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Kvinnors autonomi - då och nu - En analys av rättsutvecklingen och synen på surrogatskap och abort

Croner, Elvira LU (2021) JURM02 20211
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Surrogatskap är en aktuell och omdebatterad fråga. Varken altruistiska eller kommersiella surrogatskap är tillåtna i Sverige. Surrogatskap är en relativt ny företeelse och diskuterades för första gången på 1980-talet i riksdagen. Till en början var de flesta partier restriktivt inställda och talade om surrogatskap som en främmande och osedlig företeelse. Med åren öppnades det dock upp för en diskussion i riksdagen.

I SOU 2016:11 undersöktes möjligheten till surrogatskap i Sverige. Utredningen kom fram till att kommersiella surrogatskap inte kunde anses etiskt godtagbara och därför undersöktes enbart altruistiska surrogatskap. De vägde för- och nackdelar. Utredningen kom slutligen fram till att altruistiska surrogatskap kunde anses som... (More)
Surrogatskap är en aktuell och omdebatterad fråga. Varken altruistiska eller kommersiella surrogatskap är tillåtna i Sverige. Surrogatskap är en relativt ny företeelse och diskuterades för första gången på 1980-talet i riksdagen. Till en början var de flesta partier restriktivt inställda och talade om surrogatskap som en främmande och osedlig företeelse. Med åren öppnades det dock upp för en diskussion i riksdagen.

I SOU 2016:11 undersöktes möjligheten till surrogatskap i Sverige. Utredningen kom fram till att kommersiella surrogatskap inte kunde anses etiskt godtagbara och därför undersöktes enbart altruistiska surrogatskap. De vägde för- och nackdelar. Utredningen kom slutligen fram till att altruistiska surrogatskap kunde anses som etiskt godtagbart om kvinnan ställde upp frivilligt. Det fanns dock en stor rädsla för att kvinnans frivillighet inte kunde garanteras. Främst ansågs risken stor för att hon skulle få påtryckningar från omgivningen och därmed känna sig tvingad. Surrogatskap skulle därmed inte tillåtas i Sverige, varken på kommersiella eller altruistiska grunder.

Den allmänna debatten har gett upphov till i stor del samma argumentation. De som är för surrogatskap är mestadels liberala aktörer och de menar att ett tillåtande skulle säkra kvinnans självbestämmanderätt. Motståndarna, framförallt feminister och socialdemokrater samt vänsterpartister, menar att surrogatskap innebär människohandel och en exploatering av kvinnor. Framförallt befaras också kvinnans frivillighet inte kunna garanteras.

Abortfrågan var som mest aktuell från 1930-talet till en bit in på 1970-talet. Under perioden förändrades lagstiftningen och gick från en restriktiv reglering till en liberalare abortlag som tillät fri abort. De som var för fri abort argumenterade för kvinnors självbestämmanderätt. Motståndarna till fri abort befarade att kvinnan kunde vara påverkad av graviditetsdepression och därmed inte vara tillräckligt klartänkt. De menade också att kvinnan skulle kunna påverkas av den tilltänkta fadern eller att hon skulle ångra beslutet i efterhand. 1974 infördes fri abort efter en lång debatt i riksdagen.

Debatten om surrogatskap påminner om den om fri abort. Argumentationen tar i båda fall syfte på att kvinnan borde ha självbestämmanderätt alternativt inte skulle vara tillräckligt klartänkt. Argumenten talar för att skyddsobjekten har förändrats. Från samhället till individens självbestämmanderätt som främsta skyddsobjekt. Idag är det istället risken att kvinnan skulle påverkas av maktförhållanden och strukturer samt en vilja att skydda kvinnan som är primärt. Argumentationen springer ur en syn på kvinnan som oförmögen att ta beslut samt att värna om sig själv och mynnar ut i ett förmyndarskap över kvinnan. (Less)
Surrogacy is a current and often debated issue. Neither altruistic nor commercial surrogacy is allowed in Sweden. When surrogacy was first discussed in the 1980s most parties were restrictive and spoke of surrogacy as a foreign and immoral phenomenon. Over the years, however, more parties have opened up for discussing the matter.

In SOU 2016: 11, the possibility of surrogacy in Sweden was investigated. They concluded that commercial surrogacy could not be considered ethically acceptable. The inquiry therefore chose only to investigate altruistic surrogacy. They weighed the pros and cons. The inquiry finally came to the conclusion that altruistic surrogacy could be considered ethically acceptable if the woman voluntarily agrees. However,... (More)
Surrogacy is a current and often debated issue. Neither altruistic nor commercial surrogacy is allowed in Sweden. When surrogacy was first discussed in the 1980s most parties were restrictive and spoke of surrogacy as a foreign and immoral phenomenon. Over the years, however, more parties have opened up for discussing the matter.

