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Tidsbestämd anställning på obestämd tid? En kritisk analys av avtalsfrihetens gränser för avvikelser från semidispositiva regler i LAS

Liljegren, Isabelle LU (2024) LAGF03 20241
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Arbetsdomstolen har i flera fall, i förhållande till kollektivavtalade avvikelser från semidispositiv rätt, tillämpat en princip om att sådana kollektivavtal är ogiltiga om de innebär en otillbörlig urholkning av arbetstagarnas lagstadgade rättigheter eftersom det strider mot lagens grunder. Med anledning av rättsfal-let AD 2023 nr 33, där den kollektivavtalade anställningsformen SLUV (viss-tid ”så länge uppdraget varar”) prövades, undersöks återigen det utrymme som ges parterna i kollektivavtal. Utfallet i målet innebar att SLUV-anställda kunde vara tidsbegränsat anställda på obestämd tid. I uppsatsen görs en kritisk granskning av det utrymme parterna har i fråga om avvikelser från semidispo-sitiva regler i lagen (1982:80) om... (More)
Arbetsdomstolen har i flera fall, i förhållande till kollektivavtalade avvikelser från semidispositiv rätt, tillämpat en princip om att sådana kollektivavtal är ogiltiga om de innebär en otillbörlig urholkning av arbetstagarnas lagstadgade rättigheter eftersom det strider mot lagens grunder. Med anledning av rättsfal-let AD 2023 nr 33, där den kollektivavtalade anställningsformen SLUV (viss-tid ”så länge uppdraget varar”) prövades, undersöks återigen det utrymme som ges parterna i kollektivavtal. Utfallet i målet innebar att SLUV-anställda kunde vara tidsbegränsat anställda på obestämd tid. I uppsatsen görs en kritisk granskning av det utrymme parterna har i fråga om avvikelser från semidispo-sitiva regler i lagen (1982:80) om anställningsskydd (LAS), vilket avgränsats till avvikelser som bedöms utifrån om de utgör en otillbörlig urholkning av arbetstagarnas rättigheter. Uppsatsen redogör för Arbetsdomstolens tillämp-ning av begränsningen att kollektivavtal inte får otillbörligt urholka arbetstaga-res rättighet, men även för hur anställningsskyddet värderas i LAS, samt vilka ramar branschen personlig assistans har att förhålla sig till.
Undersökningen visar att avtalsfriheten är bred för arbetsmarknadens parter, men i bedömningen av otillbörlig urholkning finns olika hänsyn att beakta, och dessa verkar vara av olika vikt beroende på omständigheterna i fallet. Hänsyn i bedömningen tas till vilken nivå kollektivavtalet slutits på, anställ-ningsskyddsregelns (vilken urholkas) principiellt viktiga betydelse och syftet med att parterna slutit avtal. För branschen personlig assistans finns väldigt speciella förhållanden – assistansanvändaren har rättigheter enligt lagen (1993:387) om stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade (LSS) som måste tillgodoses, och den ersättning som utgår tillgodoseendet av rättigheterna täck-er inte upp för t.ex. arbetstagares uppsägningstid. Undersökningen visar också att det rättsfallet AD 2023 nr 33 kan ha inneburit en ökad förståelse för innebörden av branschens speciella förhållanden och hur detta påverkar övriga hänsyn, såsom vikten av den skyddsregel som åsidosätts. (Less)
The Swedish Labour Court (Arbetsdomstolen) has, in several cases concern-ing deviations from semi-dispositive law as stipulated in collective agree-ments, applied a principle that such collective agreements are invalid if they result in an undue erosion of employees' statutory rights because it contra-venes the fundamental principles of the law. In light of the case AD 2023 no. 33, where the collectively agreed employment form SLUV (fixed-term "as long as the assignment lasts") was examined, the scope given to parties in collective agreements is re-evaluated. The outcome of the case indicated that SLUV employees could be employed on a fixed-term basis for an indefinite period. This thesis critically examines the scope the parties have... (More)
The Swedish Labour Court (Arbetsdomstolen) has, in several cases concern-ing deviations from semi-dispositive law as stipulated in collective agree-ments, applied a principle that such collective agreements are invalid if they result in an undue erosion of employees' statutory rights because it contra-venes the fundamental principles of the law. In light of the case AD 2023 no. 33, where the collectively agreed employment form SLUV (fixed-term "as long as the assignment lasts") was examined, the scope given to parties in collective agreements is re-evaluated. The outcome of the case indicated that SLUV employees could be employed on a fixed-term basis for an indefinite period. This thesis critically examines the scope the parties have concerning deviations from semi-dispositive rules in the Employment Protection Act (lag (1982:80) om anställningsskydd), which is limited to deviations assessed on whether they constitute an undue erosion of employees' rights. The thesis ac-counts for the Labour Court's application of the limitation that collective agreements must not unduly erode employees' rights, as well as how em-ployment protection is valued in LAS, and the framework the personal assis-tance industry must adhere to.
