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Surrogatmoderskap i svensk rätt - Om surrogatmoderskap i svensk rätt och kriminalisering av surrogatförmedling

Zakariasson, Fanny LU (2020) JURM02 20201
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Frågan om surrogatmoderskap har under det senaste året aktualiserats bland annat med anledning av två domar från Högsta domstolen. Domarna rörde erkännande av utländsk dom i syfte att fastställa rättsligt föräldraskap i Sverige för tilltänkta föräldrar till barn födda genom surrogatarrangemang.
Surrogatmoderskap väcker en rad viktiga etiska, moraliska och, inte minst, juridiska frågor. När fokus under det senaste året har hamnat på barnet och de juridiska frågor om barnets rätt till privatliv som surrogatarrangemang i många fall väcker, menar jag att det är viktigt att bibehålla fokus på alla intressen i frågan. Ett helt centralt sådant är surrogatmodern och hennes intressen.
Den senaste statliga offentliga utredningen om... (More)
Frågan om surrogatmoderskap har under det senaste året aktualiserats bland annat med anledning av två domar från Högsta domstolen. Domarna rörde erkännande av utländsk dom i syfte att fastställa rättsligt föräldraskap i Sverige för tilltänkta föräldrar till barn födda genom surrogatarrangemang.
Surrogatmoderskap väcker en rad viktiga etiska, moraliska och, inte minst, juridiska frågor. När fokus under det senaste året har hamnat på barnet och de juridiska frågor om barnets rätt till privatliv som surrogatarrangemang i många fall väcker, menar jag att det är viktigt att bibehålla fokus på alla intressen i frågan. Ett helt centralt sådant är surrogatmodern och hennes intressen.
Den senaste statliga offentliga utredningen om surrogatmoderskap menade att kommersiellt surrogatmoderskap ska motverkas av en rad skäl, bland annat hänförliga till de risker som surrogatmodern löper i och med arrangemangen. Inga åtgärder vidtogs med anledning av utredningens slutsats. Mot bakgrund av att surrogatarrangemang med svenska medborgare involverade verkar öka utreds därför i den här uppsatsen om det svenska regelverket kring surrogatmoderskap motverkar eller främjar kommersiellt surrogatmoderskap. I uppsatsen tillämpas den rättsdogmatiska metoden. Slutsatsen i denna del är att det finns indikationer på att kommersiellt surrogatmoderskap inte motverkas av de svenska reglerna, men också att skälen till de slutsatser om kriminalisering som utredningen drog inte existerar i samma utsträckning som de gjorde vid tiden för utredningen. Detta framförallt med anledning av att s.k. dubbeldonation (när donerade ägg och donerade spermier används vid en IVF-behandling) idag är tillåten.
I uppsatsen utreds även en kriminalisering av surrogatförmedling mot bakgrund av att kommersiellt surrogatmoderskap enligt utredningen ska motverkas. I många av surrogatarrangemangen är förmedlingen en helt central del i att kontakt etableras mellan tilltänkta föräldrar och surrogatmödrar. Förmedlingen spelar därför en viktig roll i arrangemangen över huvud taget äger rum. Kriminaliseringen utreds mot bakgrund av de allmänna kriminaliseringsprinciperna som ställer upp grundläggande krav för kriminalisering i svensk straffrätt. I uppsatsen konstateras att en sådan kriminalisering kan vara förenlig med principerna, men också att det i slutänden är en bedömningsfråga och en fråga om synen på straffrättens användning och straffrättspolitik. I uppsatsen konstateras också att en sådan kriminalisering kan vara förenlig med rätten till respekt för privat- och familjeliv som tillkommer svenska medborgare genom artikel 8 i Europeiska konventionen angående skydd för de mänskliga rättigheterna och de grundläggande friheterna (EKMR). Konventionsstaterna har en bred margin of appreciation i fråga om nödvändigheten av inskränkningar i rätten till respekt för privat- och familjeliv när det kommer till surrogatmoderskap. (Less)
Within the last year, the Swedish Supreme Court ruled in two cases concerning recognition of legal parentage following international surrogacy arrangements. The rulings raised questions about the Swedish legislation on legal recognition of foreign judicial decisions and its compatibility with the right to respect for private and family life provided by article 8 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. The two cases in the Swedish Supreme Court were outcomes of surrogacy arrangements. Questions on the legislation’s ability to prevent commercial surrogacy agreements while at the same time catering to the best interests of the child has been raised following the rulings. Much attention has been... (More)
Within the last year, the Swedish Supreme Court ruled in two cases concerning recognition of legal parentage following international surrogacy arrangements. The rulings raised questions about the Swedish legislation on legal recognition of foreign judicial decisions and its compatibility with the right to respect for private and family life provided by article 8 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. The two cases in the Swedish Supreme Court were outcomes of surrogacy arrangements. Questions on the legislation’s ability to prevent commercial surrogacy agreements while at the same time catering to the best interests of the child has been raised following the rulings. Much attention has been paid to the child and its interests and rightfully so. Women’s rights and the rights of the individual surrogate mother are two crucial aspects of surrogacy which also need proper attention.
