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Från oskyldighetspresumtionen till bortom rimligt tvivel - Ett straffrättsfilosofiskt perspektiv

Nygren, Gösta LU (2021) JURM02 20211
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Det är en obehaglig realitet att i Sverige döms oskyldiga personer för brott de inte har begått. Statistiskt sett händer det sannolikt mycket sällan men över en tillräcklig lång tidsrymd är det oundvikligt. Detta trots den lagstadgade oskyldighetspresumtionen som ger den som är misstänkt för ett brott rättigheten att betraktas som oskyldig till dess att motsatsen har bevisats.

Högsta domstolen har i NJA 1980 s. 725 uttryckt beviskravet för fällande dom i brottmål; den anklagades skuld ska vara ställd utom rimligt tvivel. Inte utom allt tvivel. Inte ens utom allt rimligt tvivel. Det ligger därmed i systemet att oskyldiga kan komma att dömas. Om detta faktum framstår som ett nederlag för rättssäkerheten bör det betonas att alternativet –... (More)
Det är en obehaglig realitet att i Sverige döms oskyldiga personer för brott de inte har begått. Statistiskt sett händer det sannolikt mycket sällan men över en tillräcklig lång tidsrymd är det oundvikligt. Detta trots den lagstadgade oskyldighetspresumtionen som ger den som är misstänkt för ett brott rättigheten att betraktas som oskyldig till dess att motsatsen har bevisats.

Högsta domstolen har i NJA 1980 s. 725 uttryckt beviskravet för fällande dom i brottmål; den anklagades skuld ska vara ställd utom rimligt tvivel. Inte utom allt tvivel. Inte ens utom allt rimligt tvivel. Det ligger därmed i systemet att oskyldiga kan komma att dömas. Om detta faktum framstår som ett nederlag för rättssäkerheten bör det betonas att alternativet – att domstolen måste vara säker på sin sak för att döma – troligtvis hade i praktiken inneburit en nedbrytning av rättssystemet som sådant. Det hade i vilket fall resulterat i en synnerligen kraftig ökning av materiellt felaktiga domar. I ett enskilt brottmål är det omöjligt att fastställa den tilltalades skuld med statistisk säkerhet. Det finns alltid en risk att vittnen ljuger eller minns fel, den tilltalade kan ge ett falskt erkännande och även den mest förödande bevisningen kan vara ett resultat av tillfälligheter. Om varje tvivel hade varit till den tilltalades fördel hade varje tilltalad också friats. Ju högre beviskravet ställs desto färre oskyldiga döms; men olyckligt nog frias även fler skyldiga. De allra flesta anser att det är värre att en oskyldig blir dömd än att en skyldig frias. Likaså är de allra flesta inte beredda att fria 1 000 skyldiga mördare för att rädda en person från ett oförtjänt straff.

Genom att se till den statistiska sannolikheten för skuld i brottmål belyses denna obekväma realitet. Det är möjligtvis därför rättsväsendet håller sig till vaga formuleringar såsom ”bortom rimligt tvivel” och ”praktiskt uteslutet”. I denna uppsats sätts siffror på de sannolikheter som oskyldighetspresumtionen och beviskravet medför i en rättslig bevisvärdering. För detta syfte används bayesiansk sannolikhetsteori.

I kontrast till den empiriska bevisvärdering som den bayesianska sannolikhetsteorin grundar sig i följer sedan en straffrättsfilosofisk diskussion. Ur ett de lege ferenda perspektiv analyseras oskyldighetspresumtionen och beviskravet i syfte att undersöka vad som krävs av rätten för att säkerställa den enskildes absoluta rättighet att inte bli oskyldigt dömd. Genom att tillämpa en straffrättsfilosofiskt metod framhävs de moraliska överväganden som samhället måste göra för att lagligen fastställa en medborgares skuld. (Less)
It is an uncomfortable reality that in Sweden innocent individuals are sentenced for crimes they have not committed. Statistically, it happens most likely very seldom but, given a sufficient length of time, it is unavoidable.

The Swedish Supreme Court has in NJA 1980 p. 725 expressed the evidentiary requirements for convictions in criminal cases. The guilt of the accused must be beyond reasonable doubt. Not beyond all doubt. Not even beyond all reasonable doubt. Therefore, it is inherent in the system that innocents may be convicted. Should this fact be considered as a defeat for the rule of law, it should be emphasized that the alternative – that the court must be absolutely sure of guilt in order to be able to pass a judgment – in... (More)
It is an uncomfortable reality that in Sweden innocent individuals are sentenced for crimes they have not committed. Statistically, it happens most likely very seldom but, given a sufficient length of time, it is unavoidable.

