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LUP Student Papers


Barns rätt till familj - eller föräldrars rätt till barn?

Namdar Faiz Abadi, Parastou LU (2020) LAGF03 20201
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Barnet bästa och barnets vilja är två nyckelbegrepp inom svensk barnrätt. Samspelet mellan begreppen kan vara intressant när frågor om barnets livssituation aktualiseras. I takt med stigande ålder och större mognadsgrad, till-mäts barnets vilja större vikt i enlighet med vad som stadgas i 6 kap. 2a § 3st. FB samt artikel 12 barnkonventionen. I praktiken kan detta medföra att yngre barns vilja bedöms vara av mindre betydelse vid utredning av barnets bästa. Uppsatsen undersöker sålunda i vilken utsträckning barn får komma till tals med hänvisning till principen om barnets bästa i samband med utredning av vårdnadsöverflyttning och familjehemsplacering, samt huruvida det föreligger skillnader för barn i olika åldrar.

Svårigheter hos ett... (More)
Barnet bästa och barnets vilja är två nyckelbegrepp inom svensk barnrätt. Samspelet mellan begreppen kan vara intressant när frågor om barnets livssituation aktualiseras. I takt med stigande ålder och större mognadsgrad, till-mäts barnets vilja större vikt i enlighet med vad som stadgas i 6 kap. 2a § 3st. FB samt artikel 12 barnkonventionen. I praktiken kan detta medföra att yngre barns vilja bedöms vara av mindre betydelse vid utredning av barnets bästa. Uppsatsen undersöker sålunda i vilken utsträckning barn får komma till tals med hänvisning till principen om barnets bästa i samband med utredning av vårdnadsöverflyttning och familjehemsplacering, samt huruvida det föreligger skillnader för barn i olika åldrar.

Svårigheter hos ett yngre barn att uttrycka sin vilja kan bidra till att föräldrarnas behov av återförening med barnet prioriteras över barnets vilja att stanna i familjehemmet. Denna svårighet i kombination med barns avsaknad av rättslig handlingsförmåga, ställer högre krav på lagstiftaren att utforma lagar som värnar om barns rättigheter. Genom en inkorporering av barnkonventionen avser lagstiftaren därför att ytterligare stärka barnets rättigheter. I detta avseende är det av vikt att lyfta fram familjehemsföräldrars avsaknad av talerätt. Trots att ett barn kan ha varit placerat i ett familjehem sedan födseln och även flera år därefter, kan socialnämnden med hänvisning till den i svensk rätt starkt förankrade återföreningsprincipen, referera till att det är barnets bästa att återförenas med sina biologiska föräldrar. Frågan lyftes i fallet Esmeralda om huruvida samhällets skyddsmekanismer fallerat och om barnets rätt i förhållande till sina föräldrar.

Uppsatsen fokuserar på artikel 12 barnkonventionen, familjehemsplacering i enlighet med SoL och LVU samt FB:s bestämmelser kring barns rättigheter. Uppsatsen redogör även för vad rättigheten och principen om barnets bästa innebär vid vårdnadsöverflyttning samt vikten av att barnets bästa inte en-bart definieras utifrån ett vuxet perspektiv. Analysen består av ett ifrågasättande kring den praktiska tillämpningen av rättskällorna samt vilken vikt som tillmäts barns vilja i det för uppsatsen valda ämnet. Frågan om barnkonventionen är en symbolhandling eller om den kommer att ligga till grund för en förändring i LVU för att stärka barnets rättigheter diskuteras i uppsatsen i syfte att utröna hur barnets rättigheter kommer att stärkas med barnkonventionen som lag.

Nyckelord: Barnets bästa, barnets vilja, vårdnadsöverflyttning, samhällsansvaret, barnkonventionen, barnperspektiv, barnrättsperspektiv, barnrätt. (Less)
The child's best interest and the child's will are two key concepts in Swedish Child law. The interaction between the two concepts can be interesting when questions about the child's life situation are raised. In line with rising age and greater maturity, the child's will is given greater significance in accordance with what is stipulated in Chapter 6, 2a § 3 subparagraph FB and Article 12 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. In practice, this can mean that the will of younger children is judged to be of minor im-portance in determining the child's best interests. This thesis examines the extent to which children are allowed to speak their will during an on going investigation of custody transfer and foster care placement, with... (More)
The child's best interest and the child's will are two key concepts in Swedish Child law. The interaction between the two concepts can be interesting when questions about the child's life situation are raised. In line with rising age and greater maturity, the child's will is given greater significance in accordance with what is stipulated in Chapter 6, 2a § 3 subparagraph FB and Article 12 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. In practice, this can mean that the will of younger children is judged to be of minor im-portance in determining the child's best interests. This thesis examines the extent to which children are allowed to speak their will during an on going investigation of custody transfer and foster care placement, with reference to the concept of the best interests of the child, and whether there are diffe-rences for children of different ages.

