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Högsta förvaltningsdomstolens omfördelning av handelsbolagsresultat - när, hur och varför?

Naud Björklund, David LU (2022) JURM02 20221
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
The Swedish tax system is linked to many civil law concepts and provisions. In taxation, they have been given the same meaning in tax law as in civil law. As a result of the wide freedom of contract, this has given taxpayers great opportunities to influence taxation. Dealings can thus be designed so that they are affected by the tax system's lower tax rates. On the other hand, both the judiciary and the legislator have developed methods to deviate from the civil law meaning when the construction has gone too far.

One such method is the Supreme Administrative Court's practice of deviating from unjust and unreasonable distributions of profits, conditioned by tax reasons, in a general partnership. The thesis examines in one step when, how... (More)
The Swedish tax system is linked to many civil law concepts and provisions. In taxation, they have been given the same meaning in tax law as in civil law. As a result of the wide freedom of contract, this has given taxpayers great opportunities to influence taxation. Dealings can thus be designed so that they are affected by the tax system's lower tax rates. On the other hand, both the judiciary and the legislator have developed methods to deviate from the civil law meaning when the construction has gone too far.

One such method is the Supreme Administrative Court's practice of deviating from unjust and unreasonable distributions of profits, conditioned by tax reasons, in a general partnership. The thesis examines in one step when, how and why such profit distributions are deviated from in taxation. The thesis shows that the origin of the partners' ability to adjust the profit distribution to suit the tax purposes lies in a lack of a two-party relationship. When neglected, the result can, instead of being distributed commercially, be distributed according to the tax consequences. When this has been the case, the distribution has often been deviated from, and the profit distributed according to reasonableness. To deviate from a distribution, it has been required that the distribution has led to a tax advantage. The thesis finds that it is unclear what requirements are placed on the tax benefit. The thesis advocates that the tax advantage should be assessed in correlation with the business reasons for the distribution. If the tax reasons can then be assumed to have constituted the reasons for the distribution, it should be possible to deviate from them. The assessment of reasonableness has been based on what would have been business-like, by considering the partners' participation and risk-taking in the business.

A significant tax advantage, that taxpayers can achieve, is to take out a surplus in the general partnership via a limited company. The thesis investigates what possibilities it gives the partners to influence the taxation. The surplus can, due to the limited company, be attributed to the income category of capital, which has a lower tax rate than income from general partnerships. However, the legislator has developed a tool to counteract such income conversion. It is the so-called close company rules (“fåmansföretagsreglerna”) that affect the taxation of natural persons' income from limited companies. The rules become applicable if the natural person is active to a significant extent in the general partnership or the limited company. That should often be the case. The close company rules have been added after the court cases that developed the Supreme Administrative Court´s deviation practice. Since the rules share the same background and seek to counteract the same income conversion as the practice, the thesis sees that the reasons for judging procedures as unreasonable have decreased. Other tax benefits can also be achieved, but these are not the main focus of the thesis.

The Supreme Administrative Court's judgments are usually brief, which is why it has been difficult to answer why a different distribution has been justified. The thesis has presented three possible approaches. The first is to counteract tax evasion and achieve the intended tax effect. The second is based on a functionalist view. Since a two-party relationship means that the distribution of results would never be questioned in civil law, it will never become a relevant issue in civil law. The significance first arises in tax law, which is why the distribution needs to be tested against the functions of the tax law. The third deviates from distributions that jeopardize the foundations of the tax system, for example, that income is divided into different types. It is similar to the tax evasion law, which requires that the procedure would be contrary to the purpose of the legislation to be applicable. The short and scanty judgments mean that the practice appears to be exercised relatively free, which is closest to the first approach.

The practice can therefore be seen as a court-created method against tax evasion. This justifies assessing the practice in the light of the rule of law and the desire for good legislation. This is the last part of the essay. It becomes particularly interesting because the legislator has intervened with a method in the form of the close company rules. In assessing the practice, it can thus be set against the close company rules.

The thesis finds that the biggest differences between the methods lie in the interventionist aims of the tax system, the rule of law and efficiency. Concerning the first, the legislator has thereby wanted to stimulate entrepreneurship, which is reflected in the design of the close company rules. It is thus through their care that these aims are met. The practice itself does not take them into account. This leads to different conditions for success between general partnerships and limited companies.

