agreement where a consumer can withdraw from the contract due to personal circumstances, even though the binding period remains.

Furthermore, basic contract law principles such as the principle of contract freedom and contractuality are presented. These principles are an important part of Swedish contract law and thus have a major impact on a subscription contract. Then, the study highlights the disclaimer clauses in both the contract law and the contract terms law to see if they can be used to settle or cancel an existing subscription agreement. It has proved difficult to end an agreement which is already signed with the general clause, despite the fact that Högsta Domstolen (HD) has commented on the subject.

Unreasonable lock in contracts has been affected in legal cases from both HD and Patent-och Marknadsdomstolen (MPD). Consensus of legal cases is that the consumer protection has increased in recent years, for example a company can maximum bind a consumer of twelve months to a location-dependent subscription service.

The applicability of Konsumenttjänslagen (KTjL) on subscriptions agreements is uncertain. What is equated with a subscription service has, according to the preparatory works of the law, a continued unclear meaning.

It is clear that the consumer protection has improved, all gyms offer no lock-in contracts longer than twelve months. In addition, all mobile operators offer subscription-free mobile plans. Furthermore, it has been regulated by law that consumers cannot be bound by their inaction after the end of the agreement. Reports by Konsumentverket shows that there are more cases of unfair contracts being reported. Given the uncertainty about which subscription services will be offered in the future, it is desirable to institute more legislation within this area to increase the predictability of future consumers.}},
  author       = {{Wimby, Hugo}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Konsumentskydd inom abonnemangstjänster}},
  year         = {{2019}},