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Från delning till brottsling - Om hur gärningspersonens syfte bakom hanteringen av barnpornografi påverkar och bör påverka straffansvaret

Svanberg, Christina LU (2023) JURM02 20231
Faculty of Law
Department of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Barnpornografibrottet har sedan dess tillkomst 1980 diskuterats och kritiserats flertalet gånger, bland annat för att vara för opreciserat och för långtgående i relation till yttrande- och informationsfriheten. 2022 uppstod diskussionen på nytt genom identifieringen av ett nytt brottsfenomen, unga sprider barnpornografiskt material till varandra utan sexuellt syfte. Fenomenet har varit föremål för prövning i bland annat tre tingsrättsdomar. De aktuella målen har medfört kritiken att lagstiftningen inte hängt med i utvecklingen och inte fullt ut förmedlar en gärnings klandervärdhet. Björn Sellström, kommissarie på polisens operativa avdelning (NOA), anser att lagstiftningen borde ses över sett till konsekvenserna av en fällande dom för den... (More)
Barnpornografibrottet har sedan dess tillkomst 1980 diskuterats och kritiserats flertalet gånger, bland annat för att vara för opreciserat och för långtgående i relation till yttrande- och informationsfriheten. 2022 uppstod diskussionen på nytt genom identifieringen av ett nytt brottsfenomen, unga sprider barnpornografiskt material till varandra utan sexuellt syfte. Fenomenet har varit föremål för prövning i bland annat tre tingsrättsdomar. De aktuella målen har medfört kritiken att lagstiftningen inte hängt med i utvecklingen och inte fullt ut förmedlar en gärnings klandervärdhet. Björn Sellström, kommissarie på polisens operativa avdelning (NOA), anser att lagstiftningen borde ses över sett till konsekvenserna av en fällande dom för den tilltalade ungdomen samt då mycket av polisens resurser i dagsläget går till att utreda denna brottslighet på bekostnad av andra utredningar. Det nya fenomenet väcker frågor om hur gärningspersonens syfte med hanteringen av barnpornografi påverkar och bör påverka straffansvarsbedömningen.

Syftet med denna uppsats är att bidra till diskussionen beträffande barnpornografibrottets omfång utifrån den idag aktuella situationen att unga personer delar barnpornografi utan sexuellt syfte. Detta genom att utreda hur gärningspersonens syfte med hanteringen av barnpornografi påverkar straffansvaret idag och om en förändring av lagen där gärningspersonens syfte får större genomslag är förenlig med barnpornografibrottets skyddsintressen, enskilda barnens intressen, yttrande- och informationsfriheten samt Sveriges internationella åtaganden.

Genom rättsdogmatisk- och rättsanalytisk metod undersöks förhållandet mellan gärningspersonens syfte och straffansvaret. Syftet påverkar idag i viss utsträckning om ansvar döms ut. För att handhavande av ett material ska vara kriminaliserat krävs att materialet är barnpornografiskt. Gärningspersonens syfte med hanteringen av barnpornografi påverkar polisens bedömning av om material som befinner sig i gråzonen av vad som anses utgöra barnpornografi anses pornografiskt eller inte och därigenom om åtal väcks. Gärningspersonens syfte vid framställningen av materialet kan också påverka gränsdragningen mellan pornografi och vanlig nakenhet, detta eftersom pornografi ska ha till syfte att påverka betraktaren sexuellt. Syftet bakom hanteringen av materialet kan också påverka om ansvarsfrihetsregeln i 16 kap. 10 b § Brottsbalken (BrB) är tillämplig eller inte. Tillämpningen av ansvarsfrihetsregeln medför att åklagaren inte ska väcka åtal eller att domstolen ska frikänna den tilltalade. Därtill påverkar syftet enbart om hanteringen av barnpornografi som sådan är kriminaliserad i förhållande till att gärningspersonen förmedlat kontakt mellan köpare och säljare, det krävs att gärningspersonen gjort detta i syfte att främja handel med barnpornografi. I relation till andra kriminaliserade hanteringsformer uppställs inget krav på särskilt syfte.

