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Den straffvärda våldtäkten i ljuset av våldtäktsmyter - Betydelsen av parternas relation och våld i våldtäktsdomar

Reich Zackrisson, Paula LU (2021) JURM02 20211
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Sexual offences are one of the most offensive and traumatic crimes a person can be subjected to. Despite this, there is still resistance in several places to consider acquaintance rapes or rapes in relationships as ”real rapes”, while rapes by unknown perpetrators or with violence often are understood as the ”real rape” and the most serious ones. Those perceptions might thus lead to a situation where different perpetrators would not be equally assessed with regards to sexual offences.

Against this background the purpose of this thesis is to examine, with the principle of equality as a framework, whether the relationship between the defendant and the victim and depending on whether or not violence has been present during the rape, has... (More)
Sexual offences are one of the most offensive and traumatic crimes a person can be subjected to. Despite this, there is still resistance in several places to consider acquaintance rapes or rapes in relationships as ”real rapes”, while rapes by unknown perpetrators or with violence often are understood as the ”real rape” and the most serious ones. Those perceptions might thus lead to a situation where different perpetrators would not be equally assessed with regards to sexual offences.

Against this background the purpose of this thesis is to examine, with the principle of equality as a framework, whether the relationship between the defendant and the victim and depending on whether or not violence has been present during the rape, has impact on the outcome and for the length of the sentence in rape judgments. Thereby the essay intends to answer whether certain rapes have been considered as more punishable than others, in the light of descriptions regarding the myth of the “real rape”. The study therefore consists of a case law study regarding rape judgments from the districts courts delivered under 2020.

The study will illustrate that the outcome in the rape judgments differs depending on the relationship between the defendant and the victim, even though there is no support to claim that differences in the outcome can be explained only by the parties’ relationships. That the evidentiary difficulties may be different depending on the parties’ relationships seems, however, to be a fact, not at least since the international researchers claim that the decision making and the assessments of guilt regarding rapes committed by perpetrators who in some way are familiar with the victim is a more complex situation, compared to when the defendant is unknown to the victim. This might probably also explain why the result shows that the acquittal and the conviction degree differ depending on the relationship between the parties, where the conviction rate is highest when the defendant was unknown to the victim, while it is lower when the defendant in somehow were acquainted or had a relationship to the victim. The study will furthermore illustrate that the parties’ relationship in several judgments had impact for the assessment of the defendant’s intent and for the question of whether the victim participated voluntarily or not. Thus, the result suggests that the parties’ relationships had some significance of the outcome in the rape judgments.

Furthermore, the result will demonstrate that there has been certain differences regarding the length of the sentences depending on the defendant – victim relationship, along with the nature of the violence. In some judgments the result suggests that rapes committed by unknown perpetrators with violence, accordance with the “real rape”, have been considered as more punishable than other equivalent rapes. The result does not, however, support the fact that the unknown rapists generally have been sentenced to a longer imprisonment than the remaining relationships categories, as previous research has shown. The result will instead illustrate that the differences regarding the average sentence lengths between the relationships categories only are minor. The result and the court’s reasoning in some judgments although raises the question of whether the courts assessments have been influenced by prejudice regarding unknown rapists. However, the study will furthermore present assessments and reasoning’s that challenges the notion that acquaintances and relationships rapes would be less serious than others, in that sense that the parties relationships has been considered as an aggravating circumstance in the penal value assessments and thus had an impact for a stricter lengths of the sentence. The result will also, however, demonstrate how the courts in varying degrees have been taken into account the violence as well as the parties relationships in the penalty value assessments. In some judgments the circumstances are considered as aggravating circumstances, but in other cases not. Thus, the result of the study partly support the fact that the parties´ relationships and the presence of violence had an impact of the length of the sentences in the rape judgments, as the result in other cases indicates just the opposite. Not only does this seem to imply that the application of law in this matters are unpredictable, with the risk of a less uniform adjudication process, but has also for the judgments that have been studied resulted in that rapes have been considered as different punishable for the same reasons.