The examination shows that the freedom of contract is broad for the labor market parties, but in the assessment of undue erosion, various considerations need to be taken into account, and these appear to have different weights de-pending on the circumstances of the case. Considerations in the assessment include the level at which the collective agreement was concluded, the funda-mentally important significance of the employment protection rule (which is eroded), and the purpose of the parties entering into the agreement. For the personal assistance industry, there are very specific conditions – the assistance user has rights according to the Act concerning Support and Service for Per-sons with Certain Functional Impairments (lag (1993:387) om stöd och ser-vice till vissa funktionshindrade) that must be met, and the compensation pro-vided for fulfilling these rights does not cover, for example, employees' notice periods. The investigation also shows that the case AD 2023 no. 33 may have led to an increased understanding of the specific conditions of the industry and how this affects other considerations, such as the importance of the pro-tection rule that is disregarded. (Less)
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Liljegren, Isabelle LU
LAGF03 20241
M2 - Bachelor Degree
arbetsrätt, visstidsanställning, semidispositiv, kollektivavtal, avtalsfrihet
date added to LUP
2024-06-26 12:00:20
date last changed
2024-06-26 12:00:20
  abstract     = {{The Swedish Labour Court (Arbetsdomstolen) has, in several cases concern-ing deviations from semi-dispositive law as stipulated in collective agree-ments, applied a principle that such collective agreements are invalid if they result in an undue erosion of employees' statutory rights because it contra-venes the fundamental principles of the law. In light of the case AD 2023 no. 33, where the collectively agreed employment form SLUV (fixed-term "as long as the assignment lasts") was examined, the scope given to parties in collective agreements is re-evaluated. The outcome of the case indicated that SLUV employees could be employed on a fixed-term basis for an indefinite period. This thesis critically examines the scope the parties have concerning deviations from semi-dispositive rules in the Employment Protection Act (lag (1982:80) om anställningsskydd), which is limited to deviations assessed on whether they constitute an undue erosion of employees' rights. The thesis ac-counts for the Labour Court's application of the limitation that collective agreements must not unduly erode employees' rights, as well as how em-ployment protection is valued in LAS, and the framework the personal assis-tance industry must adhere to.
The examination shows that the freedom of contract is broad for the labor market parties, but in the assessment of undue erosion, various considerations need to be taken into account, and these appear to have different weights de-pending on the circumstances of the case. Considerations in the assessment include the level at which the collective agreement was concluded, the funda-mentally important significance of the employment protection rule (which is eroded), and the purpose of the parties entering into the agreement. For the personal assistance industry, there are very specific conditions – the assistance user has rights according to the Act concerning Support and Service for Per-sons with Certain Functional Impairments (lag (1993:387) om stöd och ser-vice till vissa funktionshindrade) that must be met, and the compensation pro-vided for fulfilling these rights does not cover, for example, employees' notice periods. The investigation also shows that the case AD 2023 no. 33 may have led to an increased understanding of the specific conditions of the industry and how this affects other considerations, such as the importance of the pro-tection rule that is disregarded.}},
  author       = {{Liljegren, Isabelle}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Tidsbestämd anställning på obestämd tid? En kritisk analys av avtalsfrihetens gränser för avvikelser från semidispositiva regler i LAS}},
  year         = {{2024}},