As for legal certainty, the essay divides it into predictability and legality. Predictability benefits from a simple and transparent system. Both methods can be criticized for their complexity. The close company rules contain several vague requirements to determine their applicableness, which required diligent work from the courts. The calculation rules for how the income is to be distributed between the types of income are, however, standardized, which almost automates the assessment in the calculation stage. The practice lacks standardization and is instead seeking a fair business distribution. This has been shown to lead to several difficult assessments who are among other things connected to the risks of doing business. Unlike the practice, the close company rules are laid down in law, which simplifies the task to find and understand them. As a major change in the rules needs to take place through legislation, individuals are also warned before a major change. All in all, the thesis lands in that the deviation practice does not offer as good legal certainty as the close company rules. In the long run, society is burdened with extra work.

The core of the principle of legality is that a tax must follow from the law. In this regard, the thesis shows that the methods have very different conditions to success. The close company rules are laid down in law and thus follow from the law, while the practice is not and instead developed by the courts. As tax law, as well as this issue, is complicated, it may be appropriate to give courts greater flexibility. The flexibility can be used to make more nuanced and correct assessments in the individual case and to combat tax avoidance. It does not have to conflict with the principle of legality. Especially not in this case when there are no tax law provisions on profit distributions for the courts to base their ruling on. Since a certain interpretation is unavoidable, and appropriate for reasons of efficiency, the principle should be affirmed as closely as possible. The thesis concludes that the principle of legality in these cases should take on a role as a valuable guideline and control station. The limit can then be drawn when the interpretation does not contribute to the principles of good legislation. Or in cases where the principles are incompatible, do not represent the overall assessment of them. The practice should therefore strive to have as good support as possible.

Since the practice method does not have a direct connection to any legal article, the thesis advocates the practice method seeking legal support through a systematic interpretation of the legal system. For the best legality the approach that seeks unreasonableness in the foundations of the tax system would be preferable. The practice is then constructed closer to the tax system. However, this approach is the least flexible for the courts, which impairs their opportunities for nuanced and correct assessments. To combat tax evasion, this is undesirable. It is, therefore, possible to both praise and criticize the deviation practice. In the case when the tax advantage is achieved through income conversion between the types of income, predominant reasons speak against an application of the deviation practice. The core company rules handle that task better. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
Skatterätten anknyter till många civilrättsliga termer och bestämmelser. Vid beskattningen har de getts samma innebörd inom skatterätten som i civilrätten. Till följd av den vida avtalsfriheten har det gett de skatteskyldiga stora möjligheter att påverka beskattningen. Förehavanden kan således konstrueras så att de träffas av skattesystemets lägre skattesatser. Häremot har såväl rättstillämparen som lagstiftaren utvecklat metoder för att frångå den civilrättsliga innebörden när konstruktionen gått för långt.

En sådan metod är Högsta förvaltningsdomstolens praxis att frångå obehöriga och orimliga resultatfördelningar i handelsbolag som betingats av skatteskäl. Uppsatsen undersöker när, hur och varför resultatfördelningar frångås.... (More)
Skatterätten anknyter till många civilrättsliga termer och bestämmelser. Vid beskattningen har de getts samma innebörd inom skatterätten som i civilrätten. Till följd av den vida avtalsfriheten har det gett de skatteskyldiga stora möjligheter att påverka beskattningen. Förehavanden kan således konstrueras så att de träffas av skattesystemets lägre skattesatser. Häremot har såväl rättstillämparen som lagstiftaren utvecklat metoder för att frångå den civilrättsliga innebörden när konstruktionen gått för långt.

En sådan metod är Högsta förvaltningsdomstolens praxis att frångå obehöriga och orimliga resultatfördelningar i handelsbolag som betingats av skatteskäl. Uppsatsen undersöker när, hur och varför resultatfördelningar frångås. Uppsatsens rättsfallsanalys visar på att ursprunget till delägarnas möjlighet att skattemässigt anpassa resultatfördelningen, ligger i ett bristande tvåpartsförhållande. När det eftersatts kan resultatet istället för att fördelas affärsmässigt, fördelas efter skattekonsekvenserna. När det varit fallet har fördelningen ofta frångåtts och resultatet fördelats efter skälighet. För att frångå en fördelning har det fordrats att upplägget lett till en skattefördel. Uppsatsen finner att det är oklart vad för krav som ställs på skattefördelen. Uppsatsen förespråkar att skattefördelen ska ställas mot de affärsmässiga skälen för fördelningen. Om skatteskälen då kan antas ha utgjort skälen för fördelningen torde den kunna frångås. Skälighetsbedömningen har gjorts mot bakgrund av vad som varit affärsmässigt genom att ta hänsyn till delägarnas medverkan och risktagande i verksamheten.