With regards to the fact the court’s reasoning and the sentences assessments in several judgments differ significantly, although the circumstances of the cases at least appears to be relatively similar, leads to the question of whether the members of the courts perceptions and attitudes about rapes has influenced the assessments in question. The result of the study hence gives reason to question whether a uniform application of the law which in all cases guaranteed equal treatment in practice has been maintained. The result of the case law study illustrates several critical tendencies in the adjudication process, and assessments that differ depending on the defendants relationship to the victim. In order to be able to transform the principle of equal treatment into reality it, however, presupposes that equal rapes are treated equal and that defendants of sexual offences in legal terms have the same conditions for an objective equal treatment – regardless of the relationship to the victim. The case law study is not carried out with the purpose of being statistically significant, however, the risk that similar inconsistent assessment can be identified in rape judgments other than those studies in this thesis cannot be excluded. In order to ensure that the defendants right to equal treatment does not just risk becoming anything other than an unattainable legal principle, my hope is that this essay can contribute to further discussion and work. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
Sexuella övergrepp tillhör ett av de mest kränkande och traumatiserande brott som en människa kan utsättas för. Trots detta förekommer det på flera håll än idag motstånd att klassificera bekantskapsvåldtäkter eller våldtäkter inom relationer som ”riktiga våldtäkter”, medan våldtäkter av obekanta gärningsmän eller med förekomst av våld inte sällan förstås som en ”riktig våldtäkt” och mest allvarlig. I förlängningen skulle dessa föreställningar kunna tänkas innebära att olika gärningsmän i den rättsliga bedömningen inte likställs när det gäller sexualbrott.

Mot denna bakgrund syftar framställningen till att besvara, utifrån likhetsprincipen, huruvida relationen mellan gärningsmannen och målsäganden, samt beroende på om våld har... (More)
Sexuella övergrepp tillhör ett av de mest kränkande och traumatiserande brott som en människa kan utsättas för. Trots detta förekommer det på flera håll än idag motstånd att klassificera bekantskapsvåldtäkter eller våldtäkter inom relationer som ”riktiga våldtäkter”, medan våldtäkter av obekanta gärningsmän eller med förekomst av våld inte sällan förstås som en ”riktig våldtäkt” och mest allvarlig. I förlängningen skulle dessa föreställningar kunna tänkas innebära att olika gärningsmän i den rättsliga bedömningen inte likställs när det gäller sexualbrott.

Mot denna bakgrund syftar framställningen till att besvara, utifrån likhetsprincipen, huruvida relationen mellan gärningsmannen och målsäganden, samt beroende på om våld har förekommit eller inte, har betydelse för utgången samt för straffets längd i våldtäktsmål. Härigenom har uppsatsen ämnat att besvara om vissa våldtäkter har ansetts mera straffvärda än andra, mot bakgrund av beskrivningar om den ”riktiga våldtäkten”. Framställningen består följaktligen av en rättsfallsundersökning av våldtäktsdomar avkunnade i tingsrätterna under år 2020.

Framställningen kommer att påvisa att utgången i våldtäktsdomarna skiljer sig åt beroende på vilken relation gärningsmannen och målsäganden har haft, även om det inte finns stöd för att påstå att skillnaderna i skuldfrågan enbart kan förklaras bero på parternas relationer. Att bevissvårigheterna däremot kan vara olika beroende på parternas relationer tycks dock vara ett faktum, inte minst för att internationella forskare menar att beslutsfattandet och bedömningar av skuld vad gäller våldtäkter begångna av gärningsmän som på något sätt varit bekant med offret utgör en mer komplex situation, än när gärningsmannen varit okänd för målsäganden. Följaktligen kan detta eventuellt förklara varför friande- och fällandegraden skiljt sig åt beroende på parternas relationer, där fällandegraden varit som högst när gärningsmannen varit okänd för målsäganden, medan den varit lägre när gärningsmannen på något sätt varit bekant med eller haft en relation till målsäganden. Framställningen kommer vidare att visa att parternas relationer i flera mål har fått betydelse för bedömningen av gärningsmannens uppsåt och för frågan om huruvida målsäganden deltagit frivilligt eller inte. Följaktligen antyder resultatet därmed att parternas relationer har fått viss betydelse för utgången i våldtäktsdomarna.

