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Rapporteringspliktiga arrangemang - En undersökning om vad det innebär att Skatteverket ska använda inlämnade uppgifter som underlag för skattekontroll

Enoksson, Josefin LU (2020) JURM02 20202
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Den 1 juli 2020 infördes ett nytt regelverk gällande rapporteringspliktiga arrangemang i Sverige och i samband med detta infördes även en uppgiftsskyldighet att lämna uppgifter om rapporteringspliktiga arrangemang till Skatteverket. För att ett arrangemang ska vara rapporteringspliktigt ska det vara gränsöverskridande samt innehålla minst ett kännetecken. Ett kännetecken är en egenskap i ett arrangemang som utgör en tydlig signal om att det finns en potentiell risk för skatteflykt eller skatteundandragande. Dessa kännetecknen definieras i lagen och för vissa kännetecken krävs det dessutom att en skatteförmån är den huvudsakliga fördelen, eller en av de huvudsakliga fördelarna, som en person rimligen kan förvänta sig av arrangemanget för... (More)
Den 1 juli 2020 infördes ett nytt regelverk gällande rapporteringspliktiga arrangemang i Sverige och i samband med detta infördes även en uppgiftsskyldighet att lämna uppgifter om rapporteringspliktiga arrangemang till Skatteverket. För att ett arrangemang ska vara rapporteringspliktigt ska det vara gränsöverskridande samt innehålla minst ett kännetecken. Ett kännetecken är en egenskap i ett arrangemang som utgör en tydlig signal om att det finns en potentiell risk för skatteflykt eller skatteundandragande. Dessa kännetecknen definieras i lagen och för vissa kännetecken krävs det dessutom att en skatteförmån är den huvudsakliga fördelen, eller en av de huvudsakliga fördelarna, som en person rimligen kan förvänta sig av arrangemanget för att arrangemanget ska vara rapporteringspliktigt.

De som i första hand är skyldiga att lämna uppgifter om rapporteringspliktiga arrangemang till Skatteverket är rådgivare. I vissa fall är användaren (den skattskyldiga) av arrangemanget uppgiftsskyldig. Uppgifter om ett arrangemang ska lämnas inom 30 dagar från en i lagen angiven tidpunkt. Uppgifterna som ska lämnas in till Skatteverket framgår av en i lagen uttömmande lista. Vidare är uppgiftsskyldigheten förenad med kännbara rapporteringsavgifter vid brist på regelefterlevnad. Rapporteringsavgifterna leder därmed till att uppgiftsskyldiga lämnar korrekta och fullständiga uppgifter i rätt tid till Skatteverket.

Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka och utreda vad det innebär att uppgifter som lämnas till Skatteverket avseende rapporteringspliktiga arrangemang ska användas av myndigheten som underlag för skattekontroll. Av uppsatsen framgår att uppgifter om rapporteringspliktiga arrangemang inte ska lämnas som ett direkt led för att Skatteverket ska fastställa rätt skatt, men att inlämnade uppgifter kan framkalla en utredning och kontroll avseende personen uppgifterna avser, och uppgifterna kan således få betydelse i ett senare led när Skatteverket ska fatta ett beslut om den slutliga skatten.

Att inlämnade uppgifter om rapporteringspliktiga arrangemang ska användas som underlag för skattekontroll innebär bland annat att Skatteverket ska använda uppgifterna för att göra riskbaserade urval för skatterevisioner, andra utredningsåtgärder för kontroll i enskilda fall samt för att kontrollera att andra uppgifter som ska lämnas till ledning för beskattningen verkligen har lämnats och är korrekta.

Inlämnade uppgifter om rapporteringspliktiga arrangemang leder till att Skatteverket har tillgång till andra och fler uppgifter än vad myndigheten tidigare haft tillgång till i verksamheten. Av uppsatsen framkommer att uppgifter om arrangemangen och vilka som använder arrangemangen ska fungera som ett hjälpverktyg för Skatteverket i kontrollverksamheten. Uppgifterna ska fungera som ett verktyg över vilka skattskyldiga som eventuellt ska utredas och kontrolleras. Inlämnade uppgifter kan således påverka kontrollerna som Skatteverket utför och kontrollerna som genomförs har en inverkan på skatteuttaget eftersom skattekontrollens syfte är att rätt skatt ska betalas.

