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Rätt skatt på rätt plats - En undersökning när hemarbete skapar ett fast driftställe

Bengtsson, Amanda LU (2022) JURM02 20221
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Uppsatsen utreder när en person som arbetar hemifrån i Sverige men är anställd på ett bolag beläget utomlands kan medföra att ett fast driftställe uppstår. Mer specifikt undersöks det när hemarbete kan skapa ett fast driftställe vid tillämpningen av OECD:s modellavtal i den nationella rätten. Uppsatsens syfte är även att systematisera gällande rätt mot bakgrund av den senaste tidens rättsutveckling. Vad som innefattas i den senaste tidens rättsutveckling är hur OECD:s vägledning om fast driftställe under Covid19-pandemin och OECD:s kommentarer från 2017 har påverkat bestämmelsen om fast driftställe i förhållande till hemarbete.

När ett utländskt bolag har ett fast driftställe i Sverige blir bolaget skattskyldigt för inkomster som kan... (More)
Uppsatsen utreder när en person som arbetar hemifrån i Sverige men är anställd på ett bolag beläget utomlands kan medföra att ett fast driftställe uppstår. Mer specifikt undersöks det när hemarbete kan skapa ett fast driftställe vid tillämpningen av OECD:s modellavtal i den nationella rätten. Uppsatsens syfte är även att systematisera gällande rätt mot bakgrund av den senaste tidens rättsutveckling. Vad som innefattas i den senaste tidens rättsutveckling är hur OECD:s vägledning om fast driftställe under Covid19-pandemin och OECD:s kommentarer från 2017 har påverkat bestämmelsen om fast driftställe i förhållande till hemarbete.

När ett utländskt bolag har ett fast driftställe i Sverige blir bolaget skattskyldigt för inkomster som kan härledas från det fasta driftställe. Med fast driftställe menas en stadigvarande plats varifrån ett företag helt eller delvis bedriver sin verksamhet. Den svenska interna bestämmelsen om fast driftställe är uppbyggd efter modellavtalets bestämmelse. För att ett fast driftställe ska föreligga vid tillämpning av skatteavtal krävs det att det finns ett fast driftställe både enligt svensk intern rätt och modellavtalets bestämmelse.

Tolkningsmetoder, rättskällor och principer som har betydelse vid tolkningen av skatteavtal behandlas. I Luxemburgmålet och Englandsfararmålet framgick att syftet med tolkningsprocessen gällande skatteavtal är att fastställa parternas gemensamma avsikt och detta ska ske folkrättsligt enligt Wienkonventionens tolkningsregler. Den folkrättsliga principen om bona fide redogörs för och slutsatsen är att principen innebär att skatteavtal ska tolkas så att dess syften realiseras. Om avtalstexten inte möjliggör för det kan en teleologisk tolkning intas. Det fastslås även att OECD:s modellavtal med tillhörande kommentarer är en erkänd rättskälla vid tolkningen av skatteavtal. I RÅ 2009 ref. 91 tolkades till exempel den interna bestämmelsen om fast driftställe mot kommentarerna.

I samband med att modellavtalet uppdaterades 2017 tillkom specifika kommentarer om fast driftställe och hemarbete. Utredningen visar att en avgörande faktor för att hemarbete ska skapa ett fast driftställe är att arbetsgivaren anses förfoga över platsen. De rättsfall som presenterats har visat att kravet på förfogande är lågt, det har räckt att arbete bedrivits från hemmet för att hemmet ansetts stå till arbetsgivarens förfogande. Med anledning av de specifika kommentarerna från 2017 bör inte det vara tillräckligt längre. De nya kommentarerna uppställer högre krav på när kravet om förfogande anses uppfyllt än tidigare. Bland annat är det nu centralt i avgörandet om ett förfogande föreligger om hemarbetet är ett krav från arbetsgivaren.

