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En rättssäker livstid? - En kritisk granskning av regleringen för omvandling av livstidsstraff

Estebring, Henriette LU (2021) LAGF03 20211
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Livstids fängelse kunde innan 2006 endast tidsbestämmas genom det s.k. nådeinstitutet. Genom införandet av lag (2006:45) om omvandling av fängelse på livstid utökades möjligheten för livstidsfångar att få sitt straff tidsbestämt. Syftet med införande av lagen var att förbättra förutsebarheten, inte bara för de intagna utan även för de dömdas anhöriga och KRV vid dess arbete med de intagna.

I motiven till omvandlingslagen, samt i NJA 2008 s. 579, betonades att risken för återfall i allvarlig brottslighet ska utgöra ett absolut hinder för omvandling av fängelse på livstid. Kriteriet intar således en särställning bland de kriterier som domstolen ska beakta. Rättsmedicinalverket är den myndighet som ska utreda den dömdes risk för återfall... (More)
Livstids fängelse kunde innan 2006 endast tidsbestämmas genom det s.k. nådeinstitutet. Genom införandet av lag (2006:45) om omvandling av fängelse på livstid utökades möjligheten för livstidsfångar att få sitt straff tidsbestämt. Syftet med införande av lagen var att förbättra förutsebarheten, inte bara för de intagna utan även för de dömdas anhöriga och KRV vid dess arbete med de intagna.

I motiven till omvandlingslagen, samt i NJA 2008 s. 579, betonades att risken för återfall i allvarlig brottslighet ska utgöra ett absolut hinder för omvandling av fängelse på livstid. Kriteriet intar således en särställning bland de kriterier som domstolen ska beakta. Rättsmedicinalverket är den myndighet som ska utreda den dömdes risk för återfall i allvarlig brottslighet. Utredningen, som sammanfattas i ett utlåtande till domstolen, ska gradera den dömdes risk som låg, medelhög eller hög.

Syftet med framställningen är att ur ett rättssäkerhetsperspektiv kritiskt granska regleringen för omvandlingen av fängelse på livstid. Begreppet rättssäkerhet definieras i framställningen som förutsebarhet och likabehandling.

Arbetet visar att regleringen för omvandlingsprövningen brister i flera aspekter vad gäller rättssäkerhet. Högsta domstolen har uttalat att en konkret och beaktansvärd risk för återfall i allvarlig brottslighet utgör ett absolut hinder mot omvandling. Vad som utgör allvarlig brottslighet är dock inte definierat. Det är således svårt för den enskilde att förutse huruvida det föreligger risk för sådan allvarlig brottslighet. Utredningen visar även att domstolen i sina bedömningar beaktar huruvida den dömde själv deltagit i att främja sin återanpassning till samhället. Här ter sig omvandling av livstidsstraffet snarare som något man måste förtjäna än ett straff för tidigare brott.

Det noteras i utredningen att RMV och tingsrätten lägger stor vikt vid vissa faktorer, exempelvis missbruk. Det framgår dock ej hur risken för återfall i missbruk kan kopplas till risken för återfall i allvarlig brottslighet. Anmärkningsvärt är också att en rapport från 2005 visar att den prediktiva förmågan hos riskbedömningsinstrument som bäst är 75%, vilket innebär att var fjärde riskbedömning är fel.

Sammanfattningsvis kan konstateras att Omvandlingslagen, jämfört med nådeinstitutet, är en förbättring ur ett rättssäkerhetsperspektiv. En förbättring innebär dock inte att rättssäkerheten automatiskt är uppfylld. (Less)
Before 2006, the only way life sentences could be converted was through governmental clemency. The adoption of the 2006 Conversion of Life Imprisonment Act (2006:45) (OmvL), however, increased the possibilities for prisoners serving life in prison to have their sentences commuted to a set number of years. The purpose of the adoption was to improve legal predictability for inmates, their relatives, and The Prison and Probation service (KRV) in its work with convicted felons.

In the preparatory works for the new act – as well as in NJA 2008 p. 579 – the risk of recidivism amongst perpetrators of serious offenses was designated as an absolute obstacle to the conversion of life sentences. The risk of recidivism thus holds a superposition... (More)
Before 2006, the only way life sentences could be converted was through governmental clemency. The adoption of the 2006 Conversion of Life Imprisonment Act (2006:45) (OmvL), however, increased the possibilities for prisoners serving life in prison to have their sentences commuted to a set number of years. The purpose of the adoption was to improve legal predictability for inmates, their relatives, and The Prison and Probation service (KRV) in its work with convicted felons.

