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Begränsning av skadeståndsansvar i kommersiella avtalsförhållanden - med särskilt fokus på en parts underlägsna ställning

Andreasson, Emma LU (2022) JURM02 20222
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Kommersiella avtalsvillkor kan på grund av oskälighet jämkas eller lämnas utan avseende mot bakgrund av 36 § AvtL. Enligt AVLN kan sådana avtalsvillkor även förbjudas på marknadsrättslig grund. Vid tillämpningen av 36 § AvtL samt AVLN ska särskild hänsyn tas till om en part intar en underlägsen ställning i avtalsförhållandet. De aktuella lagrummen kan tillämpas på flera olika typer av avtalsvillkor. Fokus för denna uppsats är dock när avtalsvillkor som begränsar en parts skadeståndsansvar kan anses oskäliga i kommersiella avtalsförhållanden. Förutom att undersöka när ett ansvarsbegränsande avtalsvillkor kan anses oskäligt i ett kommersiellt avtalsförhållande, syftar uppsatsen även till att undersöka i vilken mån denna bedömning påverkas av... (More)
Kommersiella avtalsvillkor kan på grund av oskälighet jämkas eller lämnas utan avseende mot bakgrund av 36 § AvtL. Enligt AVLN kan sådana avtalsvillkor även förbjudas på marknadsrättslig grund. Vid tillämpningen av 36 § AvtL samt AVLN ska särskild hänsyn tas till om en part intar en underlägsen ställning i avtalsförhållandet. De aktuella lagrummen kan tillämpas på flera olika typer av avtalsvillkor. Fokus för denna uppsats är dock när avtalsvillkor som begränsar en parts skadeståndsansvar kan anses oskäliga i kommersiella avtalsförhållanden. Förutom att undersöka när ett ansvarsbegränsande avtalsvillkor kan anses oskäligt i ett kommersiellt avtalsförhållande, syftar uppsatsen även till att undersöka i vilken mån denna bedömning påverkas av att en part intar en underlägsen ställning i avtalsförhållandet.
Den generella tillämpningen av 36 § AvtL har i doktrin beskrivits som splittrad. Uppsatsen har dock visat att tillämpningen av 36 § AvtL avseende ansvarsbegränsningar i praxis har, på ett relativt tydligt vis, pekat på vilka omständigheter som ska beaktas vid prövningen av om en ansvarsbegränsning ska anses oskälig. Vid bedömningen av skäligheten i en ansvarsbegränsning ska utgångspunkten för bedömningen vara huruvida riskfördelningen mellan parterna är rimlig eller inte. För att utröna detta ska främst följande omständigheter beaktas, parternas respektive intresse av att minimera risker i sin verksamhet, om riskminimering kan görat på annat vis än genom en ansvarsbegränsning, parternas möjlighet till försäkringsskydd, om ena parten har brutit mot ett centralt åtagande, samt graden av oaktsamhet. Förhållandet mellan ett arvode och en ansvarsbegränsning kan också ha betydelse. Det som dock inte kan anses lika klarlagt är hur olika individuella omständigheter ska värderas i oskälighetsbedömningen i enskilda fall. Detta får dock anses vara en generell utmaning för domstolarna avseende tillämpningen av 36 § AvtL som inte är begränsad till prövningen av ansvarsbegränsningar. I uppsatsen berörs även frågan om vilken beloppsnivå som kan anses vara skälig för en ansvarsbegränsning. Mot bakgrund av praxis kan ingen konkret slutsats dras kring vad som skulle vara en generellt accepterad nivå för en ansvarsbegränsning utan detta kan variera från fall till fall. Det har dock indikerats att en beloppsbegränsning om cirka 10-25 gånger arvodet för ett uppdragsförhållanden skulle kunna anses vara rimlig, samt att en begränsning om tio prisbasbelopp kan framstå som låg.