Under Covid19 var det många anställda som tvingades arbeta hemifrån på grund av restriktioner som begränsade möjligheten att ta sig till kontoret. Av denna anledning publicerade OECD en vägledning om hur begreppet fast driftställe ska tolkas under Covid19-pandemin. Slutsatsen är att vägledningen innebär att begreppet fast driftställe tolkas annorlunda under Covid19-pandemin än i vanliga fall. Även om rekvisiten om fast driftställe är uppfyllda kommer hemarbete som föranletts av pandemin inte medföra ett fast driftställe. I uppsatsen diskuteras även vilket rättskällevärde vägledningen har. Slutsatsen är att den folkrättsliga principen om bona fide möjliggör för ett genomslag, då en tolkning som beaktar vägledningen med högsta sannolikhet överensstämmer med den gemensamma partsviljan, även om vägledningen inte fanns vid avtalsslutet. Uppsatsen kommer även fram till att vägledningen endast är gällande under Covid19-pandemin och medför inget nytt om begreppet fast driftställe i förhållande till hemarbete när det inte är pandemi. Varför 2017 års kommentarer, är den mest signifikanta rättskällan i hur begreppet fast driftställe i relation till hemarbete har utvecklats. (Less)
This thesis aims to investigate when teleworking creates a permanent establishment for a person working at home, in their personal residence in Sweden, but are employed by an enterprise established abroad. Specifically, the thesis studies when teleworking constitutes a permanent establishment during treaty application of OECD’s Model Tax Convention under Swedish domestic law. The purpose is also to systematize the law in the light of recent legal developments brought by the guidance from OECD during the Covid-19 pandemic and OECD’s commentaries from 2017.

When a foreign enterprise has a permanent establishment in Sweden, it can become tax liable for the income that is derived from it. The term permanent establishment means a fixed... (More)
This thesis aims to investigate when teleworking creates a permanent establishment for a person working at home, in their personal residence in Sweden, but are employed by an enterprise established abroad. Specifically, the thesis studies when teleworking constitutes a permanent establishment during treaty application of OECD’s Model Tax Convention under Swedish domestic law. The purpose is also to systematize the law in the light of recent legal developments brought by the guidance from OECD during the Covid-19 pandemic and OECD’s commentaries from 2017.

When a foreign enterprise has a permanent establishment in Sweden, it can become tax liable for the income that is derived from it. The term permanent establishment means a fixed business through which a business of an enterprise is wholly or partly carried on. The domestic regulation about permanent establishment is formed on the regulation in OECD’s Model Tax Convention. For a permanent establishment to be constituted in tax treaty application, it must be considered as such in both sources of law.

This thesis studies different methods of interpretation, sources of law, and relevant principles for interpreting a tax treaty. In the Swedish Supreme Administrative court judgements RÅ 1987 ref. 167 and RÅ 1996 ref. 84 it was established that when interpreting tax treaties, one should establish the mutual agreement between the contracting parties through the Vienna convention’s international treaty interpretation rules. The international public law principle of bona fide is presented and the conclusion is that the principle stresses the crucial importance of interpretating a treaty accordingly to the parties’ mutual intentions. If the text of the treaty fails to establish this, one should interpret the treaty teleologically. It is also concluded that it is generally established that the commentaries of the OECD Model Tax Convention are accepted as a source of law during tax treaty application. In RÅ 2009 ref. 91 the domestic regulation of permanent establishment was interpretated with the guidance of the commentaries.

When the OECD model tax convention was updated in 2017, specific commentaries about teleworking and permanent establishment were released. The thesis shows that according to the new commentaries, it is of crucial importance that the home office is at the disposal of the foreign employer. In previous court judgement it has been sufficient that work related activities were conducted from the home for it to be considered at the enterprise’s disposal. Considering the new commentaries this should not be enough, as the requirements have increased. Along with the new requirements, it is now central that teleworking is a requirement from the employee. If it is not, the place is not at the enterprise's disposal.