En betydelsefull skattefördel som skatteskyldiga kan uppnå är att ta ut överskott i handelsbolaget via ett aktiebolag. Uppsatsen utreder vad det medför för skatterättsliga dispositionsmöjligheter. Överskottet kan då hänföras till inkomstslaget kapital som har en lägre skattesats än inkomster från handelsbolag. Lagstiftaren har dock utvecklat ett verktyg för att motverka sådana inkomstomvandlingar. Det är de så kallade fåmansföretagsreglerna som påverkar beskattningen av fysiska personers inkomster från aktiebolag. Reglerna blir tillämpliga ifall den fysiska personen är verksam i betydande omfattning i handelsbolaget eller aktiebolaget. Det torde ofta bli fallet. Fåmansföretagsreglerna har tillkommit efter Högsta förvaltningsdomstolens avgöranden. Eftersom de har samma problembakgrund som praxisen, ser uppsatsen att skälen för att bedöma förfaranden som oskäliga, har minskat. Även andra skattefördelar kan uppnås, men i uppsatsen ligger fokuset på den som uppstår via omvandling mellan inkomstslagen.

Högsta förvaltningsdomstolens domskäl är oftast kortfattade varför det varit svårt att ge svar på varför det motiverat en annan fördelning än den av de skatteskyldiga önskade. Uppsatsen har presenterat tre möjliga angreppssätt. Det första är för att motverka kringgående av skatt och uppnå den avsedda skatteeffekten. Det andra grundas i en funktionalistisk syn. Eftersom tvåpartsförhållande leder till att resultatfördelningen aldrig civilrättsligt skulle ifrågasättas blir det ingen civilrättsligt relevant fråga. Betydelsen uppstår först inom skatterätten varför fördelningen behöver prövas mot skatterättens funktion. Det tredje frångår fördelningar som äventyrar skattesystemets grundvalar, till exempel att inkomst delas upp i olika slag. Det liknar skatteflyktslagens första rekvisit att förfarandet skulle strida mot lagstiftningens syfte. Domskälens knapphändighet gör att praxisen ter sig relativt fri vilket ligger närmast det första angreppssättet.

Praxisen går därför att se som en domstolsskapad metod mot kringgående av skattelag. Det motiverar att bedöma praxisen mot bakgrund av kravet på rättssäkerhet och önskan om en god lagstiftning. Det utgör uppsatsens sista del. Det blir särskilt intressant eftersom lagstiftaren inskridit med en metod i form av fåmansföretagsreglerna. Vid bedömningen av praxisen kan den således ställas mot fåmansföretagsreglerna.

Uppsatsen landar i att de största skillnaderna mellan metoderna ligger i de interventionisitiska syftena, rättssäkerhet och effektivitet. Vad gäller det första har lagstiftaren härigenom velat stimulera företagande vilket avspeglats i utformningen av fåmansföretagsreglerna. Det är således genom deras försorg som dessa syften får genomslag. Praxisen tar inte hänsyn till dem. Det medför en olikformighet mellan företagsformerna.

Vad gäller rättssäkerhet delar uppsatsen upp det i förutsebarhet och legalitet. Förutsebarheten gynnas av ett enkelt och transparent system. Båda metoderna kan kritiseras för sin komplexitet. Fåmansföretagsreglerna innehåller flera vaga rekvisit i kvalifikationsledet vilka krävt idogt arbete från domstolarna att bena ut. Beräkningsreglerna för hur inkomsten ska fördelas mellan inkomstslagen är dock schablonartad vilket närmast automatiserar bedömningen i beräkningsledet. Praxisen saknar schablonisering och söker istället efter en skälig affärsmässig fördelning. Det har visat sig medföra flera svåra avvägningar med omständigheter som risken i verksamheten. Fåmansföretagsreglerna är till skillnad från praxisen lagstadgade och samlade, vilket förenklar för den som vill ta till sig dem. Eftersom en större förändring av dem behöver ske genom lagstiftning, förvarnas dessutom de enskilda. Sammantaget ser uppsatsen fler förutsebarhetsbrister i praxisen än fåmansföretagsreglerna. I längden tynger det samhället som belastas med extraarbete för att tillskansa sig kunskapen.

