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En undersökning av skadebegränsningspliktens utvidgning genom lojalitetsplikten inom entreprenader

Ljungberg Palm, Josefine LU (2022) JURM02 20222
Faculty of Law
Department of Law
Historically, construction contract law has been litigated through arbitration, and it is excluded from the scope of the Sale of Goods Act. For a long period of time, construction contact law has nearly been disconnected from general contract law. However, the proportion of litigations raised in general court and subsequently reaching a judicial decision in the supreme court, has increased in recent decades. The supreme court has, inter alia, determined that the obligation to mitigate your losses constitutes a general principle of contract law. Furthermore, the supreme court has ruled that the obligation to mitigate also applies to construction contract law. In addition, the supreme court has stated that a construction contract is... (More)
Historically, construction contract law has been litigated through arbitration, and it is excluded from the scope of the Sale of Goods Act. For a long period of time, construction contact law has nearly been disconnected from general contract law. However, the proportion of litigations raised in general court and subsequently reaching a judicial decision in the supreme court, has increased in recent decades. The supreme court has, inter alia, determined that the obligation to mitigate your losses constitutes a general principle of contract law. Furthermore, the supreme court has ruled that the obligation to mitigate also applies to construction contract law. In addition, the supreme court has stated that a construction contract is distinguished by the fact that it usually involves extensive, complicated and long-term work with several involved parties.
The purpose of this thesis is to examine the hypothesis that the duty of good faith can impose and extend the obligation to mitigate your losses on a sub- contractor. In order to fulfill this purpose, a question statement is posed that aims to answer whether a specially adapted rule, for AB 04 in particular, can impose on a sub-contractor the obligation to mitigate your losses even though the sub-contractor neither directly suffers damage, nor is in a contractual relationship with the tortfeasor. The question at issue is answered by applying a legal dogmatic method regarding the obligation to mitigate your losses and the construction contract law. Regarding the duty of good faith, a conceptual analytical method is also applied.
In a construction contract, actors cannot be indifferent to each other. Sub- contractors are obliged to cooperate with other actors within the construction contract. Despite the absence of an agreement sub-contractors work under contract-like conditions with other actors who are engaged in the construction.
The duty of good faith is expressed in the preamble to AB 04, as well as the commentary to chapter 4 article 3. There are divided opinions in the doctrine about what meaning the duty of good faith should be given when applying and interpreting provisions in AB 04. In the years of 2017 and 2018, the supreme court decided several cases, where the court explicitly referred to a duty of good faith between the parties. Through the precedent of the case “Omsättningsmålet” NJA 2021 s. 943, the supreme court may have recognized the duty of good faith as a principle of law.
It is established that the obligation to mitigate your losses constitutes a general principle of law which is based on loyalty. The obligation to mitigate your losses is expressed in section 70 of the Sale of Goods Act, and can be described as an obligation that places special demands on the injured party. However, the limitations of the obligation to mitigate your losses in each case are difficult to ascertain. In other contractual legislation, there is support for the fact that measures taken by third parties also can be credited to the injured party.
As a result of the gaps that the Swedish legislative technique gives rise to, the application of principles becomes important when interpreting and complementing legislation and agreements. The duty of good faith does not need to be fully clarified to answer the question of this thesis. It is reasonable that the duty of good faith is included in the system of thought that characterizes the construction contract law. That is, the maintenance of a reasonable balance between rights and obligations aimed at an economically optimal distribution of risk between the parties.
Neglecting the obligation to mitigate your losses or failing to observe the duty of good faith would have direct negative consequences for the client, with whom the sub-contractor is in a contractual relationship. This is found to be counterproductive for the purposes that the construction contract law as well as general contract law aim to maintain.
The cases “De ingjutna rören” NJA 2018 s. 653 and “Omsättningsmålet” NJA 2021 s. 943 set the precedent that a sub-contractor can be obligated to take damage mitigation measures under the premise that the sub-contractor is either the party that can take a measure at the lowest cost, or with the least effort. A party can be imposed obligations to satisfy the other party ́s interests even though it involves sacrifices for its own part.
The essay concludes that under certain circumstances, a sub-contractor can be imposed an obligation to mitigate losses, even though the sub-contractor is not directly affected by the damage or in an agreement with the tortfeasor. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
Tvister gällande kommersiella entreprenader har historiskt sett avgjorts genom skiljeförfaranden och är därtill undantagna från köplagens tillämpningsområde. Under en lång period har entreprenadrätten varit nästintill frikopplad från den allmänna avtalsrätten. Emellertid har andelen tvister som tagits upp i allmän domstol och som sedermera nått ett avgörande i Högsta domstolen ökat under de senaste decennierna. Domstolen har bland annat fastslagit att skadebegränsningsplikten utgör en allmän kontraktsrättslig princip som är tillämplig även inom entreprenadrätten. Därtill har domstolen uttalat att entreprenadavtal utmärker sig genom att det som regel avser omfattande, komplicerat och långsiktigt arbete med flera inblandade parter.
