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Hotet från organiserad brottslighet - om begreppsanvändning inom doktrin och lagstiftning avseende otillåten påverkan

Rehbäck, Charlotte LU (2010) JURM01 20101
Department of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Den organiserade brottsligheten finns i Sverige, men det är oklart vilket hot den utgör mot det svenska samhället och rättsväsendet. Denna uppsats problematiserar hur den organiserade brottsligheten framställs inom lagstiftning och rättstillämpning. Regeringen initierade år 2007 en nationell mobilisering mot den grova organiserade brottsligheten, vilket har medfört omfattande omstruktureringar inom främst polisen, men också inom åklagarväsendet. Parallellt med denna mobilisering har det även skett en signifikant förändring inom lagstiftning gällande brottsbekämpning, då hemliga tvångsmedel såsom hemlig rumsavlyssning införts i svensk rätt. Bekämpande av organiserad brottslighet ses som en av de främsta orsakerna till varför hemliga... (More)
Den organiserade brottsligheten finns i Sverige, men det är oklart vilket hot den utgör mot det svenska samhället och rättsväsendet. Denna uppsats problematiserar hur den organiserade brottsligheten framställs inom lagstiftning och rättstillämpning. Regeringen initierade år 2007 en nationell mobilisering mot den grova organiserade brottsligheten, vilket har medfört omfattande omstruktureringar inom främst polisen, men också inom åklagarväsendet. Parallellt med denna mobilisering har det även skett en signifikant förändring inom lagstiftning gällande brottsbekämpning, då hemliga tvångsmedel såsom hemlig rumsavlyssning införts i svensk rätt. Bekämpande av organiserad brottslighet ses som en av de främsta orsakerna till varför hemliga tvångsmedel är ett nödvändigt medel inom brottsbekämpning.

Organiserad brottslighet anses ha en förmåga att genom systemhotande verksamhet och otillåten påverkan inverka på samhället och rättsväsendet, men det är oklart i vilken omfattning detta sker. Otillåten påverkan är inte ett brott i straffrättslig mening, utan ett kriminologiskt samlingsbegrepp för olika kvalificerade påverkansformer. Begreppet inbegriper den organiserade brottslighetens förmåga att påverka rättsskipningen, då den utövar påtryckningar mot exempelvis åklagare, vittnen och målsäganden. Det är ostridigt att den organiserade brottsligheten har en förmåga att påverka rättvisans gång, och kan därmed utgöra ett hot mot en saklig och opartisk rättsskipning, men det råder oklarheter kring den reella omfattningen av detta hot.