Inte i något mål som prövats har situationen förelegat att en ansvarsbegränsning ansetts oskälig i kombination med att en part har intagit en underlägsen ställning. Det är därför svårt att dra konkreta slutsatser kring i vilken mån en parts underlägsna ställning påverkar bedömningen av ansvarsbegränsningar. Istället utgår diskussionen i uppsatsen avseende en parts underlägsna ställning ifrån vilka omständigheter som har beaktats i mål avseende andra typer av avtalsvillkor. De omständigheter som i sådana fall främst har beaktats är om avtalet ensidigt har utformats av den starkare parten, eller om den starkare parten ensidigt har förbehållit sig rätten att ändra avtalsvillkoren. Ytterligare en aspekt som lyfts fram i diskussionen i uppsatsen är att kraven generellt borde anses lägre ställda för att en ansvarsbegränsning ska anses vara oskälig om en part intar en underlägsen ställning. (Less)
Agreement clauses used in commercial contracts can be considered unreasonable in accordance with section 36 in the Contracts Act. In accordance with the paragraphs in the Terms of Contract between Tradesmen Act, the further use of such unreasonable clauses can also be forbidden. The application of section 36 in the Contracts Act, and the sections in the Terms of Contract between Tradesmen Act, shall be done with consideration to whether or not one of the contracting parties have an inferior position in the contractual relationship. Section 36 in the Contracts Act, as well as the sections in the Terms of Contract between Tradesmen Act, is applicable on multiple types of contractual clauses. However in this essay, the application is only... (More)
Agreement clauses used in commercial contracts can be considered unreasonable in accordance with section 36 in the Contracts Act. In accordance with the paragraphs in the Terms of Contract between Tradesmen Act, the further use of such unreasonable clauses can also be forbidden. The application of section 36 in the Contracts Act, and the sections in the Terms of Contract between Tradesmen Act, shall be done with consideration to whether or not one of the contracting parties have an inferior position in the contractual relationship. Section 36 in the Contracts Act, as well as the sections in the Terms of Contract between Tradesmen Act, is applicable on multiple types of contractual clauses. However in this essay, the application is only analyzed in regards to limitation of liability clauses. A part from analyzing when a limitation of liability clause can be deemed unreasonable in a contractual relationship between two companies, this essay has also focused on investigating how the assessment, whether or not the limitation of liability clause is unreasonable, is affected by the fact that one of the parties is considered having an inferior position in the contractual relationship.
The case law regarding the application of section 36 in the Contracts Act have usually been described as fragmented. Despite that, this essay has shown that the Swedish courts have pointed out some circumstances that should be considered when making the assessment whether or not a limitation of liability clause is unreasonable. First and foremost, consideration shall be taken to whether or not the limitation of liability clause means that the risk allocation between the parties is unreasonable. In order to determine if the risk allocation is unreasonable, the following circumstances should primarily be considered, the interest of the parties in regards to wanting to minimize risks associated with their businesses, if the risks can be minimized in another way than by a limitation of liability clause, the parties’ ability to acquire sufficient insurance coverage, whether or not one of the parties has been in breach of one of the central parts of the commitment made by that party in the agreement, and the level of negligence. The fees paid under an agreement can also be of relevance in the assessment. Even though the Swedish courts have pointed out which circumstances primarily shall be considered in regards to the assessment of a limitation of liability clause, it is still unclear how actual circumstances, in an individual case, shall be assessed. However, this has to be considered a common difficulty for the Swedish courts in regards to section 36 in the Contracts Act. In regards to what can be considered as a reasonable amount that the liability in an agreement is limited to, no definitive conclusion can be made. However, it has been indicated that a limitation of liability amounting to approximately 10-25 times the fees paid in a contractual relationships could be considered a reasonable amount. In addition to this, an amount corresponding to ten Swedish price base amounts, could be considered too low.
