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Icke-angreppsklausuler i patentlicenser - Intresseavvägningen mellan patent- och konkurrensrätt

Altundal, Rojken LU (2022) LAGF03 20222
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Patentlicensavtal utgör ett effektivt verktyg för exploatering av patentskyddad innovation. Avtalen anses därför i allmänhet vara konkurrensfrämjande. Emellertid kan patentlicenser innehålla avtalsklausuler som kan vara problematiska ur ett konkurrensperspektiv. Icke-angreppsklausuler, som hindrar licenstagaren från att utmana den immateriella giltigheten i det licensierade patentet, utgör en sådan klausul. Dessa klausuler syftar till att skydda licensgivaren från opportunistiskt beteende och kostsamma ogiltighetsprocesser med licenstaga-ren. Icke-angreppsklausuler riskerar dock att hämma en fri konkurrens, ef-tersom klausulen kan ge upphov till att ett potentiellt ogiltigt patent inte ogiltighetsförklaras. Föremål för undersökning i denna... (More)
Patentlicensavtal utgör ett effektivt verktyg för exploatering av patentskyddad innovation. Avtalen anses därför i allmänhet vara konkurrensfrämjande. Emellertid kan patentlicenser innehålla avtalsklausuler som kan vara problematiska ur ett konkurrensperspektiv. Icke-angreppsklausuler, som hindrar licenstagaren från att utmana den immateriella giltigheten i det licensierade patentet, utgör en sådan klausul. Dessa klausuler syftar till att skydda licensgivaren från opportunistiskt beteende och kostsamma ogiltighetsprocesser med licenstaga-ren. Icke-angreppsklausuler riskerar dock att hämma en fri konkurrens, ef-tersom klausulen kan ge upphov till att ett potentiellt ogiltigt patent inte ogiltighetsförklaras. Föremål för undersökning i denna uppsats är således den konkurrensrättsliga frågan om icke-angreppsklausuler i patenlicensavtal är förenliga med förbudet mot konkurrensbegränsande avtal i artikel 101.1 FEUF. Vidare undersöks det nuvarande rättslägets förenlighet med konkurrens- och patenträttsliga syften.

Resultatet av undersökningen visar att EU:s konkurrensrätt tillåter icke-angreppsklausuler i patentlicensavtal i ytterst begränsade fall. Praxis visar på en kritisk inställning till icke-angreppsklausuler, som motiveras med klausulens konkurrensbegränsande effekter. Klausulen anses därför i de allra flesta fall omfattas av förbudet mot konkurrensbegränsande avtal i artikel 101.1 FEUF. Visserligen erbjuder artikel 101.3 FEUF utrymme för undantag från förbudet, men med beaktande av praxis kan det hävdas att detta utrymme är mycket snävt.

Det nuvarande rättsläget är troligtvis förenligt med det konkurrensrättsliga syftet att skydda och främja en effektiv konkurrens. De patenträttsliga syftena, att skydda och främja teknikutveckling och teknikspridning, verkar dock inte beaktas i samma utsträckning. Framförallt intresset av teknikspridning riskerar att undermineras, i syfte att värna om en effektiv konkurrens på marknaden. Det kan således ifrågasättas om nuvarande rättsläge verkligen är förenligt med konkurrensrättens såväl som patenträttens syfte. (Less)
Patent licensing is considered an effective tool for the exploitation of technology protected by the IPR. Thus, in general, licensing is pro-competitive. However, there are cases when licensing agreements contain clauses that can be problematic in relation to EU competition law. The no-challenge clause, which obligates the licensee not to contest the validity of the intellectual property of the license, is an example of such a clause. The aim of the clause is to protect the licensor from opportunistic behavior and costly invalidity proceedings with the licensee. However, due to the risk of the clause enabling invalid patents and thus stifling innovation, its validity under competition law is questionable. This paper assesses whether... (More)
Patent licensing is considered an effective tool for the exploitation of technology protected by the IPR. Thus, in general, licensing is pro-competitive. However, there are cases when licensing agreements contain clauses that can be problematic in relation to EU competition law. The no-challenge clause, which obligates the licensee not to contest the validity of the intellectual property of the license, is an example of such a clause. The aim of the clause is to protect the licensor from opportunistic behavior and costly invalidity proceedings with the licensee. However, due to the risk of the clause enabling invalid patents and thus stifling innovation, its validity under competition law is questionable. This paper assesses whether no-challenge clauses in patent licenses are compatible with the prohibition against agreements that restrict competition within the meaning of article 101.1 TFEU. Furthermore, it seeks to discuss the current legal standing of the no-challenge clause in relation to the objectives of competition and patent law.

The legal analysis shows that EU competition law allows no-challenge clauses in very limited cases. Case law reveals a critical approach to no-challenge clauses. Therefore, in most cases, the clause is subject to the prohibition in article 101.1 TFEU. Although article 101.3 TFEU offers an exemption from the prohibition, the margin for this exemption is very narrow.

The current legal standing of the no-challenge clause is likely compatible with the aim of competition law, which is to protect and promote effective competition. However, the aims of patent law, to protect and promote technology development and dissemination, do not seem to be considered to the same extent. In particular, the interest in technology dissemination risks being undermined, in the pursuit of protecting an effective competition. It is therefore questionable whether the current legal standing of the clause is in fact compatible with the objectives of competition law as well as patent law. (Less)
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Altundal, Rojken LU
LAGF03 20222
M2 - Bachelor Degree
konkurrensrätt, immaterialrätt, patentlicens
date added to LUP
2023-02-03 15:39:25
date last changed
2023-02-03 15:39:25
  abstract     = {{Patent licensing is considered an effective tool for the exploitation of technology protected by the IPR. Thus, in general, licensing is pro-competitive. However, there are cases when licensing agreements contain clauses that can be problematic in relation to EU competition law. The no-challenge clause, which obligates the licensee not to contest the validity of the intellectual property of the license, is an example of such a clause. The aim of the clause is to protect the licensor from opportunistic behavior and costly invalidity proceedings with the licensee. However, due to the risk of the clause enabling invalid patents and thus stifling innovation, its validity under competition law is questionable. This paper assesses whether no-challenge clauses in patent licenses are compatible with the prohibition against agreements that restrict competition within the meaning of article 101.1 TFEU. Furthermore, it seeks to discuss the current legal standing of the no-challenge clause in relation to the objectives of competition and patent law.

The legal analysis shows that EU competition law allows no-challenge clauses in very limited cases. Case law reveals a critical approach to no-challenge clauses. Therefore, in most cases, the clause is subject to the prohibition in article 101.1 TFEU. Although article 101.3 TFEU offers an exemption from the prohibition, the margin for this exemption is very narrow. 

The current legal standing of the no-challenge clause is likely compatible with the aim of competition law, which is to protect and promote effective competition. However, the aims of patent law, to protect and promote technology development and dissemination, do not seem to be considered to the same extent. In particular, the interest in technology dissemination risks being undermined, in the pursuit of protecting an effective competition. It is therefore questionable whether the current legal standing of the clause is in fact compatible with the objectives of competition law as well as patent law.}},
  author       = {{Altundal, Rojken}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Icke-angreppsklausuler i patentlicenser - Intresseavvägningen mellan patent- och konkurrensrätt}},
  year         = {{2022}},