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Det ombildade aktiebolaget - En närmare undersökning av fiktiv avräkning och kupongskatt vid gränsöverskridande ombildning

Andersson, Oscar LU (2023) JURM02 20232
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Through the EU Directive 2019/2121 and the practice of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), a limited liability company can make a cross-border conversion into a corresponding legal entity in another Member State. This essay aims to investigate whether withholding tax must be paid in Sweden after a Swedish-registered limited company carries out a cross-border conversion without conducting economic activity in the des-tined Member State. It also aims to investigate whether companies that do a cross border conversion, that is subject to withdrawal tax, have a right, through the freedom of establishment, to deduct the tax that would have been charged in the Member State where the company has a permanent establishment.

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Through the EU Directive 2019/2121 and the practice of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), a limited liability company can make a cross-border conversion into a corresponding legal entity in another Member State. This essay aims to investigate whether withholding tax must be paid in Sweden after a Swedish-registered limited company carries out a cross-border conversion without conducting economic activity in the des-tined Member State. It also aims to investigate whether companies that do a cross border conversion, that is subject to withdrawal tax, have a right, through the freedom of establishment, to deduct the tax that would have been charged in the Member State where the company has a permanent establishment.

Swedish tax agreements shall be applied and interpreted in accordance with EU law. Since this is not considered in the Principal Purpose Test (PPT) the EU legal abuse principle has priority in the case of a conflict. The above-described cross border conversion considering withholding tax is exempted from the avoidance rule in the Swedish Withholding Tax Act and the Swedish Tax Avoidance Act. Therefore, only the abuse principle is applicable.

In the EU case Polbud, the CJEU extended the freedom of establishment to cover cross-border conversion to other Member State without economic activity being conducted in the destined Member State. In accordance with CJEU practice it does not automatically constitute abuse to want to be covered by another country's legislation. The procedure that the paper exam-ines does not entail redistribution of profit between different actors since the company and the permanent establishments are one legal entity. Based on all of this, the abuse principle is generally not applicable to the structure.

When a company is subject to withdrawal tax the merger directive gives companies, in certain situations, a right to deduct the tax that would have been charged in the Member State in which the company has a permanent establishment. Neither the merger directive nor Swedish law extends this right to cross-border conversions.
The deduction is only actualized in cross-border procedures. The fact that it is not allowed for cross-border conversions gives rise to double taxation, which reduces the incentives to carry out a cross-border conversion and to establish permanent establishments. The restriction constitutes a categorical prohibition and does not ensure the coherence of the tax system. Therefore, it is concluded that it is contrary to the freedom of establishment in articles 49–55 of the TFEU to not allow the deduction. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
Genom direktiv 2019/2121 och EU-domstolens praxis kan ett aktiebolag genomföra en gränsöverskridande ombildning till en motsvarande juridisk person i en annan medlemsstat. I Sverige har reglerna införts i 24 a kap. ABL och skattemässiga justeringar har gjorts i IL genom prop. 2023/24:15. Uppsatsen syftar till att utreda om begränsat skattskyldiga ska betala kupongskatt i Sverige efter att ett svenskt registrerat aktiebolag genomför en gränsöverskridande ombildning där enbart bolagets registrerade säte änd-ras. Arbetet åsyftar även att utreda om bolag genom etableringsfriheten har rätt till fiktiv avräkning vid en gränsöverskridande ombildning.

Gällande skattskyldighet för kupongskatt konstateras först att skatteavtal måste tillämpas och... (More)
Genom direktiv 2019/2121 och EU-domstolens praxis kan ett aktiebolag genomföra en gränsöverskridande ombildning till en motsvarande juridisk person i en annan medlemsstat. I Sverige har reglerna införts i 24 a kap. ABL och skattemässiga justeringar har gjorts i IL genom prop. 2023/24:15. Uppsatsen syftar till att utreda om begränsat skattskyldiga ska betala kupongskatt i Sverige efter att ett svenskt registrerat aktiebolag genomför en gränsöverskridande ombildning där enbart bolagets registrerade säte änd-ras. Arbetet åsyftar även att utreda om bolag genom etableringsfriheten har rätt till fiktiv avräkning vid en gränsöverskridande ombildning.