Syftet... (More)
Tvister gällande kommersiella entreprenader har historiskt sett avgjorts genom skiljeförfaranden och är därtill undantagna från köplagens tillämpningsområde. Under en lång period har entreprenadrätten varit nästintill frikopplad från den allmänna avtalsrätten. Emellertid har andelen tvister som tagits upp i allmän domstol och som sedermera nått ett avgörande i Högsta domstolen ökat under de senaste decennierna. Domstolen har bland annat fastslagit att skadebegränsningsplikten utgör en allmän kontraktsrättslig princip som är tillämplig även inom entreprenadrätten. Därtill har domstolen uttalat att entreprenadavtal utmärker sig genom att det som regel avser omfattande, komplicerat och långsiktigt arbete med flera inblandade parter.
Syftet med detta examensarbete är att pröva hypotesen att den allmänna förmögenhetsrättsliga lojalitetsplikten kan ålägga en sidoentreprenör ett utvidgat skadebegränsningsansvar. För uppfyllande av syftet uppställs en frågeställning som besvarar om en särskilt tillpassad regel, för AB 04 i synnerhet, kan ålägga en sidoentreprenör ett skadebegränsningsansvar fastän sidoentreprenören inte är direkt drabbad av skadan och inte heller i ett avtalsförhållande med skadevållaren. För skadebegränsningspliktens respektive entreprenadrättens vidkommande besvaras frågeställningen genom tillämpning av en rättsdogmatisk metod. Avseende lojalitetsplikten tillämpas även en begreppsanalytisk metod.
I en entreprenad kan aktörer inte förhålla sig likgiltiga till varandra. Sidoentreprenörer är i hög utsträckning förpliktigade att samverka med andra aktörer som är verksamma i entreprenaden. Trots frånvaron av avtal arbetar sidoentreprenörer under kontraktsliknande förhållanden med andra i entreprenaden verksamma aktörer.
I förordet till AB 04 samt i kommentarstexten till AB 04 kap. 4 § 3 kommer lojalitetsplikten till uttryck. Det råder delade meningar i doktrinen om vilken betydelse plikten ska tillmätas vid tillämpning och tolkning av bestämmelser i AB 04. Högsta domstolen har under åren 2017 och 2018 kommit att uttryckligen hänvisa till lojalitetsplikten. Genom ”Omsättningsmålet” NJA 2021 s. 943 kan domstolen ha tagit ytterligare ett steg och erkänt lojalitetsplikten såsom en självständig princip.
Det konstateras att skadebegränsningsplikten utgör en allmän kontraktsrättslig princip som grundas på bland annat lojalitetsskäl. Skadebegränsningsplikten kommer till uttryck i 70 § köplagen och kan beskrivas som en förpliktelse som ställer särskilda krav på den skadelidande. Emellertid är pliktens ansvarsgränsningar i det enskilda fallet svårt att utröna. I andra inomobligatoriska lagstiftningar finns stöd för att också åtgärder som vidtas av tredje man kan tillgodoräknas den skadelidande.
Till följd av de luckor som uppkommer genom den svenska lagstiftningstekniken blir tillämpningen av principer viktig vid tolkning och utfyllnad av lagstiftning och avtal. Lojalitetsplikten behöver inte klargöras fullständigt för besvarande av frågeställningen. Det är tillräckligt att plikten inordnas i det tänka system som entreprenadavtalet präglas av, nämligen upprätthållandet av en rimlig balans mellan rättigheter och skyldigheter som syftar till en ekonomiskt optimal riskfördelning mellan parterna.
En försummelse av skadebegränsningsplikten respektive en underlåtelse att iaktta lojalitetsplikten skulle medföra direkt negativa följder för beställaren vilken sidoentreprenören är i ett avtalsförhållande med. Detta konstateras motverka de ändamål som entreprenadavtalet såväl som avtalsrätten syftar till att upprätthålla.
Med stöd i ”De ingjutna rören” NJA 2018 s. 653 och ”Omsättningsmålet” NJA 2021 s. 943 konstateras att en sidoentreprenör kan förpliktigas att vidta skadebegränsande åtgärder under premissen att sidoentreprenören antingen är den part som med lägst kostnad eller med minsta ansträngning kan vidta en åtgärd. Part kan således åläggas förpliktelser att tillgodose motpartens intressen trots att det innebär uppoffringar för egen del.