Legalitetsprincipens kärna är föreskriftskravet och att skatt ska följa av lag. Uppsatsen visar på att metoderna har vitt skilda förutsättningar. Fåmansföretagsreglerna är lagstadgade och följer således av lag medan praxisen inte är det utan istället utvecklats av domstolarna. Eftersom skatterätten, liksom denna problematik, är komplicerad ser jag skäl att ge domstolarna en större flexibilitet. Flexibiliteten kan användas till att göra mer nyanserade och korrekta bedömningar i det enskilda fallet samt att bekämpa kringgåendeförsök. Det behöver inte ligga i strid med legalitetsprincipen och föreskriftskravet. Särskilt inte i det här fallet då det saknas skatterättsliga bestämmelser om resultatfördelningar för domstolarna att anknyta till. Eftersom en viss tolkning är ofrånkomlig, och av effektivitetsskäl lämplig, bör principen bejakas så gott som möjligt. Uppsatsen sluter sig till att legalitetsprincipen i dessa fall bör inta en roll som värderiktlinje och kontrollstation. Gränsen kan då dras när tolkningen inte bidrar till principerna om god lagstiftnings uppfyllande. Eller i de fall principerna är oförenliga, inte representerar den samlade bedömning av dem. Praxisen ska därför eftersträva att ha så gott stöd som möjligt.

Eftersom praxismetoden inte har en direkt anknytning till ett lagrum förespråkar uppsatsen att praxismetoden söker lagstöd genom en systematisk lagtolkningsmetod. För bäst legalitet vore därför angreppssättet som söker obehörighet i skattesystemets grundvalar att föredra. Praxisen konstrueras då runt skattesystemet. Angreppssättet medför dock minst flexibilitet åt domstolarna vilket försämrar deras möjligheter till nyanserade och korrekta bedömningar. För att bekämpa kringgåenden är det oönskat. Det går därför att principiellt såväl hylla som kritisera en omfördelningspraxis. I det enskilda fallet med inkomstomvandling mellan inkomstslagen torde övervägande skäl för praxismetoden idag tala mot en tillämpning. Fåmansföretagsreglerna sköter den uppgiften bättre. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Naud Björklund, David LU
alternative title
The Supreme Administrative Court's redistribution of the result in general partnerships - when, how and why?
JURM02 20221
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
finansrätt, fiscal law, skatterätt, omfördelning av handelsbolagsresultat, omfördelning, Högsta förvaltningsdomstolen, fåmansföretagsreglerna, 3:12-reglerna
date added to LUP
2022-06-20 20:36:50
date last changed
2022-06-20 20:36:50
  abstract     = {{The Swedish tax system is linked to many civil law concepts and provisions. In taxation, they have been given the same meaning in tax law as in civil law. As a result of the wide freedom of contract, this has given taxpayers great opportunities to influence taxation. Dealings can thus be designed so that they are affected by the tax system's lower tax rates. On the other hand, both the judiciary and the legislator have developed methods to deviate from the civil law meaning when the construction has gone too far.

One such method is the Supreme Administrative Court's practice of deviating from unjust and unreasonable distributions of profits, conditioned by tax reasons, in a general partnership. The thesis examines in one step when, how and why such profit distributions are deviated from in taxation. The thesis shows that the origin of the partners' ability to adjust the profit distribution to suit the tax purposes lies in a lack of a two-party relationship. When neglected, the result can, instead of being distributed commercially, be distributed according to the tax consequences. When this has been the case, the distribution has often been deviated from, and the profit distributed according to reasonableness. To deviate from a distribution, it has been required that the distribution has led to a tax advantage. The thesis finds that it is unclear what requirements are placed on the tax benefit. The thesis advocates that the tax advantage should be assessed in correlation with the business reasons for the distribution. If the tax reasons can then be assumed to have constituted the reasons for the distribution, it should be possible to deviate from them. The assessment of reasonableness has been based on what would have been business-like, by considering the partners' participation and risk-taking in the business.