Gällande skattskyldighet för kupongskatt konstateras först att skatteavtal måste tillämpas och tolkas EU-konformt. Principal Purpose Test (PPT) i skatteavtalen tar inte hänsyn till friheterna i FEU och FEUF. Vid en regel-konflikt mellan PPT och den EU-rättsliga missbruksprincipen har den senare därför företräde. Bulvansregeln i 4 § 3 st. kupongskattelagen kan inte tillämpas på förfarandet eftersom det är den utdelningsberättigade som innehar aktierna. Skatteflyktslagen omfattar inte heller kupongskatt. Således ska framför allt missbruksprincipen beaktas.

Genom EU-rättsfallet Polbud har det blivit möjligt att genomföra en gränsöverskridande ombildning till en annan medlemsstat utan att bedriva faktiskt ekonomisk verksamhet i destinationsmedlemsstaten. Bolagsrättsligt beaktas detta inte som missbruk. I flera EU-rättsliga mål har det klargjorts att det inte per automatik utgör missbruk att vilja omfattas av annat lands lagstiftning. Förfarandet innebär inte heller att det sker någon slussning av vinster mellan olika aktörer eftersom det fortfarande ska beaktas som samma juridiska person. Grundat på ovan torde missbruksprincipen i flertalet fall inte kunna tillämpas på förfarandet även om aktieägarna upphör att vara skattskyldiga för kupongskatt i Sverige.

Fiktiv avräkning regleras i fusionsdirektivet och i svensk rätt är reglerna införlivade i 37 och 38 kap. IL. Regeringen valde i prop. 2023/24:15 att inte utsträcka dessa regler till att omfatta gränsöverskridande ombildningar.

Fiktiv avräkning aktualiseras endast vid gränsöverskridande förfaranden. Att fiktiv avräkning inte tillåts ger upphov till en dubbelbeskattning vilket minskar incitamenten för att genomföra en gränsöverskridande ombildning samt att bilda fasta driftställen. Bestämmelsen utgör ett kategoriskt förbud som inte säkerställer skattesystemets sammanhang. Därför dras slutsatsen att det strider mot etableringsfriheten i artiklarna 49–55 i FEUF att inte tillåta fiktiv avräkning. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Andersson, Oscar LU
alternative title
The converted limited liability company - A closer look at deduction and coupon tax regarding cross-border conversions
JURM02 20232
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
skatterätt, gränsöverskridande ombildning, kupongskatt, fiktiv avräkning
date added to LUP
2024-01-19 12:55:33
date last changed
2024-01-19 12:55:33
  abstract     = {{Through the EU Directive 2019/2121 and the practice of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), a limited liability company can make a cross-border conversion into a corresponding legal entity in another Member State. This essay aims to investigate whether withholding tax must be paid in Sweden after a Swedish-registered limited company carries out a cross-border conversion without conducting economic activity in the des-tined Member State. It also aims to investigate whether companies that do a cross border conversion, that is subject to withdrawal tax, have a right, through the freedom of establishment, to deduct the tax that would have been charged in the Member State where the company has a permanent establishment. 

Swedish tax agreements shall be applied and interpreted in accordance with EU law. Since this is not considered in the Principal Purpose Test (PPT) the EU legal abuse principle has priority in the case of a conflict. The above-described cross border conversion considering withholding tax is exempted from the avoidance rule in the Swedish Withholding Tax Act and the Swedish Tax Avoidance Act. Therefore, only the abuse principle is applicable.

In the EU case Polbud, the CJEU extended the freedom of establishment to cover cross-border conversion to other Member State without economic activity being conducted in the destined Member State. In accordance with CJEU practice it does not automatically constitute abuse to want to be covered by another country's legislation. The procedure that the paper exam-ines does not entail redistribution of profit between different actors since the company and the permanent establishments are one legal entity. Based on all of this, the abuse principle is generally not applicable to the structure.

When a company is subject to withdrawal tax the merger directive gives companies, in certain situations, a right to deduct the tax that would have been charged in the Member State in which the company has a permanent establishment. Neither the merger directive nor Swedish law extends this right to cross-border conversions.
The deduction is only actualized in cross-border procedures. The fact that it is not allowed for cross-border conversions gives rise to double taxation, which reduces the incentives to carry out a cross-border conversion and to establish permanent establishments. The restriction constitutes a categorical prohibition and does not ensure the coherence of the tax system. Therefore, it is concluded that it is contrary to the freedom of establishment in articles 49–55 of the TFEU to not allow the deduction.}},
  author       = {{Andersson, Oscar}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Det ombildade aktiebolaget - En närmare undersökning av fiktiv avräkning och kupongskatt vid gränsöverskridande ombildning}},
  year         = {{2023}},