I detta examensarbete dras således slutsatsen att en sidoentreprenör under vissa omständigheter kan åläggas en skadebegränsningsplikt, fastän sidoentreprenören inte är direkt drabbad av skadan eller i ett avtalsförhållande med skadevållaren. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Ljungberg Palm, Josefine LU
alternative title
A study of an extension of the damage limitation duty through the duty of good faith within construction contract law
JURM02 20222
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
Avtalsrätt, Förmögenhetsrätt, Lojalitetsplikten, Skadebegränsningsplikten, Entreprenadrätt, Allmänna bestämmelser
date added to LUP
2023-01-24 09:05:47
date last changed
2023-01-24 09:05:47
  abstract     = {{Historically, construction contract law has been litigated through arbitration, and it is excluded from the scope of the Sale of Goods Act. For a long period of time, construction contact law has nearly been disconnected from general contract law. However, the proportion of litigations raised in general court and subsequently reaching a judicial decision in the supreme court, has increased in recent decades. The supreme court has, inter alia, determined that the obligation to mitigate your losses constitutes a general principle of contract law. Furthermore, the supreme court has ruled that the obligation to mitigate also applies to construction contract law. In addition, the supreme court has stated that a construction contract is distinguished by the fact that it usually involves extensive, complicated and long-term work with several involved parties.
The purpose of this thesis is to examine the hypothesis that the duty of good faith can impose and extend the obligation to mitigate your losses on a sub- contractor. In order to fulfill this purpose, a question statement is posed that aims to answer whether a specially adapted rule, for AB 04 in particular, can impose on a sub-contractor the obligation to mitigate your losses even though the sub-contractor neither directly suffers damage, nor is in a contractual relationship with the tortfeasor. The question at issue is answered by applying a legal dogmatic method regarding the obligation to mitigate your losses and the construction contract law. Regarding the duty of good faith, a conceptual analytical method is also applied.
In a construction contract, actors cannot be indifferent to each other. Sub- contractors are obliged to cooperate with other actors within the construction contract. Despite the absence of an agreement sub-contractors work under contract-like conditions with other actors who are engaged in the construction.
The duty of good faith is expressed in the preamble to AB 04, as well as the commentary to chapter 4 article 3. There are divided opinions in the doctrine about what meaning the duty of good faith should be given when applying and interpreting provisions in AB 04. In the years of 2017 and 2018, the supreme court decided several cases, where the court explicitly referred to a duty of good faith between the parties. Through the precedent of the case “Omsättningsmålet” NJA 2021 s. 943, the supreme court may have recognized the duty of good faith as a principle of law.
It is established that the obligation to mitigate your losses constitutes a general principle of law which is based on loyalty. The obligation to mitigate your losses is expressed in section 70 of the Sale of Goods Act, and can be described as an obligation that places special demands on the injured party. However, the limitations of the obligation to mitigate your losses in each case are difficult to ascertain. In other contractual legislation, there is support for the fact that measures taken by third parties also can be credited to the injured party.
As a result of the gaps that the Swedish legislative technique gives rise to, the application of principles becomes important when interpreting and complementing legislation and agreements. The duty of good faith does not need to be fully clarified to answer the question of this thesis. It is reasonable that the duty of good faith is included in the system of thought that characterizes the construction contract law. That is, the maintenance of a reasonable balance between rights and obligations aimed at an economically optimal distribution of risk between the parties.
Neglecting the obligation to mitigate your losses or failing to observe the duty of good faith would have direct negative consequences for the client, with whom the sub-contractor is in a contractual relationship. This is found to be counterproductive for the purposes that the construction contract law as well as general contract law aim to maintain.
The cases “De ingjutna rören” NJA 2018 s. 653 and “Omsättningsmålet” NJA 2021 s. 943 set the precedent that a sub-contractor can be obligated to take damage mitigation measures under the premise that the sub-contractor is either the party that can take a measure at the lowest cost, or with the least effort. A party can be imposed obligations to satisfy the other party ́s interests even though it involves sacrifices for its own part.
The essay concludes that under certain circumstances, a sub-contractor can be imposed an obligation to mitigate losses, even though the sub-contractor is not directly affected by the damage or in an agreement with the tortfeasor.}},
  author       = {{Ljungberg Palm, Josefine}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{En undersökning av skadebegränsningspliktens utvidgning genom lojalitetsplikten inom entreprenader}},
  year         = {{2022}},