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LUP Student Papers


Den straffrättsliga nödrättens roll i hälso- och sjukvården

Hagström, Victor LU (2022) JURM02 20222
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Det har länge varit känt att delar av läkares yrkesutövning är av sådan karaktär att den i objektiv mening uppfyller rekvisiten i vissa brottsbestämmelser. Eftersom sjukvården är en önskvärd verksamhet från samhällets sida finns det ett behov av en straffrättslig ansvarsfrihetsregel eller princip som motiverar tillåtligheten i läkares yrkesutövning. I denna uppsats undersöks läkares befogenheter och skyldigheter enligt det straffrättsliga och offentligrättsliga regel-verket i syfte att identifiera de gränser som omgärdar läkares yrkesutövning.

I uppsatsen konstateras att all sjukvård som inte klassificeras som forskning måste omfattas av det offentligrättsliga rekvisitet ”vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet”. Den straffrättsliga... (More)
Det har länge varit känt att delar av läkares yrkesutövning är av sådan karaktär att den i objektiv mening uppfyller rekvisiten i vissa brottsbestämmelser. Eftersom sjukvården är en önskvärd verksamhet från samhällets sida finns det ett behov av en straffrättslig ansvarsfrihetsregel eller princip som motiverar tillåtligheten i läkares yrkesutövning. I denna uppsats undersöks läkares befogenheter och skyldigheter enligt det straffrättsliga och offentligrättsliga regel-verket i syfte att identifiera de gränser som omgärdar läkares yrkesutövning.

I uppsatsen konstateras att all sjukvård som inte klassificeras som forskning måste omfattas av det offentligrättsliga rekvisitet ”vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet”. Den straffrättsliga ansvarsfrihetsgrunden utgörs antingen av sam-tycke, principen om social adekvans eller av lex specialis. I detta sammanhang påverkas dock inte det materiella innehållet av ansvarsfrihetsgrunden, det styrs i stället av rekvisitet ”vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet”.

Det finns dock två undantag från kravet på att vård måste omfattas av ”vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet”. Undantagen är nödrätten och nödvärnsrätten. I uppsatsen undersöks nödrättens regelverk med syftet att identifiera de krav som uppställs för en behandling som vidtas i nöd. Här framträder särskilt relevansen av farans närhet i nödsituationen och hur detta krav kan förstås på flera olika sätt. Utöver farans närhet i tid presenteras argument för att även antalet tillgängliga handlingsvägar är värt att beakta i bedömningen av nödsituationens inträde. Ett annat relevant krav är proportionalitetsbedömningen och hur de intressen som viktas mot varandra ska värderas i en sjukvårdskontext. Här analyseras intressevärderingen dels utifrån de etiska grundvalar som straffrätten och hälso- och sjukvården ger uttryck för, dels utifrån det kunskapsunderlag som vanligtvis finns att tillgå när beslut om en nödhandling ska fattas. Slutsatsen är att tre samverkande faktorer bör beaktas i intresseavvägningen; den etiska dimensionen, det empiriska och teoretiska underlaget och kunskapsosäkerheten.

Därefter appliceras uppsatsens resultat på domen mot kirurgen Paolo Macchiarini med utgångspunkten att kritiskt granska domstolens resonemang angående de objektiva delarna i brottsbegreppet. Analysen uppmärksammar två, av domstolen, intagna ståndpunkter som kan ifrågasättas. Den första rör konstaterandet att de prövade situationerna utgör en nödsituation och den andra rör en bristande proportionalitetsbedömning när det gäller hur beslut under stor kunskapsosäkerhet bör värderas.

I uppsatsen ges slutligen förslag på inrättandet av en nationell kommitté som övertar ansvaret från den enskilde läkaren att bedöma en situations nödkaraktär och nödhandlingens försvarlighet utifrån ovan nämnda faktorer. (Less)
It has long been recognized that the professional practice of doctors is of such a nature that in an objective sense it fulfills the requirements of certain criminal acts. Since healthcare is a desirable activity on the part of society, the professional practice of doctors needs to be covered by a discharge from liability that justifies the permissibility of medical practice. This paper examines the rights and obligations of doctors under the criminal and public law regulations with the objective to identify the outer boundaries of the professional practice of doctors. It is concluded that all healthcare that does not classify as research must be covered by the public law requirement "science and proven experience" (vetenskap och beprövad... (More)
It has long been recognized that the professional practice of doctors is of such a nature that in an objective sense it fulfills the requirements of certain criminal acts. Since healthcare is a desirable activity on the part of society, the professional practice of doctors needs to be covered by a discharge from liability that justifies the permissibility of medical practice. This paper examines the rights and obligations of doctors under the criminal and public law regulations with the objective to identify the outer boundaries of the professional practice of doctors. It is concluded that all healthcare that does not classify as research must be covered by the public law requirement "science and proven experience" (vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet). The discharge from liability under criminal law is based on consent, the principle of social adequacy or lex specialis. The legal basis does not affect the material content in this case, it is in-stead governed by the requisite "science and proven experience".