In the preparatory works for the new act – as well as in NJA 2008 p. 579 – the risk of recidivism amongst perpetrators of serious offenses was designated as an absolute obstacle to the conversion of life sentences. The risk of recidivism thus holds a superposition amongst the criteria that the court must consider when deliberating on commuting the sentence of an inmate.

The National Board of Forensic Medicine (RMV) estimates the inmates’ risk of recidivism. Their investigation, which is summarized in a statement and subsequently sent to the court, rates the inmate’s risk of becoming a reoffender as either low, medium, or high.

The purpose of this essay is to critically examine from a rule of law perspective the regulatory system for the commuting of life sentences. The rule of law is in this essay defined as predictability and equal treatment.

The investigation shows that the regulatory framework for commuting life sentences is deficient with regard to the notion of legal certainty. The Swedish Supreme Court has stated that a concrete and significant risk of recidivism in serious offenses constitute an absolute obstacle for conversion. What constitutes a serious offense, however, is not defined. Thus, it is difficult for the individual to predict whether there is a risk of such a serious offense. The investigation also shows that the court in its assessments takes into account whether the convicted person himself participated in promoting his reintegration in society. The commuting of a life sentence therefore seems like something one must deserve, rather than a punishment for previous crimes.

It is worth noting that the RMV and the Court – while attaching great value to certain factors, such as substance abuse – does not clarify exactly how the risk of relapsing into, for example substance abuse, may be linked to the risk of reoffending. Additionally, it is also worth remembering that a report from 2005 showed the predictive ability of risk assessment instruments being at best 75%, meaning that one out of four risk assessments is incorrect.

It can be stated, then, that the Conversion of Life Imprisonment Act is – from a rule of law point of view – an improvement compared to the previous system of conversion by government clemency. However, this prima facie improvement does not mean that the regulation of commuting sentences meets the requirements of legal certainty. (Less)
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Estebring, Henriette LU
LAGF03 20211
M2 - Bachelor Degree
Straffrätt, processrätt, omvandlingslagen, livstidstid
date added to LUP
2021-06-29 16:47:41
date last changed
2021-06-29 16:47:41
  abstract     = {{Before 2006, the only way life sentences could be converted was through governmental clemency. The adoption of the 2006 Conversion of Life Imprisonment Act (2006:45) (OmvL), however, increased the possibilities for prisoners serving life in prison to have their sentences commuted to a set number of years. The purpose of the adoption was to improve legal predictability for inmates, their relatives, and The Prison and Probation service (KRV) in its work with convicted felons. 

In the preparatory works for the new act – as well as in NJA 2008 p. 579 – the risk of recidivism amongst perpetrators of serious offenses was designated as an absolute obstacle to the conversion of life sentences. The risk of recidivism thus holds a superposition amongst the criteria that the court must consider when deliberating on commuting the sentence of an inmate. 

The National Board of Forensic Medicine (RMV) estimates the inmates’ risk of recidivism. Their investigation, which is summarized in a statement and subsequently sent to the court, rates the inmate’s risk of becoming a reoffender as either low, medium, or high. 

The purpose of this essay is to critically examine from a rule of law perspective the regulatory system for the commuting of life sentences. The rule of law is in this essay defined as predictability and equal treatment.

The investigation shows that the regulatory framework for commuting life sentences is deficient with regard to the notion of legal certainty. The Swedish Supreme Court has stated that a concrete and significant risk of recidivism in serious offenses constitute an absolute obstacle for conversion. What constitutes a serious offense, however, is not defined. Thus, it is difficult for the individual to predict whether there is a risk of such a serious offense. The investigation also shows that the court in its assessments takes into account whether the convicted person himself participated in promoting his reintegration in society. The commuting of a life sentence therefore seems like something one must deserve, rather than a punishment for previous crimes. 

It is worth noting that the RMV and the Court – while attaching great value to certain factors, such as substance abuse – does not clarify exactly how the risk of relapsing into, for example substance abuse, may be linked to the risk of reoffending. Additionally, it is also worth remembering that a report from 2005 showed the predictive ability of risk assessment instruments being at best 75%, meaning that one out of four risk assessments is incorrect. 

It can be stated, then, that the Conversion of Life Imprisonment Act is – from a rule of law point of view – an improvement compared to the previous system of conversion by government clemency. However, this prima facie improvement does not mean that the regulation of commuting sentences meets the requirements of legal certainty.}},
  author       = {{Estebring, Henriette}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{En rättssäker livstid? - En kritisk granskning av regleringen för omvandling av livstidsstraff}},
  year         = {{2021}},