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Medling med anledning av brott - En delvis komparativ undersökning huruvida Sverige utnyttjar medlingsinstitutets fulla potential

Olofsson, Maria LU (2012) JURM02 20121
Department of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Det är viktigt att det i ett land finns rättssäkerhetsgarantier. För svensk del är Europeiska konventionen angående skydd för de mänskliga rättigheterna och de grundläggande friheterna en väldigt viktig utgångspunkt. I min framställning har jag studerat vilka krav konventionen ställer på rätten till en domstolsprövning och en rättssäker process, art 6 i Europakonventionen. Med dessa krav i bakhuvudet har jag tittat på svensk rätt vad gäller medling med anledning av brott. Efter att ha studerat svensk rätt kan jag säga att Europakonventionen är tillämplig på det svenska medlingsförfarandet. Det till trots att resultatet av medlingen inte är att jämställa med en påföljd, en dom och att svensk medling saknar vissa inslag som antas ingå i... (More)
Det är viktigt att det i ett land finns rättssäkerhetsgarantier. För svensk del är Europeiska konventionen angående skydd för de mänskliga rättigheterna och de grundläggande friheterna en väldigt viktig utgångspunkt. I min framställning har jag studerat vilka krav konventionen ställer på rätten till en domstolsprövning och en rättssäker process, art 6 i Europakonventionen. Med dessa krav i bakhuvudet har jag tittat på svensk rätt vad gäller medling med anledning av brott. Efter att ha studerat svensk rätt kan jag säga att Europakonventionen är tillämplig på det svenska medlingsförfarandet. Det till trots att resultatet av medlingen inte är att jämställa med en påföljd, en dom och att svensk medling saknar vissa inslag som antas ingå i medling.

Jag tycker att medling i Sverige ska få en starkare status i rättsväsendet och för det krävs tydligare regler och grundläggande riktlinjer att utgå ifrån. Nordirland har två typer av ungdomsmöten, vilka kan likställas med medling, som de tillämpar. Den ena är fakultativ, precis som Sveriges, men den andra utgör ett alternativ till den ordinarie domstolsprocessen. Den nordirländska domstolen ska hänskjuta ungdomsärenden till Youth Justice Services där gärningspersonen, samt andra aktörer som måste närvara, ska deltaga i ett eller flera ungdomsmöten. Förfarandet med ungdomsmöten är reglerat i lag, JA02, part 4, och däri stadgas bl a att samordnaren för ett ungdomsmöte ska upprätta en åtgärdsplan för gärningsmannen. Planen måste sedan godkännas av domstolen som sedan lagför personen för den aktuella handlingen. Åtgärdsplanen har en starkare rättslig status än vad ett gottgörelseavtal enligt svensk rätt har.

Det svenska medlingsförfarandet har en del brister utifrån den ram som art 6 Europakonventionen ställer upp. Bl a råder det snarare en presumtion om skuld än en oskuldspresumtion vid medling då sakfrågan inte utreds. Vidare är det till stor del målsägande som avgör vilket förfarande ett brott ska leda till. Likaså kan två identiska händelser få helt olika konsekvenser utifrån vad parterna kommer överens om under medlingsmötet. De två omständigheterna slår tillsammans ut principen om förutsebarhet.

Internationella dokument har uppmärksammat medling och framför allt den bakomliggande teorin om reparativ rättvisa och genom dessa sprids denna syn på rättvisa.

Så som medlingen ser ut idag uppfyller den inte kraven på ett domstolsförfarande och kan inte utgöra ett fullgott alternativ till den ordinarie processen. Men utifrån ett gott exempel såsom Nordirland så finns det steg Sverige kan ta för att medlingsinstitutet ska utvecklas och bli bättre. (Less)
Legal certainty is important in every country. For the Swedish part the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms is a very important starting point and framework. In my presentation, I have studied the requirements that the Convention imposes on the access to court and the entitlement to a fair and public hearing, art 6 of the Convention. With these requirements in mind, I looked at the Swedish law concerning mediation in connection with a crime. After studying the Swedish law, I can say that the European Convention is applicable to the Swedish mediationprocess. This despite that the outcome of the mediation is not equated to a penalty, a judgment and that the Swedish mediation lacks certain elements which usually are... (More)
Legal certainty is important in every country. For the Swedish part the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms is a very important starting point and framework. In my presentation, I have studied the requirements that the Convention imposes on the access to court and the entitlement to a fair and public hearing, art 6 of the Convention. With these requirements in mind, I looked at the Swedish law concerning mediation in connection with a crime. After studying the Swedish law, I can say that the European Convention is applicable to the Swedish mediationprocess. This despite that the outcome of the mediation is not equated to a penalty, a judgment and that the Swedish mediation lacks certain elements which usually are incorporated into mediation.