De rättsliga konsekvenserna av ett arrangemang kommer inte undersökas i samband med att uppgifter om ett rapporteringspliktigt arrangemang lämnas in till Skatteverket utan först när inkomstdeklarationen granskas. I de flesta fall kommer Skatteverket att ha uppgifter om arrangemangen tillgängliga i verksamheten vid den tidpunkt inkomstdeklarationen ska lämnas in. Skatteverket ska därmed använda inlämnade uppgifter för att i efterhand kontrollera att en skattskyldig lämnat korrekta uppgifter om arrangemanget i inkomstdeklarationen. Skyldigheten att lämna uppgifter om rapporteringspliktiga arrangemang innebär att uppgiftsskyldiga ska ge Skatteverket föreskrivna uppgifter för att myndigheten på ett bättre sätt ska uppfylla sitt uppdrag, att fastställa och ta ut rätt skatt. (Less)
On the July 1, 2020, a new framework of rules regarding reportable arrangements was introduced in Sweden and at the same time a reporting obligation to give information about reportable arrangements to the Swedish Tax Agency (STA) was introduced. For an arrangement to be reportable it must be cross-border and include at least one hallmark. A hallmark is a characteristic in an arrangement which is a strong indication that there may be a potential risk of tax avoidance or tax evasion – the hallmarks are defined in the law. For certain hallmarks it is also required that a tax benefit is the main benefit, or one of the main benefits, that a person can reasonably expect from the arrangement in order for the arrangement to be reportable.

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On the July 1, 2020, a new framework of rules regarding reportable arrangements was introduced in Sweden and at the same time a reporting obligation to give information about reportable arrangements to the Swedish Tax Agency (STA) was introduced. For an arrangement to be reportable it must be cross-border and include at least one hallmark. A hallmark is a characteristic in an arrangement which is a strong indication that there may be a potential risk of tax avoidance or tax evasion – the hallmarks are defined in the law. For certain hallmarks it is also required that a tax benefit is the main benefit, or one of the main benefits, that a person can reasonably expect from the arrangement in order for the arrangement to be reportable.

Advisers are primarily obliged to report information about reportable arrangements to the STA. In some cases, the user (i.e. the taxpayer) of the arrangement is obliged to report information. Information about the arrangement must be reported within a period of 30 days from a time specified in the law. The information that has to be reported to the STA appears from an exhaustive list in the law. Furthermore, the reporting obligation is associated with reporting fees in case of non-compliance. The reporting fees thus lead the person, who is obliged to report information, to submitting correct and complete information in the right time to the STA.

The purpose of the thesis is to investigate and analyze what the new regulation means with the stipulation that the submitted information regarding reportable arrangements will be used by the STA as a basis for tax control. The thesis shows that information about reportable arrangements will not be submitted as a direct link for the STA to determine the right taxation. However, the submitted information may induce an investigation and control regarding the person to which the information relates. For that reason, the information can thus – at a later stage – have significance when the STA is to make a decision on the final tax.

The fact that submitted information about reportable arrangements will be used as a basis for tax control means that the STA will use the information to make risk-based selections for tax audits, other investigate measures for control in individual cases and to control that other information to be submitted for taxation has actually been submitted and is correct.

Submitted information about reportable arrangements results in that the STA have access to other and more information than the agency previously had access to in their operation. The thesis shows that information about the arrangements and who uses the arrangements will function as a helping tool for the STA in their control-operation. The information will function as a tool for which taxpayers may be investigated and controlled. Therefore, submitted information can affect the controls performed by the STA, and the controls carried out have an impact on the taxation since the aim of the tax control is that correct tax must be paid.