A significant tax advantage, that taxpayers can achieve, is to take out a surplus in the general partnership via a limited company. The thesis investigates what possibilities it gives the partners to influence the taxation. The surplus can, due to the limited company, be attributed to the income category of capital, which has a lower tax rate than income from general partnerships. However, the legislator has developed a tool to counteract such income conversion. It is the so-called close company rules (“fåmansföretagsreglerna”) that affect the taxation of natural persons' income from limited companies. The rules become applicable if the natural person is active to a significant extent in the general partnership or the limited company. That should often be the case. The close company rules have been added after the court cases that developed the Supreme Administrative Court´s deviation practice. Since the rules share the same background and seek to counteract the same income conversion as the practice, the thesis sees that the reasons for judging procedures as unreasonable have decreased. Other tax benefits can also be achieved, but these are not the main focus of the thesis.

The Supreme Administrative Court's judgments are usually brief, which is why it has been difficult to answer why a different distribution has been justified. The thesis has presented three possible approaches. The first is to counteract tax evasion and achieve the intended tax effect. The second is based on a functionalist view. Since a two-party relationship means that the distribution of results would never be questioned in civil law, it will never become a relevant issue in civil law. The significance first arises in tax law, which is why the distribution needs to be tested against the functions of the tax law. The third deviates from distributions that jeopardize the foundations of the tax system, for example, that income is divided into different types. It is similar to the tax evasion law, which requires that the procedure would be contrary to the purpose of the legislation to be applicable. The short and scanty judgments mean that the practice appears to be exercised relatively free, which is closest to the first approach.

The practice can therefore be seen as a court-created method against tax evasion. This justifies assessing the practice in the light of the rule of law and the desire for good legislation. This is the last part of the essay. It becomes particularly interesting because the legislator has intervened with a method in the form of the close company rules. In assessing the practice, it can thus be set against the close company rules.

The thesis finds that the biggest differences between the methods lie in the interventionist aims of the tax system, the rule of law and efficiency. Concerning the first, the legislator has thereby wanted to stimulate entrepreneurship, which is reflected in the design of the close company rules. It is thus through their care that these aims are met. The practice itself does not take them into account. This leads to different conditions for success between general partnerships and limited companies.

As for legal certainty, the essay divides it into predictability and legality. Predictability benefits from a simple and transparent system. Both methods can be criticized for their complexity. The close company rules contain several vague requirements to determine their applicableness, which required diligent work from the courts. The calculation rules for how the income is to be distributed between the types of income are, however, standardized, which almost automates the assessment in the calculation stage. The practice lacks standardization and is instead seeking a fair business distribution. This has been shown to lead to several difficult assessments who are among other things connected to the risks of doing business. Unlike the practice, the close company rules are laid down in law, which simplifies the task to find and understand them. As a major change in the rules needs to take place through legislation, individuals are also warned before a major change. All in all, the thesis lands in that the deviation practice does not offer as good legal certainty as the close company rules. In the long run, society is burdened with extra work.

The core of the principle of legality is that a tax must follow from the law. In this regard, the thesis shows that the methods have very different conditions to success. The close company rules are laid down in law and thus follow from the law, while the practice is not and instead developed by the courts. As tax law, as well as this issue, is complicated, it may be appropriate to give courts greater flexibility. The flexibility can be used to make more nuanced and correct assessments in the individual case and to combat tax avoidance. It does not have to conflict with the principle of legality. Especially not in this case when there are no tax law provisions on profit distributions for the courts to base their ruling on. Since a certain interpretation is unavoidable, and appropriate for reasons of efficiency, the principle should be affirmed as closely as possible. The thesis concludes that the principle of legality in these cases should take on a role as a valuable guideline and control station. The limit can then be drawn when the interpretation does not contribute to the principles of good legislation. Or in cases where the principles are incompatible, do not represent the overall assessment of them. The practice should therefore strive to have as good support as possible.

Since the practice method does not have a direct connection to any legal article, the thesis advocates the practice method seeking legal support through a systematic interpretation of the legal system. For the best legality the approach that seeks unreasonableness in the foundations of the tax system would be preferable. The practice is then constructed closer to the tax system. However, this approach is the least flexible for the courts, which impairs their opportunities for nuanced and correct assessments. To combat tax evasion, this is undesirable. It is, therefore, possible to both praise and criticize the deviation practice. In the case when the tax advantage is achieved through income conversion between the types of income, predominant reasons speak against an application of the deviation practice. The core company rules handle that task better.}},
  author       = {{Naud Björklund, David}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Högsta förvaltningsdomstolens omfördelning av handelsbolagsresultat - när, hur och varför?}},
  year         = {{2022}},