I think mediation in Sweden should have a stronger status in the judicial system and that it needs to be based upon clear rules and basic guidelines. The Northern Ireland has two types of youth meetings, which can be equated with mediation. One is optional, just like the one in Sweden, but the second is an alternative to the regular court process. The Northern Ireland Court must refer juvenile cases to the Youth Justice Services where the offender, and other parties to be present, will participate in one or more youth conferences. The process of youth conferences are regulated by law, JA02, part 4, which states among other things, the coordinator for a youth meeting to draw up an action plan for the offender. The plan must then be approved by the court who then bill the person for the document. The action plan has a stronger legal standing than an indemnity agreement under Swedish law.

The Swedish mediation procedure has some deficiencies on the basis of the framework that art 6 ECHR sets. Among others, there is rather a presumption of guilt than a presumption of innocence in the mediation when the substance is not being investigated. Furthermore, it is largely plaintiff who decide which procedure a crime will lead to. Also, two identical events could have quite different consequences from what the parties agree during the mediation meeting. This two facts together turns out the principle of foreseeability.

International documents have drawn attention to mediation and, above all, the underlying theory of restorative justice, and through them spread this vision of justice.

As mediation is today it does not satisfy the requirements of a court proceeding and may not be a satisfactory alternative to the regular process. However, from an example such as Northern Ireland, there are steps Sweden can take to the mediation institute to make it develop and become better. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Olofsson, Maria LU
alternative title
Mediation as a result of crime- A partially comparative study whether Sweden utilizes the mediation institution's full potential
JURM02 20121
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
straffrätt, medling, Nordirland, art 6 Europakonventionen
date added to LUP
2012-10-15 13:28:22
date last changed
2012-10-15 13:28:22
  abstract     = {{Legal certainty is important in every country. For the Swedish part the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms is a very important starting point and framework. In my presentation, I have studied the requirements that the Convention imposes on the access to court and the entitlement to a fair and public hearing, art 6 of the Convention. With these requirements in mind, I looked at the Swedish law concerning mediation in connection with a crime. After studying the Swedish law, I can say that the European Convention is applicable to the Swedish mediationprocess. This despite that the outcome of the mediation is not equated to a penalty, a judgment and that the Swedish mediation lacks certain elements which usually are incorporated into mediation.

I think mediation in Sweden should have a stronger status in the judicial system and that it needs to be based upon clear rules and basic guidelines. The Northern Ireland has two types of youth meetings, which can be equated with mediation. One is optional, just like the one in Sweden, but the second is an alternative to the regular court process. The Northern Ireland Court must refer juvenile cases to the Youth Justice Services where the offender, and other parties to be present, will participate in one or more youth conferences. The process of youth conferences are regulated by law, JA02, part 4, which states among other things, the coordinator for a youth meeting to draw up an action plan for the offender. The plan must then be approved by the court who then bill the person for the document. The action plan has a stronger legal standing than an indemnity agreement under Swedish law. 

The Swedish mediation procedure has some deficiencies on the basis of the framework that art 6 ECHR sets. Among others, there is rather a presumption of guilt than a presumption of innocence in the mediation when the substance is not being investigated. Furthermore, it is largely plaintiff who decide which procedure a crime will lead to. Also, two identical events could have quite different consequences from what the parties agree during the mediation meeting. This two facts together turns out the principle of foreseeability.

International documents have drawn attention to mediation and, above all, the underlying theory of restorative justice, and through them spread this vision of justice.

As mediation is today it does not satisfy the requirements of a court proceeding and may not be a satisfactory alternative to the regular process. However, from an example such as Northern Ireland, there are steps Sweden can take to the mediation institute to make it develop and become better.}},
  author       = {{Olofsson, Maria}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Medling med anledning av brott - En delvis komparativ undersökning huruvida Sverige utnyttjar medlingsinstitutets fulla potential}},
  year         = {{2012}},