The Covid-19 pandemic resulted in that a significant number of employees were forced to work from home, away from the country of their employment, due Covid-19 restrictions. As a result, OECD published a guide on how the term permanent establishment should be interpreted during the pandemic. The conclusion was that the guidance allowed for a different interpretation during the Covid19-pandemic versus in ordinary cases. Even if all the requirements of the definition are met, teleworking that is caused by Covid-19 should not create a permanent establishment. The thesis also discussed what value, as a source of law, the guidance has when determining if teleworking that is caused by the Covid-19 pandemic should create a permanent establishment. The conclusion is that the international law principle bona fide gives the guidance relevance even if it did not exist when drafting the treaty. This, because it most likely is the party’s mutual intention to interpret permanent establishment in the light off Covid-19. How permanent establishment is interpreted during Covid-19 is only relevant during the pandemic and the guidance does not shed a light on the legal situation when it is not a pandemic. Which makes the commentaries from 2017 the most valuable source of law of how the term permanent establishment and teleworking has developed. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Bengtsson, Amanda LU
alternative title
Right tax at the right place - An investigation of when teleworking creates a permanent establishment
JURM02 20221
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
skatterätt folkrätt
date added to LUP
2022-06-12 15:32:43
date last changed
2022-06-12 15:32:43
  abstract     = {{This thesis aims to investigate when teleworking creates a permanent establishment for a person working at home, in their personal residence in Sweden, but are employed by an enterprise established abroad. Specifically, the thesis studies when teleworking constitutes a permanent establishment during treaty application of OECD’s Model Tax Convention under Swedish domestic law. The purpose is also to systematize the law in the light of recent legal developments brought by the guidance from OECD during the Covid-19 pandemic and OECD’s commentaries from 2017. 

When a foreign enterprise has a permanent establishment in Sweden, it can become tax liable for the income that is derived from it. The term permanent establishment means a fixed business through which a business of an enterprise is wholly or partly carried on. The domestic regulation about permanent establishment is formed on the regulation in OECD’s Model Tax Convention. For a permanent establishment to be constituted in tax treaty application, it must be considered as such in both sources of law. 

This thesis studies different methods of interpretation, sources of law, and relevant principles for interpreting a tax treaty. In the Swedish Supreme Administrative court judgements RÅ 1987 ref. 167 and RÅ 1996 ref. 84 it was established that when interpreting tax treaties, one should establish the mutual agreement between the contracting parties through the Vienna convention’s international treaty interpretation rules. The international public law principle of bona fide is presented and the conclusion is that the principle stresses the crucial importance of interpretating a treaty accordingly to the parties’ mutual intentions. If the text of the treaty fails to establish this, one should interpret the treaty teleologically. It is also concluded that it is generally established that the commentaries of the OECD Model Tax Convention are accepted as a source of law during tax treaty application. In RÅ 2009 ref. 91 the domestic regulation of permanent establishment was interpretated with the guidance of the commentaries. 

When the OECD model tax convention was updated in 2017, specific commentaries about teleworking and permanent establishment were released. The thesis shows that according to the new commentaries, it is of crucial importance that the home office is at the disposal of the foreign employer. In previous court judgement it has been sufficient that work related activities were conducted from the home for it to be considered at the enterprise’s disposal. Considering the new commentaries this should not be enough, as the requirements have increased. Along with the new requirements, it is now central that teleworking is a requirement from the employee. If it is not, the place is not at the enterprise's disposal. 

The Covid-19 pandemic resulted in that a significant number of employees were forced to work from home, away from the country of their employment, due Covid-19 restrictions. As a result, OECD published a guide on how the term permanent establishment should be interpreted during the pandemic. The conclusion was that the guidance allowed for a different interpretation during the Covid19-pandemic versus in ordinary cases. Even if all the requirements of the definition are met, teleworking that is caused by Covid-19 should not create a permanent establishment. The thesis also discussed what value, as a source of law, the guidance has when determining if teleworking that is caused by the Covid-19 pandemic should create a permanent establishment. The conclusion is that the international law principle bona fide gives the guidance relevance even if it did not exist when drafting the treaty. This, because it most likely is the party’s mutual intention to interpret permanent establishment in the light off Covid-19. How permanent establishment is interpreted during Covid-19 is only relevant during the pandemic and the guidance does not shed a light on the legal situation when it is not a pandemic. Which makes the commentaries from 2017 the most valuable source of law of how the term permanent establishment and teleworking has developed.}},
  author       = {{Bengtsson, Amanda}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Rätt skatt på rätt plats - En undersökning när hemarbete skapar ett fast driftställe}},
  year         = {{2022}},