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Att förlora sin barndom och få hjälp att hitta den på nytt - en kvalitativ studie om psykodynamisk barnterapi efter trauma

Changolh, Mahnaz LU and Liedberg Dannhusen, Camilla LU (2021) PPTT06 20211
Department of Psychology
Abstract (Swedish)
Syftet med studien var att närma oss hur psykodynamiskt inriktade terapeuter som arbetar med barn med traumatiska erfarenheter, upplever sin kliniska verklighet och att få en inblick i på vilket sätt psykodynamisk barnterapi kan göra skillnad för dessa barn. Studien är uppbyggd på en kvalitativ grund och utgår från tolkande fenomenologisk anlays, IPA, (Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis). Data har samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med sju yrkesverksamma legitimerade barnpsykoterapeuter. Åtta teman identifierades. Resultatet visar att trauma hos små barn kan gestalta sig på flertalet olika sätt och att de kriterier som inbegriper trauma i diagnosmanualer är otillräckligt framför allt vad gäller tidigt traumatiserade barn.... (More)
Syftet med studien var att närma oss hur psykodynamiskt inriktade terapeuter som arbetar med barn med traumatiska erfarenheter, upplever sin kliniska verklighet och att få en inblick i på vilket sätt psykodynamisk barnterapi kan göra skillnad för dessa barn. Studien är uppbyggd på en kvalitativ grund och utgår från tolkande fenomenologisk anlays, IPA, (Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis). Data har samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med sju yrkesverksamma legitimerade barnpsykoterapeuter. Åtta teman identifierades. Resultatet visar att trauma hos små barn kan gestalta sig på flertalet olika sätt och att de kriterier som inbegriper trauma i diagnosmanualer är otillräckligt framför allt vad gäller tidigt traumatiserade barn. En betydelsefull faktor att ta hänsyn till i arbetet med traumatiserade barn är därför att utforska var i barnets utveckling som sammanbrottet har skett eftersom terapiarbetet påverkas av denna faktor. I studien framgår att psykodynamisk terapi med traumatiserade barn är en process med fokus på trygghet, allians, ramar, följsamhet och öppenhet vilka alla är betydelsefulla faktorer för att göra skillnad för barnet i dess mående och fortsatta utveckling. I terapiarbetet är det av vikt att terapeuten följer barnet i dess lek och gestaltning eftersom detta är barnets främsta kommunikationskanal och att det är i denna kommunikation som förändring sker. Föräldraarbetet som bl.a. inbegriper att ta hänsyn till förälderns psykiska hälsa, mentaliseringsförmåga, motivation och engagemang är en annan viktig bidragande orsak till förändring. Barnet och dess vårdgivare behöver få hjälp med att göra traumat begripligt så att det kan bli en del av barnets narrativ. (Less)
The aim of the study was to approach how psychodynamically oriented therapists who work with children with traumatic experiences, experience their clinical reality and to gain an insight into how psychodynamic child therapy can make a difference for these children. The study is based on a qualitative basis and is based on interpretive phenomenological analysis, IPA, (Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis). Data have been collected through semi-structured interviews with seven professional licensed child psychotherapists. Eight themes were identified. The results show that trauma in young children can manifest itself in several different ways and that the criteria that include trauma in diagnosis manuals are insufficient, especially with... (More)
The aim of the study was to approach how psychodynamically oriented therapists who work with children with traumatic experiences, experience their clinical reality and to gain an insight into how psychodynamic child therapy can make a difference for these children. The study is based on a qualitative basis and is based on interpretive phenomenological analysis, IPA, (Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis). Data have been collected through semi-structured interviews with seven professional licensed child psychotherapists. Eight themes were identified. The results show that trauma in young children can manifest itself in several different ways and that the criteria that include trauma in diagnosis manuals are insufficient, especially with regard to early traumatized children. An important factor to take into account in the work with traumatized children is therefore to explore where in the child's development the breakdown has taken place because the therapy work is affected by this factor. The study shows that psychodynamic therapy with traumatized children is a process with a focus on security, alliance, framework, compliance and openness, all of which are important factors in making a difference for the child in his or her mood and continued development. In the therapy work, it is important that the therapist follows the child in its play and design because this is the child's main communication channel and that it is in this communication that change takes place. Parental work which i.a. involves taking into account the parent's mental health, mental capacity, motivation and commitment is another important contributing factor to change. The child and its caregivers need help to make the trauma understandable so that it can become part of the child's narrative. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Changolh, Mahnaz LU and Liedberg Dannhusen, Camilla LU
PPTT06 20211
H2 - Master's Degree (Two Years)
trauma, anknytning, mentalisering, lek, psykodynamisk barnterapi, attachment, mentalization, play, psychodynamic childtherapy
date added to LUP
2021-06-08 08:45:25
date last changed
2021-06-09 03:40:21
  abstract     = {{The aim of the study was to approach how psychodynamically oriented therapists who work with children with traumatic experiences, experience their clinical reality and to gain an insight into how psychodynamic child therapy can make a difference for these children. The study is based on a qualitative basis and is based on interpretive phenomenological analysis, IPA, (Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis). Data have been collected through semi-structured interviews with seven professional licensed child psychotherapists. Eight themes were identified. The results show that trauma in young children can manifest itself in several different ways and that the criteria that include trauma in diagnosis manuals are insufficient, especially with regard to early traumatized children. An important factor to take into account in the work with traumatized children is therefore to explore where in the child's development the breakdown has taken place because the therapy work is affected by this factor. The study shows that psychodynamic therapy with traumatized children is a process with a focus on security, alliance, framework, compliance and openness, all of which are important factors in making a difference for the child in his or her mood and continued development. In the therapy work, it is important that the therapist follows the child in its play and design because this is the child's main communication channel and that it is in this communication that change takes place. Parental work which i.a. involves taking into account the parent's mental health, mental capacity, motivation and commitment is another important contributing factor to change. The child and its caregivers need help to make the trauma understandable so that it can become part of the child's narrative.}},
  author       = {{Changolh, Mahnaz and Liedberg Dannhusen, Camilla}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Att förlora sin barndom och få hjälp att hitta den på nytt - en kvalitativ studie om psykodynamisk barnterapi efter trauma}},
  year         = {{2021}},