In SOU 2016: 11, the possibility of surrogacy in Sweden was investigated. They concluded that commercial surrogacy could not be considered ethically acceptable. The inquiry therefore chose only to investigate altruistic surrogacy. They weighed the pros and cons. The inquiry finally came to the conclusion that altruistic surrogacy could be considered ethically acceptable if the woman voluntarily agrees. However, there was a great fear that the woman's willingness could not be guaranteed. Above all, the risk was considered great that she would be pressured by her surroundings and thus feel compelled. Surrogacy would therefore not be allowed in Sweden, neither on commercial nor altruistic grounds.

The general debate has given rise to much of the same argumentation. Those who are in favor of surrogacy are mostly liberal actors who believe that a permit would secure a woman's right to self-determination. Opponents, especially feminists and social democrats as well as left-wing parties, believe that surrogacy equates human trafficking and exploitation of women. Most of all, it is also feared that the woman's willingness cannot be guaranteed.

The debate about abortion was most relevant between the 1930s and well into the 1970s. During the period, the legislation changed and went from a restrictive regulation to a more liberal law that allowed free abortion. Those who were in favor of free abortion argued for women's right to self-determination. Opponents of free abortion feared that the woman could be affected by pregnancy depression and thus not be sufficiently clear-sighted. They also believed that the woman could be influenced by the father or that she would regret the decision afterwards. In 1974, free abortion was introduced after a long debate.

The debate about surrogacy is reminiscent of that of free abortion. In both cases, the argument is that the woman should have the right to self-determination. The objectors argued in both debates that she would not be sufficiently clear-sighted to make a valid decision. The arguments suggest that the protected objects have changed, from society as the main object of protection to the individual's right to self-determination. Today, the primary object of protection seem to be a desire to protect the woman from the risk of being affected by power relations and structures in society. The argumentation points to a view of the woman as unable to make clear decisions and to protect herself. It results in a guardianship over the woman. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Croner, Elvira LU
alternative title
Women's autonomy - then and now
JURM02 20211
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
rättshistoria, kvinnors autonomi
date added to LUP
2021-06-19 09:40:03
date last changed
2021-06-19 09:40:03
  abstract     = {{Surrogacy is a current and often debated issue. Neither altruistic nor commercial surrogacy is allowed in Sweden. When surrogacy was first discussed in the 1980s most parties were restrictive and spoke of surrogacy as a foreign and immoral phenomenon. Over the years, however, more parties have opened up for discussing the matter.

In SOU 2016: 11, the possibility of surrogacy in Sweden was investigated. They concluded that commercial surrogacy could not be considered ethically acceptable. The inquiry therefore chose only to investigate altruistic surrogacy. They weighed the pros and cons. The inquiry finally came to the conclusion that altruistic surrogacy could be considered ethically acceptable if the woman voluntarily agrees. However, there was a great fear that the woman's willingness could not be guaranteed. Above all, the risk was considered great that she would be pressured by her surroundings and thus feel compelled. Surrogacy would therefore not be allowed in Sweden, neither on commercial nor altruistic grounds.

The general debate has given rise to much of the same argumentation. Those who are in favor of surrogacy are mostly liberal actors who believe that a permit would secure a woman's right to self-determination. Opponents, especially feminists and social democrats as well as left-wing parties, believe that surrogacy equates human trafficking and exploitation of women. Most of all, it is also feared that the woman's willingness cannot be guaranteed.

The debate about abortion was most relevant between the 1930s and well into the 1970s. During the period, the legislation changed and went from a restrictive regulation to a more liberal law that allowed free abortion. Those who were in favor of free abortion argued for women's right to self-determination. Opponents of free abortion feared that the woman could be affected by pregnancy depression and thus not be sufficiently clear-sighted. They also believed that the woman could be influenced by the father or that she would regret the decision afterwards. In 1974, free abortion was introduced after a long debate.

The debate about surrogacy is reminiscent of that of free abortion. In both cases, the argument is that the woman should have the right to self-determination. The objectors argued in both debates that she would not be sufficiently clear-sighted to make a valid decision. The arguments suggest that the protected objects have changed, from society as the main object of protection to the individual's right to self-determination. Today, the primary object of protection seem to be a desire to protect the woman from the risk of being affected by power relations and structures in society. The argumentation points to a view of the woman as unable to make clear decisions and to protect herself. It results in a guardianship over the woman.}},
  author       = {{Croner, Elvira}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Kvinnors autonomi - då och nu - En analys av rättsutvecklingen och synen på surrogatskap och abort}},
  year         = {{2021}},