The legal consequences of an arrangement will not be investigated when information about the reportable arrangement is submitted to the STA – this will happen when the income tax return is reviewed. The STA will, in most cases, have information available about arrangements at the time the income tax return will be submitted to the agency. Therefore, the STA will use submitted information about the arrangement to control that the taxpayer has submitted correct information about the arrangement in the income tax return. The obligation to submit information about reportable arrangements means that those obliged to submit information will provide the STA with information in order for the agency to better fulfill its task – to determine and collect correct taxation. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Enoksson, Josefin LU
alternative title
Reportable arrangements - An investigation what it means that the Swedish Tax Agency will use submitted information as a basis for tax control
JURM02 20202
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
Skatterätt, Rapporteringspliktiga arrangemang, DAC 6, Gränsöverskridande arrangemang, Uppgiftsskyldighet, BEPS, OECD, Mandatory Disclosure Rules, MDR, Aggressiv skatteplanering, Skatteverket, SOU 2018:91, Prop. 2019/20:74, Skattekontroll, Skatteförfarandelagen, Skatterådgivare, Skatteförmån, Reportable arrangements, Kännetecken
date added to LUP
2021-01-25 12:24:07
date last changed
2021-01-25 12:24:07
  abstract     = {{On the July 1, 2020, a new framework of rules regarding reportable arrangements was introduced in Sweden and at the same time a reporting obligation to give information about reportable arrangements to the Swedish Tax Agency (STA) was introduced. For an arrangement to be reportable it must be cross-border and include at least one hallmark. A hallmark is a characteristic in an arrangement which is a strong indication that there may be a potential risk of tax avoidance or tax evasion – the hallmarks are defined in the law. For certain hallmarks it is also required that a tax benefit is the main benefit, or one of the main benefits, that a person can reasonably expect from the arrangement in order for the arrangement to be reportable.

Advisers are primarily obliged to report information about reportable arrangements to the STA. In some cases, the user (i.e. the taxpayer) of the arrangement is obliged to report information. Information about the arrangement must be reported within a period of 30 days from a time specified in the law. The information that has to be reported to the STA appears from an exhaustive list in the law. Furthermore, the reporting obligation is associated with reporting fees in case of non-compliance. The reporting fees thus lead the person, who is obliged to report information, to submitting correct and complete information in the right time to the STA.

The purpose of the thesis is to investigate and analyze what the new regulation means with the stipulation that the submitted information regarding reportable arrangements will be used by the STA as a basis for tax control. The thesis shows that information about reportable arrangements will not be submitted as a direct link for the STA to determine the right taxation. However, the submitted information may induce an investigation and control regarding the person to which the information relates. For that reason, the information can thus – at a later stage – have significance when the STA is to make a decision on the final tax.

The fact that submitted information about reportable arrangements will be used as a basis for tax control means that the STA will use the information to make risk-based selections for tax audits, other investigate measures for control in individual cases and to control that other information to be submitted for taxation has actually been submitted and is correct.

Submitted information about reportable arrangements results in that the STA have access to other and more information than the agency previously had access to in their operation. The thesis shows that information about the arrangements and who uses the arrangements will function as a helping tool for the STA in their control-operation. The information will function as a tool for which taxpayers may be investigated and controlled. Therefore, submitted information can affect the controls performed by the STA, and the controls carried out have an impact on the taxation since the aim of the tax control is that correct tax must be paid.

The legal consequences of an arrangement will not be investigated when information about the reportable arrangement is submitted to the STA – this will happen when the income tax return is reviewed. The STA will, in most cases, have information available about arrangements at the time the income tax return will be submitted to the agency. Therefore, the STA will use submitted information about the arrangement to control that the taxpayer has submitted correct information about the arrangement in the income tax return. The obligation to submit information about reportable arrangements means that those obliged to submit information will provide the STA with information in order for the agency to better fulfill its task – to determine and collect correct taxation.}},
  author       = {{Enoksson, Josefin}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Rapporteringspliktiga arrangemang - En undersökning om vad det innebär att Skatteverket ska använda inlämnade uppgifter som underlag för skattekontroll}},
  year         = {{2020}},