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En reformerad bevistalan - En analys av regleringen av domstolsprövning i skuldfrågan när barn under 15 år misstänks för brott

Bergvall, Johanna LU (2020) JURM02 20201
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Barn under 15 år intar en särställning i den svenska straffrätten och kan därför inte åläggas straffrättsligt ansvar för brott. Det primära ansvaret att vidta åtgärder när minderåriga är misstänkta för eller har begått brott åligger istället de sociala myndigheterna.

Genom institutet bevistalan i 38 § lag (1964:167) med särskilda bestämmelser om unga lagöverträdare (LUL) kan dock minderårigas skuld för brott prövas i domstol. Institutet infördes 1965 i syfte att den berörda sociala myndigheten skulle erhålla tillfredsställande underlag inför sitt beslut avseende den brottsmisstänkta minderåriges behov av samhällelig hjälp. För att en bevistalan ska kunna väckas krävs enligt nuvarande reglering att antingen de berörda sociala... (More)
Barn under 15 år intar en särställning i den svenska straffrätten och kan därför inte åläggas straffrättsligt ansvar för brott. Det primära ansvaret att vidta åtgärder när minderåriga är misstänkta för eller har begått brott åligger istället de sociala myndigheterna.

Genom institutet bevistalan i 38 § lag (1964:167) med särskilda bestämmelser om unga lagöverträdare (LUL) kan dock minderårigas skuld för brott prövas i domstol. Institutet infördes 1965 i syfte att den berörda sociala myndigheten skulle erhålla tillfredsställande underlag inför sitt beslut avseende den brottsmisstänkta minderåriges behov av samhällelig hjälp. För att en bevistalan ska kunna väckas krävs enligt nuvarande reglering att antingen de berörda sociala myndigheterna eller den minderåriges vårdnadshavare gör en framställan hos åklagaren om att skuldfrågan ska prövas i domstol. Först efter en sådan framställan får åklagaren fatta beslut om att väcka en bevistalan i domstol. Åklagaren är vid sitt beslut bunden till att brottet måste vara av mycket allvarlig beskaffenhet.

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om dagens reglering avseende förutsättningarna för en bevistalan tillgodoser de intressen av en bevistalan som numera gör sig gällande. Syftet är även att undersöka om bevistalan är det enda sätt på vilket brott begångna av minderåriga kan hanteras.

Utredningen visar att det skett en samhällsutveckling sedan bevistalans tillkomst genom vilken samhällets syn på barn, kraven på ett rättssäkert förfarande samt intresset för brottsoffret och dennes behov har förändrats. I analysen argumenteras för att denna utveckling medfört att det tillkommit nya intressen av att en domstolsprövning i form av en bevistalan sker för att fastställa den minderåriges skuld för brott. Slutsatsen är att bevistalan såsom regleringen i 38 § första stycket LUL är utformad idag inte tillgodoser de intressen av en bevistalan som numera gör sig gällande. De förslag på ändring för att i högre grad tillgodose dessa intressen är bland annat att ge åklagaren en självständig rätt att väcka bevistalan och att sänka kravet på brottets allvarlighet. Avslutningsvis belyses att dessa förslag innebär en förskjutning av hanteringen av minderåriga barn misstänkta för brott från det socialrättsliga området till det straffrättsliga. Vidare konstateras att den reparativa rättvisan utgör ett alternativt sätt på vilket brott begångna av minderåriga kan hanteras. (Less)
Children under the age of fifteen occupy a special position in the Swedish judicial system and are not to be held responsible for crimes. When a child under the age of fifteen is a suspect of, or has committed, a crime the social services have the primary responsibility for taking actions.

However, through the institute of evidentiary proceedings as stated in 38 § Swedish Act on Special Provisions for Young (LUL), it is possible to determine the guilt in court. The institution of evidentiary proceedings dates back to 1965 and was introduced for the purpose of providing the social services with adequate material in their decisions regarding the suspected child’s need of social support. In order to initiate an evidentiary proceeding, the... (More)
Children under the age of fifteen occupy a special position in the Swedish judicial system and are not to be held responsible for crimes. When a child under the age of fifteen is a suspect of, or has committed, a crime the social services have the primary responsibility for taking actions.