However, there are two exceptions to the requirement of "science and proven experience”: the right to commit criminal acts out of necessity and the right to self-defense. In this paper, the regulation of necessity is examined with the aim of identifying the requirements set for a medical intervention that is undertaken in an emergency. Particularly important is the requirement of the danger’s proximity relative to the emergency, which can be interpreted in several different ways. In addition to the proximity of time, arguments are presented that the number of available courses of action is also worth considering in the assessment of the onset of the emergency. Another relevant requirement is the assessment of proportionality and how the interests that are weighted against each other should be valued in a healthcare context. Here, the assessment of interests is analyzed partly based on the ethical foundations expressed by criminal law and health care, and partly in relation to the limited available knowledge that characterizes these situations. I reach the conclusion that three interacting factors should be considered in the balancing of interests: the ethical dimension, the empirical and theoretical support for the treatment and the uncertainty of knowledge.

The essay's results are applied to the verdict against the surgeon Paolo Macchiarini with the starting point of critically examining the court's reasoning regarding the objective parts of the accused crime. The analysis draws attention to two positions taken by the court that is questionable considering the papers results. The first relates to the observation that the situations constitute an emergency and the second relates to inadequate proportionality assess-ments in terms of how decisions under great uncertainty should be evaluated.

The essay finally proposes the establishment of a national committee that in some circumstances take over the responsibility from the individual doctor to assess the emergency nature of a situation and the justifiability of emergency action based on the factors mentioned above. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Hagström, Victor LU
alternative title
The role of criminal necessity in health care
JURM02 20222
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
Straffrätt, Förvaltningsrätt, Hälso- och sjukvård, Läkares befogenhet, Nödrätt, Nödhandling, Nödsituation, Försvarlighetsbedömning, Proportionalitetsbedömning, Vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet, Ansvarsfrihetsgrunder hälso- och sjukvård, Ansvarsfrihet, Samtycke, Social adekvans, Vitalindikation, Kunskapsosäkerhet, Värdegrund, Paolo Macchiarini analys
date added to LUP
2023-01-26 12:12:04
date last changed
2023-01-26 12:12:04
  abstract     = {{It has long been recognized that the professional practice of doctors is of such a nature that in an objective sense it fulfills the requirements of certain criminal acts. Since healthcare is a desirable activity on the part of society, the professional practice of doctors needs to be covered by a discharge from liability that justifies the permissibility of medical practice. This paper examines the rights and obligations of doctors under the criminal and public law regulations with the objective to identify the outer boundaries of the professional practice of doctors. It is concluded that all healthcare that does not classify as research must be covered by the public law requirement "science and proven experience" (vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet). The discharge from liability under criminal law is based on consent, the principle of social adequacy or lex specialis. The legal basis does not affect the material content in this case, it is in-stead governed by the requisite "science and proven experience".

However, there are two exceptions to the requirement of "science and proven experience”: the right to commit criminal acts out of necessity and the right to self-defense. In this paper, the regulation of necessity is examined with the aim of identifying the requirements set for a medical intervention that is undertaken in an emergency. Particularly important is the requirement of the danger’s proximity relative to the emergency, which can be interpreted in several different ways. In addition to the proximity of time, arguments are presented that the number of available courses of action is also worth considering in the assessment of the onset of the emergency. Another relevant requirement is the assessment of proportionality and how the interests that are weighted against each other should be valued in a healthcare context. Here, the assessment of interests is analyzed partly based on the ethical foundations expressed by criminal law and health care, and partly in relation to the limited available knowledge that characterizes these situations. I reach the conclusion that three interacting factors should be considered in the balancing of interests: the ethical dimension, the empirical and theoretical support for the treatment and the uncertainty of knowledge.

The essay's results are applied to the verdict against the surgeon Paolo Macchiarini with the starting point of critically examining the court's reasoning regarding the objective parts of the accused crime. The analysis draws attention to two positions taken by the court that is questionable considering the papers results. The first relates to the observation that the situations constitute an emergency and the second relates to inadequate proportionality assess-ments in terms of how decisions under great uncertainty should be evaluated.

The essay finally proposes the establishment of a national committee that in some circumstances take over the responsibility from the individual doctor to assess the emergency nature of a situation and the justifiability of emergency action based on the factors mentioned above.}},
  author       = {{Hagström, Victor}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Den straffrättsliga nödrättens roll i hälso- och sjukvården}},
  year         = {{2022}},