Vidare kommer resultatframställningen att illustrera att det förekommit vissa skillnader vad gäller straffens längd beroende på vilken relation gärningsmannen och målsäganden har haft, utefter våldets karaktär. I vissa fall antyder resultatet att övergrepp begångna av okända gärningsmän med förekomst av våld, i enlighet med den ”riktiga våldtäkten”, har ansetts mer straffvärda än andra likvärdiga våldtäkter. Uppsatsens resultat håller dock inte för att konstatera att de okända våldtäktsgärningsmännen överlag har dömts till ett strängare straff än resterande relationskategorier, vilket tidigare forskning däremot har påvisat. Resultatet visar istället att skillnaderna avseende de genomsnittliga straffen mellan relationskategorierna endast är marginella. Däremot föranleder resultatet och domstolarnas resonemang i vissa fall frågan om huruvida rättens bedömningar har präglats av viss fördomsfullhet gällande okända våldtäktsgärningsmän. Framställningen kommer därtill att belysa bedömningar och resonemang som har utmanat föreställningen om att bekantskaps- och relationsvåldtäkter skulle vara mindre allvarliga än andra våldtäkter, genom att parternas relationer har beaktats som en försvårande omständighet vid straffvärdesbedömningen och har därmed fått betydelse för straffens längd i skärpande riktning. Uppsatsen kommer dock vidare att belysa hur domstolarna i olika mån har beaktat såväl våldet som förekommit som parternas relationer vid straffvärdesbedömningarna. I vissa fall har omständigheterna beaktats som försvårande omständigheter men i andra fall inte. Studiens resultat stödjer sålunda såväl det faktum att parternas relationer som att våldsförekomst har fått betydelse för straffets längd i våldtäktsmålen, precis som resultatet i andra fall tyder snarare på det motsatta. Förutom att detta får uppfattas innebära att rättstillämpningen i frågan är oförutsägbar, med risk för en mindre enhetlig rättstillämpning som följd, har det i domarna som studerats inneburit att övergrepp har ansetts vara olika straffvärda av samma skäl.

Mot bakgrund av att domstolarnas resonemang och straffvärdesbedömningar i flera fall skiljer sig åt betydande, även om brottsomständigheterna i flera fall förefallit varit relativt likvärdiga, går det emellertid att fundera över om detta inte kan förklaras bero på att rättens ledamöters olika föreställningar och attityder om våldtäkter har präglat dömandet. Resultatet ger därmed anledning att ifrågasätta huruvida en enhetlig rättstillämpning som i varje fall garanterat likhetsprincipen i praktiken har upprätthållits. Uppsatsens resultat belyser i flera fall sålunda kritiska tendenser i rättstillämpningen och bedömningar som skiljt sig åt beroende på parternas relationer. För att kunna omvandla principen om likabehandling till en realitet förutsätter det dock att likvärdiga övergrepp behandlas lika och att förövare i rättsligt hänseende har samma förutsättningar för en objektiv likabehandling när det gäller sexualbrott – oavsett relationen till målsäganden. Även om rättsfallsstudien inte genomförts med anspråk på att vara statistisk signifikant, torde det emellertid inte gå att i vart fall utesluta risken för att motsvarande inkonsekventa bedömningar går att identifiera i våldtäktsdomar utöver de som undersökts i nuvarande studie. För att misstänktas rätt till likhet inför lagen inte riskerar att bli något annat än en ouppnåelig rättsidealsprincip är min förhoppning att uppsatsen kan bidra till en vidare diskussion och arbete. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Reich Zackrisson, Paula LU
alternative title
The punishable rape in the light of rape myths - The impact of the parties´relationsship and violence in rape judgments
JURM02 20211
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
date added to LUP
2021-09-19 22:03:06
date last changed
2021-09-19 22:03:06
  abstract     = {{Sexual offences are one of the most offensive and traumatic crimes a person can be subjected to. Despite this, there is still resistance in several places to consider acquaintance rapes or rapes in relationships as ”real rapes”, while rapes by unknown perpetrators or with violence often are understood as the ”real rape” and the most serious ones. Those perceptions might thus lead to a situation where different perpetrators would not be equally assessed with regards to sexual offences. 