The Swedish Supreme Court has in NJA 1980 p. 725 expressed the evidentiary requirements for convictions in criminal cases. The guilt of the accused must be beyond reasonable doubt. Not beyond all doubt. Not even beyond all reasonable doubt. Therefore, it is inherent in the system that innocents may be convicted. Should this fact be considered as a defeat for the rule of law, it should be emphasized that the alternative – that the court must be absolutely sure of guilt in order to be able to pass a judgment – in practice probably would lead to the deterioration of the legal system as such. In any event, it would result in a substantial increase of materially incorrect judgments. In a criminal case, it is not possible to determine the guilt of an accused with statistical certainty. There is always a risk that witnesses are lying or recollect events incorrectly, the accused may wrongly admit guilt, and even the most devastating evidence may be the result of coincidence. Should every doubt be in favor of the accused, then all accused would be acquitted. The higher the evidentiary requirements are set the fewer innocents are sentenced; however more guilty individuals are acquitted as well. Most of us consider it is worse if an innocent individual be convicted than a guilty individual be acquitted. However, a majority of us are not willing acquit, say, 1000 guilty persons in order to save one individual from an undeserved conviction.

This uncomfortable reality is highlighted when the statistical probability for guilt in criminal cases is examined. This may very well be a reason why the judiciary use vague formulations such as "beyond reasonable doubt" and "practically excluded". In this essay, figures are given for probabilities related to the presumption of innocence and the burden of proof in relation to the requirements in the legal evaluation of evidence. Bayesian probability theory is used for this purpose.

In contrast to empirical evaluation of evidence on which the Bayesian probability theory is based, a philosophical discussion of criminal law will then follow. From a de lege ferenda perspective, the presumption of innocence and the burden of proof are analyzed in order to examine what is required of the court to ensure the individual's absolute right not to be innocently convicted. By applying a philosophical method on criminal law, the moral considerations that society must make in order to legally determine a citizen's guilt are emphasized. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Nygren, Gösta LU
alternative title
Presumption of Innocence and Beyond Reasonable Doubt - A Philosophical Perspective
JURM02 20211
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
allmän rättslära, straffrätt
date added to LUP
2021-09-01 13:27:47
date last changed
2021-09-01 13:27:47
  abstract     = {{It is an uncomfortable reality that in Sweden innocent individuals are sentenced for crimes they have not committed. Statistically, it happens most likely very seldom but, given a sufficient length of time, it is unavoidable.

The Swedish Supreme Court has in NJA 1980 p. 725 expressed the evidentiary requirements for convictions in criminal cases. The guilt of the accused must be beyond reasonable doubt. Not beyond all doubt. Not even beyond all reasonable doubt. Therefore, it is inherent in the system that innocents may be convicted. Should this fact be considered as a defeat for the rule of law, it should be emphasized that the alternative – that the court must be absolutely sure of guilt in order to be able to pass a judgment – in practice probably would lead to the deterioration of the legal system as such. In any event, it would result in a substantial increase of materially incorrect judgments. In a criminal case, it is not possible to determine the guilt of an accused with statistical certainty. There is always a risk that witnesses are lying or recollect events incorrectly, the accused may wrongly admit guilt, and even the most devastating evidence may be the result of coincidence. Should every doubt be in favor of the accused, then all accused would be acquitted. The higher the evidentiary requirements are set the fewer innocents are sentenced; however more guilty individuals are acquitted as well. Most of us consider it is worse if an innocent individual be convicted than a guilty individual be acquitted. However, a majority of us are not willing acquit, say, 1000 guilty persons in order to save one individual from an undeserved conviction.

This uncomfortable reality is highlighted when the statistical probability for guilt in criminal cases is examined. This may very well be a reason why the judiciary use vague formulations such as "beyond reasonable doubt" and "practically excluded". In this essay, figures are given for probabilities related to the presumption of innocence and the burden of proof in relation to the requirements in the legal evaluation of evidence. Bayesian probability theory is used for this purpose.

In contrast to empirical evaluation of evidence on which the Bayesian probability theory is based, a philosophical discussion of criminal law will then follow. From a de lege ferenda perspective, the presumption of innocence and the burden of proof are analyzed in order to examine what is required of the court to ensure the individual's absolute right not to be innocently convicted. By applying a philosophical method on criminal law, the moral considerations that society must make in order to legally determine a citizen's guilt are emphasized.}},
  author       = {{Nygren, Gösta}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Från oskyldighetspresumtionen till bortom rimligt tvivel - Ett straffrättsfilosofiskt perspektiv}},
  year         = {{2021}},