Bedömningen av om gärningspersonens syfte bör få större genomslag på straffansvaret set till vissa intressen görs genom rättsanalytisk metod. En sådan förändring av lagen är förenlig med barnpornografibrottets skyddsintressen beträffande gråzonsmaterial som delas med klandervärda syften men inte beträffande barnpornografiskt material som delas utan sådana syften. Sett till barnpornografibrottets övriga uppbyggnad anses intresset av att kriminalisera gråzonsmaterial baserat på hela handlingens klandervärdhet väga tyngre än intresset av att skydda allt barnpornografiska materialet baserat enbart på materialets klandervärdhet. Det spridande barnets intresse av att bearbeta det material som denne initialt mottagit tillgodoses, men inte det mottagande barnets intresse av att inte exponeras för barnpornografi. Har ett mottagande skett möjliggör en förändring att barnet i sin tur bearbetar exponeringen tillsammans med anhöriga. En sådan förändrad lagstiftning är förenlig med yttrande- och informationsfriheten genom att utvidga friheterna beträffande barnpornografiskt material och inte förenlig med yttrande- och informationsfriheten genom att den samtidigt inskränker friheterna beträffande gråzonsmaterial. Denna inskränkning är dock att betrakta som proportionerlig. En lagstiftning där syftet får större genomslag kan vara förenligt med Budapestkonventionen, EU-direktivet 2011/92/EU och FN:s barnkonvention, eftersom dessa möjliggör ansvarsfrihet vid hantering av barnpornografi som sker rättmätigt eller lovligt. Sett till dessa intressen kan det anses finnas en poäng i att ändra lagstiftningen till att gärningspersonens syfte bakom hanteringen av barnpornografi ska få större genomslag vid straffansvarsbedömningen. (Less)
The criminalization of child pornography has been discussed and criticized since its incorporation for not being precise and for limiting fundamental rights. In 2022 the discussion arose again after the identification of a new crime phenomenon; young people sharing child pornography without a sexual purpose. The new phenomenon has been subject to trail in at least 3 decisions in district court. The decisions have resulted in criticism considering that the criminalization of child pornography has not kept up with the development of the society and does not fully mediate the reprehensibility of a deed. Björn Sellström, commissioner at the police operations department (NOA), thinks that the crime of child pornography should be examined in... (More)
The criminalization of child pornography has been discussed and criticized since its incorporation for not being precise and for limiting fundamental rights. In 2022 the discussion arose again after the identification of a new crime phenomenon; young people sharing child pornography without a sexual purpose. The new phenomenon has been subject to trail in at least 3 decisions in district court. The decisions have resulted in criticism considering that the criminalization of child pornography has not kept up with the development of the society and does not fully mediate the reprehensibility of a deed. Björn Sellström, commissioner at the police operations department (NOA), thinks that the crime of child pornography should be examined in consideration to the consequences a conviction has on the young person that is suspected and since a lot of the police’s resources are used to investigate the new phenomenon at the expense of other investigations. Hence the new phenomenon raises the question of how the intention of the culprit affects the assessment of the responsibility and if the law should change into a special regulation regarding specific intentions.

The aim of this study is to contribute to the discussion regarding the extent of the child pornography offense through the new phenomenon by examining how the intention of the culprit affects the assessment of responsibility and whether or not a change of the law where the culprit’s intention has a bigger impact on the assessment of responsibility is compatible with the purpose of the child pornography offense, the interest of the children in the cases constituting the new phenomenon, the freedoms of speech and information and Sweden’s international commitments.

Through a legal dogmatic method, the relationship between the intention of the culprit and the legal responsibility is examined. The culprit’s intention affects whether there is a conviction. For a deed to be considered a crime the material must be child pornographic. The intention of the culprit affects if the police consider the material that does not contain sexual acts (gray zone material) to be child-pornographic and consequently if this material is subject to trail. The intention of the culprit when producing the material can also affect whether the material is considered to be pornographic or just containing normal nudity, because of the fact that the intention of pornography is to affect the contemplator sexually. The intention of the culprit can also lead to the application of the discharge from liability- rule. The application of this rule results in prosecutor not prosecuting or court announcing acquittal. Thereto the intention of the culprit only affects whether the handling is criminalized or not in relation to conveying contact between buyers and vendors of child pornography. To be considered a crime this should be done with the intention of promoting trafficking of child pornography. In relation to other ways of dealing with child pornography there is no requirement that this should be done with a specific intention.