Difficulties for a younger child to express his or her will may help to priori-tize the parents' need for reunification with the child over the child's will-ingness to stay in the foster care. This difficulty, combined with the lack of legal capacity for children, places greater demands on the legislature to enact laws that protect children's rights. By incorporating the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the legislature therefore intends to further strengthen the rights of the child. In this regard, it is important to highlight the absence of the right of speech by foster care parents. Although a child may have been placed in a foster care since birth and even for several years thereafter, the Social Committee may, with reference to the firmly established principle of reunification in Swedish law, refer to the fact that it for the child best interest to be reunited with his biological parents. The question was raised in the Esmeralda case about whether society's protective mechanisms have failed and about the child's right in relation to his parents.

This thesis focuses on the Article 12 Convention on the Rights of the Child, foster care placement in accordance with what is stipulated in SoL and LVU, and FB's regulations on children's rights. The thesis also describes what the rights and the principles of the child's best infer in the case of a custody transfer and the importance of the child's best not only being de-fined from an adult perspective. The final analysis consists of a questioning about the practical application of the law and the importance that it is given to the child's will in the context of the essay. The question of whether the Convention on the Rights of the Child is symbolic or whether it will form the basis for a change in the LVU to strengthen the rights of the child, is highlighted in the essay in order to determine how the child's rights will strengthen with the Convention on the Rights of the Child as a law.

Keywords: The best interests of the child, the child's will, transfer of custo-dy, social responsibility, Convention on the Rights of the Child, children's perspective, children's rights perspective, children's rights. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Namdar Faiz Abadi, Parastou LU
LAGF03 20201
M2 - Bachelor Degree
Familjerätt, barnrätt, Barnets bästa, barnets vilja, vårdnadsöverflyttning, samhällsansvar, barnkonventionen, barnperspektiv, barnrättsperspektiv
date added to LUP
2020-09-19 21:55:42
date last changed
2020-09-19 21:55:42
  abstract     = {{The child's best interest and the child's will are two key concepts in Swedish Child law. The interaction between the two concepts can be interesting when questions about the child's life situation are raised. In line with rising age and greater maturity, the child's will is given greater significance in accordance with what is stipulated in Chapter 6, 2a § 3 subparagraph FB and Article 12 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. In practice, this can mean that the will of younger children is judged to be of minor im-portance in determining the child's best interests. This thesis examines the extent to which children are allowed to speak their will during an on going investigation of custody transfer and foster care placement, with reference to the concept of the best interests of the child, and whether there are diffe-rences for children of different ages.

Difficulties for a younger child to express his or her will may help to priori-tize the parents' need for reunification with the child over the child's will-ingness to stay in the foster care. This difficulty, combined with the lack of legal capacity for children, places greater demands on the legislature to enact laws that protect children's rights. By incorporating the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the legislature therefore intends to further strengthen the rights of the child. In this regard, it is important to highlight the absence of the right of speech by foster care parents. Although a child may have been placed in a foster care since birth and even for several years thereafter, the Social Committee may, with reference to the firmly established principle of reunification in Swedish law, refer to the fact that it for the child best interest to be reunited with his biological parents. The question was raised in the Esmeralda case about whether society's protective mechanisms have failed and about the child's right in relation to his parents.

This thesis focuses on the Article 12 Convention on the Rights of the Child, foster care placement in accordance with what is stipulated in SoL and LVU, and FB's regulations on children's rights. The thesis also describes what the rights and the principles of the child's best infer in the case of a custody transfer and the importance of the child's best not only being de-fined from an adult perspective. The final analysis consists of a questioning about the practical application of the law and the importance that it is given to the child's will in the context of the essay. The question of whether the Convention on the Rights of the Child is symbolic or whether it will form the basis for a change in the LVU to strengthen the rights of the child, is highlighted in the essay in order to determine how the child's rights will strengthen with the Convention on the Rights of the Child as a law.

Keywords: The best interests of the child, the child's will, transfer of custo-dy, social responsibility, Convention on the Rights of the Child, children's perspective, children's rights perspective, children's rights.}},
  author       = {{Namdar Faiz Abadi, Parastou}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Barns rätt till familj - eller föräldrars rätt till barn?}},
  year         = {{2020}},