Master of Science in Development Studies
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- 2023
Decoloniality in Germany's foreign aid? Exploring the case of the 'Marshallplan with Africa' and the role of public personnel in official development assistance
2023) SIMV29 20231(
Department of Political Science
Graduate School
Master of Science in Development Studies- Master (Two yrs)
- 2022
Data (De)colonization: Case of the “Safe City” Project in Belgrade
- Master (Two yrs)
Cash-based programming – a catalyst for change in humanitarian aid? Exploring cash-based programming’s effects on humanitarian aid, the humanitarian-development nexus & the localisation agenda
- Master (Two yrs)
- 2021
Sea Piracy in the Gulf of Guinea: Impacts on the artisanal fisheries sector of Tema fishing area (Sub-City in Accra)
- Master (Two yrs)
Towards tourism sustainability. The case of Nusa Lembongan, Indonesia.
- Master (Two yrs)
Rethinking Gender in Climate Change: A mixed-method study in two small Char lands in Northern Bangladesh
2021) SIMV29 20211(
Department of Political Science
Graduate School
Master of Science in Development Studies- Master (Two yrs)
Engaging in Work for Gender Equality - A Quantitative Study of Male Engagement in the Work for Gender Equality and Against Violence
2021) SIMV18 20211(
Graduate School
Master of Science in Development Studies
Master of Science in Social Studies of Gender- Master (Two yrs)
Constructing reproductive agency in an environmentally focused world: An anthropological analysis of how population control is portrayed by anglo-saxon news media
- Master (Two yrs)
Tourism and Development An Ideational Analysis of a Grassroots Environmental Movement in Corfu, Greece
2021) SIMV29 20211(
Department of Political Science
Graduate School
Master of Science in Development Studies- Master (Two yrs)
Heteronormativity at Work: A case study of the workplace experience of queer employees
2021) SIMV18 20211(
Graduate School
Master of Science in Development Studies
Master of Science in Social Studies of Gender- Master (Two yrs)