En av de grundläggande svårigheterna då organiserad brottslighet problematiseras inom lagstiftning och rättstillämpning är att det inte finns en enhetlig eller lagstadgad definition av begreppet. Det är därmed oklart vilka kriminella aktörer eller företeelser som är att se som en del av den organiserade brottsligheten. Trots det så används begreppet frekvent inom den kriminalpolitiska debatten. EU har konstruerat en definition som ska vara vägledande för medlemsstaterna. Definitionen används på nationell nivå, men den modifieras och ges olika innebörd beroende på vilken samhällsinstans som använder begreppet. Rikskriminalpolisen, Säkerhetspolisen och Brå är exempel på instanser som använder olika definitioner av organiserad brottslighet i sitt arbete. Detta faktum leder till osäkerhet, då lagstiftningen använder dessa instansers rapporter som behovsunderlag vid exempelvis lagstiftningsarbetet gällande hemliga tvångsmedel. Den oklara begreppsbildningen problematiseras inom doktrin, där det framkommer att det finns en risk för godtycklighet då det därmed konstrueras olika hotbilder kring organiserad brottslighet beroende på vem som uttalar sig om hotet. (Less)
Organized crime exists in Sweden, but it is unclear what kind of threat it poses to the Swedish society and judicial system. This essay discusses how organized crime is described and used in legislation and law enforcement. In 2007 the government initiated a national mobilization against serious organized crime, which has led to major restructuring within the national police organization and prosecution system. The recent focus on organized crime has also had effects on the legislation. Of these effects, the incorporation of secret coercive measures is the most prominent. Combating organized crime is presented as one of the main reasons for the need of secret coercive measures.
Organized crime is considered to have the capacity to affect... (More)
Organized crime exists in Sweden, but it is unclear what kind of threat it poses to the Swedish society and judicial system. This essay discusses how organized crime is described and used in legislation and law enforcement. In 2007 the government initiated a national mobilization against serious organized crime, which has led to major restructuring within the national police organization and prosecution system. The recent focus on organized crime has also had effects on the legislation. Of these effects, the incorporation of secret coercive measures is the most prominent. Combating organized crime is presented as one of the main reasons for the need of secret coercive measures.
Organized crime is considered to have the capacity to affect both the Swedish society and judicial system, due to its ability to evocate unlawful influence, but the extent of this effect is uncertain. The term unlawful influence is not considered a crime according to national penal law. Instead, the term is a criminological expression describing different types of conscious and skilled attempts to pressure people into action or non action. Additionally, the term includes situations where members of organized crime try to influence the judicial system by means of threatening prosecutors, witnesses and injured parties in different ways. It is undisputed that organized crime has an ability to influence the course of justice, and thus become a threat to a factual and impartial judicial system, but there is confusion about the actual extent of this threat.
The fact that there is no uniform or statutory definition of the term organized crime is a fundamental problem when the term is used in the legislation and application of law. Consequently, the categorization of what persons or participants, and which criminal actions that should be included in the definition remains unclear. Nevertheless, the term organized crime is frequently used in the legislative process and the political debate. The EU has set a definition meant to be used as a guideline for the Member States. This definition is used in Sweden, but it is modified depending on the subject using the definition. Correspondingly, the National Criminal Police, the Security Service and the Swedish National Council for Crime all use different definitions of organized crime in their work. These three authorities and organisations provide information for the legislator. Subsequently, this information is used in the legislative process regarding secret coercive measures. Due to the discrepancy in the terminology used by these organisations, the usage of the term organized crime creates uncertainty as well as arbitrariness. The problem with an inconsequent definition of the term has been subject to discussions in the doctrine, where it is said to create arbitrariness in the legislative process. In conclusion, when organized crime is described as a threat to the Swedish society and judicial system, the subject behind the threat is not clearly defined, something that undermines the legitimacy of these threats. (Less)
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Rehbäck, Charlotte LU
JURM01 20101
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
date added to LUP
2010-07-13 18:12:38
date last changed
2010-12-02 15:24:55
  abstract     = {{Organized crime exists in Sweden, but it is unclear what kind of threat it poses to the Swedish society and judicial system. This essay discusses how organized crime is described and used in legislation and law enforcement. In 2007 the government initiated a national mobilization against serious organized crime, which has led to major restructuring within the national police organization and prosecution system. The recent focus on organized crime has also had effects on the legislation. Of these effects, the incorporation of secret coercive measures is the most prominent. Combating organized crime is presented as one of the main reasons for the need of secret coercive measures. 
Organized crime is considered to have the capacity to affect both the Swedish society and judicial system, due to its ability to evocate unlawful influence, but the extent of this effect is uncertain. The term unlawful influence is not considered a crime according to national penal law. Instead, the term is a criminological expression describing different types of conscious and skilled attempts to pressure people into action or non action. Additionally, the term includes situations where members of organized crime try to influence the judicial system by means of threatening prosecutors, witnesses and injured parties in different ways. It is undisputed that organized crime has an ability to influence the course of justice, and thus become a threat to a factual and impartial judicial system, but there is confusion about the actual extent of this threat. 
The fact that there is no uniform or statutory definition of the term organized crime is a fundamental problem when the term is used in the legislation and application of law. Consequently, the categorization of what persons or participants, and which criminal actions that should be included in the definition remains unclear. Nevertheless, the term organized crime is frequently used in the legislative process and the political debate. The EU has set a definition meant to be used as a guideline for the Member States. This definition is used in Sweden, but it is modified depending on the subject using the definition. Correspondingly, the National Criminal Police, the Security Service and the Swedish National Council for Crime all use different definitions of organized crime in their work. These three authorities and organisations provide information for the legislator. Subsequently, this information is used in the legislative process regarding secret coercive measures. Due to the discrepancy in the terminology used by these organisations, the usage of the term organized crime creates uncertainty as well as arbitrariness. The problem with an inconsequent definition of the term has been subject to discussions in the doctrine, where it is said to create arbitrariness in the legislative process. In conclusion, when organized crime is described as a threat to the Swedish society and judicial system, the subject behind the threat is not clearly defined, something that undermines the legitimacy of these threats.}},
  author       = {{Rehbäck, Charlotte}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Hotet från organiserad brottslighet - om begreppsanvändning inom doktrin och lagstiftning avseende otillåten påverkan}},
  year         = {{2010}},