The most recent Swedish public inquiry on surrogacy concluded that commercial surrogacy should be precluded by the society for a number of reasons, largely relying on arguments concerning women’s rights. No legal measures were suggested, and hence not implemented, following that conclusion. The inquiry also concluded that no criminalization was necessary in order to preclude surrogacy since, according to the inquiry, the existing legislation was sufficient to preclude surrogacy.
In the light of the two rulings mentioned and the statements of the inquiry this thesis aims to assess the Swedish legislation on surrogacy and whether it facilitates or precludes surrogacy arrangements. This paper also aims to evaluate a criminalization of establishing contact between intended parents and surrogate mothers in order to preclude commercial surrogacy arrangements more efficiently, since surrogacy agencies play an important part in facilitating commercial surrogacy. Such a criminalization is evaluated based on the general principles of criminalization in Swedish criminal law. Its compliancy with the right to respect for private and family life provided by article 8 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms is also assessed.
The thesis concludes that the Swedish legislation on surrogacy might not preclude surrogacy arrangements as efficiently as the inquiry suggested, partly due to the recent abolition of a prohibition on donation of gametes in the legislation on assisted reproduction techniques. Regarding the criminalization suggested in the thesis, the thesis concludes that such a criminalization might be compliant with the general principles of criminalization in Swedish criminal law even though it ultimately is a matter of judgement and a matter of opinion on criminal policy. The thesis shows that there is a wide margin of appreciation on the necessity of derogations on the right to respect for private and family life accruing to the ratifying states on the matter of surrogacy. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Zakariasson, Fanny LU
alternative title
Surrogacy in Swedish law - A study on surrogacy in Swedish law and criminalization of surrogacy agencies
JURM02 20201
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
straffrätt, surrogatmoderskap, surrogatförmedling
date added to LUP
2020-06-16 10:57:13
date last changed
2020-06-16 10:57:13
  abstract     = {{Within the last year, the Swedish Supreme Court ruled in two cases concerning recognition of legal parentage following international surrogacy arrangements. The rulings raised questions about the Swedish legislation on legal recognition of foreign judicial decisions and its compatibility with the right to respect for private and family life provided by article 8 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. The two cases in the Swedish Supreme Court were outcomes of surrogacy arrangements. Questions on the legislation’s ability to prevent commercial surrogacy agreements while at the same time catering to the best interests of the child has been raised following the rulings. Much attention has been paid to the child and its interests and rightfully so. Women’s rights and the rights of the individual surrogate mother are two crucial aspects of surrogacy which also need proper attention.
The most recent Swedish public inquiry on surrogacy concluded that commercial surrogacy should be precluded by the society for a number of reasons, largely relying on arguments concerning women’s rights. No legal measures were suggested, and hence not implemented, following that conclusion. The inquiry also concluded that no criminalization was necessary in order to preclude surrogacy since, according to the inquiry, the existing legislation was sufficient to preclude surrogacy.
In the light of the two rulings mentioned and the statements of the inquiry this thesis aims to assess the Swedish legislation on surrogacy and whether it facilitates or precludes surrogacy arrangements. This paper also aims to evaluate a criminalization of establishing contact between intended parents and surrogate mothers in order to preclude commercial surrogacy arrangements more efficiently, since surrogacy agencies play an important part in facilitating commercial surrogacy. Such a criminalization is evaluated based on the general principles of criminalization in Swedish criminal law. Its compliancy with the right to respect for private and family life provided by article 8 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms is also assessed.
The thesis concludes that the Swedish legislation on surrogacy might not preclude surrogacy arrangements as efficiently as the inquiry suggested, partly due to the recent abolition of a prohibition on donation of gametes in the legislation on assisted reproduction techniques. Regarding the criminalization suggested in the thesis, the thesis concludes that such a criminalization might be compliant with the general principles of criminalization in Swedish criminal law even though it ultimately is a matter of judgement and a matter of opinion on criminal policy. The thesis shows that there is a wide margin of appreciation on the necessity of derogations on the right to respect for private and family life accruing to the ratifying states on the matter of surrogacy.}},
  author       = {{Zakariasson, Fanny}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Surrogatmoderskap i svensk rätt - Om surrogatmoderskap i svensk rätt och kriminalisering av surrogatförmedling}},
  year         = {{2020}},