However, through the institute of evidentiary proceedings as stated in 38 § Swedish Act on Special Provisions for Young (LUL), it is possible to determine the guilt in court. The institution of evidentiary proceedings dates back to 1965 and was introduced for the purpose of providing the social services with adequate material in their decisions regarding the suspected child’s need of social support. In order to initiate an evidentiary proceeding, the existing regulation states that this must be requested by the concerned social welfare authorities or the child’s custodians. Thereafter, the prosecutor can decide to commence an evidentiary proceeding before the court. The prosecutor is in his or her decision bound by the criteria that the offence must be of a severe aggravated nature.

The purpose of the thesis has been to examine whether the legislation of the evidentiary proceeding as stated in 38 § LUL fulfills the interests of evidentiary proceedings prevailing today. Furthermore, the purpose has been to examine whether evidentiary proceedings is the only way that the crimes committed by children under the age of fifteen could be handled.

It is stated that there has been a societal development since the legislation regarding evidentiary proceedings was introduced. The development has entailed a changed societal view of children, an increased demand of procedural safeguards and a greater interest in victims of crime and their needs. It is argued that the development has created new incentives to determine guilt through evidentiary proceedings when a child under fifteen is a suspect of crime. The conclusion is that evidentiary proceedings, as the 38 § first paragraph LUL is constructed, does not meet the interests that the evidentiary proceedings actualise today. In order to satisfy these interests to a greater extent it is suggested that the prosecutor is given an independent right to initiate an evidentiary proceeding and that the requirement regarding the severe nature of the crime is lowered. It is also stated that this proposition shifts the handling of children who are suspects of crimes, from the social to the criminal law system. Lastly, the institute of evidentiary proceedings are questioned on the premises of restorative justice. It is stated that the restorative justice constitutes an alternative to how crimes committed by a child under the age of fifteen can be handled. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Bergvall, Johanna LU
alternative title
A reformed evidentiary proceeding
JURM02 20201
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
straffrätt, processrätt: straffprocessrätt
date added to LUP
2020-06-15 09:22:47
date last changed
2020-06-15 09:22:47
  abstract     = {{Children under the age of fifteen occupy a special position in the Swedish judicial system and are not to be held responsible for crimes. When a child under the age of fifteen is a suspect of, or has committed, a crime the social services have the primary responsibility for taking actions. 

However, through the institute of evidentiary proceedings as stated in 38 § Swedish Act on Special Provisions for Young (LUL), it is possible to determine the guilt in court. The institution of evidentiary proceedings dates back to 1965 and was introduced for the purpose of providing the social services with adequate material in their decisions regarding the suspected child’s need of social support. In order to initiate an evidentiary proceeding, the existing regulation states that this must be requested by the concerned social welfare authorities or the child’s custodians. Thereafter, the prosecutor can decide to commence an evidentiary proceeding before the court. The prosecutor is in his or her decision bound by the criteria that the offence must be of a severe aggravated nature. 

The purpose of the thesis has been to examine whether the legislation of the evidentiary proceeding as stated in 38 § LUL fulfills the interests of evidentiary proceedings prevailing today. Furthermore, the purpose has been to examine whether evidentiary proceedings is the only way that the crimes committed by children under the age of fifteen could be handled.

It is stated that there has been a societal development since the legislation regarding evidentiary proceedings was introduced. The development has entailed a changed societal view of children, an increased demand of procedural safeguards and a greater interest in victims of crime and their needs. It is argued that the development has created new incentives to determine guilt through evidentiary proceedings when a child under fifteen is a suspect of crime. The conclusion is that evidentiary proceedings, as the 38 § first paragraph LUL is constructed, does not meet the interests that the evidentiary proceedings actualise today. In order to satisfy these interests to a greater extent it is suggested that the prosecutor is given an independent right to initiate an evidentiary proceeding and that the requirement regarding the severe nature of the crime is lowered. It is also stated that this proposition shifts the handling of children who are suspects of crimes, from the social to the criminal law system. Lastly, the institute of evidentiary proceedings are questioned on the premises of restorative justice. It is stated that the restorative justice constitutes an alternative to how crimes committed by a child under the age of fifteen can be handled.}},
  author       = {{Bergvall, Johanna}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{En reformerad bevistalan - En analys av regleringen av domstolsprövning i skuldfrågan när barn under 15 år misstänks för brott}},
  year         = {{2020}},