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Medfinansieringsersättning - kommunens respektive exploatörens perspektiv

Mehmedovic, Sabina LU (2022) VFTM01 20212
Real Estate Science
Investments in infrastructure normally lead to better accessibility, a better location, increased building rights and an increase in the value of the properties that are located near to the infrastructure. Increases in value that arise as a result of public investments should be returned to the public sector through value capture. A value capture method is co-financing compensation which according to Swedish law means that developers, whose properties can be assumed to increase in value as a result of an investment made by the state or an inter-municipality, can pay compensation to the municipality for the co-financing provided by the municipality to the state or the inter-municipality for the infrastructure. The only requirement for a... (More)
Investments in infrastructure normally lead to better accessibility, a better location, increased building rights and an increase in the value of the properties that are located near to the infrastructure. Increases in value that arise as a result of public investments should be returned to the public sector through value capture. A value capture method is co-financing compensation which according to Swedish law means that developers, whose properties can be assumed to increase in value as a result of an investment made by the state or an inter-municipality, can pay compensation to the municipality for the co-financing provided by the municipality to the state or the inter-municipality for the infrastructure. The only requirement for a municipality to be allowed to negotiate with a developer about co-financing compensation is that the property can be assumed to increase in value, otherwise there are no regulations on how large the compensation should be, what it should be based on, when it should be paid, which developers who must pay, how the benefit is to be demonstrated, etc. The method does not cover municipal investments, and therefore it’s unclear how such projects should be funded.

The study aims to investigate and describe co-financing compensation, how municipalities apply it and which experiences and opinions a couple of real estate companies have about the method. The aim is to clarify the uncertainties that exist regarding the application and that municipalities should be able to be inspired in their work. In addition, the work examines how municipally run projects should be financed and whether it is possible to apply co-financing compensation to such projects.

The study is conducted through a qualitative method and in addition to a literature study, an empirical study is also conducted which is divided into two questionnaire studies, one among all Sweden's municipalities and one among a couple of real estate companies. The study is also conducted through semi-structured interviews with two Swedish municipalities and two real estate companies.

The conclusion of the study is that quite few municipalities use the method of co-financing compensation. Only half of the municipalities who co-finance state infrastructure, use co-financing compensation. In cases where this is done, the compensation is normally based on gross floor area and the benefit is usually obvious if the infrastructure enables development or is of direct benefit for a future development. It’s important for developers that the infrastructure is beneficial to them if they are going to pay co-financing compensation. Negotiations usually take place in parallel with the planning work and in connection with the land development agreement. Developers think the negotiations work well, as long as the municipalities’ ways of working are predictable. The geographical area that can be assumed to increase in value and which thus has to pay co-financing compensation is defined primarily on the basis of who benefits from the infrastructure. When determining the paying area, existing conditions should be taken into account, such as the environment, security, target group and the existing infrastructure. A few municipalities compensate the developer if the infrastructure, for which co-financing compensation has been provided, is not built. The companies, on the other hand, want such compensation or insurance regarding the implementation of the project.

According to law, co-financing compensation is only applicable to state or inter-municipality infrastructure projects and thus neither to municipal projects nor facilities other than transport infrastructure. Municipal projects should be financed with other customary fees. In some cases, there are difficulties in applying these fees and therefore there is a need for either a change in existing law or a new law that allows co-financing compensation for municipal projects. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
Investeringar i transportinfrastruktur medför normalt bättre tillgänglighet, bättre läge, eventuellt ökad byggrätt och en ökning av värdet på de fastigheter som är belägna i närheten av den infrastruktur som anläggs. Värdeökningar som uppstår till följd av offentliga investeringar bör genom värdeåterföring ges tillbaka till det offentliga. En värdeåterföringsmetod är medfinansieringsersättning som, enligt 6 kap. 40 § 2 st Plan- och bygglagen (PBL), innebär att exploatörer, vars fastigheter kan antas öka i värde till följd av en statlig eller regional investering i transportinfrastruktur, betalar en ersättning till kommunen för den medfinansiering som kommunen lämnat till staten eller regionen för utbyggnad av infrastrukturen. Det enda... (More)
Investeringar i transportinfrastruktur medför normalt bättre tillgänglighet, bättre läge, eventuellt ökad byggrätt och en ökning av värdet på de fastigheter som är belägna i närheten av den infrastruktur som anläggs. Värdeökningar som uppstår till följd av offentliga investeringar bör genom värdeåterföring ges tillbaka till det offentliga. En värdeåterföringsmetod är medfinansieringsersättning som, enligt 6 kap. 40 § 2 st Plan- och bygglagen (PBL), innebär att exploatörer, vars fastigheter kan antas öka i värde till följd av en statlig eller regional investering i transportinfrastruktur, betalar en ersättning till kommunen för den medfinansiering som kommunen lämnat till staten eller regionen för utbyggnad av infrastrukturen. Det enda kravet för att en kommun ska få ta ut medfinansieringsersättning av en exploatör är just att fastigheten kan antas öka i värde, i övrigt finns inga regleringar beträffande ersättningens storlek, vad den ska baseras på, när förhandlingen ska ske, vilka exploatörer som ska betala, hur nyttan ska påvisas m.m. Metoden omfattar inte kommunala investeringar, alltså investeringar som inte drivs av staten eller regionen, och därav uppstår en osäkerhet beträffande finansieringen av sådana projekt, främst större anläggningar som är kommunövergripande.