There have been no cases where a limitation of liability clause has been considered unreasonable at the same time as one of the parties having an inferior position in the contractual relationship. On the basis of the afore-mentioned, no clear conclusions can be made regarding how a contractual party’s inferior position affects the assessment of the reasonability of a limitation of liability clause. Instead, the analysis in this essay of how a party’s inferior position affects the assessment of a limitation of liability clause is made against the background of circumstances considered in cases regarding other types of contractual clauses. Such cases have shown that circumstances such as if the agreement has been drafted by one of the parties alone, or if the superior party has a one-sided opportunity to amend the contractual clauses, shall be considered in regards to a contractual party’s inferior position. In addition to the circumstances mentioned above, this essay has pointed out that the bar should be set lower in regards to the assessment of limitation of liability clauses, if one of the parties has an inferior position. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Andreasson, Emma LU
alternative title
Limitation of liability in commercial contractual relationships - with a special focus on a party's inferior position
JURM02 20222
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
Avtalsrätt, kommersiella avtalsförhållanden, 36 § avtalslagen, AVLN, ansvarsbegränsningar, friskrivningar, underläsen ställning
date added to LUP
2023-01-24 09:10:07
date last changed
2023-01-24 09:10:07
  abstract     = {{Agreement clauses used in commercial contracts can be considered unreasonable in accordance with section 36 in the Contracts Act. In accordance with the paragraphs in the Terms of Contract between Tradesmen Act, the further use of such unreasonable clauses can also be forbidden. The application of section 36 in the Contracts Act, and the sections in the Terms of Contract between Tradesmen Act, shall be done with consideration to whether or not one of the contracting parties have an inferior position in the contractual relationship. Section 36 in the Contracts Act, as well as the sections in the Terms of Contract between Tradesmen Act, is applicable on multiple types of contractual clauses. However in this essay, the application is only analyzed in regards to limitation of liability clauses. A part from analyzing when a limitation of liability clause can be deemed unreasonable in a contractual relationship between two companies, this essay has also focused on investigating how the assessment, whether or not the limitation of liability clause is unreasonable, is affected by the fact that one of the parties is considered having an inferior position in the contractual relationship. 
The case law regarding the application of section 36 in the Contracts Act have usually been described as fragmented. Despite that, this essay has shown that the Swedish courts have pointed out some circumstances that should be considered when making the assessment whether or not a limitation of liability clause is unreasonable. First and foremost, consideration shall be taken to whether or not the limitation of liability clause means that the risk allocation between the parties is unreasonable. In order to determine if the risk allocation is unreasonable, the following circumstances should primarily be considered, the interest of the parties in regards to wanting to minimize risks associated with their businesses, if the risks can be minimized in another way than by a limitation of liability clause, the parties’ ability to acquire sufficient insurance coverage, whether or not one of the parties has been in breach of one of the central parts of the commitment made by that party in the agreement, and the level of negligence. The fees paid under an agreement can also be of relevance in the assessment. Even though the Swedish courts have pointed out which circumstances primarily shall be considered in regards to the assessment of a limitation of liability clause, it is still unclear how actual circumstances, in an individual case, shall be assessed. However, this has to be considered a common difficulty for the Swedish courts in regards to section 36 in the Contracts Act. In regards to what can be considered as a reasonable amount that the liability in an agreement is limited to, no definitive conclusion can be made. However, it has been indicated that a limitation of liability amounting to approximately 10-25 times the fees paid in a contractual relationships could be considered a reasonable amount. In addition to this, an amount corresponding to ten Swedish price base amounts, could be considered too low.
There have been no cases where a limitation of liability clause has been considered unreasonable at the same time as one of the parties having an inferior position in the contractual relationship. On the basis of the afore-mentioned, no clear conclusions can be made regarding how a contractual party’s inferior position affects the assessment of the reasonability of a limitation of liability clause. Instead, the analysis in this essay of how a party’s inferior position affects the assessment of a limitation of liability clause is made against the background of circumstances considered in cases regarding other types of contractual clauses. Such cases have shown that circumstances such as if the agreement has been drafted by one of the parties alone, or if the superior party has a one-sided opportunity to amend the contractual clauses, shall be considered in regards to a contractual party’s inferior position. In addition to the circumstances mentioned above, this essay has pointed out that the bar should be set lower in regards to the assessment of limitation of liability clauses, if one of the parties has an inferior position.}},
  author       = {{Andreasson, Emma}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Begränsning av skadeståndsansvar i kommersiella avtalsförhållanden - med särskilt fokus på en parts underlägsna ställning}},
  year         = {{2022}},