The assessment of whether the intention of the culprit should get a bigger impact of the legal responsibility are done through legal analytical method. Such change of the legislation is compatible with the purposes of the criminalization of the child pornography offense regarding the gray zone material that are shared with reprehensible intentions but not regarding the material containing sexual assaults of children that are shared without such intentions. Due to the general structure of the child pornography crime the interest of criminalizing the gray zone material based on the reprehensibility of the handling of the material outweighs the interest of protecting every material containing child pornography based on the reprehensibility of the material. The sharing child’s interest in processing the received material may be accommodated, but not the receiving child’s interest of not getting exposed to the material. The receiving child’s interest in processing the received material with relatives may also be accommodated. A change of the law where the intention of the culprit plays a bigger part in the assessment of the responsibility is compatible with the freedoms of speech and information by extending these freedoms regarding material portraying sexual assaults of children that are not shared with reprehensible intentions, but not compatible with these freedoms regarding the gray zone material by decreasing the freedoms regarding this material. A legislation where the intention of the culprit has a bigger impact might also be compatible with the Budapest Convention and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on combating the sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of children and child pornography and replacing Council Framework Decision. Based on these interests there might be some point to changing the legislation so that the culprit’s intention behind the handling of child pornography gets a greater impact in the assessment of responsibility. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Svanberg, Christina LU
alternative title
From sharing to delinquent - About how the culprit's intention behind the child pornography offense affects and should affect the assessment of responsibility
JURM02 20231
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
date added to LUP
2023-06-12 13:51:51
date last changed
2023-06-12 13:51:51
  abstract     = {{The criminalization of child pornography has been discussed and criticized since its incorporation for not being precise and for limiting fundamental rights. In 2022 the discussion arose again after the identification of a new crime phenomenon; young people sharing child pornography without a sexual purpose. The new phenomenon has been subject to trail in at least 3 decisions in district court. The decisions have resulted in criticism considering that the criminalization of child pornography has not kept up with the development of the society and does not fully mediate the reprehensibility of a deed. Björn Sellström, commissioner at the police operations department (NOA), thinks that the crime of child pornography should be examined in consideration to the consequences a conviction has on the young person that is suspected and since a lot of the police’s resources are used to investigate the new phenomenon at the expense of other investigations. Hence the new phenomenon raises the question of how the intention of the culprit affects the assessment of the responsibility and if the law should change into a special regulation regarding specific intentions. 

The aim of this study is to contribute to the discussion regarding the extent of the child pornography offense through the new phenomenon by examining how the intention of the culprit affects the assessment of responsibility and whether or not a change of the law where the culprit’s intention has a bigger impact on the assessment of responsibility is compatible with the purpose of the child pornography offense, the interest of the children in the cases constituting the new phenomenon, the freedoms of speech and information and Sweden’s international commitments.

Through a legal dogmatic method, the relationship between the intention of the culprit and the legal responsibility is examined. The culprit’s intention affects whether there is a conviction. For a deed to be considered a crime the material must be child pornographic. The intention of the culprit affects if the police consider the material that does not contain sexual acts (gray zone material) to be child-pornographic and consequently if this material is subject to trail. The intention of the culprit when producing the material can also affect whether the material is considered to be pornographic or just containing normal nudity, because of the fact that the intention of pornography is to affect the contemplator sexually. The intention of the culprit can also lead to the application of the discharge from liability- rule. The application of this rule results in prosecutor not prosecuting or court announcing acquittal. Thereto the intention of the culprit only affects whether the handling is criminalized or not in relation to conveying contact between buyers and vendors of child pornography. To be considered a crime this should be done with the intention of promoting trafficking of child pornography. In relation to other ways of dealing with child pornography there is no requirement that this should be done with a specific intention. 

The assessment of whether the intention of the culprit should get a bigger impact of the legal responsibility are done through legal analytical method. Such change of the legislation is compatible with the purposes of the criminalization of the child pornography offense regarding the gray zone material that are shared with reprehensible intentions but not regarding the material containing sexual assaults of children that are shared without such intentions. Due to the general structure of the child pornography crime the interest of criminalizing the gray zone material based on the reprehensibility of the handling of the material outweighs the interest of protecting every material containing child pornography based on the reprehensibility of the material. The sharing child’s interest in processing the received material may be accommodated, but not the receiving child’s interest of not getting exposed to the material. The receiving child’s interest in processing the received material with relatives may also be accommodated. A change of the law where the intention of the culprit plays a bigger part in the assessment of the responsibility is compatible with the freedoms of speech and information by extending these freedoms regarding material portraying sexual assaults of children that are not shared with reprehensible intentions, but not compatible with these freedoms regarding the gray zone material by decreasing the freedoms regarding this material. A legislation where the intention of the culprit has a bigger impact might also be compatible with the Budapest Convention and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on combating the sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of children and child pornography and replacing Council Framework Decision. Based on these interests there might be some point to changing the legislation so that the culprit’s intention behind the handling of child pornography gets a greater impact in the assessment of responsibility.}},
  author       = {{Svanberg, Christina}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Från delning till brottsling - Om hur gärningspersonens syfte bakom hanteringen av barnpornografi påverkar och bör påverka straffansvaret}},
  year         = {{2023}},