Arbetet syftar till att utreda och beskriva medfinansieringsersättning, hur kommuner tillämpar det i praktiken samt vad ett par fastighetsbolag har för erfarenheter och åsikter om metoden. Målet är att klargöra de osäkerheter som råder vad gäller tillämpningen och att kommuner ska kunna inspireras i sitt arbete. Dessutom undersöker arbetet hur större kommunaldrivna projekt bör finansieras och om det är möjligt att tillämpa medfinansieringsersättning även för sådana projekt.

Studien görs genom en rättsdogmatiskt, kvalitativ metod och förutom en litteraturstudie genomförs även en empirisk studie som delas upp i dels två enkätstudier, en bland alla Sveriges kommuner och en bland ett par fastighetsbolag, dels i semistrukturerade intervjuer med två kommuner och två fastighetsbolag.

Slutsatsen är att det är relativt få kommuner som tillämpar medfinansieringsersättning. Av de som medfinansierar statlig infrastruktur tar endast hälften ut medfinansieringsersättning. För de fall det görs baseras ersättningen normalt på bruttoarea (BTA). Det är av vikt för exploatörer att åtgärden är till nytta för dem om de ska betala medfinansieringsersättning. Nyttan är oftast uppenbar om infrastrukturen möjliggör exploatering eller är till direkt nytta för en kommande exploatering. Förhandling sker oftast parallellt med planarbetet och i samband med exploateringsavtalet, vilket exploatörer tycker fungerar bra. Däremot uppskattas förutsägbarhet beträffande de ersättningar som kan komma att tas ut och framförhållning med exploateringsavtalet. Det geografiska område som kan antas öka i värde och som således får betala medfinansieringsersättning kallas influensområde och avgränsas främst utifrån vilka som har nytta av anläggningen. Vid avgränsningen bör områdets förutsättningar beaktas så som miljö, trygghet, målgrupp och befintlig infrastruktur. Ett fåtal kommuner ersätter exploatören om åtgärden, för vilken medfinansieringsersättning lämnats för, inte genomförs. Bolagen önskar däremot en sådan ersättning eller en försäkring beträffande projektets genomförande.

Medfinansieringsersättning är enligt lag endast tillämpbart för statliga eller regionala infrastrukturprojekt och således varken för kommunala projekt eller andra anläggningar än transportinfrastruktur. Kommunala projekt bör finansieras med andra sedvanliga avgifter, dvs gatukostnader eller exploateringsbidrag. Det finns i vissa fall svårigheter med att tillämpa dessa avgifter och därmed behövs antingen en ändring i befintlig lag eller en ny lag som medger medfinansieringsersättning för kommunala projekt. (Less)
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Mehmedovic, Sabina LU
VFTM01 20212
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
Medfinansieringsersättning, markexploatering, exploateringsavtal, transportinfrastruktur
other publication id
date added to LUP
2022-01-10 18:47:36
date last changed
2022-01-10 18:47:36
  abstract     = {{Investments in infrastructure normally lead to better accessibility, a better location, increased building rights and an increase in the value of the properties that are located near to the infrastructure. Increases in value that arise as a result of public investments should be returned to the public sector through value capture. A value capture method is co-financing compensation which according to Swedish law means that developers, whose properties can be assumed to increase in value as a result of an investment made by the state or an inter-municipality, can pay compensation to the municipality for the co-financing provided by the municipality to the state or the inter-municipality for the infrastructure. The only requirement for a municipality to be allowed to negotiate with a developer about co-financing compensation is that the property can be assumed to increase in value, otherwise there are no regulations on how large the compensation should be, what it should be based on, when it should be paid, which developers who must pay, how the benefit is to be demonstrated, etc. The method does not cover municipal investments, and therefore it’s unclear how such projects should be funded.

The study aims to investigate and describe co-financing compensation, how municipalities apply it and which experiences and opinions a couple of real estate companies have about the method. The aim is to clarify the uncertainties that exist regarding the application and that municipalities should be able to be inspired in their work. In addition, the work examines how municipally run projects should be financed and whether it is possible to apply co-financing compensation to such projects. 

The study is conducted through a qualitative method and in addition to a literature study, an empirical study is also conducted which is divided into two questionnaire studies, one among all Sweden's municipalities and one among a couple of real estate companies. The study is also conducted through semi-structured interviews with two Swedish municipalities and two real estate companies.

The conclusion of the study is that quite few municipalities use the method of co-financing compensation. Only half of the municipalities who co-finance state infrastructure, use co-financing compensation. In cases where this is done, the compensation is normally based on gross floor area and the benefit is usually obvious if the infrastructure enables development or is of direct benefit for a future development. It’s important for developers that the infrastructure is beneficial to them if they are going to pay co-financing compensation. Negotiations usually take place in parallel with the planning work and in connection with the land development agreement. Developers think the negotiations work well, as long as the municipalities’ ways of working are predictable. The geographical area that can be assumed to increase in value and which thus has to pay co-financing compensation is defined primarily on the basis of who benefits from the infrastructure. When determining the paying area, existing conditions should be taken into account, such as the environment, security, target group and the existing infrastructure. A few municipalities compensate the developer if the infrastructure, for which co-financing compensation has been provided, is not built. The companies, on the other hand, want such compensation or insurance regarding the implementation of the project.

According to law, co-financing compensation is only applicable to state or inter-municipality infrastructure projects and thus neither to municipal projects nor facilities other than transport infrastructure. Municipal projects should be financed with other customary fees. In some cases, there are difficulties in applying these fees and therefore there is a need for either a change in existing law or a new law that allows co-financing compensation for municipal projects.}},
  author       = {{Mehmedovic, Sabina}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Medfinansieringsersättning - kommunens respektive exploatörens perspektiv}},
  year         = {{2022}},