Against this background the purpose of this thesis is to examine, with the principle of equality as a framework, whether the relationship between the defendant and the victim and depending on whether or not violence has been present during the rape, has impact on the outcome and for the length of the sentence in rape judgments. Thereby the essay intends to answer whether certain rapes have been considered as more punishable than others, in the light of descriptions regarding the myth of the “real rape”. The study therefore consists of a case law study regarding rape judgments from the districts courts delivered under 2020. 

The study will illustrate that the outcome in the rape judgments differs depending on the relationship between the defendant and the victim, even though there is no support to claim that differences in the outcome can be explained only by the parties’ relationships. That the evidentiary difficulties may be different depending on the parties’ relationships seems, however, to be a fact, not at least since the international researchers claim that the decision making and the assessments of guilt regarding rapes committed by perpetrators who in some way are familiar with the victim is a more complex situation, compared to when the defendant is unknown to the victim. This might probably also explain why the result shows that the acquittal and the conviction degree differ depending on the relationship between the parties, where the conviction rate is highest when the defendant was unknown to the victim, while it is lower when the defendant in somehow were acquainted or had a relationship to the victim. The study will furthermore illustrate that the parties’ relationship in several judgments had impact for the assessment of the defendant’s intent and for the question of whether the victim participated voluntarily or not. Thus, the result suggests that the parties’ relationships had some significance of the outcome in the rape judgments. 

Furthermore, the result will demonstrate that there has been certain differences regarding the length of the sentences depending on the defendant – victim relationship, along with the nature of the violence. In some judgments the result suggests that rapes committed by unknown perpetrators with violence, accordance with the “real rape”, have been considered as more punishable than other equivalent rapes. The result does not, however, support the fact that the unknown rapists generally have been sentenced to a longer imprisonment than the remaining relationships categories, as previous research has shown. The result will instead illustrate that the differences regarding the average sentence lengths between the relationships categories only are minor. The result and the court’s reasoning in some judgments although raises the question of whether the courts assessments have been influenced by prejudice regarding unknown rapists. However, the study will furthermore present assessments and reasoning’s that challenges the notion that acquaintances and relationships rapes would be less serious than others, in that sense that the parties relationships has been considered as an aggravating circumstance in the penal value assessments and thus had an impact for a stricter lengths of the sentence. The result will also, however, demonstrate how the courts in varying degrees have been taken into account the violence as well as the parties relationships in the penalty value assessments. In some judgments the circumstances are considered as aggravating circumstances, but in other cases not. Thus, the result of the study partly support the fact that the parties´ relationships and the presence of violence had an impact of the length of the sentences in the rape judgments, as the result in other cases indicates just the opposite. Not only does this seem to imply that the application of law in this matters are unpredictable, with the risk of a less uniform adjudication process, but has also for the judgments that have been studied resulted in that rapes have been considered as different punishable for the same reasons.

With regards to the fact the court’s reasoning and the sentences assessments in several judgments differ significantly, although the circumstances of the cases at least appears to be relatively similar, leads to the question of whether the members of the courts perceptions and attitudes about rapes has influenced the assessments in question. The result of the study hence gives reason to question whether a uniform application of the law which in all cases guaranteed equal treatment in practice has been maintained. The result of the case law study illustrates several critical tendencies in the adjudication process, and assessments that differ depending on the defendants relationship to the victim. In order to be able to transform the principle of equal treatment into reality it, however, presupposes that equal rapes are treated equal and that defendants of sexual offences in legal terms have the same conditions for an objective equal treatment – regardless of the relationship to the victim. The case law study is not carried out with the purpose of being statistically significant, however, the risk that similar inconsistent assessment can be identified in rape judgments other than those studies in this thesis cannot be excluded. In order to ensure that the defendants right to equal treatment does not just risk becoming anything other than an unattainable legal principle, my hope is that this essay can contribute to further discussion and work.}},
  author       = {{Reich Zackrisson, Paula}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Den straffvärda våldtäkten i ljuset av våldtäktsmyter - Betydelsen av parternas relation och våld i våldtäktsdomar}},
  year         = {{2021}},