Den äkta varan - En studie av autenticitet inom matområdet
(2012) FEKN90 20121Department of Business Administration
- Abstract (Swedish)
- Titel
Den äkta varan - En studie av autenticitet inom matområdet
FEKN90 Magisteruppsats i Consumer Culture Theory (D-nivå), 30 universitetspoäng (30 ECTS)
Emma Fredman och Sebastian Wendels
Clara Gustafsson
Autenticitet, Mat, Självautentiska mål, Identitetsbyggande, (Post-) Postmodernism
Uppsatsens syfte är att genom en studie av konsumenter, producenter och opinionsbildare identifiera egenskaper som bidrar till autenticitet i en matvara och därmed bidra till teoribildningen kring begreppet autenticitet.
Teoretiska perspektiv
Studien bygger på insikter från tidigare forskning rörande autenticitetsbegreppet, identitetsprojektet och... (More) - Titel
Den äkta varan - En studie av autenticitet inom matområdet
FEKN90 Magisteruppsats i Consumer Culture Theory (D-nivå), 30 universitetspoäng (30 ECTS)
Emma Fredman och Sebastian Wendels
Clara Gustafsson
Autenticitet, Mat, Självautentiska mål, Identitetsbyggande, (Post-) Postmodernism
Uppsatsens syfte är att genom en studie av konsumenter, producenter och opinionsbildare identifiera egenskaper som bidrar till autenticitet i en matvara och därmed bidra till teoribildningen kring begreppet autenticitet.
Teoretiska perspektiv
Studien bygger på insikter från tidigare forskning rörande autenticitetsbegreppet, identitetsprojektet och postmodernismens frammarsch. Ursprunget till autenticitetssträvandet undersöks likväl som hur autenticiteten påverkar individer idag.
I linje med den konsumentkulturella forskningen är den verklighet vi avser att studera en av sociala konstruktioner där vi ansluter oss till det ontologiska synsättet konstruktivism. Empiriska studier bedrevs i form utav netnografisk undersökning av matbloggar samt kvalitativa intervjuer där analys genomfördes utifrån det hermeneutiska perspektivet.
Med grund i vårt empiriska material visar vi på autenticitetstrendens frammarsch inom matområdet i Sverige vilket slutligen leder fram till skapandet av sju teman av autenticitetsbidragande egenskaper för mat vilka åskådliggörs i en figur.
Vi presenterar sju stycken teman av autenticitetsbidragande egenskaper för mat; 1. Naturlig renhet, 2. Pålitlighet, 3. Processförståelse, 4. Mänskliga dimensioner, 5. Ursprung, 6. Gemenskap och 7. Större moraliska mål. Utav dessa fann vi tema ett, fyra, fem och sju av största betydelse för att bidra till autenticiteten i en matvara. (Less) - Abstract (Swedish)
- Title
An authentic product – A study of authenticity within food
Seminar date
Master thesis in Consumer Culture Theory, 30 University Credit Points (30 ECTS).
Emma Fredman and Sebastian Wendels
Clara Gustafsson
Five key words
Authenticity, Food, Self-authentication, Constructing Self, (Post-) Postmodernism
The purpose of this thesis is to through a study of consumers, producers and opinion leaders identify authenticating attributes that construct authentic food and thereby also contribute to the theorising of authenticity as a concept.
Theoretical perspectives
The theoretical perspective consists of insights from previous studies regarding authenticity, constructions... (More) - Title
An authentic product – A study of authenticity within food
Seminar date
Master thesis in Consumer Culture Theory, 30 University Credit Points (30 ECTS).
Emma Fredman and Sebastian Wendels
Clara Gustafsson
Five key words
Authenticity, Food, Self-authentication, Constructing Self, (Post-) Postmodernism
The purpose of this thesis is to through a study of consumers, producers and opinion leaders identify authenticating attributes that construct authentic food and thereby also contribute to the theorising of authenticity as a concept.
Theoretical perspectives
The theoretical perspective consists of insights from previous studies regarding authenticity, constructions of self and the development of postmodern consumption. Studying the origin of the pursuit for authenticity and authenticities impact on individuals.
In alignment with consumer culture research the reality we strive to study is one of social construction, which we approach through an ontological constructionist view. The empiric study consisted of a netnography of food blogs and qualitative interviews that were analysed using a hermeneutic perspective.
Empirical foundation
From our empirical findings we describe the spread of authenticity as a trend within Swedish food consumption leading to seven characteristics that create authenticity. These seven characteristics are then summarised in a figure.
We conclude that there are seven characteristics that create authenticity for food; 1 Natural clarity, 2 Trustworthiness, 3 Understanding the process, 4 Human dimensions, 5 Origin, 6 Community, and 7 Greater moral goals. From these seven characteristics we have found that characteristic one, four, five and seven are the largest contributors to authenticating food. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
- author
- Fredman, Emma LU and Wendels, Sebastian LU
- supervisor
- organization
- alternative title
- An authentic product - A study of authenticity within food
- course
- FEKN90 20121
- year
- 2012
- type
- H1 - Master's Degree (One Year)
- subject
- keywords
- Autenticitet, Mat, Självautentiska må, Identitetsbyggande, (Post-) Postmodernism
- language
- Swedish
- id
- 2541565
- date added to LUP
- 2012-06-19 10:08:25
- date last changed
- 2012-06-19 10:08:25
@misc{2541565, abstract = {{Title An authentic product – A study of authenticity within food Seminar date 2012-05-29 Course Master thesis in Consumer Culture Theory, 30 University Credit Points (30 ECTS). Authors Emma Fredman and Sebastian Wendels Advisor Clara Gustafsson Five key words Authenticity, Food, Self-authentication, Constructing Self, (Post-) Postmodernism Purpose The purpose of this thesis is to through a study of consumers, producers and opinion leaders identify authenticating attributes that construct authentic food and thereby also contribute to the theorising of authenticity as a concept. Theoretical perspectives The theoretical perspective consists of insights from previous studies regarding authenticity, constructions of self and the development of postmodern consumption. Studying the origin of the pursuit for authenticity and authenticities impact on individuals. Methodology In alignment with consumer culture research the reality we strive to study is one of social construction, which we approach through an ontological constructionist view. The empiric study consisted of a netnography of food blogs and qualitative interviews that were analysed using a hermeneutic perspective. Empirical foundation From our empirical findings we describe the spread of authenticity as a trend within Swedish food consumption leading to seven characteristics that create authenticity. These seven characteristics are then summarised in a figure. Conclusions We conclude that there are seven characteristics that create authenticity for food; 1 Natural clarity, 2 Trustworthiness, 3 Understanding the process, 4 Human dimensions, 5 Origin, 6 Community, and 7 Greater moral goals. From these seven characteristics we have found that characteristic one, four, five and seven are the largest contributors to authenticating food.}}, author = {{Fredman, Emma and Wendels, Sebastian}}, language = {{swe}}, note = {{Student Paper}}, title = {{Den äkta varan - En studie av autenticitet inom matområdet}}, year = {{2012}}, }